displaying on SSD1306, 128x64 pixels OLED

Dependencies:   microbit

--- a/doc/microbitOLED.md	Sun Feb 23 01:57:35 2020 +0000
+++ b/doc/microbitOLED.md	Mon Feb 24 14:34:14 2020 +0000
@@ -1,31 +1,4 @@
-### History of micro:bit learning a simple minded man internet of things
-1. [makecode.com](https://www.microbit.org/code)
-    1. blocks programming
-    2. typescript (named javascript) programming as a between layer
-    3. integration with github and sharing using links.
-    4. following links to [lancaster univercity](https://lancaster-university.github.io/microbit-docs/) and discrovery of equality of interface with typescript
-2. [mbed.com](https://www.mbed.com/en/)
-    1. struggling with finding needed component and cross searching inside for being clever
-    2. Finding out that class Microbit is a final layer upon DAL and HAL
-    2. Poject OLED - [code  snippets](https://github.com/Tinkertanker/pxt-oled-ssd1306) borrowed  
-### OLED display, 128x64 pixels, ssd1306 compatible
-... is about investigation and debug alternatives - in absense of other communications (seriel usb, bluetooth)
+pesentation on Github
-- Displaying at OLED display
-- Having displaying in 25 led's display as a debugging alternative
-- Making code framents to investigate microbit soft- and harware
-#### 25 led's display - class Display
-Types of display
-1. a stick
-2. numbers in binary
-    1. on each row
-        1. binary
-        2. decimal coded binary
-    2. binary 25 led's as a whole
-3. flags
+    https://github.com/bvirk/myMicrobit/blob/master/mbed/microbitOLED.md