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00001 /******************************************************************************
00002 LSM9DS1_Types.h
00003 SFE_LSM9DS1 Library - LSM9DS1 Types and Enumerations
00004 Jim Lindblom @ SparkFun Electronics
00005 Original Creation Date: April 21, 2015
00006 https://github.com/sparkfun/LSM9DS1_Breakout
00008 This file defines all types and enumerations used by the LSM9DS1 class.
00010 Development environment specifics:
00011     IDE: Arduino 1.6.0
00012     Hardware Platform: Arduino Uno
00013     LSM9DS1 Breakout Version: 1.0
00015 This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun employee) at the
00016 local, and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!
00018 Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
00019 ******************************************************************************/
00021 #ifndef __LSM9DS1_Types_H__
00022 #define __LSM9DS1_Types_H__
00024 #include "LSM9DS1_Registers.h"
00026 // The LSM9DS1 functions over both I2C or SPI. This library supports both.
00027 // But the interface mode used must be sent to the LSM9DS1 constructor. Use
00028 // one of these two as the first parameter of the constructor.
00029 enum interface_mode
00030 {
00031     IMU_MODE_SPI,
00032     IMU_MODE_I2C,
00033 };
00035 // accel_scale defines all possible FSR's of the accelerometer:
00036 enum accel_scale
00037 {
00038     A_SCALE_2G, // 00:  2g
00039     A_SCALE_16G,// 01:  16g
00040     A_SCALE_4G, // 10:  4g
00041     A_SCALE_8G  // 11:  8g
00042 };
00044 // gyro_scale defines the possible full-scale ranges of the gyroscope:
00045 enum gyro_scale
00046 {
00047     G_SCALE_245DPS,     // 00:  245 degrees per second
00048     G_SCALE_500DPS,     // 01:  500 dps
00049     G_SCALE_2000DPS,    // 11:  2000 dps
00050 };
00052 // mag_scale defines all possible FSR's of the magnetometer:
00053 enum mag_scale
00054 {
00055     M_SCALE_4GS,    // 00:  4Gs
00056     M_SCALE_8GS,    // 01:  8Gs
00057     M_SCALE_12GS,   // 10:  12Gs
00058     M_SCALE_16GS,   // 11:  16Gs
00059 };
00061 // gyro_odr defines all possible data rate/bandwidth combos of the gyro:
00062 enum gyro_odr
00063 {
00064     //! TODO 
00065     G_ODR_PD,   // Power down (0)
00066     G_ODR_149,  // 14.9 Hz (1)
00067     G_ODR_595,  // 59.5 Hz (2)
00068     G_ODR_119,  // 119 Hz (3)
00069     G_ODR_238,  // 238 Hz (4)
00070     G_ODR_476,  // 476 Hz (5)
00071     G_ODR_952   // 952 Hz (6)
00072 };
00073 // accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the accelerometer:
00074 enum accel_odr
00075 {
00076     XL_POWER_DOWN,  // Power-down mode (0x0)
00077     XL_ODR_10,      // 10 Hz (0x1)
00078     XL_ODR_50,      // 50 Hz (0x02)
00079     XL_ODR_119,     // 119 Hz (0x3)
00080     XL_ODR_238,     // 238 Hz (0x4)
00081     XL_ODR_476,     // 476 Hz (0x5)
00082     XL_ODR_952      // 952 Hz (0x6)
00083 };
00085 // accel_abw defines all possible anti-aliasing filter rates of the accelerometer:
00086 enum accel_abw
00087 {
00088     A_ABW_408,      // 408 Hz (0x0)
00089     A_ABW_211,      // 211 Hz (0x1)
00090     A_ABW_105,      // 105 Hz (0x2)
00091     A_ABW_50,       //  50 Hz (0x3)
00092 };
00095 // mag_odr defines all possible output data rates of the magnetometer:
00096 enum mag_odr
00097 {
00098     M_ODR_0625, // 0.625 Hz (0)
00099     M_ODR_125,  // 1.25 Hz (1)
00100     M_ODR_250,  // 2.5 Hz (2)
00101     M_ODR_5,    // 5 Hz (3)
00102     M_ODR_10,   // 10 Hz (4)
00103     M_ODR_20,   // 20 Hz (5)
00104     M_ODR_40,   // 40 Hz (6)
00105     M_ODR_80    // 80 Hz (7)
00106 };
