Lab3 part2 with DAC

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Thu Feb 14 23:23:10 2019 +0000
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Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 75ad475aff41 -r 1ab4ad65d5cf main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Feb 04 16:12:23 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Feb 14 23:23:10 2019 +0000
@@ -30,6 +30,83 @@
 Ticker tick ;          // Creates periodic interrupt
 AnalogOut_unsafe ao(PTE30) ;  // Analog output
+AnalogIn ain(A0) ;          // Analog input
+DigitalOut led0(PTA13);
+DigitalOut led1(PTD5);
+DigitalOut led2(PTD0);
+DigitalOut led3(PTD2);
+DigitalOut led4(PTD3);
+DigitalIn b1(PTA1, PullUp);
+EventQueue queue;  // creates an event queue, to call read ADC
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx, for debugging
+// This thread runs the event queue
+Thread eventThread ;
+typedef struct {
+  uint16_t analog; /* Analog input value */
+  int button;
+} message_t;
+Mail<message_t, 2> mailbox;
+volatile int samples = 0 ;
+volatile uint16_t smoothed = 0 ; 
+volatile int pressEvent = 0 ;
+enum buttonPos { up, down, bounce }; // Button positions
+buttonPos pos = up ;
+int bcounter = 0 ;
+void readA0() {   
+    smoothed = (smoothed >> 1) + (ain.read_u16() >> 1) ;
+    samples++ ;
+    switch (pos) {
+            case up :
+                if (! {    // now down 
+                    pressEvent = 1 ;  // transition occurred
+                    pos = down ;
+                }
+                break ;
+            case down : 
+                if (b1 == 1) { // no longer down
+                    bcounter = 3 ; // wait four cycles
+                    pos = bounce ;
+                }
+                break ;
+            case bounce :
+                if (b1 == 0) { // down again - button has bounced
+                    pos = down ;   // no event
+                } else if (bcounter == 0) {
+                    pos = up ;     // delay passed - reset to up
+                } else {
+                    bcounter-- ;   // continue waiting
+                }
+                break ;
+        }
+        wait(0.03);
+    if (samples == 10) {
+        // send to thread
+        message_t *mess = mailbox.alloc() ; // may fail but does not block
+        if (mess) {
+            mess->analog = smoothed ;
+            mess->button = pressEvent ;
+            mailbox.put(mess); // fails but does not block if full
+            pressEvent = 0;// clear press
+        }
+        samples = 0;
+    }
 // Function called periodically
 // Write new value to AnalogOut 
 volatile int index = 0 ; // index into array of sin values
@@ -41,13 +118,51 @@
 // Control the frequency of updates
 //   Alternative between two frequencies      
 int main() {
+    led0 = 0 ; // turn off 
+    led1 = 0 ;
+    led2 = 0 ;
+    led3 = 0 ;
+    led4 = 0 ;
+    int volts = 0 ;
+    int threshold[] = {55,110,165,220,275,330} ;
+    int counter = 0 ;
+    eventThread.start(callback(&queue, &EventQueue::dispatch_forever));
+    // call the readA0 function every 10ms 
+    queue.call_every(10, readA0) ;
     int update_us = 1000 ; // 1ms
+    int freq = 1;
     while (true) {
+        osEvent evt = mailbox.get(); // wait for mail 
+        if (evt.status == osEventMail) {
+            message_t* mess = (message_t*)evt.value.p ;
+            volts = (mess->analog * 330) / 0xffff ;
+            int mypressEvent = mess->button;
+   ;  // free the message space
+            if(mypressEvent) {
+                for(int i = 0; i<5;i++){
+                    threshold[i] = (i*volts)/6;
+                }// use volts to reset thresholds
+            } 
+            if (volts > threshold[0] ) led0 = 1 ; else led0 = 0 ;
+            if (volts > threshold[1]) led1 = 1 ; else led1 = 0 ;
+            if (volts > threshold[2]) led2 = 1 ; else led2 = 0 ;
+            if (volts > threshold[3]) led3 = 1 ; else led3 = 0 ;
+            if (volts > threshold[4]) led4 = 1 ; else led4 = 0 ;
+            //vToString(volts, vstring) ;
+            counter++ ;
+        }
+        //tick.attach_us(callback(&writeAout), update_us); // setup ticker to write to AnalogOut
+        //wait(30.0) ; // wait 30 sec 
+        freq = 1+((49*volts)/330);
+        update_us = 1000000/(freq*64);
+        //update_us = 2000 ; // 2ms
         tick.attach_us(callback(&writeAout), update_us); // setup ticker to write to AnalogOut
-        wait(30.0) ; // wait 30 sec 
-        update_us = 2000 ; // 2ms
-        tick.attach_us(callback(&writeAout), update_us); // setup ticker to write to AnalogOut
-        wait(30.0) ; // wait 30 sec 
-        update_us = 1000 ; // 1ms
+        //wait(30.0) ; // wait 30 sec 
+        //update_us = 1000 ; // 1ms