
Dependencies:   FastPWM HCSR04 NeoStrip mbed

Fork of AdrianLysShow by Gert Lauritsen

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jan 28 12:40:41 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

FastPWM.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r dcef095e5883 -r d6beb054bef4 FastPWM.lib
--- a/FastPWM.lib	Tue Sep 08 15:23:32 2015 +0000
+++ b/FastPWM.lib	Thu Jan 28 12:40:41 2016 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
diff -r dcef095e5883 -r d6beb054bef4 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Sep 08 15:23:32 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 28 12:40:41 2016 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 int SectionSize[8]= {500,343,285,270,395,443,16,16};
 int N=2268;
+int CombinedSectionSize[] = {121, 61, 36, 40+90, 152, 120, 122, 40+61, 169+36, 38+39, 37+39, 124, 37+35, 60, 91+94, 61, 89, 152+17, 122, 149}; // Sliser der hænger sammen er i samme section 
 int TimeToNet=0;
 int CallAgain=0;
 bool ThereAreSomeThing=0;
@@ -128,6 +130,78 @@
+/*void updateInactive()
+    int LEDNr=0;
+    for (int j=0; j<sizeof(CombinedSectionSize)/sizeof(*CombinedSectionSize); j++) {
+        for (int i=0; i<CombinedSectionSize[j]; i++) {
+            if (j == whichSectionToShow) {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,color[0],color[1],color[2]);
+            } else {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,0,0,0);
+            }
+            LEDNr++;
+            strip.setPixel(182,0,0,0);
+            strip.setPixel(1048,0,0,0);
+        }
+    }
+    strip.write();    
+void updateInactiveSection(int whichSectionToShow)
+    int offset = 0;
+    for (int i=0; i<whichSectionToShow; i++) {
+        offset += CombinedSectionSize[i];   
+    }
+    int LEDNr=offset;
+        for (int i=0; i<CombinedSectionSize[whichSectionToShow]; i++) {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,color[0],color[1],color[2]);
+            LEDNr++;
+            strip.setPixel(182,0,0,0);
+            strip.setPixel(1048,0,0,0);
+        }
+    strip.write();    
+void updateInactiveSections(int section1, int section2, int section3, int section4, int section5)
+    int LEDNr=0;
+    for (int j=0; j<sizeof(CombinedSectionSize)/sizeof(*CombinedSectionSize); j++) {
+        for (int i=0; i<CombinedSectionSize[j]; i++) {
+            if ((section1 > -1 && j == section1) || (section2 > -1 && j == section2) || (section3 > -1 && j == section3) || (section4 > -1 && j == section4) || (section5 > -1 && j == section5)) {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,color[0],color[1],color[2]);
+            } else {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,0,0,0);
+            }
+            LEDNr++;
+            strip.setPixel(182,0,0,0);
+            strip.setPixel(1048,0,0,0);
+        }
+    }
+    strip.write();    
+void updateSections(int section1, int section2, int section3)
+    int LEDNr=0;
+    for (int j=0; j<sizeof(SectionSize)/sizeof(*SectionSize); j++) {
+        for (int i=0; i<SectionSize[j]; i++) {
+            if ((section1 > -1 && j == section1) || (section2 > -1 && j == section2) || (section3 > -1 && j == section3)) {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,color[0],color[1],color[2]);
+            } else {
+                strip.setPixel(LEDNr,0,0,0);
+            }
+            LEDNr++;
+            strip.setPixel(182,0,0,0);
+            strip.setPixel(1048,0,0,0);
+        }
+    }
+    strip.write();    
 void ReadColorFactor()
     LocalFileSystem local("local");               // Create the local filesystem under the name "local"
@@ -345,6 +419,72 @@
+bool AreSame(float a, float b)
+    return fabs(a - b) < 0.04f;
+void setGroup(int i) {
+    switch (i) {
+        case 0:
+            updateInactiveSections(0, 17, 14, 2, 5);
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            updateInactiveSections(4, 13, 19, 18, 0);
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            updateInactiveSections(16, 7, 1, 10, 3);
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            updateInactiveSections(3, 9, 18, 8, 11);
+            break;
+        case 4:
+            updateInactiveSections(8, 11, 15, 6, 0);
+            break;
+        case 5:
+            updateInactiveSections(12, 3, 11, 16, 5);
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            updateInactiveSections(5, 6, 16, 15, 7);
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            updateInactiveSections(15, 10, 14, 2, 19);
+            break;
+        case 8:
+            updateInactiveSections(19, 1, 11, 13, 4);
+            break;
+        case 9:
+            updateInactiveSections(3, 12, 0, 8, 9);
+            break;
+        case 10:
+            strip.setBrightness(0.85f);
+            for (int j=0; j<sizeof(CombinedSectionSize)/sizeof(*CombinedSectionSize); j++) {
+                updateInactiveSections(j, -1, -1, -1, -1);
+                wait_ms(300);
+            }
+            break;
+        case 11:
+            strip.setBrightness(0.7f);
+            for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
+                for (int j=0; j<6; j++) {
+                    if (j == 4) { // brightness for section 4 (old sections) only.
+                        strip.setBrightness(0.5f);
+                    }
+                    if (j == 5) { // sets to normal again immediatly after section 4
