Super lightweight, not at all robust, TFTP server for FRDM-K64F eval board.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of FRDM_K64F-Ethernet by Rangel Alvarado

Super lightweight, not at all robust, TFTP server for FRDM-K64F eval board. This tool supports read-only access to two files. It does not support NACK responses or timeouts. The tool is intended for use by our test department to check out Ethernet functionality on our main processor board.



File content as of revision 1:2944c0d494ff:

/* If you make any chnages to this file, then you must take the following steps.
**  1) compile and upload this program to FRDM-K64F
**  2) reset FRDM-K64F and wait for green light
**  3) connect FRDM-K64F and IPCU 2 to the same Ethernet switch
**  4) gain access to the IPCU 2 u-boot prompt
**  5) type 'run upenv' and press Enter
**  6) wait for green light
**  7) type 'run chkenv' and press Enter
       notice that there is an error, for example "byte at 0x0100033b (0x62) != byte at 0x0200033b (0x63)"
**  8) type 'md.b 2000x00 100' and press Enter
       replace the x with the base address in the error message
       in the example above the error was at 33b, so enter 'md.b 2000300 100' and press Enter
**  9) find the 'filesize' entry in the memory dump, and edit the filesize value below to match
** 10) repeat steps 1 through 7 above, this time there should be no error message
char *env_string[] = {
"addargs=setenv bootargs $bootargs ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gatewayip:$netmask:$hostname:$netdev:off console=$consoledev,$baudrate sdhci-of.max_clock=$sdclk\n",
"bootcmd=echo && echo This is a test environment. Must 'run upenv' against && echo production server to restore production environment.\n",
"chkenv=mw.b 1000000 0 1000 && tftpboot 1000000 $tftpdir/$ubootenv && mw.b 2000000 0 1000 && env export -t 2000000 && cmp.b 1000000 2000000 $filesize\n",
"doboot=bootm $loadaddr - $fdtaddr;\n",
"envimport=if mmc part 0 && fatload mmc 0:1 $loadaddr $ubootenv; then env -d import $loadaddr $filesize && saveenv; else echo \"Missing file: $ubootenv\"; fi'\n",
"flashhdboot=run sethdargs addargs;nand read $fdtaddr $dtboffset $dtbsize;nand read $loadaddr $kernoffset $kernsize; run doboot;\n",
"minimalboot=run setminimalargs addargs; nand read $fdtaddr $dtboffset $dtbsize; nand read $loadaddr $kernoffset $kernsize; run doboot;\n",
"nfsargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$serverip:$rootpath\n",
"nfsboot=run nfsargs addargs nfsget doboot;\n",
"nfsget=nfs $loadaddr $rootpath/boot/$bootfile; nfs $fdtaddr $rootpath/boot/$fdtfile;\n",
"ramboot=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw console=$consoledev,$baudrate;tftp $ramdiskaddr $tftpdir/$ramdiskfile;tftp $loadaddr $tftpdir/$bootfile;tftp $fdtaddr $tftpdir/$fdtfile;bootm $loadaddr $tftpdir/$ramdiskaddr $fdtaddr\n",
"sethdargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/$bootdrive rw\n",
"setminimalargs=setenv bootargs tftpserver=$serverip tftpdir=$tftpdir root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw rootfstype=jffs2\n",
"tftpkernel=setenv bootargs root=/dev/sda1 rw console=ttyS0,115200; tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$bootfile;tftpboot $fdtaddr $tftpdir/$fdtfile;run doboot\n",
"updtb=tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$fdtfile; nand erase $dtboffset $filesize; nand write $loadaddr $dtboffset $filesize;\n",
"upenv=if tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$ubootenv; then env import -d $loadaddr $filesize && saveenv; else echo \"Missing file: $ubootenv\"; fi\n",
"upflashfs=tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$flashfsfile; nand erase $flashfsoffset $flashfssize; nand write $loadaddr $flashfsoffset $filesize;\n",
"upkernel=tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$bootfile; nand erase $kernoffset $filesize; nand write $loadaddr $kernoffset $filesize;\n",
"upminimal=tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$minimalfsfile; nand erase $minimalfsoffset $minimalfssize; nand write $loadaddr $minimalfsoffset $filesize;\n",
"upuboot=if tftpboot $loadaddr $tftpdir/$uboot; then nand erase 0 $filesize; nand write $loadaddr 0 $filesize; fi\n",
"vtos=tftpboot 0x01000000 $tftpdir/vtos.ipcu.bin; go 0x01003000\n",
"\0" // end of table