Code for robot

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Yusheng-final_project by Britney Dorval

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 26 20:58:31 2017 +0000
Commit message:
Code for robot;

Changed in this revision

communication.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
stepper_motors.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 5ef5fe8c7775 -r dc410a980771 communication.h
--- a/communication.h	Sun Apr 16 19:52:52 2017 +0000
+++ b/communication.h	Wed Apr 26 20:58:31 2017 +0000
@@ -42,11 +42,13 @@
 // to reject data that doesn't have the right header. So the first
 // 8 bytes in txBuffer look like a valid header. The remaining 120
 // bytes can be used for anything you like.
-char txBuffer[128];
-char rxBuffer[128];
+#define RF_BUFLEN 200
+char txBuffer[RF_BUFLEN];
+char rxBuffer[RF_BUFLEN];
 int rxLen;
 //***************** Do not change these methods (please) *****************//
 * Receive data from the MRF24J40.
@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
                 //Make sure our header is valid first
                 if(data[i] != header[i]) {
+                    //pc.printf("Header not valid\r\n");
                     return 0;
             } else {
@@ -74,7 +77,12 @@
         //pc.printf("Received: %s length:%d\r\n", data, ((int)len)-10);
-    return ((int)len)-10;
+    int retVal = (int)len-10;
+    if (retVal > 0) {
+        //pc.printf("In rf_receive: got %s\n", data);
+        //pc.printf("Received %d bytes of data\r\n", retVal);
+    }
+    return retVal;
@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@
 //Pulls data out fo rxBuffer and updates global variables accordingly 
 void communication_protocal(int len)
+    //pc.printf("Found MATCH\r\n");
     bool found_name = false;
     bool found_num = false;
     bool complete_name = false;
@@ -167,7 +176,7 @@
         //If we have a complete name AND number value (ie. start and end of each != NONE)
         if(found_name & found_num & complete_name & complete_num) {
-            //pc.printf("Found MATCH\r\n");
             //Reset flags
             found_name = false;
             found_num = false;
@@ -201,12 +210,35 @@
                 knob4 = (uint8_t)atoi(*num);
             else if(strcmp(*name, "Button\0")==0) 
                 button = (bool)atoi(*num);
+            else if(strcmp(*name, "Theta\0")==0) {
+                theta_ReadIn = (float)atof(*num);    
+                pc.printf("Theta read in: %f\r\n", theta_ReadIn);
+            }
+            else if(strcmp(*name, "Distance\0")==0){ 
+                dis_ReadIn = (float)atof(*num);
+                pc.printf("Dis read in: %f\r\n", dis_ReadIn);
+            }
             //Reset flags
+            /*if(index == 0){
+                 waypoints[2*index] = theta_ReadIn;
+                 waypoints[2*index+1] = dis_ReadIn;
+                 pc.printf("Theta read in: %f\n", theta_ReadIn);
+                 pc.printf("Dis read in: %f\n", dis_ReadIn);
+            }
+            else if((theta_ReadIn==0)&&(dis_ReadIn==0)){
+                moving = 1;
+            }
+            else if((waypoints[2*index-2]!= theta_ReadIn)&&(waypoints[2*index-1]!= dis_ReadIn)){
+                waypoints[2*index] = theta_ReadIn;
+                waypoints[2*index+1] = dis_ReadIn;
+                pc.printf("Theta read in: %f\n", theta_ReadIn);
+                pc.printf("Dis read in: %f\n", dis_ReadIn);
+            }*/
             name_start = NONE;
             name_end = NONE;
             num_start = NONE;
             num_end = NONE;
+            //index++;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 5ef5fe8c7775 -r dc410a980771 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Apr 16 19:52:52 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 26 20:58:31 2017 +0000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #define NUM_STEPS 1600 //number of steps for 1 turn of wheel
 #define WHEEL_RADIUS 51 //units in mm
 #define PI 3.1415
-#define maxAccel 5
+#define maxAccel 10
 //For RF Communication
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
 #define X 500
 #define Y 0
