
Dependencies:   C12832_lcd EthernetInterface LCD_fonts LM75B MMA7660 NTPClient SimpleSMTPClient WebSocketClient mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 /*******************************************************/
00002 /*              IMPLEMENT THE THERMOSTAT               */
00003 /*System turned ON/OFF using joystick or Accelerometer */
00004 /*Temperature Set using Joystick                       */
00005 /*System Status and heater state shown on LED          */
00006 /*LCD displays: Time.                                  */
00007 /*              If system is ON current and set low    */
00008 /*                 and High Temperature                */
00009 /*              Heater/Cooler ON                       */
00010 /*              If system is OFF SYSTEM OFF            */
00011 /*The timing, current temperature, accelerometer reading*/
00012 /*are sent periodically to websockets.org/bhakti       */
00013 /*The duration after which the information is sent is  */
00014 /*defined by macro SECONDS which is currently set to 10*/
00015 /*******************************************************/
00017 #include "mbed.h"
00018 #include "C12832_lcd.h"
00019 #include "LM75B.h"
00020 #include "DebouncedIn.h"
00021 #include "MMA7660.h"
00022 #include "EthernetInterface.h"
00023 #include "NTPClient.h"
00024 #include "SimpleSMTPClient.h"
00025 #include "Small_6.h"
00026 #include "Websocket.h"
00028 #define hys 3
00029 #define HEATER 0
00030 #define COOLER 1
00031 #define No_HEAT_COOL 2
00032 #define SEND 1
00033 #define DO_NOT_SEND 0
00034 #define SECONDS 10
00036 DebouncedIn reset(p14);
00037 C12832_LCD lcd;
00038 LM75B current(p28,p27);
00039 MMA7660 MMA(p28, p27);
00040 Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);
00041 AnalogIn max_temp(p19);
00042 AnalogIn min_temp(p20);
00044 //System ON/OFF
00045 BusIn heat_on (p16,p13); 
00047 //System ON/OFF LED
00048 DigitalOut thermostat (LED1);
00050 //Heater/Cooler ON/OFF LED. This can be furthur connected to the relay                                  
00051 DigitalOut heater (LED2);  
00052 DigitalOut cooler (LED3);
00054 Ticker check_move;                                    
00055 Ticker Send_info;
00057 bool no_move;             //This variable is set if no movement is detected
00058 float acc_x = MMA.x();
00059 float acc_y = MMA.y();
00060 float acc_z = MMA.z();
00061 float acc_x_old,acc_y_old,acc_z_old;
00062 int heat_cool;     //1: Heater ON , 0:Cooler ON , 2: Heater and Cooler OFF
00063 bool send_info;    //This variable is used to define when the information is
00064                    //to be sent to the web.
00066 /****************************************************************************/
00067 /*Function name: check: This function is used to detect motion around the   */
00068 /*thermostat.It sets the variable no move if the previous and current       */
00069 /*value of the accelerometer value is same. Accelerometer value unchanged   */
00070 /*indicates that there is no motion around the thermostat                   */
00071 /****************************************************************************/
00072 void check()
00073 {
00074     acc_x_old = acc_x;
00075     acc_y_old = acc_y;
00076     acc_z_old = acc_z;
00077     acc_x = MMA.x();
00078     acc_y = MMA.y();
00079     acc_z = MMA.z();
00080     if (acc_x_old == acc_x && acc_y_old == acc_y && acc_z_old == acc_z)
00081     {
00082         no_move = 1;
00083     }
00084     else
00085         no_move = 0;
00087 }
00088 /******************************************************************************/
00090 /******************************************************************************/
00091 /*Function name: send_ws()                                                    */
00092 /*This function is used to set a boolean variable to SEND so that the         */
00093 /*information can be sent over the web. The variable is set to SEND after no. */
00094 /*of seconds defined by SECONDS(currently 10sec)                              */
00095 /******************************************************************************/
00096 void send_ws()
00097 {
00098     send_info = SEND;
00099 }
00101 /*******************************************************************************/
00103 int main()
00104 {
00105     int ret_msg,ret_msg2,ret_curr_time,eth_ret,ws_ret;
00106     EthernetInterface eth;
00107     lcd.cls();
00108     pc.printf("\n\n/* SimpleMTPClient library demonstration \n");
00110     pc.printf("Setting up ...\n");
00111     eth.init();
00112     eth_ret = eth.connect();
00113     if (eth_ret != 0)
00114     {
00115         lcd.cls();
00116         lcd.printf("Ethernet not connected");
00117         return -1;
00118     }
00119     pc.printf("Connected OK\n");
00121     // IP Address 
00122     pc.printf("IP Address is %s\n", eth.getIPAddress());
