for Arduino TFT LCD Screen 160x128

Dependents:   TFTLCDSCREEN Pong_ILI9163C

Fork of TFT_ILI9163C by _ peu605



File content as of revision 6:83f3605478ab:

	ILI9163C - A fast SPI driver for TFT that use Ilitek ILI9163C.
	- Very FAST!, expecially with Teensy 3.x where uses DMA SPI.
	- It uses just 4 or 5 wires.
	- Compatible at command level with Adafruit display series so it's easy to adapt existing code.
	- It uses the standard Adafruit_GFX Library (you need to install). 
	I got one of those displays from a chinese ebay seller but unfortunatly I cannot get
	any working library so I decided to hack it. ILI9163C looks pretty similar to other 
	display driver but it uses it's own commands so it's tricky to work with it unlsess you
	carefully fight with his gigantic and not so clever datasheet.
	My display it's a 1.44"", 128x128 that suppose to substitute Nokia 5110 LCD and here's the 
	first confusion! Many sellers claim that it's compatible with Nokia 5110 (that use a philips
	controller) but the only similarity it's the pin names since that this one it's color and
	have totally different controller that's not compatible.
	Pay attention that   can drive different resolutions and your display can be
	160*128 or whatever, also there's a strain of this display with a black PCB that a friend of mine
	got some weeks ago and need some small changes in library to get working.
	If you look at TFT_ILI9163C.h file you can add your modifications and let me know so I
	can include for future versions.
	Code Optimizations:
	The purpose of this library it's SPEED. I have tried to use hardware optimized calls
	where was possible and results are quite good for most applications, actually nly filled circles
    are still a bit slow. Many SPI call has been optimized by reduce un-needed triggers to RS and CS
	lines. Of course it can be improved so feel free to add suggestions.
    Copyright (c) 2014, .S.U.M.O.T.O.Y., coded by Max MC Costa.    

    TFT_ILI9163C Library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    TFT_ILI9163C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with Foobar.  If not, see <>.
    This file needs the following Libraries:
    Adafruit_GFX by Adafruit:
	Remember to update GFX library often to have more features with this library!
	From this version I'm using my version of Adafruit_GFX library:
	It has faster char rendering and some small little optimizations but you can
	choose one of the two freely since are both fully compatible.
	Special Thanks:
	Thanks Adafruit for his Adafruit_GFX!
	Thanks to Paul Stoffregen for his beautiful Teensy3 and DMA SPI.
	0.1a1: First release, compile correctly. Altrough not fully working!
	0.1a3: Better but still some addressing problems.
	0.1b1: Beta! Addressing solved, now rotation works and boundaries ok.
	0.2b1: Cleaned up.
	0.2b3: Added 2.2" Red PCB parameters
	0.2b4: Bug fixes, added colorSpace (for future send image)
	0.2b5: Cleaning
	BugList of the current version:
	- Actually no scroll commands (only in release will be included).

 * TFT_ILI9163C library for ST Nucleo F411RE
 * @author Copyright (c) 2014, .S.U.M.O.T.O.Y., coded by Max MC Costa
 * @author modified by masuda, Masuda Naika
#ifndef _TFT_ILI9163CLIB_H_
#define _TFT_ILI9163CLIB_H_

#include "mbed.h"

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>

// from
#define MASK_TO_BITNUM(x)	(x&0x1?0:x&0x2?1:x&0x4?2:x&0x8?3:\

#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE) | defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F302R8)
	#define BITBAND_PERIPH(addr, bit) \
	    (volatile uint32_t*)(PERIPH_BB_BASE+((uint32_t)addr-PERIPH_BASE)*32+(bit*4))
	#define __NUCLEO_DMA__

//----- Define here witch display you own
#define __144_RED_PCB__	//128x128
//#define __22_RED_PCB__	//240x320
//#define __144_AITENDO_PCB__	//128x128