+#define COMMUNICATION_FORMAT "Jstick_h: %f Jstick_v: %f Button: %d Theta: %f Distance: %f"
 #define MAX_THROTTLE 100
@@ -58,16 +60,22 @@
 float Kd1;
 float Kp2;
 float Kd2;
-int i;
+float theta_ReadIn;
+float dis_ReadIn;
+int i = 0;
+const int waypointBufferSize = 100;
+float waypoints[waypointBufferSize];
+int index = 0;
+int buffer_index = 0;
 //Controller Values
 uint8_t knob1, knob2, knob3, knob4;
-int8_t jstick_h, jstick_v;
+float jstick_h, jstick_v;
 //Control Variables
 float throttle = 0; //From joystick
 float steering = 0; //From joystick
-int robot_pos = 0; //Robots position
+float robot_pos = 0;//Robots position
 float motor1_old = 0; 
 Timer timer;
@@ -89,7 +97,8 @@
 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
-bool button;
+int button;
+int moving;
 #include "communication.h"
@@ -140,6 +149,7 @@
     enable = ENABLE;
     while(1) {
+        //pc.printf("Something happened!\r\n");
         //Led 4 to indicate if robot is Running or Not
         led4 = ROBOT_ON;
@@ -147,15 +157,17 @@
         led2 = button;
         //If button is pressed reset motor position
         if(button) {
+            //button = 0; 
             pos_M1 = 0; //Reset position of Motor 1
             pos_M2 = 0; //Reset position of motor 2
             //Read Button Press to Toggle Motors
             if((timer.read_us() - last_button_time) > 250000) {
                 ROBOT_ON = ROBOT_ON^1;
-                pc.printf("BUTTON WAS PRESSED \r\n");
-                last_button_time = timer.read_us();
+                //pc.printf("BUTTON WAS PRESSED \r\n");
+                last_button_time = timer.read_us(); 
@@ -174,9 +186,11 @@
         //Pose(x,y,th) = P(world_x, world_y, robot_th)
-        pc.printf("X axis: %d",world_x);
-        pc.printf("Y axis: %d \n",world_y);
-        pc.printf("robot_pos: %d \n",robot_pos);
+        //pc.printf("X axis: %d",world_x);
+        //pc.printf("Y axis: %d \n",world_y);
+        //pc.printf("robot_pos: %d \n",robot_pos);
+        //pc.printf("robot_theta: %f\n", robot_theta);
         timer_value = timer.read_us();
@@ -184,25 +198,25 @@
         throttle = jstick_v;
         steering = jstick_h;
-        /**** Update Values DO NOT MODIFY ********/
+        // Update Values DO NOT MODIFY
         dt = (timer_value - timer_old);
         timer_old = timer_value;
         robot_pos_old = robot_pos;
-        /*****************************************/
         //Running: Motor Control Enabled
         if(ROBOT_ON) {
             //Get Waypoint
-            //i = 0;
-            //X = WAYPOINS[i][0]
-            //Y = WAYPOINS[i][1]
             //calc target theta
-            float target_theta = 0;
-            float target_distance = 5000;
+            float target_theta = theta_ReadIn*PI/180;//waypoints[2*i];
+            float target_distance = dis_ReadIn;//waypoints[2*i+1];
+            pc.printf("Target_theta = %f\r\n", target_theta);
+            pc.printf("Target_distance = %f\r\n", target_distance);
             //if(robot is at waypoint)
             //get new waypoint
@@ -216,74 +230,127 @@
             //User Control ONLY 
             float theta_error = target_theta - robot_theta;
+            float dist_error = target_distance - robot_pos;
+            const float THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.1;
+            const float DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD = 1.0;
+            const float MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED = 1.0;
+            const float MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED = 1.0;
-            if(theta_error > 1 && theta_error < -1) {
+            if(theta_error > THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD || theta_error < -THETA_ERROR_THRESHOLD) {
                 //Angular Controller
-                float turn_speed = theta_error*0.5;
+                //pc.printf("theta_error: %f\n", theta_error);
+                float turn_speed = theta_error*5.0;
+                if(turn_speed < MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && theta_error > 0){
+                    turn_speed = MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED;
