AWS IoT demonstration using the Avnet Shield (AT&T LTE) and the FRDM-K64F target board.

Dependencies:   K64F_FATFileSystem

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MQTTCallbackParams Struct Reference

MQTTCallbackParams Struct Reference

MQTT Callback Function Parameters. More...

#include <aws_iot_mqtt_interface.h>

Data Fields

char * pTopicName
 Pointer to the topic string on which the message was delivered. In the case of a wildcard subscription this is the actual topic, not the wildcard filter.
uint16_t TopicNameLen
 Length of the topic string.
MQTTMessageParams MessageParams
 Message parameters structure.

Detailed Description

MQTT Callback Function Parameters.

Defines a type for parameters returned to the user upon receipt of a publish message on a subscribed topic.

Definition at line 125 of file aws_iot_mqtt_interface.h.

Field Documentation

Message parameters structure.

Definition at line 128 of file aws_iot_mqtt_interface.h.

char* pTopicName

Pointer to the topic string on which the message was delivered. In the case of a wildcard subscription this is the actual topic, not the wildcard filter.

Definition at line 126 of file aws_iot_mqtt_interface.h.

uint16_t TopicNameLen

Length of the topic string.

Definition at line 127 of file aws_iot_mqtt_interface.h.