2-wheel Inverted Pendulum control program

Dependencies:   AsyncSerial Lib_DFPlayerMini Lib_MPU9250_SPI mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed May 02 10:57:10 2018 +0000
Commit message:
for peshala project

Changed in this revision

Lib_MPU9250.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
defines.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/Lib_MPU9250.lib	Fri Apr 20 18:14:15 2018 +0000
+++ b/Lib_MPU9250.lib	Wed May 02 10:57:10 2018 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
--- a/defines.h	Fri Apr 20 18:14:15 2018 +0000
+++ b/defines.h	Wed May 02 10:57:10 2018 +0000
@@ -8,9 +8,14 @@
 #include "Lib_MPU9250.h"
 #include "filter_func.h"
-//#define USE_LED_DEBUG
+// compile option
+#define USE_LED_DEBUG
+#define USE_FIRST_IMU
     #define DEBUG_BAUDRATE  115200
@@ -58,19 +63,31 @@
 typedef struct _STRUCTCONRTOLPARAM{
-  float   K_angle;
-  float   K_angle_vel;
-  float   K_wheel;
-  float   K_wheel_vel;
-  float   K_rot_vel;
-  float   K_trans_vel;
-  float   C_max_angle;
+    float   K_angle;
+    float   K_angle_vel;
+    float   K_wheel;
+    float   K_wheel_vel;
+    float   K_rot_vel;
+    float   K_trans_vel;
+    float   C_max_angle;
+    float   C_offset_angle;
+typedef struct _STRUCTGAMEPAD{
+    float x_raw;
+    float y_raw;
+    float x_filtered;
+    float y_filtered;
+    float C_dead_angle;
+    float C_max_angle;
 extern STRUCTSENSOR         sensor_vehicle;
 extern STRUCTSENSOR         sensor_interface;
 extern STRUCTPOSTURE        posture;
 extern STRUCTCONRTOLPARAM   control;
+extern STRUCTGAMEPAD        pad;
 //extern Ticker           tic_sen_ctrl;
 //extern CAN              can_driver;
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Apr 20 18:14:15 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed May 02 10:57:10 2018 +0000
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 STRUCTSENSOR         sensor_vehicle;
 STRUCTSENSOR         sensor_interface;
 STRUCTPOSTURE        posture;
+STRUCTGAMEPAD        pad;
 STCOMPFILTER         cf_vehicle;
 STCOMPFILTER         cf_interface;
@@ -23,14 +23,23 @@
 MPU9250         imu_vehicle( MPU9250_CS, MPU9250_MOSI, MPU9250_MISO, MPU9250_SCK );
 MPU9250         imu_interface( MPU9250_SDA, MPU9250_SCL );
     LocalFileSystem file_local( FILESYSTEM_PATH );
+// variables
+float C_dead_angle      =   0.0f;
+float C_max_angle       =   0.0f;
+float C_offset_angle    =   0.0f;
+int16_t C_VD            =   0;
+// function prototype
 void beginMotor();
 void controlMotor( int16_t left, int16_t right );
 void sensing_and_control();
 //void receive_command();
+float convPadJoystick( float input, const float val_deadzone, const float val_max );
 int main() {
     uint8_t isLoop = 0x01;
@@ -41,31 +50,87 @@
         usb_serial.printf( "USB Serial Debug Enable\n" );
+    #ifdef USE_LED_DEBUG
+        myled[0] = 0;
+        myled[1] = 0;
+        myled[2] = 0;
+        myled[3] = 0;
+    #endif
     // initialize control gain
     #ifdef USE_FILESYSTEM    
         FILE*   fp;    
         fp  =   fopen( FILESYSTEM_GAIN, "r" );
+        // motor control parameter
+        fscanf( fp, "%d\r\n", &C_VD     );
+        // control gain
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_angle     );
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_angle_vel );
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_wheel     );
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_wheel_vel );
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_rot_vel   );
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.K_trans_vel );
+        // control parameter
         fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.C_max_angle );
+        fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &control.C_offset_angle );        
+        // pad parameter
+        fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &C_dead_angle );
+        fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &C_max_angle );
+        fscanf( fp, "%f\r\n", &C_offset_angle );
         fclose( fp );
-        control.K_angle     =   0.0f;
-        control.K_angle_vel =   0.0f;
-        control.K_wheel     =   0.0f;
-        control.K_wheel_vel =   0.0f;
-        control.K_rot_vel   =   0.0f;
-        control.K_trans_vel =   0.0f;
-        control.C_max_angle =   0.0f;
+        // control gain
+        C_VD                    =   0;
+        control.K_angle         =   800.0f;
