Script to check a new SDK release by using the online compiler API to compile a simple program against various targets.

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00001 # Script to check a new SKD release
00002 # Compiles a simple 'blinky' example for as many platforms as possible
00003 # Reports errors or success
00004 # Uses the online compiler API at
00005 # Based on the example from
00007 ################################################################################
00008 # Configuration section
00010 # mbed_repo_path (optional): path to a github clone of the mbed repo. If found,
00011 # in that repo will be used for the list of targets to build.
00012 #   If not specified, target_mapping (below) will be used instead.
00013 # mbed_test_project_repo: repository of the program used for testing compilation
00014 # mbed_org_user: username for
00015 # mbed_org_password (optional): password for 'mbed_org_user'
00017 mbed_repo_path = "c:/work/mbed/github"
00018 mbed_org_user = "bogdanm"
00019 mbed_test_project_repo = ""
00020 ################################################################################
00022 from os.path import abspath, join, dirname
00023 import os, getpass, sys, json, time, requests, logging
00025 # Mapping between target name in offline build system and target name in online
00026 # build system. This really shouldn't be needed.
00027 target_mapping = {
00028     'LPC11U24': 'mbed-LPC11U24',
00029     'LPC1768': 'mbed-LPC1768',
00030     'UBLOX_C027': 'u-blox-C027',
00031     'ARCH_PRO': 'Seeeduino-Arch-Pro',
00032     'LPC2368': 'mbed-LPC2368',
00033     'LPC812': 'NXP-LPC800-MAX',
00034     'LPC1347': 'DipCortex-M3',
00035     'LPC4088': 'EA-LPC4088',
00036     'LPC1114': 'LPC1114FN28',
00037     'LPC11U35_401': 'EA-LPC11U35',
00038     'LPC11U35_501': 'TG-LPC11U35-501',
00039     'LPC1549': 'LPCXpresso1549',
00040     'XADOW_M0': 'Seeed-Xadow-M0',
00041     'ARCH_GPRS': 'Seeed-Arch-GPRS',
00042     'KL05Z': 'FRDM-KL05Z',
00043     'KL25Z': 'KL25Z',
00044     'KL46Z': 'FRDM-KL46Z',
00045     'K64F': 'FRDM-K64F',
00046     'K20D50M': 'FRDM-K20D50M',
00047     'NUCLEO_F030R8': 'ST-Nucleo-F030R8',
00048     'NUCLEO_F072RB': 'ST-Nucleo-F072RB',
00049     'NUCLEO_F103RB': 'ST-Nucleo-F103RB',
00050     'NUCLEO_F302R8': 'ST-Nucleo-F302R8',
00051     'NUCLEO_F334R8': 'ST-Nucleo-F334R8',
00052     'NUCLEO_F401RE': 'ST-Nucleo-F401RE',
00053     'NUCLEO_F411RE': 'ST-Nucleo-F411RE',
00054     'NUCLEO_L053R8': 'ST-Nucleo-L053R8',
00055     'NUCLEO_L152RE': 'ST-Nucleo-L152RE',
00056     'NRF51822': 'Nordic-nRF51822',
00057     'HRM1017': 'mbed-HRM1017',
00058     'ARCH_BLE': 'Seeed-Arch-BLE',
00059     'RBLAB_NRF51822': 'RedBearLab-nRF51822',
00060     'LPC11U68': 'LPCXpresso11U68',
00061     'GHI_MBUINO': 'Outrageous-Circuits-mBuino',
00062 }
00064 reverse_target_mapping = dict([(target_mapping[k], k) for k in target_mapping.keys()])
00066 # Get list of targets to build from
00067 # And map the target names to the ones used in the online build system
00068 def get_target_list():
00069     offline_list, online_list, skipped = [e[0] for e in OFFICIAL_MBED_LIBRARY_BUILD], [], []
00070     for t in offline_list:
00071         if target_mapping.has_key(t):
00072             online_list.append(target_mapping[t])
00073         else:
00074             skipped.append(t)
00075             logging.warn("Target '%s' not found" % t)
00076     return online_list, skipped
00078 # Compile the test project for the given target
00079 def compile_for_target(target):
00080     payload = {'clean': False, 'platform': target, 'repo': mbed_test_project_repo}
00081     auth = (mbed_org_user, mbed_org_password)
00082     r ="", data = payload, auth = auth)
00083     logging.debug("%s" % r.content)
00084     if r.status_code != 200:
00085         if r.content == "Authorization Required":
00086             return False, "invalid username/password"
00087         else:
00088             return False, "Error while talking to the mbed API"
00089     uuid = json.loads(r.content)['result']['data']['task_id']
00090     logging.debug("Task accepted and given ID: %s" % uuid)
00091     success, errors = False, []
00092     # Poll for output
00093     for check in range(0, 40):
00094         logging.debug("Checking for output: cycle %s" % check)
00095         time.sleep(2)
00096         r = requests.get("" % uuid, auth = auth)
00097         logging.debug(r.content)
00098         response = json.loads(r.content)
00099         messages = response['result']['data']['new_messages']
00100         for message in messages:
00101             if message.get('severity', False) == 'error':
00102                 errors.append({"file": message["file"], "error": message["message"]})
00103             elif message.get('type', False) == 'tool_error':
00104                 errors.append({"file": "", "error": message["message"]})
00105         if response['result']['data']['task_complete']:
00106   "Task completed.")
00107             success = response['result']['data']['compilation_success']
00108   "Compile success: %s" % success)
00109             break
00110     else:
00111         errors = "Timeout"
00112     return success, errors
00115 if '-d' in sys.argv:
00116     logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
00117     sys.argv.remove('-d')
00118 else:
00119     logging.basicConfig(level = logging.WARN)
00121 # Try to get list of targets to build for from
00122 if len(sys.argv) > 1:
00123     targets, skipped = sys.argv[1:], []
00124 else:
00125     try:
00126         import sys
00127         sys.path.insert(0, mbed_repo_path)
00128         from workspace_tools.build_release import OFFICIAL_MBED_LIBRARY_BUILD
00129"Got target list from")
00130         targets, skipped = get_target_list() 
00131     except:
00132" not found, will try to build all known targets")
00133         targets, skipped = target_mapping.values(), []
00135 # Get password once
00136 try:
00137     mbed_org_password
00138 except:
00139     mbed_org_password = getpass.getpass("Password for '%s': " % mbed_org_user)
00141 if not mbed_test_project_repo.endswith('/'):
00142     mbed_test_project_repo = mbed_test_project_repo + '/'
00143 ok, failed = [], []
00145 for t in targets:
00146     sys.stdout.write("Compiling for target '%s' (%s) ... " % (t, reverse_target_mapping[t]))
00147     sys.stdout.flush()
00148     res, errors = compile_for_target(t)
00149     if res:
00150         print "OK"
00151         ok.append(t)
00152     else:
00153         if type(errors) == type([]) and errors:
00154             print "BUILD ERROR!"
00155             for e in errors:
00156                 print "    '%s': %s" % (e["file"], e["error"])
00157         else:
00158             print "ERROR: '%s'" % errors
00159         failed.append(t)
00161 print "Compiled OK       : " + (", ".join(ok) if ok else "none")
00162 print "Compilation errors: " + (", ".join(failed) if failed else "none")
00163 print "Skipped           : " + (", ".join(skipped) if skipped else "none")