
Dependencies:   mbed

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Sat Feb 09 13:02:17 2019 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Feb 09 13:02:17 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//master-transmitter i master-receiver
+I2C i2c_master(PB_3, PB_10); //sda, scl ADRESE!!!!!!!!!!!
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+PwmOut motor(PB_4); //fan
+const int addr_senzor = 0x90; //adresa senzora
+const int addr_slave = 0x80; //adresa slave mbed-a
+float temp;
+float temp_ref;
+char podaci[2];
+char config_t[3]; //config polje
+char temp_read[2]; //polje za 16 bita podataka sa senzora
+void config_senzor(){
+    config_t[0]=0x01;
+    config_t[1]=0x60;
+    config_t[2]=0xA0;
+    i2c_master.write(addr_senzor, config_t, 3);
+    config_t[0]=0x00; 
+    }
+float ocitaj_temp(){
+, temp_read, 2); // ocitanje s TMP102 senzora
+        temp = 0.0625 * (((temp_read[0] << 8) + temp_read[1]) >> 4); //konverzija u float vrijednost deg C
+        pc.printf("Poslana T: %2f\n\r", temp);
+        //float temp_k = temp + 273.15;
+        //float temp_f = (temp*(9/5)) + 32;
+        return temp;
+        }
+void salji_temp(){
+        //master-transmitter
+        i2c_master.write(addr_slave<<1, temp_read, 2, false);
+        pc.printf("Poslani podaci:%x,%x\n\r", podaci[0], podaci[1]);
+        wait_us(50);
+        }   
+//void upali_motor(){
+//    motor.period_us(50);
+//    motor.pulsewidth_us(30);
+//    }
+float dohvati_ref(){
+        //master-receiver
+<<1, podaci, 2);
+        pc.printf("Primljeni podaci:%x,%x\n\r", podaci[0], podaci[1]);
+        wait_us(50);
+        float ref = (podaci[0]<<8) + podaci[1];
+        temp_ref = (float)ref/100;
+        pc.printf("Primljena T_ref: %f\n\r", temp_ref);
+        return temp_ref;
+        }
+//void usporedi_temp(){
+//        if (temp_ref < temp){
+//            upali_motor();
+//            }else{
+//                motor = 0;
+//               }
+//        }       
+int main(){
+    //char podaci[3] = {0x25, 0xAB, 0x11};
+    //char config_t[3]; //config polje
+    //char temp_read[2]; //polje za 16 bita podataka sa senzora
+    //const int addr_senzor = 0x90; //adresa senzora
+    //const int addr_slave = 0x80; //adresa slave mbed-a
+    motor = 0;
+    config_senzor();
+    i2c_master.frequency(100000); //100kHz
+    while(1){
+        ocitaj_temp();
+        dohvati_ref();
+        //usporedi_temp();
+        //if (temp_ref < temp){
+        //    motor.period_us(50);
+        //    motor.pulsewidth_us(30);
+        //    }else{
+        //        motor = 0;
+        //       }
+        salji_temp();
+        //prihvati_mod(); //treba napraviti funkciju kojom ce se birati mod c, k, f
+        //master-transmitter
+        //i2c_master.write(addr_slave<<1, temp_read, 2, false);
+        //pc.printf("Poslani podaci:%x,%x,\n", podaci[0], podaci[1]);
+        //wait_us(50);
+        //master-reicever
+        //<<1, podaci, 2, false);
+        //pc.printf("Primljeni podaci:%x,%x\n", podaci[0], podaci[1]);
+        wait(0.5);
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Feb 09 13:02:17 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file