+        control.K_angle_vel     =   5.0f;
+        control.K_wheel         =   0.0f;
+        control.K_wheel_vel     =   0.0f;
+        control.K_rot_vel       =   0.0f;
+        control.K_trans_vel     =   0.0f;
+        // control parameter
+        control.C_max_angle     =   15.0f;
+        control.C_offset_angle  =   0.0f;
+        // pad parameter
+        C_dead_angle            =   5.0f;
+        C_max_angle             =   11.0f;
+        C_offset_angle          =   0.0f;        
+        /*
+        // control gain
+        control.K_angle         =   800.0f;
+        control.K_angle_vel     =   5.0f;
+        control.K_wheel         =   0.0f;
+        control.K_wheel_vel     =   0.0f;
+        control.K_rot_vel       =   0.0f;
+        control.K_trans_vel     =   0.0f;
+        // control parameter
+        control.C_max_angle     =   15.0f;
+        control.C_offset_angle  =   0.0f;        
+        // pad parameter
+        C_dead_angle            =   5.0f;
+        C_max_angle             =   11.0f;
+        C_offset_angle          =   0.0f;
+        */
-    // filter
-    init_comp_filter( &cf_vehicle,   3.0f );
-    init_comp_filter( &cf_interface, 3.0f );
+    #ifdef USE_SERIAL_DEBUG
+        usb_serial.printf( "MOTOR PARAMETER\n" );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_VD :\t%d\n",          C_VD                );    
+        usb_serial.printf( "CONTROL GAIN\n" );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_angle :\t%f\n",       control.K_angle     );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_angle_vel :\t%f\n",   control.K_angle_vel );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_wheel :\t%f\n",       control.K_wheel     );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_wheel_vel :\t%f\n",   control.K_wheel_vel );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_rot_vel :\t%f\n",     control.K_rot_vel   );
+        usb_serial.printf( "K_trans_vel :\t%f\n",   control.K_trans_vel );
+        usb_serial.printf( "CONTROL PARAMETER\n" );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_max_angle :\t%f\n",   control.C_max_angle     );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_offset_angle :\t%f\n",   control.C_offset_angle     );
+        usb_serial.printf( "PAD PARAMETER\n" );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_dead_angle :\t%f\n",   C_dead_angle       );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_max_angle :\t%f\n",    C_max_angle        );
+        usb_serial.printf( "C_offset_angle :\t%f\n", C_offset_angle     );
+        wait( 5.0f );
+    #endif
     // coefficient
     control.K_angle     /= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
@@ -76,13 +141,41 @@
     can_driver.frequency( 500000 );
     // initialize sensor
-    imu_vehicle.begin();
-    imu_vehicle.setAccelRange( BITS_FS_16G );
-    imu_vehicle.setGyroRange(  BITS_FS_2000DPS );
+    #ifdef USE_FIRST_IMU
+        imu_vehicle.begin();
+        imu_vehicle.setAccelRange( BITS_FS_16G );
+        imu_vehicle.setGyroRange(  BITS_FS_2000DPS );
+        init_comp_filter( &cf_vehicle,   3.0f );        
+    #endif
+    #ifdef USE_SECOND_IMU    
+        imu_interface.begin();
+        imu_interface.setAccelRange( BITS_FS_16G );
+        imu_interface.setGyroRange(  BITS_FS_2000DPS );
+        init_comp_filter( &cf_interface, 3.0f );        
+    #endif
-//    imu_interface.begin();
-//    imu_interface.setAccelRange( BITS_FS_16G );
-//    imu_interface.setGyroRange(  BITS_FS_2000DPS );
+    #ifdef USE_SERIAL_DEBUG
+        #ifdef USE_FIRST_IMU
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU1 Who am I..." );
+            while( imu_vehicle.getWhoAmI() != 0x73 && imu_vehicle.getWhoAmI() != 0x71  ){ wait(0.1); }
+            usb_serial.printf( "ok\n" );
+        #endif
+    #endif
+    #ifdef USE_LED_DEBUG
+        myled[0] = 1;
+    #endif        
+    #ifdef USE_SERIAL_DEBUG    
+        #ifdef USE_SECOND_IMU
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU2 Who am I..." );
+            while( imu_interface.getWhoAmI() != 0x73 && imu_interface.getWhoAmI() != 0x71 ){ wait(0.1); }
+            usb_serial.printf( "ok\n" );
+        #endif
+    #endif
+    #ifdef USE_LED_DEBUG
+        myled[1] = 1;
+    #endif
     // initialize MP3 player
@@ -92,7 +185,7 @@
     // wait motor driver ON
-    wait( 0.1f );
+    wait( 0.1f );    
