Part One of my Project Course. Implementation of simple I/O and a custom defined protocol over UDP/IP.

Dependencies:   C12832 LM75B mbed EthernetInterface mbed-rtos

--- a/selection.h	Wed Mar 14 07:59:21 2018 +0000
+++ b/selection.h	Mon Mar 19 11:32:54 2018 +0000
@@ -7,8 +7,31 @@
     class Selection{
+            /*
+            * Constructor for Selection class.
+            *
+            @param The pins connected to the joystick on the application board.
+            @return Nothing.
+            */
             Selection(PinName Center=p14, PinName Up=p15, PinName Down=p12, PinName Left=p13, PinName Right=p16);
+            /*
+            * Method that prompts user to select the opperating mode.
+            * Two modes available, slave and master.
+            *
+            @param Nothing.
+            @return A string containing the selected mode.
+            */
             string determineMode(void);
+            /*
+            * Method that prompts user to select the opperating id.
+            * The id can have a value between 100 and 110.
+            * Id is then passed to slave or master class according to operating mode.
+            *
+            @param Nothing.
+            @return An int containing the selected id.
+            */
             int determineId(void);