Started a gui menuflow

Dependencies:   LCD_DISCO_F429ZI mbed TS_DISCO_F429ZI BSP_DISCO_F429ZI

--- a/Ventilation.c	Tue Jun 09 22:57:20 2020 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,3355 +0,0 @@
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#define EXTERN extern
-#include <stdlib.h>                   
-#include <string.h>                   
-#include "SS.h"                   
-#include "main.h"
-#include "_SS_OnOffActioner.h"
-#include "_SS_Pwm.h"
-#include "Monitoring.h"
-#include "Safety.h"
-#include "_SS_Data_Logging.h"
-#include "_SS_Record_Settings.h"
-#include "_SS_I2CX_SDP600.h"
-#include "_SS_I2CX_X201641.h"
-#include "_SS_OptimaComm.h"
-#undef EXTERN
-#define EXTERN 
-#include "Ventilation.h"   
-#undef  EXTERN
-/* Internal constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
-// ******************* Min-max PI or PDF ***************************************
-#define       MAX_VOLTAGE_REF                           MAX_PI_OUTPUT  // MAX_PI_OUTPUT = 1343 = 18.5micros = 93.3%, want 80%
-#define       MIN_VOLTAGE_REF                           MIN_PI_OUTPUT
-#define       INTEGRAL_MAX                              (2147483647)
-#define       INTEGRAL_MIN                              (-2147483648)
-  /* Internal variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
-  // ******************* MANAGED CONSTANT SPEED ****************************
-  static  u16           uiBlowerSpeedSetting;
-  static  int32_t       lIntegral_Speed_I;
-  static  bool          bMaxPIOutputSpeedI;
-  static  bool          bMinPIOutputSpeedI;
-  // ************* MANAGED BAROMETRIC VENTILATION *************************  
-  static  u16           uiIpapSettingTemp;
-  static  u16           uiTeBaroSet;
-  static  int32_t       lIntegral_Pressure_I;
-  static  bool          bMaxPIOutputPressureI;
-  static  bool          bMinPIOutputPressureI; 
-  static  u16           uiTiD;
-  static  u8            ucIndexTableSlope;
-  #define   TEMPO_TRIGGER_EXPI                30
-  static  u8            ucTempoTriggerExpiAuto;
-  static  u8            ucExpiTriggerTreshold;
-  static  u8            fFirstCycleInspi;
-  // ----------- Main blower management during expiration -------------------  
-  static  u16           uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration;
-  static  bool          fFirstCycleExpi;      
-  static  u16           uiEpapSettingTemp;
-  static  int32_t       lIntegral_Pressure_E;
-  static  bool          bMaxPIOutputPressureE;
-  static  bool          bMinPIOutputPressureE;     
-  static  u16           uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration;  
-  static  u16           uiTeD;  
-  static  bool          fBlockCloseLoop;
-  static  u16           uiTiTyp;  
-  // ************* MANAGED VOLUMETRIC VENTILATION *************************  
-  static  u32           ulMaxIFlowSet;
-  static  u32           ulMinIFlowSet;
-  static  u32           ulDecFlowStep;
-  static  u16           uiTeVoluSet;
-  static  u16           uiProximalPressureAtTheEndOfInspiration;
-  static  int32_t       lIntegral_Flow_I;
-  static  bool          bMaxPIOutputFlowI;
-  static  bool          bMinPIOutputFlowI;    
-  static  int16_t       iVtAdjust=0;
-  static  u8            ucCounterHPAlarm=0;    
-  // ******************* MANAGED_CPAP_VENTILATION ******************************  
-  #define EXPIRATORY_DISCONNECTION_TIME_OUT         500   // 500ms
-  #define CPAP_DISCONNECTION_TEST_PERIODICITY       4000  // 4s
-  static  u16           uiDisconnectionTime;  
-  static  u16           uiDisconnectionTimeInCPAP;    
-  static  u16           uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection;
-  //static  u8            ucStandByMode;
-  // ***************** MANAGED INSPIRATORY TRIGGER *****************************
-  #define MAX_DELTA_FLOW                            100   // 1 l/min
-  #define NUMBER_TRIGGER_VALID                      20
-  #define NUMBER_MIN_FLOW_VALUE                     30
-  //static  int16_t       iBufferIFlowDelta[SIZE_DELTA_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_BUFFER];  
-  static  u8            ucInspiTriggerScheduler;
-  static  u8            ucMinFlowCounter;
-  static  int16_t       iInspiratoryFlowMin;
-  //static  int16_t       iOldInspiratoryFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger;
-  static  int16_t       iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER];
- // static  int16_t       iBufferConductance[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER];