     // move driver to operation
@@ -130,8 +223,10 @@
 void controlMotor( int16_t left, int16_t right ){
     CANMessage msg;
+    int16_t cvd = 0;
     left = -left;
+    cvd = (left < 0) ? -C_VD : C_VD;
     msg.format  =   CANStandard;
     msg.type    =   CANData;    
     msg.id      =   0x420;
@@ -142,11 +237,12 @@
     msg.data[3] =   0x00;
     msg.data[4] =   ( left >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
     msg.data[5] =   ( left >> 0 ) & 0xFF;
-    msg.data[6] =   0x00;
-    msg.data[7] =   0x00;
+    msg.data[6] =   ( cvd >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
+    msg.data[7] =   ( cvd >> 0 ) & 0xFF;
     can_driver.write( msg );
     right = right;
+    cvd = (right < 0) ? -C_VD : C_VD;    
     msg.format  =   CANStandard;
     msg.type    =   CANData;    
     msg.id      =   0x420;
@@ -157,8 +253,8 @@
     msg.data[3] =   0x00;
     msg.data[4] =   ( right >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
     msg.data[5] =   ( right >> 0 ) & 0xFF;
-    msg.data[6] =   0x00;
-    msg.data[7] =   0x00;    
+    msg.data[6] =   ( cvd  >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
+    msg.data[7] =   ( cvd  >> 0 ) & 0xFF;
     can_driver.write( msg );
@@ -172,80 +268,59 @@
     float if_angle      =   0.0f;
     float if_angle_vel  =   0.0f;
-static float   angle_int     =   0.0f;
-static float   angle_adj     =   0.0f;
-static float   angle_adj_t   =   0.0f;
     // read sensor ( vehicle )
-    imu_vehicle.read6Axis(
-        &sensor_vehicle.acc[0],  &sensor_vehicle.acc[1],  &sensor_vehicle.acc[2], 
-        &sensor_vehicle.gyro[0], &sensor_vehicle.gyro[1], &sensor_vehicle.gyro[2]
-    );
-    // read sensor ( interface )
-    /*
-    imu_interface.read6Axis(
-        &sensor_interface.acc[0],  &sensor_interface.acc[1],  &sensor_interface.acc[2], 
-        &sensor_interface.gyro[0], &sensor_interface.gyro[1], &sensor_interface.gyro[2]
-    );
-    */
-    #ifdef USE_SERIAL_DEBUG
-    /*
-        usb_serial.printf( "%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\n", 
-            sensor_vehicle.acc[0],  sensor_vehicle.acc[1],  sensor_vehicle.acc[2], 
-            sensor_vehicle.gyro[0], sensor_vehicle.gyro[1], sensor_vehicle.gyro[2]        
+    #ifdef USE_FIRST_IMU
+        imu_vehicle.read6Axis(
+            &sensor_vehicle.acc[0],  &sensor_vehicle.acc[1],  &sensor_vehicle.acc[2], 
+            &sensor_vehicle.gyro[0], &sensor_vehicle.gyro[1], &sensor_vehicle.gyro[2]
-    */
-        /*
-        usb_serial.printf( "%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\n", 
-            sensor_interface.acc[0],  sensor_interface.acc[1],  sensor_interface.acc[2], 
-            sensor_interface.gyro[0], sensor_interface.gyro[1], sensor_interface.gyro[2]        
-        );
-        */
-        usb_serial.printf( "\n" );         
+        sensor_vehicle.gyro[0] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        sensor_vehicle.gyro[1] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        sensor_vehicle.gyro[2] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        // estimate angle
+        proc_comp_filter( &cf_vehicle, PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC, 
+            -( sensor_vehicle.acc[0] / sensor_vehicle.acc[2] ), sensor_vehicle.gyro[1],
+            &posture.angle, &posture.angle_vel );
+        posture.angle -= control.C_offset_angle * MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    // unit convert ( deg -> rad )
-    sensor_vehicle.gyro[0] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    sensor_vehicle.gyro[1] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    sensor_vehicle.gyro[2] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+    #ifdef USE_SECOND_IMU
+        // read sensor ( interface )    
+        imu_interface.read6Axis(
+            &sensor_interface.acc[0],  &sensor_interface.acc[1],  &sensor_interface.acc[2], 
+            &sensor_interface.gyro[0], &sensor_interface.gyro[1], &sensor_interface.gyro[2]
+        );
+        sensor_interface.gyro[0] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        sensor_interface.gyro[1] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        sensor_interface.gyro[2] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;    
+        // estimate angle        
+        proc_comp_filter( &cf_interface, PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC, 
