lib for working with ltc2991s

Dependents:   ece495_firmware

Fork of ltc2991_test by Logan Rooper

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for ltc2991_lib


LT_union_float_4bytes This union splits one float into four uint8_t's (8-bit unsigned integers) and vice versa
LT_union_int16_2bytes This union splits one int16_t (16-bit signed integer) or uint16_t (16-bit unsigned integer) into two uint8_t's (8-bit unsigned integers) and vice versa
LT_union_int32_4bytes This union splits one int32_t (32-bit signed integer) or uint32_t (32-bit unsigned integer) four uint8_t's (8-bit unsigned integers) and vice versa
LT_union_uint32_2uint16s This union splits one int32_t (32-bit signed integer) or uint32_t (32-bit unsigned integer) into two uint16_t's (16-bit unsigned integers) and vice versa