+                        strip.setBrightness(0.7f);
+                    }
+                    updateSections(j, -1, -1);
+                    wait_ms(500);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        case 12:
+            SetAllOn();
+            break;
+    }
 int main()
@@ -364,26 +504,114 @@
     strip.setBrightness(bright);    // set default brightness
+    float brightness = 0.0f;
+    strip.setBrightness(brightness);
+    bool fadein = true;
+    bool hold = false;
+    float holdTime = 0.0f;
+    int groupSelected = 0;
+    bool lysshow = true;
     while(1) {
-        if (ThereAreSomeThing) ThereAreNothing=0; else ThereAreNothing++;
-        if (ThereAreNothing>6000) { //5 minutter ingenting
-          InAktive=2; //Inaktiv på den måde at denskal lave noget         
+        if (ThereAreSomeThing) {
+            ThereAreNothing=0; 
+        }
+        else {
+            ThereAreNothing++;
+        }
+        if (ThereAreNothing>0) { //5 minutter ingenting før var den 6000. 100 = 5 sekunder
+            InAktive= true; //Inaktiv på den måde at denskal lave noget        
-        if ((ThereAreSomeThing==0) && (InAktive==2)) InAktive=0; //gå tilbage til almindeligt mode
-        if (InAktive) {
-            if (TimeToNet) TimeToNet--;
+        /*if ((ThereAreSomeThing==0) && (InAktive)) {
+            InAktive=false; //gå tilbage til almindeligt mode
+            printf("Something\n");
+        }*/
+        if (ThereAreSomeThing && InAktive) {
+            /*InAktive=false; //gå tilbage til almindeligt mode
+            fadein = true;
+            hold = false;
+            holdTime = 0.0f;
+            brightness = 0.0f;
+            strip.setBrightness(brightness);
+            SetAll(0.0f);
+            printf("Something\n");*/
+        }
+        //if (InAktive) {
+        //    printf("Inaktive");
+        if (lysshow) {
+            /*if (TimeToNet) TimeToNet--;
             if ((InAktive==2) && (TimeToNet==0)) { //gør noget
               LED[rand() % 6]=1; //Tænder for en tilfældig
               //Der skal gå et stykke tid
               TimeToNet=60; //3 sek
-            }    
+            }*/
+            //SetAllOn();
+            //updateInactive();
+            //strip.setBrightness(0.35f); 
+            if ((groupSelected == 10) || (groupSelected == 11) || AreSame(holdTime, 0.35f) ) { //Reset if hold time is reached or after whirl effect
+                fadein = true;
+                hold = false;
+                holdTime = 0.0f;
+                brightness = 0.0f;
+                strip.setBrightness(brightness);
+                int groupSelectedNew = rand() % 12; // normal is 15
+                while(groupSelectedNew == groupSelected) { //set new 
+                    groupSelectedNew = rand() % 12; // normal is 15
+                }
+                if ((groupSelectedNew == 13) && (groupSelectedNew == 14)) groupSelectedNew = 12; //Same effect with tri probability
+                groupSelected = groupSelectedNew;
+                printf("Case %d\r\n", groupSelected);
+                SetAll(0.0f);
+            }
+            setGroup(groupSelected);
+            if ((groupSelected == 12 && AreSame(brightness, 0.19f)) ||  //|| AreSame(brightness, 0.6f)) { //normal på 0.8
+                (groupSelected == 0 && AreSame(brightness, 0.28f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 1 && AreSame(brightness, 0.20f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 2 && AreSame(brightness, 0.30f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 3 && AreSame(brightness, 0.25f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 4 && AreSame(brightness, 0.30f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 5 && AreSame(brightness, 0.20f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 6 && AreSame(brightness, 0.33f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 7 && AreSame(brightness, 0.22f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 8 && AreSame(brightness, 0.20f)) ||
+                (groupSelected == 9 && AreSame(brightness, 0.30f))) { //Individual group brightness
+                fadein = false;
+                hold = true;
+            } 
+            if (fadein) {
+                //brightness += 0.013f;
+                brightness += 0.037f;
+            }
+            if (!fadein && hold && (groupSelected == 12)) {
+                holdTime += 0.01f;
+            } else if (!fadein && hold) {
+                holdTime += 0.05f;
+            }
+            //printf("%f\n", brightness);
+            strip.setBrightness(brightness);
-        if (InAktive==0) {
+        if (!InAktive) {
@@ -417,9 +645,18 @@
                     //case 'a':  InAktive=1;     break;
                 case 'k': {
-                    InAktive=1;
-                    SetAllOn();
-                    printf("All On !!!!\r\n");
+                    if (lysshow) {
+                        lysshow = false;
+                        InAktive=1;
+                        strip.setBrightness(1.0);
+                        SetAllOn();
+                        printf("All On 100% birghtness!!!!\r\n");
+                    } else {
+                        lysshow = true;
+                        InAktive=0;
+                        strip.setBrightness(0.2);
+                        printf("Continuing normal lightshow!!!!\r\n");  
+                    }
                 case 'K':