for Arduino TFT LCD Screen 160x128

Dependents:   TFTLCDSCREEN Pong_ILI9163C

Fork of TFT_ILI9163C by _ peu605

diff -r 83f3605478ab -r 3dcb98ecf29f TFT_ILI9163C_BASE.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/TFT_ILI9163C_BASE.h	Sun Feb 01 15:36:04 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
+//----- Define here witch display you own
+#define __144_RED_PCB__ //128x128
+//#define __22_RED_PCB__    //240x320
+//#define __144_AITENDO_PCB__   //128x128
+//ILI9163C versions------------------------
+#if defined(__144_RED_PCB__)
+This display:
+This particular display has a design error! The controller has 3 pins to configure to constrain
+the memory and resolution to a fixed dimension (in that case 128x128) but they leaved those pins
+configured for 128x160 so there was several pixel memory addressing problems.
+I solved by setup several parameters that dinamically fix the resolution as needit so below
+the parameters for this diplay. If you have a strain or a correct display (can happen with chinese)
+you can copy those parameters and create setup for different displays.
+    #define _TFTWIDTH       128     //the REAL W resolution of the TFT
+    #define _TFTHEIGHT      128     //the REAL H resolution of the TFT
+    #define _GRAMWIDTH      128
+    #define _GRAMHEIGH      160
+//  #define _GRAMSIZE       _GRAMWIDTH * _GRAMHEIGH //*see note 1
+    #define _GRAMSIZE       _TFTWIDTH * _TFTHEIGHT  //this is enough to fill visible area
+    #define __COLORSPC      1   // 1:GBR - 0:RGB
+    #define __GAMMASET1     //uncomment for another gamma
+    #define __OFFSET        (_GRAMHEIGH - _TFTHEIGHT)   // 32 *see note 2
+    //Tested!
+#elif defined (__22_RED_PCB__)
+Like this one:
+Not tested!
+    #define _TFTWIDTH       240     //the REAL W resolution of the TFT
+    #define _TFTHEIGHT      320     //the REAL H resolution of the TFT
+    #define _GRAMWIDTH      240
+    #define _GRAMHEIGH      320
+    #define _GRAMSIZE       _GRAMWIDTH * _GRAMHEIGH
+    #define __COLORSPC      1   // 1:GBR - 0:RGB
+    #define __GAMMASET1     //uncomment for another gamma
+    #define __OFFSET        0
+#elif defined(__144_AITENDO_PCB__)
+This display:
+    #define _TFTWIDTH       128     //the REAL W resolution of the TFT
+    #define _TFTHEIGHT      128     //the REAL H resolution of the TFT
+    #define _GRAMWIDTH      128
+    #define _GRAMHEIGH      128
+    #define _GRAMSIZE       _GRAMWIDTH * _GRAMHEIGH
+    #define __COLORSPC      1   // 1:GBR - 0:RGB
+    #define __GAMMASET1     //uncomment for another gamma
+    #define __OFFSET        0
+    #define _TFTWIDTH       128     //128
+    #define _TFTHEIGHT      160     //160
+    #define _GRAMWIDTH      128
+    #define _GRAMHEIGH      160
+    #define _GRAMSIZE       _GRAMWIDTH * _GRAMHEIGH
+    #define __COLORSPC      1   // 1:GBR - 0:RGB
+    #define __GAMMASET1
+    #define __OFFSET        0
+    Note 1: The __144_RED_PCB__ display has hardware addressing of 128 x 160
+    but the tft resolution it's 128 x 128 so the dram should be set correctly
+    Note 2: This is the offset between image in RAM and TFT. In that case 160 - 128 = 32;
+//--------- Keep out hands from here!-------------
+// Color definitions
+#define BLACK           0x0000
+#define BLUE            0x001F
+#define RED             0xF800
+#define GREEN           0x07E0
+#define CYAN            0x07FF
+#define MAGENTA         0xF81F
+#define YELLOW          0xFFE0  
+#define WHITE           0xFFFF
+#define TRANSPARENT     -1
+//ILI9163C registers-----------------------
+#define CMD_NOP         0x00//Non operation
+#define CMD_SWRESET     0x01//Soft Reset
+#define CMD_SLPIN       0x10//Sleep ON
+#define CMD_SLPOUT      0x11//Sleep OFF
+#define CMD_PTLON       0x12//Partial Mode ON
+#define CMD_NORML       0x13//Normal Display ON
+#define CMD_DINVOF      0x20//Display Inversion OFF
+#define CMD_DINVON      0x21//Display Inversion ON
