
Dependencies:   mbed motor

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Feb 01 12:59:21 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+Simple Routine for Nucleo Board for ROCO103PP Buggy Motor COntrol and Microswitches
+Plymouth University
+M.Simpson 31st October 2016
+Editted 03/02/2017
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "motor.h"
+#include "tunes.h"
+#define TIME_PERIOD 2             //Constant compiler Values here 2 equates to 2ms or 500Hz base Frequency
+#define DUTY 0.9                  //DUTY of 1.0=100%, 0.4=40% etc.,
+DigitalIn microswitch1(D4);       //Instance of the DigitalIn class called 'microswitch1'
+DigitalIn microswitch2(D3);       //Instance of the DigitalIn class called 'microswitch2'
+Motor motor_A(D7,D8);             //Instances of the Motor Class see motor.h anf motor.cpp
+Motor motor_B(D9,D10);            //They must be connected to these ports D7,D8 & D9,D10
+DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON);  //USER_BUTTON is the Blue Button on the NUCLEO Board
+DigitalOut led(LED1);             //LED1 is the Green LED on the NUCLEO board
+                                  //N.B. The RED LED is the POWER Indicator
+                                  //and the Multicoloured LED indicates status of the ST-LINK Programming cycle
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX);           //Instance of the Serial class to enable much faster BAUD rates then standard 9600 i.e. 115200
+                                  //This is Pseudo RS232 over USB the NUCLEO will appear as a COMx Port see device Manager on PC used
+                                  //Use PuTTY to monitor check COMx and BAUD rate (115200)
+//The Following line is a Function Prototype
+int motor(float speedA, float speedB);    //call as motor('Speed of MotorA Left','Speed of MotorB Right')
+                                          //Where speed ranges from -1.0 to +1.0 inclusive rto give full reverse to full forward
+                                          //And of course 0.0 will stop the Motor
+//Variable 'duty' for programmer to use to vary speed as required set here to #define compiler constant see above
+float duty=DUTY;
+int main ()
+  pc.baud(115200);            //BAUD Rate to 115200
+  pc.printf("ROCO103PP Demonstration Robot Buggy Plymouth University 2016/17\n\r");
+  motor_A.Period_in_ms(TIME_PERIOD);    //Set frequency of the PWMs
+  motor_B.Period_in_ms(TIME_PERIOD);
+  //
+  //--------------------------- your strategy goes between the two dashed lines ---------------------------------------------   
+  //
+  motor(0.0f,0.0f);                     // Ensure Motors are stopped - For the curious, this function is defined at the end of this file.
+  close_encounter(1);                     //tune to play Announce start!
+  //twinkle(1);                                        //see tunes.h for alternatives or make your own!
+  //jingle_bells(1);
+    while(myButton==1)
+    {                                       //Wait here for USER Button (Blue) on Nucleo Board (goes to zero when pressed)
+        led=0;                                //and flash green LED whilst waiting
+        wait(0.1);
+        led=1; 
+        wait(0.1);
+    if(microswitch1==1)
+    {
+        pc.printf("Switch1 = %4.2fV\n\r",(float)microswitch1*3.3f);//printing value of microswitch1 in PuTTy window on PC
+                                                                  //NB this is a Digital Input and so returns a Boolean 1 or 0
+                                                                  //and so 'cast' the result into a 'float' type and multiply by 3.3!
+                                                                  // see the instruction doc on how to install putty.
+        tone1();
+    }
+    //Test Microswitches with two different tones see tunes.cpp tunes.h
+    if(microswitch2==1)
+    {
+        pc.printf("Switch 2 pressed\n\r");  //Another example of how to print a message telling about the program workings.
+                tone2();
+    }
+  }
+  while(true)                 //Repeat the following forever
+    {
+      motor(duty,duty);     //Start Moving forward 
+            while(microswitch1==0&&microswitch2==0){wait(0.05);} //short delay for debounce/noise
+      motor(0,0);         //STOP Motors
+      wait(0.1);          //Allow time for motors to stop
+            if(microswitch1==1)   //Execute the following code if microswitch1 is activated
+            { 
+                motor(0.0f,0.0f);   //Stop the Motors
+                tone1();
+                motor(-duty,-duty);
+                wait(2.0f);
+                motor(0,0);
+                wait(1.0f);
+                motor(-duty,duty);
+                wait(2.0f);
+                motor(0,0);
+                wait(1.0f);
+            }
+            if(microswitch2==1)   //Execute the following code if microswitch2 is activated
+            {
+                motor(0.0f,0.0f);   //Stop the Motors
+                tone2();
+                motor(-duty,-duty);
+                wait(2.0f);
+                motor(0,0);
+                wait(1.0f);
+                motor(duty,-duty);
+                wait(2.0f);
+                motor(0,0);
+                wait(1.0f);
+            }
+  }
+//Small function to control motors use as motor(1.0,-0.5) Motor A full speed forward Motor B half speed reversed
+int motor(float speedA, float speedB){
+   if(speedA>1.0f||speedA<-1.0f){ //CHECK speedA Value is in Range!
+      return -1;                  //return ERROR code -1=speedA Value out of range! EXIT Function
+   }
+   if(speedB>1.0f||speedA<-1.0f){ //CHECK speedB Value is in Range!
+      return -2;                  //return ERROR code -2=speedB Value out of range! EXIT Function
+   }
+   //If speed values have passed the checks above then the following code will be executed
+   if(speedA<0.0f){
+     motor_A.Rev(-speedA);
+   }
+   else{
+     motor_A.Fwd(speedA);
+   }
+   if(speedB<0.0f){
+     motor_B.Rev(-speedB);
+   }
+   else{
+     motor_B.Fwd(speedB);
+   }
+   return 0;                      //Return ERROR code Zero i.e. NO ERROR success!
+/*      //Consider these lines of code to Accelerate the motors
+//      for (float i=0.5f; i<=1.0f; i+=0.01f) //Accelerate  from 50% to 100%
+//      { 
+//        motor(i,i);
+//        wait(0.1f);
+//      }