Version 0.5.0 of tinydtls

Dependents:   tinydtls_test_cellular tinydtls_test_ethernet tiny-dtls

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dtls.h	Fri Oct 18 13:18:30 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+/* dtls -- a very basic DTLS implementation
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011--2013 Olaf Bergmann <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Hauke Mehrtens <>
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+ * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+ * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+ * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
+ * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+ * of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+ * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+ * @file dtls.h
+ * @brief High level DTLS API and visible structures. 
+ */
+#ifndef _DTLS_H_
+#define _DTLS_H_
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "t_list.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "peer.h"
+#include "uthash.h"
+#include "t_list.h"
+#endif /* WITH_CONTIKI */
+#include "alert.h"
+#include "crypto.h"
+#include "hmac.h"
+#include "global.h"
+#include "dtls_time.h"
+#ifndef DTLSv12
+#define DTLS_VERSION 0xfeff	/* DTLS v1.1 */
+#define DTLS_VERSION 0xfefd	/* DTLS v1.2 */
+/* This is the maximal supported length of the psk client identity and psk
+ * server identity hint */
+typedef struct dtls_psk_key_t {
+  unsigned char *id;     /**< psk identity */
+  size_t id_length;      /**< length of psk identity  */
+  unsigned char *key;    /**< key data */
+  size_t key_length;     /**< length of key */
+} dtls_psk_key_t;
+typedef struct dtls_ecdsa_key_t {
+  dtls_ecdh_curve curve;
+  const unsigned char *priv_key;	/** < private key as bytes > */
+  const unsigned char *pub_key_x;	/** < x part of the public key for the given private key > */
+  const unsigned char *pub_key_y;	/** < y part of the public key for the given private key > */
+} dtls_ecdsa_key_t;
+/** Length of the secret that is used for generating Hello Verify cookies. */
+struct dtls_context_t;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * This structure contains callback functions used by tinydtls to
+ * communicate with the application. At least the write function must
+ * be provided. It is called by the DTLS state machine to send packets
+ * over the network. The read function is invoked to deliver decrypted
+ * and verfified application data. The third callback is an event
+ * handler function that is called when alert messages are encountered
+ * or events generated by the library have occured.
+ */ 
+typedef struct {
+  /** 
+   * Called from dtls_handle_message() to send DTLS packets over the
+   * network. The callback function must use the network interface
+   * denoted by session->ifindex to send the data.
+   *
+   * @param ctx  The current DTLS context.
+   * @param session The session object, including the address of the
+   *              remote peer where the data shall be sent.
+   * @param buf  The data to send.
+   * @param len  The actual length of @p buf.
+   * @return The callback function must return the number of bytes 
+   *         that were sent, or a value less than zero to indicate an 
+   *         error.
+   */
+  int (*write)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+	       session_t *session, uint8 *buf, size_t len);
+  /** 
+   * Called from dtls_handle_message() deliver application data that was 
+   * received on the given session. The data is delivered only after
+   * decryption and verification have succeeded. 
+   *
+   * @param ctx  The current DTLS context.
+   * @param session The session object, including the address of the
+   *              data's origin. 
+   * @param buf  The received data packet.
+   * @param len  The actual length of @p buf.
+   * @return ignored
+   */
+  int (*read)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+	       session_t *session, uint8 *buf, size_t len);
+  /**
+   * The event handler is called when a message from the alert
+   * protocol is received or the state of the DTLS session changes.
+   *
+   * @param ctx     The current dtls context.
+   * @param session The session object that was affected.
+   * @param level   The alert level or @c 0 when an event ocurred that 
+   *                is not an alert. 
+   * @param code    Values less than @c 256 indicate alerts, while
+   *                @c 256 or greater indicate internal DTLS session changes.
+   * @return ignored
+   */
+  int (*event)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, 
+		dtls_alert_level_t level, unsigned short code);
+  /**
+   * Called during handshake to lookup the key for @p id in @p
+   * session. If found, the key must be stored in @p result and 
+   * the return value must be @c 0. If not found, @p result is 
+   * undefined and the return value must be less than zero.
