A implementation of a simple bomberman game

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player

Fork of rtos_basic by mbed official

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00001 class Nav_Switch
00002 {
00003 public:
00004     Nav_Switch(PinName up,PinName down,PinName left,PinName right,PinName fire);
00005     int read();
00006 //boolean functions to test each switch
00007     bool up();
00008     bool down();
00009     bool left();
00010     bool right();
00011     bool fire();
00012 //automatic read on RHS
00013     operator int ();
00014 //index to any switch array style
00015     bool operator[](int index) {
00016         return _pins[index];
00017     };
00018 private:
00019     BusIn _pins;
00020 };
00022 Nav_Switch::Nav_Switch (PinName up,PinName down,PinName left,PinName right,PinName fire):
00023     _pins(up, down, left, right, fire)
00024 {
00025     _pins.mode(PullUp); //needed if pullups not on board or a bare nav switch is used - delete otherwise
00026     wait(0.001); //delays just a bit for pullups to pull inputs high
00027 }
00028 inline bool Nav_Switch::up()
00029 {
00030     return !(_pins[0]);
00031 }
00032 inline bool Nav_Switch::down()
00033 {
00034     return !(_pins[1]);
00035 }
00036 inline bool Nav_Switch::left()
00037 {
00038     return !(_pins[2]);
00039 }
00040 inline bool Nav_Switch::right()
00041 {
00042     return !(_pins[3]);
00043 }
00044 inline bool Nav_Switch::fire()
00045 {
00046     return !(_pins[4]);
00047 }
00048 inline int Nav_Switch::read()
00049 {
00050     return _pins.read();
00051 }
00052 inline Nav_Switch::operator int ()
00053 {
00054     return _pins.read();
00055 }