-  static  u8            ucCounterTriggerValid;
-  static  int16_t       iFlowBaseLineReference;
-  static  bool          bDetectionConstantFlow;  
-  // *********************** MANAGED MONITORING FOR MLT ************************
-  static  u16           uiMLT_PressureSetPoint;
-    #define MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING                 1000
-    static  u16           uiAverageMonitoringMLT;    
-    static  u32           ulMLT_SumSpeedMes;
-    static  u32           ulMLT_SumCurrentMes;
-    static  u32           ulMLT_SumTemperatureMes;
-    static  u32           ulMLT_SumBlowerVoltage;
-    static  u16           uiMLT_EnableAlarm;    
-  #endif  // #ifdef MOTOR_LIFE_TESTING
-  // ************************ MANAGED CALIBRATION ******************************
-  typedef enum
-  {
-    READ_FLOW_VALUE,        
-  } type_enLowFlowCalibrationStep;
-  typedef enum
-  {
-  } type_enPressureCalibrationStep;
-  #define SIZE_BUFFER_FLOW_VALUE                    15
-  typedef struct
-  {
-    unsigned char   ucIndex;
-    bool            bFirstPartOfTheCRReceived;
-    char            szValue[SIZE_BUFFER_FLOW_VALUE];
-  } type_stFlow;
-  // Flow and pressure calibration  
-  #define TIME_OUT_RECEPTION_PACKET_FROM_PF300      2000  // 2s
-  #define SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_FLOW              5000  // 5s  
-  #define SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300                      20  
-  static  u16                                     uiCalibrationTimeOut;
-  static  unsigned char                           ucIndexAnswerFromPF300;
-  static  char                                    szAnswerFromPF300[SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300];
-  static  char                                    szExpectedAnswerFromPF300[SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300];
-  static  u8                                      ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer;    
-  // Flow calibration
-  static  type_enLowFlowCalibrationStep           enLowFlowCalibrationStep;
-  static  type_enLowFlowCalibrationStep           enGoBackToStep;
-  static  unsigned long                           ulSumFlowTicks;
-  static  unsigned int                            uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter;
-  //static  type_stLUTFlowSensor                    stTemporayLUTFlowSensor;  
-  static  bool                                    bHighFlowCalibrationInProgress;    
-  static  unsigned int                            uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib;
-  static  unsigned int                            uiImHereMsgTimer;
-  // Pressure calibration
-  #define SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_PRESSURE          10000  // 30s             
-  static  type_enPressureCalibrationStep          enPressureCalibrationStep;
-  static  type_enPressureCalibrationStep          enPressureCalibGoBackToStep;
-  static  u32                                     ulSumPressureTicks;
-  static  u16                                     uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter;
-  // List of command to PF300
-  static  const char                              szPF300_CmdSwitchOffEcho[]={"%CM#5$0\r"};    // Command Echo from PF300 off
-  static  const char                              szPF300_AnswerSwitchOffEcho[]={"%CM#5"};     // Answer echo off from PF300 (WO \r)
-  static  const char                              szPF300_SetAirGasType[]={"%WS#1$0\r"};       // command Air  
-  static  const char                              szPF300_AnswerAirGasType[]={"%WS#1$0"};      // Answer Air  
-  static  const char                              szPF300_SetGasStandard[]={"%WS#3$1\r"};      // Command STPD
-  static  const char                              szPF300_AnswerGasStandard[]={"%WS#3$1"};     // Answer STPD  
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadLowFlowCmd[]={"%RM#1\r"};        // Command read low flow
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadLowFlowAnswer[]={"%RM#1$"};      // Answer read low flow
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadHighFlowCmd[]={"%RM#0\r"};       // Command read high flow
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadHighFlowAnswer[]={"%RM#0$"};     // Answer read high flow 
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadPdiffCmd[]={"%RM#3\r"};          // Command read pressure diff.