+   * If PSK should not be supported, set this pointer to NULL.
+   *
+   * @param ctx     The current dtls context.
+   * @param session The session where the key will be used.
+   * @param id      The identity of the communicating peer. This value is
+   *                @c NULL when the DTLS engine requests the local
+   *                id/key pair to use for session setup.
+   * @param id_len  The actual length of @p id
+   * @param result  Must be set to the key object to use.for the given
+   *                session.
+   * @return @c 0 if result is set, or less than zero on error.
+   */
+  int (*get_psk_key)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+		     const session_t *session, 
+		     const unsigned char *id, size_t id_len, 
+		     const dtls_psk_key_t **result);
+  /**
+   * Called during handshake to get the server's or client's ecdsa
+   * key used to authenticate this server or client in this 
+   * session. If found, the key must be stored in @p result and 
+   * the return value must be @c 0. If not found, @p result is 
+   * undefined and the return value must be less than zero.
+   *
+   * If ECDSA should not be supported, set this pointer to NULL.
+   *
+   * Implement this if you want to provide your own certificate to 
+   * the other peer. This is mandatory for a server providing ECDSA
+   * support and optional for a client. A client doing DTLS client
+   * authentication has to implementing this callback.
+   *
+   * @param ctx     The current dtls context.
+   * @param session The session where the key will be used.
+   * @param result  Must be set to the key object to used for the given
+   *                session.
+   * @return @c 0 if result is set, or less than zero on error.
+   */
+  int (*get_ecdsa_key)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+		       const session_t *session,
+		       const dtls_ecdsa_key_t **result);
+  /**
+   * Called during handshake to check the peer's pubic key in this
+   * session. If the public key matches the session and should be
+   * considerated valid the return value must be @c 0. If not valid,
+   * the return value must be less than zero.
+   *
+   * If ECDSA should not be supported, set this pointer to NULL.
+   *
+   * Implement this if you want to verify the other peers public key.
+   * This is mandatory for a DTLS client doing based ECDSA
+   * authentication. A server implementing this will request the
+   * client to do DTLS client authentication.
+   *
+   * @param ctx          The current dtls context.
+   * @param session      The session where the key will be used.
+   * @param other_pub_x  x component of the public key.
+   * @param other_pub_y  y component of the public key.
+   * @return @c 0 if public key matches, or less than zero on error.
+   * error codes:
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_BAD_CERTIFICATE);
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_UNSUPPORTED_CERTIFICATE);
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_REVOKED);
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED);
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_CERTIFICATE_UNKNOWN);
+   *   return dtls_alert_fatal_create(DTLS_ALERT_UNKNOWN_CA);
+   */
+  int (*verify_ecdsa_key)(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+			  const session_t *session,
+			  const unsigned char *other_pub_x,
+			  const unsigned char *other_pub_y,
+			  size_t key_size);
+} dtls_handler_t;
+/** Holds global information of the DTLS engine. */
+typedef struct dtls_context_t {
+  unsigned char cookie_secret[DTLS_COOKIE_SECRET_LENGTH];
+  clock_time_t cookie_secret_age; /**< the time the secret has been generated */
+  dtls_peer_t *peers;		/**< peer hash map */
+#else /* WITH_CONTIKI */
+  LIST_STRUCT(peers);
+  struct etimer retransmit_timer; /**< fires when the next packet must be sent */
+#endif /* WITH_CONTIKI */
+  LIST_STRUCT(sendqueue);	/**< the packets to send */
+  void *app;			/**< application-specific data */
+  dtls_handler_t *h;		/**< callback handlers */
+  unsigned char readbuf[DTLS_MAX_BUF];
+} dtls_context_t;
+ * This function initializes the tinyDTLS memory management and must
+ * be called first.
