Common stuff for all my devices' web server pages: css, login, log, ipv4, ipv6, firmware update, clock, reset info etc.

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00001 "//Clock class\n"
00002 "'use strict';\n"
00003 "\n"
00004 "class Clock\n"
00005 "{\n"
00006 "    constructor()\n"
00007 "    {\n"
00008 "        this.leapEnable  = false;\n"
00009 "        this.leapForward = false;\n"
00010 "        this.leapMonth   = 0;\n"
00011 "        this.leapYear    = 0;\n"
00012 "        this.leaps       = 0;\n"
00013 "          = 0;\n"
00014 "    }\n"
00015 "    \n"
00016 "    set months1970(value)\n"
00017 "    {\n"
00018 "        this.leapMonth   =  value                   % 12;\n"
00019 "        this.leapYear    = (value - this.leapMonth) / 12;\n"
00020 "        this.leapMonth  += 1;\n"
00021 "        this.leapYear   += 1970;\n"
00022 "    }\n"
00023 "    get months1970()\n"
00024 "    {\n"
00025 "        if (this.leapYear  <= 0) return 0;\n"
00026 "        if (this.leapMonth <= 0) return 0;\n"
00027 "        return (this.leapYear - 1970) * 12 + this.leapMonth - 1;\n"
00028 "    }\n"
00029 "    \n"
00030 "    formatNumbers00(i)\n"
00031 "    {\n"
00032 "       if (i < 10) return '0' + i;\n"
00033 "       return i;\n"
00034 "    }\n"
00035 "    formatDayOfWeek(wday)\n"
00036 "    {\n"
00037 "        switch(wday)\n"
00038 "        {\n"
00039 "            case  0: return 'Sun';\n"
00040 "            case  1: return 'Mon';\n"
00041 "            case  2: return 'Tue';\n"
00042 "            case  3: return 'Wed';\n"
00043 "            case  4: return 'Thu';\n"
00044 "            case  5: return 'Fri';\n"
00045 "            case  6: return 'Sat';\n"
00046 "            default: return '---';\n"
00047 "        }\n"
00048 "    }\n"
00049 "    adjustLeap(baseMs)\n"
00050 "    {\n"
00051 "        if ( == 0) return; //Don't attempt to adjust an invalid time\n"
00052 "        \n"
00053 "        if (!this.leapEnable) return; // Adjustment disabled\n"
00054 "        \n"
00055 "        //Get the calander date and time from the ms\n"
00056 "        let now       = + baseMs;\n"
00057 "        let leapStart = Date.UTC(this.leapYear, this.leapMonth - 1, 1, 0, 0, this.leapForward ? 0: -1);\n"
00058 "        \n"
00059 "        if (now < leapStart) return; //Do nothing until reached the leap start\n"
00060 "        \n"
00061 "        if (this.leapForward) { -= 1000; this.leaps += 1; } //repeat 59\n"
00062 "        else                  { += 1000; this.leaps -= 1; } //skip   59\n"
00063 "        \n"
00064 "        this.leapEnable = false;\n"
00065 "    }\n"
00066 "    displayTime(baseMs)\n"
00067 "    {\n"
00068 "        if ( == 0) return; //Don't attempt to display an invalid time\n"
00069 "        \n"
00070 "        //Get the calander date and time from the ms\n"
00071 "        let now = new Date( + baseMs);\n"
00072 "        let   y = now.getUTCFullYear();\n"
00073 "        let   n = now.getUTCMonth   () + 1;\n"
00074 "        let   d = now.getUTCDate    ();\n"
00075 "        let   w = now.getUTCDay     (); // 0 == Sunday\n"
00076 "        let   h = now.getUTCHours   ();\n"
00077 "        let   m = now.getUTCMinutes ();\n"
00078 "        let   s = now.getUTCSeconds ();\n"
00079 "        \n"
00080 "        //Format time\n"
00081 "        n = this.formatNumbers00(n);\n"
00082 "        d = this.formatNumbers00(d);\n"
00083 "        h = this.formatNumbers00(h);\n"
00084 "        m = this.formatNumbers00(m);\n"
00085 "        s = this.formatNumbers00(s);\n"
00086 "        w = this.formatDayOfWeek(w);\n"
00087 "        \n"
00088 "        //Display time\n"
00089 "        let elem;\n"
00090 "        elem = document.getElementById('ajax-date-utc');\n"
00091 "        if (elem) elem.textContent = y + '-' + n + '-' + d + ' ' + w + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s + ' TAI-UTC=' + this.leaps;\n"
00092 "    \n"
00093 "        elem = document.getElementById('ajax-date-pc');\n"
00094 "        let options = \n"
00095 "        {\n"
00096 "            year:         'numeric',\n"
00097 "            month:        'short',\n"
00098 "            day:          '2-digit',\n"
00099 "            weekday:      'short',\n"
00100 "            hour:         '2-digit',\n"
00101 "            minute:       '2-digit',\n"
00102 "            second:       '2-digit',\n"
00103 "            timeZoneName: 'short'\n"
00104 "        };\n"
00105 "        if (elem) elem.textContent = now.toLocaleString(undefined, options);\n"
00106 "    }\n"
00107 "}\n"
00108 ""