Driving MBED from Java
In SerialDriverTest there is a an MBED test-program that supports the Java API framework implemented by the following code:
package org.webpki.io.serial; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Hashtable; import gnu.io.CommPort; import gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier; import gnu.io.SerialPort; /** * This class implements a serial-port-based API between a PC and * an embedded device. */ public abstract class SerialDeviceDriver { private static final int DEVICE_INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH = 40000; private static final int STANDARD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 10000; private static final int CHARACTER_BY_CHARACTER_TIMEOUT = 100; private static final int RETURN_STATUS_OK = 0; private static Hashtable _ports = new Hashtable (); private String _port; private int _baud_rate; private Object _port_lock; private SerialPort _serial_port; private OutputStream _serial_out; private InputStream _serial_in; private String _error_string; private int _return_status; private String _last_log_message; protected SerialDeviceDriver (String port, int baud_rate) { this._port = port; this._baud_rate = baud_rate; synchronized (_ports) { if (_ports.containsValue (_ports)) { _port_lock = _ports.get (_port); } else { _ports.put (port, _port_lock = new Object ()); } } } public String getErrorString () { return _error_string; } public int getLastStatus () { return _return_status; } public String getOptionalLogMessage () { return _last_log_message; } public static final class OutputBuffer { SerialDeviceDriver _serial_device_driver; byte[] buffer; int length; boolean make_output_too_short; // For testing purposes only public OutputBuffer (SerialDeviceDriver serial_device_driver) { this._serial_device_driver = serial_device_driver; buffer = new byte[DEVICE_INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH]; } private OutputBuffer add (byte[] parameter) throws IOException { if (length + parameter.length >= DEVICE_INPUT_BUFFER_LENGTH) { throw new IOException ("Device input buffer exceeded!"); } System.arraycopy (parameter, 0, buffer, length, parameter.length); length += parameter.length; return this; } public InputBuffer sendBuffer (InputBuffer input) throws IOException { _serial_device_driver._return_status = RETURN_STATUS_OK; _serial_device_driver._error_string = null; synchronized (_serial_device_driver._port_lock) { try { CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier (_serial_device_driver._port); if (portIdentifier.isCurrentlyOwned ()) { throw new IOException ("Error: Port '" + _serial_device_driver._port + "' is currently in use"); } CommPort commPort = portIdentifier.open (this.getClass().getName(), 2000); if (!(commPort instanceof SerialPort)) { throw new IOException ("Error: Port '" + _serial_device_driver._port + "' is not a serial port"); } _serial_device_driver._serial_port = (SerialPort) commPort; _serial_device_driver._serial_port.enableReceiveTimeout (STANDARD_COMMAND_TIMEOUT); _serial_device_driver._serial_port.setSerialPortParams (_serial_device_driver._baud_rate, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); _serial_device_driver._serial_port.setFlowControlMode (SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN | SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT); _serial_device_driver._serial_in = _serial_device_driver._serial_port.getInputStream (); input._serial_device_driver = _serial_device_driver; _serial_device_driver._serial_out = _serial_device_driver._serial_port.getOutputStream (); _serial_device_driver._serial_out.write (length >> 8); _serial_device_driver._serial_out.write (length & 0xFF); if (make_output_too_short) { length--; } _serial_device_driver._serial_out.write (buffer, 0, length); input._readResponse (); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = e.getMessage (); IOException iox = new IOException (msg == null ? e.getClass ().getName (): msg); iox.setStackTrace (e.getStackTrace ()); throw iox; } finally { if (_serial_device_driver._serial_out != null) { _serial_device_driver._serial_out.close (); _serial_device_driver._serial_out = null; } if (_serial_device_driver._serial_in != null) { _serial_device_driver._serial_in.close (); _serial_device_driver._serial_in = null; } if (_serial_device_driver._serial_port != null) { _serial_device_driver._serial_port.close (); _serial_device_driver._serial_port = null; } } } return input; } public OutputBuffer putByte (int value) throws IOException { return add (new byte[] {(byte)value}); } public OutputBuffer putByte (boolean value) throws IOException { return putByte (value ? 