+ */
+void dtls_init();
+ * Creates a new context object. The storage allocated for the new
+ * object must be released with dtls_free_context(). */
+dtls_context_t *dtls_new_context(void *app_data);
+/** Releases any storage that has been allocated for \p ctx. */
+void dtls_free_context(dtls_context_t *ctx);
+#define dtls_set_app_data(CTX,DATA) ((CTX)->app = (DATA))
+#define dtls_get_app_data(CTX) ((CTX)->app)
+/** Sets the callback handler object for @p ctx to @p h. */
+static inline void dtls_set_handler(dtls_context_t *ctx, dtls_handler_t *h) {
+  ctx->h = h;
+ * Establishes a DTLS channel with the specified remote peer @p dst.
+ * This function returns @c 0 if that channel already exists, a value
+ * greater than zero when a new ClientHello message was sent, and
+ * a value less than zero on error.
+ *
+ * @param ctx    The DTLS context to use.
+ * @param dst    The remote party to connect to.
+ * @return A value less than zero on error, greater or equal otherwise.
+ */
+int dtls_connect(dtls_context_t *ctx, const session_t *dst);
+ * Establishes a DTLS channel with the specified remote peer.
+ * This function returns @c 0 if that channel already exists, a value
+ * greater than zero when a new ClientHello message was sent, and
+ * a value less than zero on error.
+ *
+ * @param ctx    The DTLS context to use.
+ * @param peer   The peer object that describes the session.
+ * @return A value less than zero on error, greater or equal otherwise.
+ */
+int dtls_connect_peer(dtls_context_t *ctx, dtls_peer_t *peer);
+ * Closes the DTLS connection associated with @p remote. This function
+ * returns zero on success, and a value less than zero on error.
+ */
+int dtls_close(dtls_context_t *ctx, const session_t *remote);
+int dtls_renegotiate(dtls_context_t *ctx, const session_t *dst);
+ * Writes the application data given in @p buf to the peer specified
+ * by @p session. 
+ * 
+ * @param ctx      The DTLS context to use.
+ * @param session  The remote transport address and local interface.
+ * @param buf      The data to write.
+ * @param len      The actual length of @p data.
+ * 
+ * @return The number of bytes written or @c -1 on error.
+ */
+int dtls_write(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, 
+	       uint8 *buf, size_t len);
+ * Checks sendqueue of given DTLS context object for any outstanding
+ * packets to be transmitted. 
+ *
+ * @param context The DTLS context object to use.
+ * @param next    If not NULL, @p next is filled with the timestamp
+ *  of the next scheduled retransmission, or @c 0 when no packets are
+ *  waiting.
+ */
+void dtls_check_retransmit(dtls_context_t *context, clock_time_t *next);
+#define DTLS_CT_ALERT              21
+#define DTLS_CT_HANDSHAKE          22
+/** Generic header structure of the DTLS record layer. */
+typedef struct {
+  uint8 content_type;		/**< content type of the included message */
+  uint16 version;		/**< Protocol version */
+  uint16 epoch;		        /**< counter for cipher state changes */
+  uint48 sequence_number;       /**< sequence number */
+  uint16 length;		/**< length of the following fragment */
+  /* fragment */
+} dtls_record_header_t;
+/* Handshake types */
+#define DTLS_HT_HELLO_REQUEST        0
+#define DTLS_HT_CLIENT_HELLO         1
+#define DTLS_HT_SERVER_HELLO         2
+#define DTLS_HT_CERTIFICATE         11
+#define DTLS_HT_FINISHED            20
+/** Header structure for the DTLS handshake protocol. */
+typedef struct {
+  uint8 msg_type; /**< Type of handshake message  (one of DTLS_HT_) */
+  uint24 length;  /**< length of this message */
+  uint16 message_seq; 	/**< Message sequence number */
+  uint24 fragment_offset;	/**< Fragment offset. */
+  uint24 fragment_length;	/**< Fragment length. */
+  /* body */
+} dtls_handshake_header_t;
+/** Structure of the Client Hello message. */
+typedef struct {
+  uint16 version;	  /**< Client version */
+  uint32 gmt_random;	  /**< GMT time of the random byte creation */
+  unsigned char random[28];	/**< Client random bytes */
+  /* session id (up to 32 bytes) */
+  /* cookie (up to 32 bytes) */
+  /* cipher suite (2 to 2^16 -1 bytes) */
+  /* compression method */
+} dtls_client_hello_t;
+/** Structure of the Hello Verify Request. */
+typedef struct {
+  uint16 version;		/**< Server version */
+  uint8 cookie_length;	/**< Length of the included cookie */
+  uint8 cookie[];		/**< up to 32 bytes making up the cookie */
+} dtls_hello_verify_t;  
+#if 0
+ * Checks a received DTLS record for consistency and eventually decrypt,
+ * verify, decompress and reassemble the contained fragment for 
+ * delivery to high-lever clients. 
