Skittles Dispenser using Bluetooth or Touchpad

Skittles Dispensing Machine by Ben Kim and Alex Zdanov

The Skittle Dispensing Machine, as the name implies, dispenses skittles using an mbed and a number of components. In order to obtain skittles, the user has to put in a passcode using the touchpad. If an incorrect passcode is put in, the skittle machine will ask the user to try again. If the correct one is put in, the servo inside the machine will move, allowing skittles to run down a chute into the collection bay. The ULCD wishes the user to enjoy the tasty treat! If a user doesn’t want to use the touchpad, they can opt to connect to the mbed through Bluetooth App. Typing in d through the UART will trigger the machine to dispense more tasty treats!

List of mbed components: ULCD screen Servo Touchpad Bluetooth Module


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