Controls the central heating system and the lights.

Dependencies:   1-wire clock crypto fram log lpc1768 net web wiz mbed

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00001 #include <stdbool.h>
00004 #include "gpio.h"
00005 #include "radiator.h"
00006 #include "program.h"
00007 #include "mstimer.h"
00008 #include "hall-pb.h"
00010 #define HALL_LED_DIR FIO0DIR(10) // P0.10 == p28;
00011 #define HALL_LED_PIN FIO0PIN(10)
00012 #define HALL_LED_SET FIO0SET(10)
00013 #define HALL_LED_CLR FIO0CLR(10)
00015 #define    POSITIVE_FLASH_MS   100
00016 #define    NEGATIVE_FLASH_MS   500
00018 void HallLedInit()
00019 {
00020     HALL_LED_DIR = 1; //Set the direction to 1 == output
00021 }
00022 void HallLedMain()
00023 {
00024     static uint32_t hallLedFlashMsTimer = 0;
00025     if (HallPbOverrideMode)
00026     {
00027         if (RadiatorsOn) HALL_LED_SET; else HALL_LED_CLR;
00028         hallLedFlashMsTimer = MsTimerCount;
00029     }
00030     else
00031     {
00032         int flashRate = RadiatorGetHotWaterProtectOn() ? POSITIVE_FLASH_MS : NEGATIVE_FLASH_MS;
00033         if (MsTimerRepetitive(&hallLedFlashMsTimer, flashRate))
00034         {
00035             static bool flash = false;
00036             flash = !flash;
00037             if (flash) HALL_LED_SET; else HALL_LED_CLR;
00038         }
00039     }
00040 }