
Dependencies:   mbed C12832 Servo RangeFinder Pulse

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include <MoistureSensor.h>
00003 #include "RangeFinder.h"
00004 #include <Motor_relay.h>
00005 #include "Servo.h"
00006 #include <C12832.h>
00008 int dry = 0.61;
00009 int wet = 0.37;
00010 moisture_sensor grove(p17);
00011 RangeFinder rf(p18, 10, 5800.0, 100000);
00012 DigitalOut led(LED1);
00013 MOTOR_RELAY motor_relay1(p22);
00014 MOTOR_RELAY motor_relay2(p21);
00015 Servo valve1(p23);
00016 Servo valve2(p24);
00017 C12832 mylcd(p5,p7,p6,p8,p11);
00018 #define on  1
00019 #define off 0
00020 int main (void)
00021 {
00023     float moisturevalue = 0.0f;
00024     float moisturepercentage = 0.0f;
00025     led = 1;
00026     float d;
00027     while (true) {
00029         moisturevalue =;
00030         moisturepercentage=(((moisturevalue- 0.37)/(0.61-0.37))*100);
00031         debug("Moisture reading is %2.2f percent dry\n\r",moisturepercentage);
00032         mylcd.locate(0,0);
00033         mylcd.printf("Moist: %.2f",moisturepercentage);
00035         wait(1.0f);
00037         d = rf.read_m();
00038         if (d == -1.0)  {
00039             printf("Timeout Error.\n\r");
00040         } else if (d > 5.0) {
00041             // Seeed's sensor has a maximum range of 4m, it returns
00042             // something like 7m if the ultrasound pulse isn't reflected.
00043             printf("No object within detection range.\n");
00044         } else  {
00045             printf("Distance = %f m.\n", d);
00046             mylcd.locate(0,10);
00047             mylcd.printf("Distance = %f m.\n", d);
00048         }
00049         wait(0.5);
00050         led = !led;
00053         if(moisturepercentage>80) {
00054             mylcd.locate(0,10);
00055             mylcd.printf("outletvalve:open pump:on");
00056             motor_relay1.SetMotor(1);
00057             valve1.position(0);
00058         }
00059         if(moisturepercentage<20) {
00060             mylcd.locate(0,10);
00061             mylcd.printf("outletvalve:close pump:off");
00062             motor_relay1.SetMotor(0);
00063             valve1.position(90);
00064         }
00065         if(20<moisturepercentage<80) {
00066             mylcd.locate(0,10);
00067             mylcd.printf("Moisture:ok pump:off");
00068             motor_relay1.SetMotor(0);
00069         }
00070         if (d>0.07 ) {
00071             mylcd.locate(0,20);
00072             mylcd.printf("inletvalve:open pump:on");
00073             motor_relay2.SetMotor(1);
00074             valve2.position(90);
00075         }
00076         if(d<0.02) {
00077             mylcd.locate(0,20);
00078             mylcd.printf("inletvalve:closed pump:off");
00079             motor_relay2.SetMotor(0);
00080             valve2.position(0);
00081         }
00082         if (0.02<d<0.07) {
00083             mylcd.locate(0,20);
00084             mylcd.printf("water level:ok pump:off");
00085             motor_relay2.SetMotor(0);
00086         }
00087     }
00088     return 0;
00089 }