-  static  const char                              szPF300_ReadPdiffAnswer[]={"%RM#3$"};        // Answewr read pressure diff.
-  // List of Command to Handset
-  static  const char                              szRequestHighFlowCalib[]={"@N"};
-  static  const char                              szEndOfCalibOK[]={"@S"};  
-  static  const char                              szImHere[]={"@*"};
-  // ---------------- Management FRAM for settings -----------------------------
-  #ifdef RECORD_SETTINGS      
-  #endif    // RECORD_SETTINGS           
-  // -------------------- Manage Motor starting --------------------------------
-  static  u8              ucStartVentilationScheduler=0;  
-  #endif
-  static  enMaroubraModes enPreviousMode;
-  static  u16             uiPreviousDeviceMode;
-#endif      // C_M3_DEVICETEST_TARGET
-  #define SIZE_SLOPE2_TABLE   21
-  const unsigned char ucSlope2Table[SIZE_SLOPE2_TABLE]= {
-  0,  35, 50, 59, 65, 70, 74, 77, 80, 83,
-  85, 87, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99,
-  100 };
-  // Table pente inspiratoire 2
-  #define SIZE_SLOPE3_TABLE   41
-  const unsigned char ucSlope3Table[SIZE_SLOPE3_TABLE]= {
-  0,  20, 35, 44, 50, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70,
-  72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86,
-  87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 91, 92, 93, 94, 94, 95,
-  96, 96, 97, 98, 98, 99, 99, 100 };
-  // Table pente inspiratoire 3
-  #define SIZE_SLOPE4_TABLE   61
-  const unsigned char ucSlope4Table[SIZE_SLOPE4_TABLE]= {
-  0,  11, 26, 35, 41, 46, 50, 53, 56, 59, 61,
-  63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,
-  78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 83, 84, 85, 86, 86,
-  87, 88, 88, 89 ,90, 90, 91, 91, 92, 92, 93,
-  93, 94, 94, 95, 95, 96, 96, 96, 97, 97, 98,
-  98, 99, 99, 99, 100, 100 };
-  // Maximum allowed flow in expiration Flow=f(PEEP set) (example: flow-by max=29L/min @ 5hPa)
-  const   u16           uiMaximumFlowInExpiration[41]={                    
-    0, 1300, 1830, 2250, 2600, 2900, 3180, 3430, 3670, 3900, 
-    4110, 4310, 4500, 4680, 4860, 5030, 5200, 5360, 5510, 5660,
-    5810, 5950, 6090, 6230, 6360, 6500, 6620, 6750, 6870, 7000,
-    7120, 7230, 7350, 7460, 7580, 7690, 7800, 7900, 8010, 8110, 8220
-  };  
-/* Internal functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
-  u16           ComputeTe(u16 uiF, u16 uiTi);
-  void          ComputeInspiratoryFlowSetPointInAVC(u16 uiTypeOfPatient, u16 uiVtc, u16 uiTi, u16 uiFlowShape, u32 *ulMaxFlow, u32 *ulMinFlow, u32 *ulFlowStep);
-  unsigned char TestTriggerExpiratoire(unsigned char ucValeurSeuil, unsigned int uiPressureSetting);
-  bool          TestInspiratoryTrigger(bool bSpont, u16 uiTe, u16 uiFlowThreshold);
-  int16_t       UpdateInspiratoryFlowAverage(void);
-  int16_t       UpdateInspiratoryConductanceAverage(void);
-  void          ResetInspiratoryConductanceAverage(void);
-  bool          TestInspiratorySlowTrigger(int16_t iTheFlowBaseLine, u16 uiFlowTreshold);
-  void          ApplyDefaultValueToTemporaryVentilationSettings(void);  
-  void          ApplyDefaultValueToTechnicalSettings(void);
-  void          ApplyAllDefaultValues(void);
-  bool          ApplyNewVentilationMode(void);
-  void          ApplyDefaultFlowLUT(void);
-  void          CheckFlowLUTRange(void);
-  void          ManageFlowCalibration(void);
-  void          ManagePressureCalibration(void);
-  void          ManageCstPressure(void);
-* Function Name  : InitSettings
-* Description    : Initialize parameters for ventilation
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void InitSettings(void)
-  uiPreviousDeviceMode=0xFF;
-  enPreviousMode=NUMBER_OF_MODE;     
-  // --- Init Settings
-  bComputeOffsetSensors=FALSE;
-    // Read and init FRAM        
-    if (InitSettingsZoneAndTechnicalZoneInFRAM()==OPSTATUS_OK)
-    {      
-      if (ReadSettingsZoneAndTechnicalZoneInFRAM()==OPSTATUS_FAIL)
-      {
-        ApplyAllDefaultValues();
-      }
-    }  
-    else
-    {
-      ApplyAllDefaultValues();
-    }
-  #else  
-    ApplyAllDefaultValues();
-  #endif