//ILI9163C versions------------------------
#if defined(__144_RED_PCB__)
This display:
This particular display has a design error! The controller has 3 pins to configure to constrain
the memory and resolution to a fixed dimension (in that case 128x128) but they leaved those pins
configured for 128x160 so there was several pixel memory addressing problems.
I solved by setup several parameters that dinamically fix the resolution as needit so below
the parameters for this diplay. If you have a strain or a correct display (can happen with chinese)
you can copy those parameters and create setup for different displays.
	#define _TFTWIDTH		128		//the REAL W resolution of the TFT
	#define _TFTHEIGHT		128		//the REAL H resolution of the TFT
	#define _GRAMWIDTH		128
	#define _GRAMHEIGH		160
//	#define _GRAMSIZE		_GRAMWIDTH * _GRAMHEIGH	//*see note 1
	#define _GRAMSIZE		_TFTWIDTH * _TFTHEIGHT	//this is enough to fill visible area
	#define __COLORSPC		1	// 1:GBR - 0:RGB
	#define __GAMMASET1		//uncomment for another gamma
	#define __OFFSET		(_GRAMHEIGH - _TFTHEIGHT)	// 32 *see note 2

#elif defined (__22_RED_PCB__)
Like this one:
Not tested!
	#define _TFTWIDTH		240		//the REAL W resolution of the TFT
	#define _TFTHEIGHT		320		//the REAL H resolution of the TFT
	#define _GRAMWIDTH		240
	#define _GRAMHEIGH		320
	#define __COLORSPC		1	// 1:GBR - 0:RGB
	#define __GAMMASET1		//uncomment for another gamma
	#define __OFFSET		0
#elif defined(__144_AITENDO_PCB__)
This display:
	#define _TFTWIDTH		128		//the REAL W resolution of the TFT
	#define _TFTHEIGHT		128		//the REAL H resolution of the TFT
	#define _GRAMWIDTH		128
	#define _GRAMHEIGH		128
	#define __COLORSPC		1	// 1:GBR - 0:RGB
	#define __GAMMASET1		//uncomment for another gamma
	#define __OFFSET		0
	#define _TFTWIDTH		128		//128
	#define _TFTHEIGHT		160		//160
	#define _GRAMWIDTH		128
	#define _GRAMHEIGH		160
	#define __COLORSPC		1	// 1:GBR - 0:RGB
	#define __GAMMASET1
	#define __OFFSET		0
	Note 1: The __144_RED_PCB__ display has hardware addressing of 128 x 160
	but the tft resolution it's 128 x 128 so the dram should be set correctly
	Note 2: This is the offset between image in RAM and TFT. In that case 160 - 128 = 32;
//--------- Keep out hands from here!-------------

#define	BLACK   		0x0000
#define WHITE   		0xFFFF

//ILI9163C registers-----------------------
#define CMD_NOP     	0x00//Non operation
#define CMD_SWRESET 	0x01//Soft Reset
#define CMD_SLPIN   	0x10//Sleep ON
#define CMD_SLPOUT  	0x11//Sleep OFF
#define CMD_PTLON   	0x12//Partial Mode ON
#define CMD_NORML   	0x13//Normal Display ON
#define CMD_DINVOF  	0x20//Display Inversion OFF
#define CMD_DINVON   	0x21//Display Inversion ON
#define CMD_GAMMASET 	0x26//Gamma Set (0x01[1],0x02[2],0x04[3],0x08[4])
#define CMD_DISPOFF 	0x28//Display OFF
#define CMD_DISPON  	0x29//Display ON
#define CMD_IDLEON  	0x39//Idle Mode ON
#define CMD_IDLEOF  	0x38//Idle Mode OFF
#define CMD_CLMADRS   	0x2A//Column Address Set
#define CMD_PGEADRS   	0x2B//Page Address Set

#define CMD_RAMWR   	0x2C//Memory Write
#define CMD_RAMRD   	0x2E//Memory Read
#define CMD_CLRSPACE   	0x2D//Color Space : 4K/65K/262K
#define CMD_PARTAREA	0x30//Partial Area
#define CMD_VSCLLDEF	0x33//Vertical Scroll Definition
#define CMD_TEFXLON		0x34//Tearing Effect Line ON
#define CMD_TEFXLOF		0x35//Tearing Effect Line OFF
#define CMD_MADCTL  	0x36//Memory Access Control