00108 enum interrupt_select
00109 {
00110     XG_INT1 = INT1_CTRL,
00111     XG_INT2 = INT2_CTRL
00112 };
00114 enum interrupt_generators
00115 {
00116     INT_DRDY_XL = (1<<0),    // Accelerometer data ready (INT1 & INT2)
00117     INT_DRDY_G = (1<<1),     // Gyroscope data ready (INT1 & INT2)
00118     INT1_BOOT = (1<<2),  // Boot status (INT1)
00119     INT2_DRDY_TEMP = (1<<2),// Temp data ready (INT2)
00120     INT_FTH = (1<<3),        // FIFO threshold interrupt (INT1 & INT2)
00121     INT_OVR = (1<<4),        // Overrun interrupt (INT1 & INT2)
00122     INT_FSS5 = (1<<5),       // FSS5 interrupt (INT1 & INT2)
00123     INT_IG_XL = (1<<6),  // Accel interrupt generator (INT1)
00124     INT1_IG_G = (1<<7),  // Gyro interrupt enable (INT1)
00125     INT2_INACT = (1<<7),     // Inactivity interrupt output (INT2)
00126 };  
00128 enum accel_interrupt_generator
00129 {
00130     XLIE_XL = (1<<0),
00131     XHIE_XL = (1<<1),
00132     YLIE_XL = (1<<2),
00133     YHIE_XL = (1<<3),
00134     ZLIE_XL = (1<<4),
00135     ZHIE_XL = (1<<5),
00136     GEN_6D = (1<<6)
00137 };
00139 enum gyro_interrupt_generator
00140 {
00141     XLIE_G = (1<<0),
00142     XHIE_G = (1<<1),
00143     YLIE_G = (1<<2),
00144     YHIE_G = (1<<3),
00145     ZLIE_G = (1<<4),
00146     ZHIE_G = (1<<5)
00147 };
00149 enum mag_interrupt_generator
00150 {
00151     ZIEN = (1<<5),
00152     YIEN = (1<<6),
00153     XIEN = (1<<7)
00154 };
00156 enum h_lactive
00157 {
00158     INT_ACTIVE_HIGH,
00159     INT_ACTIVE_LOW
00160 };
00162 enum pp_od
00163 {
00164     INT_PUSH_PULL,
00165     INT_OPEN_DRAIN
00166 };
00168 enum fifoMode_type
00169 {
00170     FIFO_OFF = 0,
00171     FIFO_THS = 1,
00172     FIFO_CONT_TRIGGER = 3,
00173     FIFO_OFF_TRIGGER = 4,
00174     FIFO_CONT = 5
00175 };
00177 struct gyroSettings
00178 {
00179     // Gyroscope settings:
00180     uint8_t enabled;
00181     uint16_t scale; // Changed this to 16-bit
00182     uint8_t sampleRate;
00183     // New gyro stuff:
00184     uint8_t bandwidth;
00185     uint8_t lowPowerEnable;
00186     uint8_t HPFEnable;
00187     uint8_t HPFCutoff;
00188     uint8_t flipX;
00189     uint8_t flipY;
00190     uint8_t flipZ;
00191     uint8_t orientation;
00192     uint8_t enableX;
00193     uint8_t enableY;
00194     uint8_t enableZ;
00195     uint8_t latchInterrupt;
00196 };
00198 struct deviceSettings
00199 {
00200     uint8_t commInterface; // Can be I2C, SPI 4-wire or SPI 3-wire
00201     uint8_t agAddress;  // I2C address or SPI CS pin
00202     uint8_t mAddress;   // I2C address or SPI CS pin
00203 };
00205 struct accelSettings
00206 {
00207     // Accelerometer settings:
00208     uint8_t enabled;
00209     uint8_t scale;
00210     uint8_t sampleRate;
00211     // New accel stuff:
00212     uint8_t enableX;
00213     uint8_t enableY;
00214     uint8_t enableZ;
00215     int8_t  bandwidth;
00216     uint8_t highResEnable;
00217     uint8_t highResBandwidth;
00218 };
00220 struct magSettings
00221 {
00222     // Magnetometer settings:
00223     uint8_t enabled;
00224     uint8_t scale;
00225     uint8_t sampleRate;
00226     // New mag stuff:
00227     uint8_t tempCompensationEnable;
00228     uint8_t XYPerformance;
00229     uint8_t ZPerformance;
00230     uint8_t lowPowerEnable;
00231     uint8_t operatingMode;
00232 };
00234 struct temperatureSettings
00235 {
00236     // Temperature settings
00237     uint8_t enabled;
00238 };
00240 struct IMUSettings
00241 {
00242     deviceSettings device;
00244     gyroSettings gyro;
00245     accelSettings accel;
00246     magSettings mag;
00248     temperatureSettings temp;
00249 };
00251 #endif