-  // Compute offsets sensors if necessary
-  if (bComputeOffsetSensors==TRUE)
-  {    
-    // ------ Update Blower Flow sensor offset before ventilation -------
-    #ifdef SDP600_USED_I2C1_BUS
-    SDP600_ComputeOffsetFlowSensorOnI2C1(SDP600_BLOWER_FLOW_SENSOR);      
-    #endif  // SDP600_USED_I2C1_BUS 
-    #ifdef X201641_USED_I2C1_BUS
-    X201641_ComputeOffsetFlowSensorOnI2C1(X201641_BLOWER_FLOW_SENSOR);
-    #endif  // X201641_USED_I2C1_BUS                
-    // ----- Update Proximal Pressure sensor offset before ventilation -------
-    ComputeOffsetProximalPressureSensor();             
-  }
-  // Check Technical settings range
-  CheckTechnicalSettingsRange();
-  // Check Flow LUT
-  CheckFlowLUTRange();
-  // Check temporary ventilation setting range
-  if (CheckTemporaryVentilationSettingRange()==OPSTATUS_FAIL)
-  {
-    ApplyDefaultValueToTemporaryVentilationSettings();
-  }
-  // --- Update computed settings (Te,...)
-  UpdateSettings();
-    uiTechnicalDataSet[START_STOP_VENTILATION]=1;
-  #endif
-* Function Name  : InitVentilation
-* Description    : Initialize variables for ventilation
-*                  Function called :
-*                     - when we start ventilation
-*                     - when we change of ventilation mode
-*                     - when we change of device mode
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void InitVentilation(void)
-  ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE;
-  uiTiD=0;  
-  uiTeD=0;
-  uiTiTyp = 1000;  
-  bManualBreath=FALSE;
-  if (enPreviousMode==NUMBER_OF_MODE)
-  {
-    // Start ventilation
-    uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection=0;
-    fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;     
-  }
-  ClearAllVentilationAlarms();
-  ClearAllMeasures();
-  switch(uiTechnicalDataSet[DEVICE_MODE_TEC])
-  {
-  default:
-    {      
-      if (enVentilationMode==APCV_MODE || enVentilationMode==PS_MODE)
-      {
-        if (enPreviousMode==APCV_MODE || enPreviousMode==PS_MODE)
-        {
-          // --- We are already in pressure mode
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          // --- Start a pressure mode
-          fFirstCycleInspi=TRUE;
-          uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF; 
-          if (enPreviousMode!=AVC_MODE)
-          {
-            uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-            lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-            bMaxPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-            bMinPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-            fFirstCycleExpi=TRUE;   
-          }
-        }                        
-      }
-      else if (enVentilationMode==AVC_MODE)
-      {      
-        iVtAdjust=0;
-        fFirstCycleInspi=TRUE;
-        uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-        if (enPreviousMode!=APCV_MODE && enPreviousMode!=PS_MODE)
-        {           
-          uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-          lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-          bMaxPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-          bMinPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-          fFirstCycleExpi=TRUE;   
-        }
-      }
-      else if (enVentilationMode==CPAP_MODE)
-      {              
-        Ki_Pressure_I=1000;  
-        uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;   
-        lIntegral_Pressure_I=0;
-        bMaxPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;
-        bMinPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;        
-      }
-      break;
-    }  
-    {       
-      uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=250;
-      break;
-    }
-    {      
-      uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=350; 
-      uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=150;
-      break;
-    }
-    {           
-      uiBlowerSpeedSet=15000;
-      uiBlowerSpeedSetting=5000; 
-      break;
-    }
-  case FLOW_CAL_MODE:
-    {      
-      enLowFlowCalibrationStep=INIT_FLOW_CALIB_TEST;