+ * 
+ * \param state The DTLS record state for the current session. 
+ * \param 
+ */
+int dtls_record_read(dtls_state_t *state, uint8 *msg, int msglen);
+ * Handles incoming data as DTLS message from given peer.
+ *
+ * @param ctx     The dtls context to use.
+ * @param session The current session
+ * @param msg     The received data
+ * @param msglen  The actual length of @p msg.
+ * @return A value less than zero on error, zero on success.
+ */
+int dtls_handle_message(dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session,
+			uint8 *msg, int msglen);
+ * Check if @p session is associated with a peer object in @p context.
+ * This function returns a pointer to the peer if found, NULL otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param context  The DTLS context to search.
+ * @param session  The remote address and local interface
+ * @return A pointer to the peer associated with @p session or NULL if
+ *  none exists.
+ */
+dtls_peer_t *dtls_get_peer(const dtls_context_t *context,
+			   const session_t *session);
+#endif /* _DTLS_H_ */
+ * @mainpage 
+ *
+ * @author Olaf Bergmann, TZI Uni Bremen
+ *
+ * This library provides a very simple datagram server with DTLS
+ * support. It is designed to support session multiplexing in
+ * single-threaded applications and thus targets specifically on
+ * embedded systems.
+ *
+ * @section license License
+ *
+ * This software is under the <a 
+ * href="">MIT License</a>.
+ * 
+ * @subsection uthash UTHash
+ *
+ * This library uses <a href="">uthash</a> to manage
+ * its peers (not used for Contiki). @b uthash uses the <b>BSD revised license</b>, see
+ * <a href=""></a>.
+ *
+ * @subsection sha256 Aaron D. Gifford's SHA256 Implementation
+ *
+ * tinyDTLS provides HMAC-SHA256 with BSD-licensed code from Aaron D. Gifford, 
+ * see <a href=""></a>.
+ *
+ * @subsection aes Rijndael Implementation From OpenBSD
+ *
+ * The AES implementation is taken from rijndael.{c,h} contained in the crypto 
+ * sub-system of the OpenBSD operating system. It is copyright by Vincent Rijmen, *
+ * Antoon Bosselaers and Paulo Barreto. See <a 
+ * href="">rijndael.c</a> 
+ * for License info.
+ *
+ * @section download Getting the Files
+ *
+ * You can get the sources either from the <a 
+ * href="">downloads</a> section or 
+ * through git from the <a 
+ * href="">project develop page</a>.
+ *
+ * @section config Configuration
+ *
+ * Use @c configure to set up everything for a successful build. For Contiki, use the
+ * option @c --with-contiki.
+ *
+ * @section build Building
+ *
+ * After configuration, just type 
+ * @code
+ * @endcode
+ * optionally followed by
+ * @code
+make install
+ * @endcode
+ * The Contiki version is integrated with the Contiki build system, hence you do not
+ * need to invoke @c make explicitely. Just add @c tinydtls to the variable @c APPS
+ * in your @c Makefile.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup dtls_usage DTLS Usage
+ *
+ * @section dtls_server_example DTLS Server Example
+ *
+ * This section shows how to use the DTLS library functions to setup a 
+ * simple secure UDP echo server. The application is responsible for the
+ * entire network communication and thus will look like a usual UDP
+ * server with socket creation and binding and a typical select-loop as
+ * shown below. The minimum configuration required for DTLS is the 
+ * creation of the dtls_context_t using dtls_new_context(), and a callback
+ * for sending data. Received packets are read by the application and
+ * passed to dtls_handle_message() as shown in @ref dtls_read_cb. 