00123     lcd.locate(0,1);
00124     lcd.printf("%s", eth.getIPAddress());
00125     wait(2);
00128     NTPClient ntp;
00129     ntp.setTime("time.nist.gov");                                     
00130     lcd.cls(); 
00132     Websocket ws("ws://sockets.mbed.org:443/ws/bhakti/rw");
00133     ws_ret = ws.connect();
00134     if (!ws_ret)
00135     {
00136         lcd.cls();
00137         lcd.printf("Nor connected to URL");
00138         return -1;
00139     }
00141         /*Messages to be sent over the web*/
00142     char msg[100];
00143     char msg2[100];
00144     char curr_time[100];
00146     float min_set;
00147     float max_set; 
00149     //This variable is used to check if the system is ON or OFF                                            
00150     bool status=0;
00152     time_t ctTime;                         
00153     lcd.cls();                 
00154     check_move.attach(&check,120.0);
00155     Send_info.attach(&send_ws,SECONDS);
00156     while (1) {
00157         sprintf(msg,"Temperature is %0.2f",current.read());
00158         sprintf(msg2,"Accelerometer readings are X= %0.2f,Y= %0.2f, Z= %0.2f",MMA.x(),MMA.y(),MMA.z());
00159               sprintf(curr_time,"Time: %s",ctime(&ctTime));
00160         if (send_info == SEND) {
00161             ret_msg2 = ws.send(msg2);
00162             ret_msg = ws.send(msg);
00163             ret_curr_time=ws.send(curr_time);
00164             if (ret_msg == -1 || ret_msg2 == -1 || ret_curr_time == -1)
00165             {
00166                 lcd.cls();
00167                 lcd.printf("One of the messages not sent");
00168             }
00169             send_info = DO_NOT_SEND;
00170         }
00171         min_set = min_temp.read() * 50;   //scale the pot value from 0 to 1 -> 0 to 50
00172         max_set = max_temp.read() * 50;
00173         ctTime = time(NULL) - 25200;      //Adjust time as per local time
00174         lcd.set_font((unsigned char*) Small_6);  //set LCD font
00175         lcd.locate(1,1);
00176         lcd.printf("%s",ctime(&ctTime));                     
00177         lcd.locate(1,8);
00179         /*If system is ON print current and set temperature*/
00180         /*Else print LCD OFF on LCD*/
00182         if (status) {                                          
00183             lcd.printf("Curr:%.2f",current.read());
00184             lcd.locate(1,16);
00185             lcd.printf("MAX:%0.2f, MIN:%0.2f",max_set,min_set);
00186             lcd.locate(1,24);
00187             switch (heat_cool) {
00188                 case HEATER : lcd.printf("Heater ON     ");
00189                               break;
00190                 case COOLER : lcd.printf("Cooler ON     ");
00191                               break;
00192                 case No_HEAT_COOL : lcd.printf("Heat/Cool OFF");
00193                               break;
00194             }
00196         } else {                                               
00197             lcd.locate(1,10);
00198             lcd.printf("System OFF");
00199             wait (0.1);
00200         }
00202         /*If system is turned ON: Joystick is pushed towards edge of LCD
00203           OR movement is detected
00204           Turn System ON LED on: LED1 and Set the status variable to 1
00205           Else if system is turned OFF by user turn OFF the system status LED
00206           and the LED that is connected to the relay*/
00208         if (heat_on == 0x2 || !no_move) 
00209         {
00210             thermostat = 1;                                    
00211             status = 1;                                        
00212         } else if (heat_on == 0x1 || no_move) {          
00213             lcd.cls();                                        
00214             thermostat = 0;                                    
00215             heater = 0;                                       
00216             status = 0;                                       
00217         }
00219         //Comparison logic and turn Heater/Cooler ON/OFF
00220         if ((min_set > (current.read()+ hys)) && thermostat == 1) {
00221             heater =  1;
00222             cooler = 0;
00223             status = 1;
00224             heat_cool = HEATER;
00225         }
00226         else if ((max_set < (current.read()-hys)) && thermostat == 1) {
00227             cooler = 1;
00228             heater = 0;
00229             status = 1;
00230             heat_cool = COOLER;    
00231         }
00232         else if (!thermostat) {
00233             heater = 0;
00234             cooler = 0;
00235             status = 0;
00236         }
00237         else {
00238             heater = 0;
00239             cooler = 0;
00240             status = 1;
00241             heat_cool = No_HEAT_COOL;
00242         }
00244      }
00245 }