Because the light of four LED flows, the button is stopped pushing and seen at the decided position. Do you make it to good?

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 /*
00002     Name:       Roulette
00003     Function:   IntteruptIn, BusOut
00004     Parts:      Push Button
00005 */
00007 #include "mbed.h"
00009 InterruptIn button(p5);                 // Push Button
00010 BusOut myleds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4); 
00011 int save;
00013 void blink() {
00014     save = myleds;
00015     myleds = 0;    wait(0.3);
00016     myleds = save; wait(0.3);
00017     myleds = 0;    wait(0.3);
00018     myleds = save; wait(0.3);
00019     myleds = 0;    wait(0.3);
00020     myleds = save; wait(0.3);
00021     myleds = 0;    wait(3);
00022 }
00024 int main() {
00025     button.rise(&blink);
00026     while(true) {
00027         myleds = 1; wait(0.1);
00028         myleds = 2; wait(0.1);
00029         myleds = 4; wait(0.1);
00030         myleds = 8; wait(0.1);
00031     }
00032 }