+                }
+                else if(turn_speed > -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && theta_error < 0){
+                    turn_speed = -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED;
+                }   
                 motor1 = turn_speed;
                 motor2 = -turn_speed; 
-            } else {
+            } else if(dist_error > DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD || dist_error < -DIS_ERROR_THRESHOLD){
                 //Dist Controller
-                float dist_error = target_distance - robot_pos;
+                //pc.printf("dist_error: %d\n",dist_error);
                 float speed = dist_error*0.5;
+                if(speed < MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED && dist_error > 0){
+                    speed = MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED;
+                }
+                else if(speed > -MINIMUM_TURNING_SPEED && dist_error < 0){
+                    speed = -MINIMUM_MOVING_SPEED;
+                } 
                 motor1 = speed;
                 motor2 = speed;
-            }
-            //Acceleratoin Cap
-            float motor1Acel = motor1 - motor1_old;
-            if(motor1Acel > maxAccel) { //macAcel = 5
-                motor1 = maxAccel;
-            }
+                //Acceleratoin Cap
+                float motor1Acel = motor1 - motor1_old;
+                if(motor1Acel > maxAccel) { //macAcel = 5
+                    motor1 = maxAccel;
+                    motor2 = maxAccel;
+                }
+                else if((motor1<0)&&(motor1Acel<-maxAccel)){
+                    motor1 = -maxAccel;
+                    motor2 = -maxAccel;
+                }
+                //Cap the max and min values [-100, 100]
+                motor1 = CAP(motor1, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
+                motor2 = CAP(motor2, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
+                //motor1 = -50;
+                //motor2 = -50;
+                motor1_old = motor1;
+            }else{
+                motor1 = 0.0;
+                motor2 = 0.0; 
+                robot_pos = 0.0;
+                }
-            //Cap the max and min values [-100, 100]
-            motor1 = CAP(motor1, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
-            motor2 = CAP(motor2, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
-            motor1_old = motor1;
             //Set Motor Speed here
-            setMotor1Speed(motor1);
-            setMotor2Speed(motor2);
+            setMotor1Speed(-motor1);
+            setMotor2Speed(-motor2);
         //Robot is off so disable the motors
         else {
             enable = DISABLE;
-        /* Here are some loops that trigger at different intervals, this
-        * will allow you to do things at a slower rate, thus saving speed
-        * it is important to keep this fast so we dont miss IMU readings */
+        //Here are some loops that trigger at different intervals, this
+        //will allow you to do things at a slower rate, thus saving speed
+        //it is important to keep this fast so we dont miss IMU readings
         //Fast Loop: Good for printing to serial monitor
         if(loop_counter >= 5) {
             loop_counter = 0;
-            pc.printf("ROBOT_ON:%d pos_M1:%d pos_M2:%d robot_pos%d \r\n", ROBOT_ON, pos_M1, pos_M2, robot_pos);
+            //pc.printf("ROBOT_ON:%d pos_M1:%d pos_M2:%d robot_pos%d \r\n", ROBOT_ON, pos_M1, pos_M2, robot_pos);
         //Meduim Loop: Good for sending and receiving
         if (medium_loop_counter >= 10) {
             medium_loop_counter = 0; // Read  status
             //Recieve Data
-            rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, 128);
+            rxLen = rf_receive(rxBuffer, RF_BUFLEN);
+            //pc.printf("Tried to receive via rf_receive, rxLen was %d\r\n", rxLen);
             if(rxLen > 0) {
                 led1 = led1^1;
                 //Process data with our protocal
-                communication_protocal(rxLen);
+                //pc.printf("There we go\r\n");