+            ( sensor_interface.acc[1] / sensor_interface.acc[2] ), sensor_interface.gyro[0],
+            &if_angle, &if_angle_vel );
+        if_angle     -=  C_offset_angle * MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        if_angle     /=  MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+        if_angle_vel /=  MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
+    #endif
-    /*
-    sensor_interface.gyro[0] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    sensor_interface.gyro[1] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    sensor_interface.gyro[2] *= MPU9250G_DEG2RAD;
-    */
-    // filter
-    /*
-    proc_comp_filter( &cf_vehicle, PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC, 
-        -( sensor_vehicle.acc[0] / sensor_vehicle.acc[2] ), sensor_vehicle.gyro[1],
-        &posture.angle, &posture.angle_vel );
-    */
-    angle_adj_t = angle_adj;
-    //angle estimation using LPF
-    angle_int   +=  sensor_vehicle.gyro[1] * PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC;                                             //integral gyro
-    angle_adj   =  atan2( -sensor_vehicle.acc[0] , sensor_vehicle.acc[2] ) - angle_int;                         
-    angle_adj   =   angle_adj_t + PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC * ( angle_adj - angle_adj_t ) / 3.0f;  //calc correction via LPF
-    //calc angle
-    posture.angle     =   angle_int + angle_adj;
-    posture.angle_vel =   sensor_vehicle.gyro[1];
-    /*        
-    proc_comp_filter( &cf_interface, PROCESS_INTERVAL_SEC, 
-        -( sensor_interface.acc[0] / sensor_interface.acc[2] ), sensor_interface.gyro[1],
-        &if_angle, &if_angle_vel );
-    */
     #ifdef USE_SERIAL_DEBUG
-        usb_serial.printf( "%f\t %f\n",
-            posture.angle     / MPU9250G_DEG2RAD, 
-            posture.angle_vel / MPU9250G_DEG2RAD
-        );
+        #ifdef USE_FIRST_IMU
+            /*
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU 1:\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\n", 
+                sensor_vehicle.acc[0],  sensor_vehicle.acc[1],  sensor_vehicle.acc[2], 
+                sensor_vehicle.gyro[0], sensor_vehicle.gyro[1], sensor_vehicle.gyro[2]        
+            );
+            */
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU1 \nANGLE :\t%f\nANGLE_VEL :\t%f\n", posture.angle, posture.angle_vel );            
+        #endif
+        #ifdef USE_SECOND_IMU
+            /*
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU 2:%f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\t %f\n", 
+                sensor_interface.acc[0],  sensor_interface.acc[1],  sensor_interface.acc[2], 
+                sensor_interface.gyro[0], sensor_interface.gyro[1], sensor_interface.gyro[2]        
+            );            
+            */
+            usb_serial.printf( "IMU2 \nANGLE :\t%f\nANGLE_VEL :\t%f\n", if_angle,if_angle_vel );            
+        #endif
     // control motor
@@ -261,11 +336,39 @@
     comR  += control.K_wheel     * posture.wheel[1];
     comR  += control.K_wheel_vel * posture.wheel[1];
-    if( posture.angle < control.C_max_angle && posture.angle > -control.C_max_angle ){
-        controlMotor( comL, comR );
-    }else{
-        controlMotor( 0, 0 );        
-    }
+        float pad_x = 0.0f;
+        pad_x =  convPadJoystick( if_angle, C_dead_angle, C_max_angle );
+        comR += pad_x * control.K_rot_vel;
+        comL -= pad_x * control.K_rot_vel;
+    #endif
+        if( posture.angle < control.C_max_angle*MPU9250G_DEG2RAD && posture.angle > -control.C_max_angle*MPU9250G_DEG2RAD ){
+            controlMotor( comL, comR );
+        }else{
+            controlMotor( 0, 0 );
+        }
+    #endif
+float convPadJoystick( float input, const float val_deadzone, const float val_max ){
+    float ret = 0.0f;
+    float k   = 1.0f;
+    if( val_deadzone != val_max ){
+        k = 1.0f / ( val_max - val_deadzone );
+        if( input < val_deadzone && input >-val_deadzone ){
+            ret = 0.0f;    
+        }else if( input >  val_max ){
+            ret = 1.0f;
+        }else if( input < -val_max ){
+            ret = -1.0f;
+        }else{
+            ret  = (input > 0.0f) ? (input - val_deadzone) : (input + val_deadzone);
+            ret *= k;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
\ No newline at end of file