+ * For any useful communication to happen, read and write call backs 
+ * and a key management function should be registered as well. 
+ * 
+ * @code 
+ dtls_context_t *the_context = NULL;
+ int fd, result;
+ static dtls_handler_t cb = {
+   .write = send_to_peer,
+   .read  = read_from_peer,
+   .event = NULL,
+   .get_psk_key = get_psk_key
+ };
+ fd = socket(...);
+ if (fd < 0 || bind(fd, ...) < 0)
+   exit(-1);
+ the_context = dtls_new_context(&fd);
+ dtls_set_handler(the_context, &cb);
+ while (1) {
+   ...initialize fd_set rfds and timeout ...
+   result = select(fd+1, &rfds, NULL, 0, NULL);
+   if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rfds))
+     dtls_handle_read(the_context);
+ }
+ dtls_free_context(the_context);
+ * @endcode
+ * 
+ * @subsection dtls_read_cb The Read Callback
+ *
+ * The DTLS library expects received raw data to be passed to
+ * dtls_handle_message(). The application is responsible for
+ * filling a session_t structure with the address data of the
+ * remote peer as illustrated by the following example:
+ * 
+ * @code
+int dtls_handle_read(struct dtls_context_t *ctx) {
+  int *fd;
+  session_t session;
+  static uint8 buf[DTLS_MAX_BUF];
+  int len;
+  fd = dtls_get_app_data(ctx);
+  assert(fd);
+  session.size = sizeof(session.addr);
+  len = recvfrom(*fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0, &, &session.size);
+  return len < 0 ? len : dtls_handle_message(ctx, &session, buf, len);
+ * @endcode 
+ * 
+ * Once a new DTLS session was established and DTLS ApplicationData has been
+ * received, the DTLS server invokes the read callback with the MAC-verified 
+ * cleartext data as its argument. A read callback for a simple echo server
+ * could look like this:
+ * @code
+int read_from_peer(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, uint8 *data, size_t len) {
+  return dtls_write(ctx, session, data, len);
+ * @endcode 
+ * 
+ * @subsection dtls_send_cb The Send Callback
+ * 
+ * The callback function send_to_peer() is called whenever data must be
+ * sent over the network. Here, the sendto() system call is used to
+ * transmit data within the given session. The socket descriptor required
+ * by sendto() has been registered as application data when the DTLS context
+ * was created with dtls_new_context().
+ * Note that it is on the application to buffer the data when it cannot be
+ * sent at the time this callback is invoked. The following example thus
+ * is incomplete as it would have to deal with EAGAIN somehow.
+ * @code
+int send_to_peer(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, uint8 *data, size_t len) {
+  int fd = *(int *)dtls_get_app_data(ctx);
+  return sendto(fd, data, len, MSG_DONTWAIT, &session->, session->size);
+ * @endcode
+ * 
+ * @subsection dtls_get_psk_key The Key Storage
+ *
+ * When a new DTLS session is created, the library must ask the application
+ * for keying material. To do so, it invokes the registered call-back function
+ * get_psk_key() with the current context and session information as parameter.
+ * When the function is called with the @p id parameter set, the result must
+ * point to a dtls_psk_key_t structure for the given identity. When @p id is 
+ * @c NULL, the function must pick a suitable identity and return a pointer to
+ * the corresponding dtls_psk_key_t structure. The following example shows a
+ * simple key storage for a pre-shared key for @c Client_identity:
+ * 
+ * @code
+int get_psk_key(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, 
+		const session_t *session, 
+		const unsigned char *id, size_t id_len, 
+		const dtls_psk_key_t **result) {
+  static const dtls_psk_key_t psk = {
+    .id = (unsigned char *)"my identity", 
+    .id_length = 11,
+    .key = (unsigned char *)"secret", 
+    .key_length = 6
+  };
+  *result = &psk;
+  return 0;
+ * @endcode
+ * 
+ * @subsection dtls_events The Event Notifier
+ *
+ * Applications that want to be notified whenever the status of a DTLS session
+ * has changed can register an event handling function with the field @c event
+ * in the dtls_handler_t structure (see \ref dtls_server_example). The call-back
+ * function is called for alert messages and internal state changes. For alert
+ * messages, the argument @p level will be set to a value greate than zero, and
+ * @p code will indicate the notification code. For internal events, @p level
+ * is @c 0, and @p code a value greater than @c 255. 
