Clone of official tools

--- a/	Sat Jul 16 00:34:03 2016 +0100
+++ b/	Sat Jul 16 22:51:17 2016 +0100
@@ -7,16 +7,14 @@
 from argparse import ArgumentParser
 from os import path
-from tools.paths import MBED_BASE, MBED_LIBRARIES
-from tools.export import export, setup_user_prj, EXPORTERS, mcu_ide_matrix
-from tools.utils import args_error, mkdir
-from tools.tests import TESTS, Test, TEST_MAP
+from tools.paths import EXPORT_DIR
+from tools.export import export, EXPORTERS, mcu_ide_matrix
+from tools.tests import TESTS, TEST_MAP
 from tools.tests import test_known, test_name_known
 from tools.targets import TARGET_NAMES
-from tools.libraries import LIBRARIES
-from utils import argparse_lowercase_type, argparse_uppercase_type, argparse_filestring_type, argparse_many
+from utils import argparse_filestring_type, argparse_many
 from utils import argparse_force_lowercase_type, argparse_force_uppercase_type
+from project_api import setup_project, perform_export, print_results, get_lib_symbols
@@ -129,8 +127,6 @@
     # Export results
     successes = []
     failures = []
-    zip = True
-    clean = True
     # source_dir = use relative paths, otherwise sources are copied
     sources_relative = True if options.source_dir else False
@@ -138,47 +134,13 @@
     for mcu in options.mcu:
         # Program Number or name
         p, src, ide = options.program, options.source_dir, options.ide
-        if src:
-            # --source is used to generate IDE files to toolchain directly in the source tree and doesn't generate zip file
-            project_dir = options.source_dir
-            project_name = TESTS[p] if p else "Unnamed_project"
-            project_temp = path.join(options.source_dir[0], 'projectfiles', '%s_%s' % (ide, mcu))
-            mkdir(project_temp)
-            lib_symbols = []
-            if options.macros:
-                lib_symbols += options.macros
-            zip = False   # don't create zip
-            clean = False # don't cleanup because we use the actual source tree to generate IDE files
-        else:
-            test = Test(p)
+        project_dir, project_name, project_temp = setup_project(mcu, ide, p, src,
-            # Some libraries have extra macros (called by exporter symbols) to we need to pass
-            # them to maintain compilation macros integrity between compiled library and
-            # header files we might use with it
-            lib_symbols = []
-            if options.macros:
-                lib_symbols += options.macros
-            for lib in LIBRARIES:
-                if lib['build_dir'] in test.dependencies:
-                    lib_macros = lib.get('macros', None)
-                    if lib_macros is not None:
-                        lib_symbols.extend(lib_macros)
-            if not
-                # Substitute the library builds with the sources
-                # TODO: Substitute also the other library build paths
-                if MBED_LIBRARIES in test.dependencies:
-                    test.dependencies.remove(MBED_LIBRARIES)
-                    test.dependencies.append(MBED_BASE)
-            # Build the project with the same directory structure of the mbed online IDE
-            project_name =
-            project_dir = [join(EXPORT_WORKSPACE, project_name)]
-            project_temp = EXPORT_TMP
-            setup_user_prj(project_dir[0], test.source_dir, test.dependencies)
+        zip = src is []  # create zip when no src_dir provided
+        clean = src is []  # don't clean when source is provided, use acrual source tree for IDE files
         # Export to selected toolchain
+        lib_symbols = get_lib_symbols(options.macros, src, p)
         tmp_path, report = export(project_dir, project_name, ide, mcu, project_dir[0], project_temp, clean=clean, make_zip=zip, extra_symbols=lib_symbols, sources_relative=sources_relative)
         if report['success']:
             if not zip:
@@ -191,12 +153,4 @@
             failures.append("%s::%s\t%s"% (mcu, ide, report['errormsg']))
     # Prints export results
-    print
-    if len(successes) > 0:
-        print "Successful exports:"
-        for success in successes:
-            print "  * %s"% success
-    if len(failures) > 0:
-        print "Failed exports:"
-        for failure in failures:
-            print "  * %s"% failure
+    print_results(successes, failures)