1 : 0); } public OutputBuffer putArray (byte[] array) throws IOException { putShort (array.length); return add (array); } public OutputBuffer putString (String string) throws IOException { return putArray (string.getBytes ("UTF-8")); } public OutputBuffer putOptionalString (String string) throws IOException { if (string == null) { return putByte (0); } putByte (1); return putString (string); } public OutputBuffer putShort (int value) throws IOException { return add (new byte[] {(byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xff), (byte) (value & 0xff)}); } public OutputBuffer putOptionalBigInteger (BigInteger big) throws IOException { if (big == null) { return putByte (0); } putByte (1); return putArray (big.toByteArray ()); } } public static abstract class InputBuffer { SerialDeviceDriver _serial_device_driver; private int _hold_exception_status; protected InputBuffer () { } protected InputBuffer (int hold_exception_status) { this._hold_exception_status = hold_exception_status; } protected abstract void readInput () throws IOException; protected boolean supportsLogging (SerialDeviceDriver serial_device_driver) { return false; } public byte readChar () throws IOException { int i = _serial_device_driver._serial_in.read (); if (i < 0) { throw new IOException ("Read timeout on serial port"); } return (byte) i; } public int readShort () throws IOException { return (readChar () << 8) + (readChar () & 0xFF); } public byte[] readArray () throws IOException { int len = readShort () & 0xFFFF; byte b[] = new byte[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { b[i] = readChar (); } return b; } public String readString () throws IOException { return new String (readArray (), "UTF-8"); } public String readOptionalString () throws IOException { int cond = readChar (); if (cond == 0) { return null; } return readString (); } private void _readResponse () throws Exception { while (_serial_device_driver._serial_in.available () > 0) { readChar (); } _serial_device_driver._return_status = readChar (); _serial_device_driver._serial_port.enableReceiveTimeout (CHARACTER_BY_CHARACTER_TIMEOUT); if (_serial_device_driver._return_status != RETURN_STATUS_OK) { _serial_device_driver._error_string = readString (); if (_hold_exception_status == _serial_device_driver._return_status) { return; } throw new IOException (_serial_device_driver._error_string); } readInput (); if (supportsLogging (_serial_device_driver)) { _serial_device_driver._last_log_message = readOptionalString (); } } } public static class ByteArrayReturn extends InputBuffer { private byte[] byte_array; public ByteArrayReturn (int hold_exception_status) { super (hold_exception_status); } public ByteArrayReturn () { } protected void readInput () throws IOException { byte_array = readArray (); } public byte[] getArray () { return byte_array; } } public static class VoidReturn extends InputBuffer { protected void readInput () throws IOException { } } private static class Test extends SerialDeviceDriver { private static final byte CAPACITY_COMMAND = 1; private static final byte MISSING_DATA_COMMAND = 2; private static final byte DEVICE_TIMEOUT_COMMEND = 3; Test (String port, int baud_rate) { super (port, baud_rate); } void capacityCommand (int in_buffer_size, int out_buffer_size) throws IOException { byte[] in_buffer = new byte[in_buffer_size]; for (int i = 0; i < in_buffer_size; i++) { in_buffer[i] = (byte) i; } byte[] result = ((ByteArrayReturn) new OutputBuffer (this) .putByte (CAPACITY_COMMAND) .putShort (out_buffer_size) .putArray (in_buffer) .sendBuffer (new ByteArrayReturn ())).getArray (); if (result.length != out_buffer_size) { throw new IOException ("Returned buffer size error:" + result.length); } } void missingDataCommand () throws IOException { OutputBuffer output = new OutputBuffer (this) .putByte (MISSING_DATA_COMMAND) .putShort (678); output.make_output_too_short = true; output.sendBuffer (new VoidReturn ()); } void deviceTimeoutCommand () throws IOException { new OutputBuffer (this) .putByte (DEVICE_TIMEOUT_COMMEND) .sendBuffer (new VoidReturn ()); } } public static void main (String[] args) { if ((args.length != 5 && args.length != 7) || ((args.length == 7) != args[0].equals ("cap"))) { System.out.println (SerialDeviceDriver.class.getName () + " command port baud-rate count delay_in_millis [options]\n" + " Command:\n" + " cap - Capacity testing\n" + " tim - Device timeout\n" + " mis - Missing data to device\n" + " Options for 'cap' inbuffer-size outbuffer-size"); System.exit (3); } Test test = new Test (args[1], Integer.parseInt (args[2])); for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt (args[3]); i++) { try { if (i > 0 && Integer.parseInt (args[4]) > 0) { Thread.sleep (Integer.parseInt (args[4])); } if (args[0].equals ("cap")) { test.capacityCommand (Integer.parseInt (args[5]), Integer.parseInt (args[6])); } else if (args[0].equals ("tim")) { test.deviceTimeoutCommand (); } else if (args[0].equals ("mis")) { test.missingDataCommand (); } else { System.out.println ("Bad command:" + args[0]); System.exit (3); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println (e); } } } }
The code builds on the library provided by http://rxtx.org. If you look into method "capacityCommand" in the listing you can see how parameter marshalling and unmarshalling is accomplished. The code has been tested on Windows XP and on Ubuntu. Below is the MBED part of the code:
#include "mbed.h" Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx DigitalOut myled_4(LED4); DigitalOut myled_3(LED3); DigitalOut myled_2(LED2); DigitalOut myled_1(LED1); Timer serial_timeout; const int MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_CHARCTERS_IN_MS = 2000; const int BAUD_RATE = 115200; const int CAPACITY_COMMAND = 1; const int MISSING_DATA_COMMAND = 2; const int DEVICE_TIMEOUT_COMMEND = 3; static int counter; static int length; static int curr_pos; static bool buffer_full; static int readCharTimed () { serial_timeout.reset (); while (!pc.readable ()) { if (serial_timeout.read_ms () > MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_CHARCTERS_IN_MS) { myled_1 = 1; return -1; } } return pc.getc (); } int getCommand (int first_char) { buffer_full = false; serial_timeout.start (); int next_char = readCharTimed (); if (next_char < 0) { myled_2 = 1; return -1; } length = ((first_char << 8) + next_char) & 0xFFFF; curr_pos = 1; return readCharTimed (); // This is the command (pos 0 in expected buffer) } #define OUTPUT_TIMED void putByte (int c) { #ifdef OUTPUT_TIMED if (!buffer_full) { serial_timeout.start (); while (true) { if (pc.writeable ()) { #endif pc.putc (c); #ifdef OUTPUT_TIMED break; } if (serial_timeout.read_ms () > MAX_DELAY_BETWEEN_CHARCTERS_IN_MS) { myled_1 = 1; myled_4 = 1; buffer_full = true; break; } } } #endif } void putSuccessStatus () { if (curr_pos != length) { myled_1 = 1; myled_2 = 1; myled_3 = 1; } putByte (0); } void putShort (int v) { putByte (v >> 8); putByte (v & 0xFF); } void putString (char *string) { int len = strlen (string); putShort (len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { pc.putc (string[i]); } } int getChar () { if (curr_pos++ >= length) { myled_3 = 1; } return readCharTimed() & 0xFF; } int getShort () { int v = getChar () << 8; return v + getChar (); } int main() { pc.baud (BAUD_RATE); while (1) { counter++; switch (getCommand (pc.getc ())) { case CAPACITY_COMMAND: int out_buffer_size; out_buffer_size = getShort () & 0xFFFF; int in_buffer_size; in_buffer_size = getShort () & 0xFFFF; while (in_buffer_size-- > 0) { getChar (); } putSuccessStatus (); putShort (out_buffer_size); while (out_buffer_size-- > 0) { putByte (0); } break; case MISSING_DATA_COMMAND: getShort (); putSuccessStatus (); break; case DEVICE_TIMEOUT_COMMEND: wait (30); putSuccessStatus (); break; default: myled_2 = 1; pc.putc (7); putString ("No such command..."); } } }
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