#define CMD_PIXFMT  	0x3A//Interface Pixel Format
#define CMD_FRMCTR1 	0xB1//Frame Rate Control (In normal mode/Full colors)
#define CMD_FRMCTR2 	0xB2//Frame Rate Control(In Idle mode/8-colors)
#define CMD_FRMCTR3 	0xB3//Frame Rate Control(In Partial mode/full colors)
#define CMD_DINVCTR		0xB4//Display Inversion Control
#define CMD_RGBBLK		0xB5//RGB Interface Blanking Porch setting
#define CMD_DFUNCTR 	0xB6//Display Fuction set 5
#define CMD_SDRVDIR 	0xB7//Source Driver Direction Control
#define CMD_GDRVDIR 	0xB8//Gate Driver Direction Control 

#define CMD_PWCTR1  	0xC0//Power_Control1
#define CMD_PWCTR2  	0xC1//Power_Control2
#define CMD_PWCTR3  	0xC2//Power_Control3
#define CMD_PWCTR4  	0xC3//Power_Control4
#define CMD_PWCTR5  	0xC4//Power_Control5
#define CMD_VCOMCTR1  	0xC5//VCOM_Control 1
#define CMD_VCOMCTR2  	0xC6//VCOM_Control 2
#define CMD_VCOMOFFS  	0xC7//VCOM Offset Control
#define CMD_PGAMMAC		0xE0//Positive Gamma Correction Setting
#define CMD_NGAMMAC		0xE1//Negative Gamma Correction Setting
#define CMD_GAMRSEL		0xF2//GAM_R_SEL

class TFT_ILI9163C : public Adafruit_GFX, public SPI {


	TFT_ILI9163C(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName dc, PinName reset);
	TFT_ILI9163C(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName dc);

	void     	begin(void),
				setAddrWindow(uint16_t x0, uint16_t y0, uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1),//graphic Addressing
				setCursor(int16_t x,int16_t y),//char addressing
				pushColor(uint16_t color),
				clearScreen(uint16_t color=0x0000),//same as fillScreen
				setRotation(uint8_t r);

	virtual void	fillScreen(uint16_t color=0x0000),
					drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t color),
					drawFastVLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t h, uint16_t color),
					drawFastHLine(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, uint16_t color),
					fillRect(int16_t x, int16_t y, int16_t w, int16_t h,uint16_t color),
					invertDisplay(bool i);
  uint16_t 		Color565(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
  void 			setBitrate(uint32_t n);	

	uint8_t		_Mactrl_Data;//container for the memory access control data
	uint8_t		_colorspaceData;
	void 		colorSpace(uint8_t cspace);
	void		writecommand(uint8_t c);
	void		writedata(uint8_t d);
	void		writedata16(uint16_t d);
	void		writedata32(uint16_t d1, uint16_t d2);
	void		writedata16burst(uint16_t d, int32_t len);
	void 		chipInit();
	bool 		boundaryCheck(int16_t x,int16_t y);
	void 		homeAddress();
	void		init(PinName cs, PinName dc);

	DigitalOut _cs;
	DigitalOut _dc;
	PinName _resetPinName;
#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE) | defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F302R8)
	void		selectSlave();
	void		deselectSlave();
	void		setCommandMode();
	void		setDataMode();
	void		set8bitMode();
	void		set16bitMode();
	void		waitSpiFree();
	void		waitBufferFree();
	GPIO_TypeDef *cs_port_reg;
	volatile uint32_t cs_reg_mask;
	GPIO_TypeDef *dc_port_reg;
	volatile uint32_t dc_reg_mask;
	// peripheral bit-band addresses
//	volatile uint32_t *bb_cs_port;
//	volatile uint32_t *bb_dc_port;
	volatile uint32_t *bb_spi_txe;
	volatile uint32_t *bb_spi_bsy;
	volatile uint32_t *bb_spi_spe;
	#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
		volatile uint32_t *bb_spi_dff;

	#if defined(__NUCLEO_DMA__)
		DMA_HandleTypeDef hdma;
		volatile uint32_t *bb_spi_txdmaen;
		volatile uint32_t *bb_dma_sxcr_en;