+#define CMD_GAMMASET    0x26//Gamma Set (0x01[1],0x02[2],0x04[3],0x08[4])
+#define CMD_DISPOFF     0x28//Display OFF
+#define CMD_DISPON      0x29//Display ON
+#define CMD_IDLEON      0x39//Idle Mode ON
+#define CMD_IDLEOF      0x38//Idle Mode OFF
+#define CMD_CLMADRS     0x2A//Column Address Set
+#define CMD_PGEADRS     0x2B//Page Address Set
+#define CMD_RAMWR       0x2C//Memory Write
+#define CMD_RAMRD       0x2E//Memory Read
+#define CMD_CLRSPACE    0x2D//Color Space : 4K/65K/262K
+#define CMD_PARTAREA    0x30//Partial Area
+#define CMD_VSCLLDEF    0x33//Vertical Scroll Definition
+#define CMD_TEFXLON     0x34//Tearing Effect Line ON
+#define CMD_TEFXLOF     0x35//Tearing Effect Line OFF
+#define CMD_MADCTL      0x36//Memory Access Control
+#define CMD_PIXFMT      0x3A//Interface Pixel Format
+#define CMD_FRMCTR1     0xB1//Frame Rate Control (In normal mode/Full colors)
+#define CMD_FRMCTR2     0xB2//Frame Rate Control(In Idle mode/8-colors)
+#define CMD_FRMCTR3     0xB3//Frame Rate Control(In Partial mode/full colors)
+#define CMD_DINVCTR     0xB4//Display Inversion Control
+#define CMD_RGBBLK      0xB5//RGB Interface Blanking Porch setting
+#define CMD_DFUNCTR     0xB6//Display Fuction set 5
+#define CMD_SDRVDIR     0xB7//Source Driver Direction Control
+#define CMD_GDRVDIR     0xB8//Gate Driver Direction Control 
+#define CMD_PWCTR1      0xC0//Power_Control1
+#define CMD_PWCTR2      0xC1//Power_Control2
+#define CMD_PWCTR3      0xC2//Power_Control3
+#define CMD_PWCTR4      0xC3//Power_Control4
+#define CMD_PWCTR5      0xC4//Power_Control5
+#define CMD_VCOMCTR1    0xC5//VCOM_Control 1
+#define CMD_VCOMCTR2    0xC6//VCOM_Control 2
+#define CMD_VCOMOFFS    0xC7//VCOM Offset Control
+#define CMD_PGAMMAC     0xE0//Positive Gamma Correction Setting
+#define CMD_NGAMMAC     0xE1//Negative Gamma Correction Setting
+#define CMD_GAMRSEL     0xF2//GAM_R_SEL
+class TFT_ILI9163C_BASE : public Adafruit_GFX, public SPI {
+ public:
+    TFT_ILI9163C_BASE(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName dc, PinName reset);
+    TFT_ILI9163C_BASE(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName dc);
+    void        begin(void),
+                setAddrWindow(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1),//graphic Addressing
+                setCursor(int16_t x,int16_t y),//char addressing
+                pushColor(uint16_t color),
+                clearScreen(uint16_t color=0x0000),//same as fillScreen
+                setRotation(uint8_t r);
+    virtual void    fillScreen(uint16_t color=0x0000),
+                    drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color),
+                    drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color),
+                    drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color),
+                    fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,uint16_t color),
+                    invertDisplay(bool i);
+  uint16_t      Color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
+  void          setBitrate(uint32_t n); 
+ protected:
+    DigitalOut _cs;
+    DigitalOut _dc;
+    PinName _resetPinName;
+ private:
+    virtual void    init(PinName cs, PinName dc);
+    virtual void    selectSlave();
+    virtual void    deselectSlave();
+    virtual void    setCommandMode();
+    virtual void    setDataMode();
+    virtual void    writecommand(uint8_t c);
+    virtual void    writedata(uint8_t d);
+    virtual void    writedata16(uint16_t d);
+    virtual void    writedata32(uint16_t d1, uint16_t d2);
+    virtual void    writedata16burst(uint16_t d, int32_t len);
+    uint8_t     _Mactrl_Data;//container for the memory access control data
+    uint8_t     _colorspaceData;
+    void        colorSpace(uint8_t cspace);
+    void        chipInit();
+    bool        boundaryCheck(int16_t x,int16_t y);
+    void        homeAddress();