+ *
+ * Currently, the only defined internal event is @c DTLS_EVENT_CONNECTED. It
+ * indicates successful establishment of a new DTLS channel.
+ *
+ * @code
+int handle_event(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, 
+                 dtls_alert_level_t level, unsigned short code) {
+  ... do something with event ...
+  return 0;
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @section dtls_client_example DTLS Client Example
+ *
+ * A DTLS client is constructed like a server but needs to actively setup
+ * a new session by calling dtls_connect() at some point. As this function
+ * usually returns before the new DTLS channel is established, the application
+ * must register an event handler and wait for @c DTLS_EVENT_CONNECT before
+ * it can send data over the DTLS channel.
+ *
+ */
+ * @addtogroup contiki Contiki
+ *
+ * To use tinyDTLS as Contiki application, place the source code in the directory 
+ * @c apps/tinydtls in the Contiki source tree and invoke configure with the option
+ * @c --with-contiki. This will create the tinydtls Makefile and config.h from the
+ * templates @c Makefile.contiki and @c config.h.contiki instead of the usual 
+ * templates ending in @c .in.
+ *
+ * Then, create a Contiki project with @c APPS += tinydtls in its Makefile. A sample
+ * server could look like this (with read_from_peer() and get_psk_key() as shown above).
+ *
+ * @code
+#include "contiki.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "dtls.h"
+#define UIP_IP_BUF   ((struct uip_ip_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLH_LEN])
+#define UIP_UDP_BUF  ((struct uip_udp_hdr *)&uip_buf[UIP_LLIPH_LEN])
+int send_to_peer(struct dtls_context_t *, session_t *, uint8 *, size_t);
+static struct uip_udp_conn *server_conn;
+static dtls_context_t *dtls_context;
+static dtls_handler_t cb = {
+  .write = send_to_peer,
+  .read  = read_from_peer,
+  .event = NULL,
+  .get_psk_key = get_psk_key
+PROCESS(server_process, "DTLS server process");
+PROCESS_THREAD(server_process, ev, data)
+  dtls_init();
+  server_conn = udp_new(NULL, 0, NULL);
+  udp_bind(server_conn, UIP_HTONS(5684));
+  dtls_context = dtls_new_context(server_conn);
+  if (!dtls_context) {
+    dsrv_log(LOG_EMERG, "cannot create context\n");
+  }
+  dtls_set_handler(dtls_context, &cb);
+  while(1) {
+    if(ev == tcpip_event && uip_newdata()) {
+      session_t session;
+      uip_ipaddr_copy(&session.addr, &UIP_IP_BUF->srcipaddr);
+      session.port = UIP_UDP_BUF->srcport;
+      session.size = sizeof(session.addr) + sizeof(session.port);
+      dtls_handle_message(ctx, &session, uip_appdata, uip_datalen());
+    }
+  }
+int send_to_peer(struct dtls_context_t *ctx, session_t *session, uint8 *data, size_t len) {
+  struct uip_udp_conn *conn = (struct uip_udp_conn *)dtls_get_app_data(ctx);
+  uip_ipaddr_copy(&conn->ripaddr, &session->addr);
+  conn->rport = session->port;
+  uip_udp_packet_send(conn, data, len);
+  memset(&conn->ripaddr, 0, sizeof(server_conn->ripaddr));
+  memset(&conn->rport, 0, sizeof(conn->rport));
+  return len;
+ * @endcode
+ */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
\ No newline at end of file