+                //pc.printf("Got %s in rxBuffer\r\n", rxBuffer);
+                int numParsed = sscanf(rxBuffer, COMMUNICATION_FORMAT, &jstick_h, &jstick_v, &button, &theta_ReadIn, &dis_ReadIn);
+                if (numParsed != 5) {
+                   // pc.printf("Couldn't parse all parameters. Parsed only %d\r\n", numParsed);
+                } else {
+                    /*pc.printf("Jstick_h = %f\r\n", jstick_h);
+                    pc.printf("Jstick_v = %f\r\n", jstick_v);
+                    pc.printf("button = %d\r\n", button);
+                    pc.printf("theta = %f\r\n", theta_ReadIn);
+                    pc.printf("distance = %f\r\n", dis_ReadIn);*/
+                }
+                //if((button==1)&&(moving==0)){
+                    communication_protocal(rxLen);
+                //}
         }  // End of medium loop
         //Slow Loop: Good for sending if speed is not an issue
         if(slow_loop_counter >= 99) {
             slow_loop_counter = 0;
-            /* Send Data To Controller goes here *
-             *                                   */
+            //Send Data To Controller goes here 
         } //End of Slow Loop
diff -r 5ef5fe8c7775 -r dc410a980771 stepper_motors.h
--- a/stepper_motors.h	Sun Apr 16 19:52:52 2017 +0000
+++ b/stepper_motors.h	Wed Apr 26 20:58:31 2017 +0000
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
 DigitalOut step_M1(MOTOR1_STEP);
 DigitalOut dir_M1(MOTOR1_DIR);
 DigitalOut enable(MOTOR_ENABLE); //enable for both motors
-int16_t speed_M1;  //Speed of motor 1
+float speed_M1;  //Speed of motor 1
 //MOTOR 2
 DigitalOut step_M2(MOTOR2_STEP);
 DigitalOut dir_M2(MOTOR2_DIR);
-int16_t speed_M2;  //Speed of motor 2
-int16_t motor1, motor2;
+float speed_M2;  //Speed of motor 2
+float motor1, motor2;
 //Motor Position
 int pos_M1 = 0, pos_M2 = 0;
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@
 //ISR to step motor 1
 void ISR1(void)
+    if (enable == DISABLE) return;
     //Step Motor
-    step_M1 = 1;
+    step_M1 = 1.0;
-    step_M1 = 0;
+    step_M1 = 0.0;
     //Update Motor Postion
-    if(dir_M1)
+    if(!dir_M1)
@@ -45,26 +46,27 @@
 //ISR to step motor 2
 void ISR2(void)
+    if (enable == DISABLE) return;
     //Step Motor
-    step_M2 = 1;
+    step_M2 = 1.0;
-    step_M2 = 0;
+    step_M2 = 0.0;
     //Update Motor Position
-    if(dir_M2)
+    if(!dir_M2)
 //Set motor 1 speed. Speed [-100, 0, +100] = [Max Reverse, Stop, Max Forward]
-void setMotor1Speed(int16_t speed)
+void setMotor1Speed(float speed)
     long timer_period;
     speed = CAP(speed, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
     //Calculate acceleration from the desired speed
-    int16_t desired_accel = speed_M1 - speed;
+    float desired_accel = speed_M1 - speed;
     if(desired_accel > MAX_ACCEL)
         speed_M1 -= MAX_ACCEL; //Change speed of motor by max acceleration
     else if(desired_accel < -MAX_ACCEL)
@@ -72,10 +74,10 @@
         speed_M1 = speed;
-    if(speed_M1 == 0) {
+    if(speed_M1 == 0.0) {
         timer_period = ZERO_SPEED;
         dir_M1 = 0; ////sets motor direction
-    } else if (speed_M1 > 0) {
+    } else if (speed_M1 > 0.0) {
         timer_period = 10000 / speed_M1;
         dir_M1 = 1; //sets motor direction
     } else {
@@ -88,13 +90,13 @@
 //Set motor 2 speed. Speed [-100, 0, +100] = [Max Reverse, Stop, Max Forward]
-void setMotor2Speed(int16_t speed)
+void setMotor2Speed(float speed)
     long timer_period;
     speed = CAP(speed, MAX_CONTROL_OUTPUT);
     //Calculate acceleration from the desired speed
-    int16_t desired_accel = speed_M2 - speed;
+    float desired_accel = speed_M2 - speed;
     if(desired_accel > MAX_ACCEL)
         speed_M2 -= MAX_ACCEL; //Change speed of motor by max acceleration
     else if(desired_accel < -MAX_ACCEL)
@@ -102,10 +104,10 @@
         speed_M2 = speed;
-    if(speed_M2 == 0) {
+    if(speed_M2 == 0.0) {
         timer_period = ZERO_SPEED;
         dir_M2 = 0; ////sets motor direction
-    } else if (speed_M2 > 0) {
+    } else if (speed_M2 > 0.0) {
         timer_period = 10000 / speed_M2;
         dir_M2 = 1; //sets motor direction
     } else {