teste de publish

Dependencies:   DS1820 HighSpeedAnalogIn devices mbed

diff -r a60abda630f7 -r 348991c54ff3 bootloader.cpp
--- a/bootloader.cpp	Wed May 30 04:24:55 2018 +0000
+++ b/bootloader.cpp	Sat Jun 02 14:48:26 2018 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
 #define IAP_LOCATION    0x1fff1ff1
 #define memBufTam 1024
 bool callBootLoader = false;
+char memBufConfigBootLoader[256];
+char executaBootLoader;
+uint32_t tamFirmware;
+//firmwareDescriptor firmDesc;
+IAP IAP_call;
  * @brief       De-initializes the NVIC peripheral registers to their default
  *              reset values.
@@ -31,6 +35,8 @@
  * @brief           De-initializes the SCB peripheral registers to their default
  *                  reset values.
@@ -76,6 +82,73 @@
     LDR PC, [R0, #4]
+void flashPrepare(){
+void firmDescToFlash(){
+    //Guardo tamanho do firmware em bytes na flash no setor 29    
+    //Preparing flash sectors to write    
+    unsigned int commandBytes[5];
+    unsigned int outputBytes[5]; 
+    //Preparo setores
+    commandBytes[0]=50;
+    commandBytes[1]=29;
+    commandBytes[2]=29;
+    commandBytes[3]=96000;
+    commandBytes[4]=0x0;
+    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);    
+    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
+        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 7 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
+        return;
+    }    
+    //Erasing flash sectors
+    commandBytes[0]=52;
+    commandBytes[1]=29;
+    commandBytes[2]=29;
+    commandBytes[3]=96000;
+    commandBytes[4]=0x0;
+    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);    
+    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
+        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 2 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
+        return;
+    }
+    //Preparo setores
+    commandBytes[0]=50;
+    commandBytes[1]=29;
+    commandBytes[2]=29;
+    commandBytes[3]=96000;
+    commandBytes[4]=0x0;
+    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);    
+    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
+        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 7 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
+        return;
+    }  
+    memBufConfigBootLoader[0]=(tamFirmware>>24)&0xFF;
+    memBufConfigBootLoader[1]=(tamFirmware>>16)&0xFF;
+    memBufConfigBootLoader[2]=(tamFirmware>>8)&0xFF;
+    memBufConfigBootLoader[3]=(tamFirmware>>0)&0xFF;
+    memBufConfigBootLoader[4]=executaBootLoader;
+    //escrevo nos setores
+    commandBytes[0]=51;
+    commandBytes[1]=((unsigned long) sector_start_adress[29]);
+    commandBytes[2]=(unsigned long) memBufConfigBootLoader;
+    commandBytes[3]=256;
+    commandBytes[4]=96000;
+    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);
+    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
+        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 8 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
+        return;
+    }    
 void bootLoader(void)
      /* Change the Vector Table to the USER_FLASH_START
@@ -92,25 +165,25 @@
 uint8_t bootloader_fillUpFlash(arquivoSD *arquivo){
     #define flashSectorFirmwareCopyOffset 20
-    IAP IAP_call;
+    /*IAP IAP_call;
+    IAP_call=(IAP) IAP_LOCATION;*/
-    firmwareDescriptor firmDesc;
+    //firmwareDescriptor firmDesc;
     unsigned int commandBytes[5];
     unsigned int outputBytes[5]; 
-    unsigned char memBuf[memBufTam];
-    uint32_t tamFirmware=0,i;
+    uint32_t i;
     uint32_t chunkIndex=0;
-    uint32_t nChunks,nEndChunk;    
+    uint32_t nChunks,nEndChunk; 
+    unsigned char memBuf[memBufTam];   
+    tamFirmware = 0;
         printf("Arquivo nao encontrado.\r\n");
     //Excluindo o start no inicio
-    tamFirmware=arquivo->bytes;
+    tamFirmware=arquivo->bytes-5;
         memBuf[i] = fgetc(arquivo->fp);
@@ -225,34 +298,12 @@
         return 0;
-    //Guardo tamanho do firmware em bytes na flash no setor 29
-    firmDesc.tam = tamFirmware;
-    strcpy(firmDesc.nome,"Versao tal");
+    printf("Escrevendo tamanho de arquivo em firmDescToFlash = %lu.\r\n",tamFirmware);
-    //Preparing flash sectors to write
-    commandBytes[0]=50;
-    commandBytes[1]=29;
-    commandBytes[2]=29;
-    commandBytes[3]=96000;
-    commandBytes[4]=0x0;
-    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);    
-    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
-        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 7 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    commandBytes[0]=51;
-    commandBytes[1]=((unsigned long) sector_start_adress[29]);
-    commandBytes[2]=(unsigned long) &firmDesc;
-    commandBytes[3]=256;
-    commandBytes[4]=96000;
-    IAP_call(commandBytes,outputBytes);
-    if(outputBytes[0]!=0x0){
-        printf("Falha na escrita em flash parte 8 -> codigo [%lu].\r\n",outputBytes[0]);
-        return 0;
-    }
+    strcat((char*)&memBufConfigBootLoader[5],"executaBootLoader");
+    executaBootLoader = 1;
+    firmDescToFlash();
     printf("Escrita em swapfile concluido.\r\n");
@@ -260,7 +311,23 @@
     return 0;
+void firmDescToRam(){
+    #define flashSectorFirmwareCopyOffset 20
+    uint32_t i;    
+    //Recuperando a struct firmwareDescriptor
+    for(i=0;i<40;i++){
+        memBufConfigBootLoader[i] = sector_start_adress[29][i];
+    }
+    tamFirmware  = memBufConfigBootLoader[0]<<24;
+    tamFirmware += memBufConfigBootLoader[1]<<16;
+    tamFirmware += memBufConfigBootLoader[2]<<8;
+    tamFirmware += memBufConfigBootLoader[3]<<0;
+    executaBootLoader = memBufConfigBootLoader[4];
+    return;