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EncoderCounter Class Reference

EncoderCounter Class Reference

This class implements a driver to read the quadrature encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller. More...

#include <EncoderCounter.h>

Public Member Functions

 EncoderCounter (PinName a, PinName b)
 Creates and initializes the driver to read the quadrature encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller.
void reset ()
 Resets the counter value to zero.
void reset (int16_t offset)
 Resets the counter value to a given offset value.
int16_t read ()
 Reads the quadrature encoder counter value.
 operator int16_t ()
 The empty operator is a shorthand notation of the read() method.

Detailed Description

This class implements a driver to read the quadrature encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller.

Definition at line 18 of file EncoderCounter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EncoderCounter ( PinName  a,
PinName  b 

Creates and initializes the driver to read the quadrature encoder counter of the STM32 microcontroller.

athe input pin for the channel A.
bthe input pin for the channel B.

Definition at line 17 of file EncoderCounter.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

operator int16_t (  )

The empty operator is a shorthand notation of the read() method.

Definition at line 165 of file EncoderCounter.cpp.

int16_t read (  )

Reads the quadrature encoder counter value.

the quadrature encoder counter as a signed 16-bit integer value.

Definition at line 157 of file EncoderCounter.cpp.

void reset (  )

Resets the counter value to zero.

Definition at line 139 of file EncoderCounter.cpp.

void reset ( int16_t  offset )

Resets the counter value to a given offset value.

offsetthe offset value to reset the counter to.

Definition at line 148 of file EncoderCounter.cpp.