Common stuff for all my devices' web server pages: css, login, log, ipv4, ipv6, firmware update, clock, reset info etc.

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00001 #include "http.h"
00002 #include "web-server-base.h"
00003 #include "web-server-this.h"
00004 #include "web.h"
00005 #include "web-pages-base.h"
00006 #include "http-connection.h"
00007 #include "log.h"
00008 #include "mstimer.h"
00010 #define LOGIN_DELAY_MS 200
00012 #define DO_LOGIN DO_SERVER + 0
00014 bool WebTrace = false;
00016 int WebDecideWhatToDo(char *pPath, char* pLastModified)
00017 {
00018     if (HttpSameStr(pPath, "/login")) return DO_LOGIN;
00020     int todo;
00021     todo = WebServerBaseDecideWhatToDo(pPath, pLastModified); if (todo != DO_NOT_FOUND) return todo;
00022     todo = WebServerThisDecideWhatToDo(pPath, pLastModified); if (todo != DO_NOT_FOUND) return todo;
00023     return DO_NOT_FOUND;
00024 }
00025 int WebHandleQuery(char* pQuery, char* pCookies, int* pTodo, uint32_t* pDelayUntil) //return -1 on stop; 0 on continue
00026 {
00027     //If what to do is NOTHING, NOT_FOUND or NOT_MODIFIED then no query or post will be valid so stop now
00028     if (*pTodo < DO_LOGIN) return -1;
00030     //If what to do is LOGIN then the user has just returned the login form
00031     if (*pTodo == DO_LOGIN)
00032     {
00033         WebLoginQuery(pQuery);                    //Read the password and the original location
00034         if (WebLoginQueryPasswordOk)
00035         {
00036             if (!WebLoginSessionIdIsSet())           //If there isn't a session id already
00037             {
00038                 WebLoginSessionIdNew();              //Create a new session id
00039             }
00040             *pTodo =  WebLoginOriginalToDo;          //Load the original todo and SEND_SESSION_ID
00041             *pTodo += DO_SEND_SESSION_ID;
00042         }
00043         *pDelayUntil = MsTimerCount + LOGIN_DELAY_MS; //To prevent brute forcing the hash delay the reply to the login
00044         return -1;                                    //Either way no query or post will be valid
00045     }
00047     //Have a normal request so authenticate
00048     if (!WebLoginCookiesContainValidSessionId(pCookies))
00049     {
00050         WebLoginOriginalToDo = *pTodo; //Record the original destination for redirection
00051         *pTodo = DO_LOGIN;
00052         return -1; //Ignore any query or post as the user is not authenticated
00053     }
00055     if (WebServerBaseHandleQuery(*pTodo, pQuery)) return 0;
00056     if (WebServerThisHandleQuery(*pTodo, pQuery)) return 0;
00057     return 0;
00058 }
00059 void WebHandlePost(int todo, int contentLength, int contentStart, int size, char* pRequestStream, uint32_t positionInRequestStream, bool* pComplete)
00060 {
00061     if (WebServerBasePost(todo, contentLength, contentStart, size, pRequestStream, positionInRequestStream, pComplete)) return;
00062     if (WebServerThisPost(todo, contentLength, contentStart, size, pRequestStream, positionInRequestStream, pComplete)) return;
00063     *pComplete = true;
00064 }
00066 void WebAddResponse(int todo)
00067 {
00068     //Check if todo includes the need to send a cookie
00069     if (todo >= DO_SEND_SESSION_ID)
00070     {
00071         HttpOkCookieName   = WebLoginSessionNameGet();
00072         HttpOkCookieValue  = WebLoginSessionIdGet();
00073         HttpOkCookieMaxAge = WebLoginSessionNameLife();
00074         todo -= DO_SEND_SESSION_ID;
00075     }
00076     else
00077     {
00078         HttpOkCookieName   = NULL;
00079         HttpOkCookieValue  = NULL;
00080         HttpOkCookieMaxAge = -1;
00081     }
00083     //Try all the base modules
00084     switch (todo)
00085     {
00086         case DO_LOGIN:           WebLoginHtml     (); return;
00087         case DO_NOT_FOUND:       HttpNotFound     (); return;
00088         case DO_NOT_MODIFIED:    HttpNotModified  (); return;
00089     }
00091     //If not called then call the derived (child) module
00092     if (WebServerBaseReply(todo)) return;
00093     if (WebServerThisReply(todo)) return;
00094 }
00096 void WebInit()
00097 {   
00098     WebLoginInit();  
00099 }