
Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos

diff -r c3e774091195 -r ceee5a608e7c include/SystemModels/systemmodels.hpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/SystemModels/systemmodels.hpp	Thu Mar 28 07:44:42 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+  ******************************************************************************
+  * @file    SystemModels/systemmodels.hpp
+  * @author  RBRO/PJ-IU
+  * @version V1.0.0
+  * @date    day-month-2017
+  * @brief   This file contains the class declarations for system model.
+  ******************************************************************************
+ */
+/* Inclusion guard */
+#include <Linalg/linalg.h>
+// Discrete System Models
+namespace systemmodels{
+    //Linear time variant models
+    namespace lti{
+        namespace siso{
+           /**
+            * @brief Discrete transfer function
+            * 
+            * @tparam T The type of the variable 
+            * @tparam NNum The order of the polynomial
+            * @tparam NDen The order of the polynomial
+            */
+            template <class T,uint32_t NNum,uint32_t NDen>
+            class CDiscreteTransferFucntion{
+                public:
+                    using CDenType          =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NDen,1>;
+                    using CDenModType       =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NDen-1,1>;
+                    using CNumType          =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NNum,1>;
+                    // using CNumModType       =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NNum-1,1>;
+                    using CInputMem         =   linalg::CMatrix<T,1,NNum>;
+                    using COutputMem        =   linalg::CMatrix<T,1,NDen-1>;
+                    /* Constructor */
+                    CDiscreteTransferFucntion();
+                    CDiscreteTransferFucntion(const CNumType& f_num,const CDenType& f_den);
+                    /* Clear memory */
+                    void clearMemmory();
+                    /* Shift memory */
+                    template<uint32_t N>
+                    void shiftMemory(linalg::CMatrix<T,1,N>& f_mem);
+                    /* Operator */
+                    T operator()(const T& f_input);
+                    /* Set num */
+                    void setNum(const CNumType& f_num);
+                    /* Set den */
+                    void setDen(const CDenType& f_den);
+                    const CNumType& getNum();
+                    const CDenModType& getDen();
+                    float getDenCurrent();
+                    /* Get output */
+                    T getOutput();
+                private:
+                    #ifdef SYSTEMMODEL_TEST_HPP
+                        FRIEND_TEST(CDiscreteTransferFucntionTest,Reset);
+                    #endif
+                    /* nominator type */
+                    CNumType    m_num;
+                    // CDenType       m_den;
+                    /* denominator type */
+                    CDenModType    m_den;
+                    T              m_denCoef;
+                    /* input memory */
+                    CInputMem      m_memInput;
+                    /* output memory */
+                    COutputMem     m_memOutput;
+            };
+        }
+    };
+    // Nonlinea time invariant models
+    namespace nlti{
+        //Multi-input and multi-output 
+        namespace mimo{
+            // Discrete time system model of a system nonlinear time invariant with multi-input and multi-output
+            //  T       -variable type
+            //  NA      -number of inputs
+            //  NB      -number of states
+            //  NC      -number of outputs
+            template <class T,uint32_t NA, uint32_t NB,uint32_t NC>
+            class CDiscreteTimeSystemModel{
+                public:
+                    using CStatesType           =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NB,1>;
+                    using CInputType            =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NA,1>;
+                    using COutputType           =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NC,1>;
+                    /* Constructor */
+                    CDiscreteTimeSystemModel(const double           f_dt);//:m_states(),m_dt(f_dt){}
+                    /* Constructor */
+                    CDiscreteTimeSystemModel(const CStatesType&     f_states
+                                            ,const double           f_dt);
+                    //State transition model
+                    //Calculate the system state depending on input, after calculation the relevant class members need to be syncronized.
+                    virtual CStatesType update(const CInputType&       f_input)=0;
+                    //State observation model
+                    //Calculate the system output depending on input, after calculation the relevant class members need to be syncronized.
+                    virtual COutputType calculateOutput(const CInputType&  f_input)=0;
+                    // GETTERS
+                    // The method returns the current system states
+                    CStatesType         getStates();//{return m_states;}
+                    // The method returns the current system output
+                    COutputType         getOutput(){return m_outputs;}
+                    float               getTimeStep(){return m_dt;}
+                    // SETTERS
+                    void                setStates(const CStatesType& f_states){
+                        m_states=f_states;
+                    }
+                protected:
+                    // States
+                    CStatesType                         m_states;
+                    // Output
+                    COutputType                         m_outputs;
+                    // Time step
+                    const double                        m_dt;
+                private:        
+            };
+            // the state transition and observation matrices defined by Jacobians
+            //  T       -variable type
+            //  NA      -number of inputs
+            //  NB      -number of states
+            //  NC      -number of outputs
+            template <class T,uint32_t NA, uint32_t NB,uint32_t NC>
+            class CJacobianMatrices{
+                public:
+                    using CStatesType           =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NB,1>;
+                    using CInputType            =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NA,1>;
+                    // using COutputType           =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NC,1>;
+                    using CJMTransitionType     =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NB,NB>;
+                    using CJMObservationType    =   linalg::CMatrix<T,NC,NB>;
+                    //The method calculates and returns  the states transition matrix 
+                    virtual CJMTransitionType getJMTransition(const CStatesType&     f_states
+                                                             ,const CInputType&      f_inputs)=0;
+                    // The method calculates and returns  the states observation matrix
+                    virtual CJMObservationType getJMObservation(const CStatesType&      f_states
+                                                               ,const CInputType&       f_input)=0;
+                private:
+            };
+        };
+    };
+#include "systemmodels.inl"