-      bHighFlowCalibrationInProgress=FALSE;
-      stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize=0;
-      uiCalibrationTimeOut=(TIME_OUT_BLOWER_HANDSET_COMM*20); // 2s
-      break;
-    }
-    {      
-      enPressureCalibrationStep=INIT_PRESSURE_CALIB_TEST;
-      uiCalibrationTimeOut=(TIME_OUT_BLOWER_HANDSET_COMM*20); // 2s
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      uiMLT_PressureSetPoint=10;
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I=0;
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;  
-      #ifdef MOTOR_LIFE_TESTING
-      uiMLT_EnableAlarm=5000;  // 5s before enabling alarm            
-      uiAverageMonitoringMLT=MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;    
-      ulMLT_SumSpeedMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumCurrentMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumTemperatureMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumBlowerVoltage=0;
-      #endif  // #ifdef MOTOR_LIFE_TESTING
-      break;
-    }
-  }   
-  enPreviousMode=enVentilationMode; 
-* Function Name  : StopAllActuators
-* Description    : Stop all actuators
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void StopAllActuators(void)
-  // Stop main blower
-  SS_Xclose(mdrv);   
-  // Valve OFF
-  SS_Xputdw(act, EV_CTL|FLAG_ACTIONER_OFF);      
-* Function Name  : CalculateHoseDrop
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-u16 CalculateHoseDrop(void)
-  u16 hoseDrop = (u16)(10*(iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes/100.0f/60.0f * 0.5f));
-  return hoseDrop;
-* Function Name  : ManageCPAPVentilation
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageCPAPVentilation(void)
-  // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-  if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-    return;
-  // **************************** Cycle detection ******************************
-  // Test Synchronisation
-  /*if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger<(-500) && ucVentilationCycle==INSPIRATION_CYCLE)  
-    ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE; */ 
-  int32_t peakP = 2;//(int32_t)uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET];
-  // Cycle detection  
-  if (ucVentilationCycle==INSPIRATION_CYCLE)
-  {
-    uiTiD++;
-    if(uiTiD < (0.1f * uiTiTyp))
-    {
-      peakP =(int32_t)( uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET] * ((uiTiD* 1.0f)/(0.1f * uiTiTyp)));
-    }
-    else if(uiTiD < (1.0f * uiTiTyp))
-    {
-      peakP = ((int32_t)uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET] - ((int32_t)(uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET] * (uiTiD * 1.0f)/(1.1f * uiTiTyp)))) + 20;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      peakP = 2;
-    }
-    if (uiTiD>5000 || (uiTiD>TiBaroSet_P_MIN && TestTriggerExpiratoire(20, uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET])==TRUE))
-    {
-      ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE;
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration = uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;
-      if(uiTiD < 2000)
-      {
-        uiTiTyp = uiTiD;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        uiTiTyp = 2000;
-      }
-      uiTeD=0;      
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {    
-    uiTeD++;
-    if (uiTeD>TE_SET_MAX) uiTeD=TE_SET_MAX;
-    if (TestInspiratoryTrigger(TRUE, uiTeD, 15)==TRUE)
-    {
-      ucVentilationCycle=INSPIRATION_CYCLE;      
-      uiTiD=0;
-    }    
-  }
-  // Barometric Mode : error computation
-  ControlPressure((int32_t)(peakP + CalculateHoseDrop()));
-* Function Name  : ControlPressure
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-int32_t previousError = 0;
-int32_t   lIntegralSum = 0;
-void ControlPressure(int32_t setPressure)//pressure in cmH2O*10
-  int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-  int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-  int32_t   lDerivativeTerm;
-  int32_t   lOutputPressure;
-  int32_t lError = setPressure - uiProximalPressureMes;
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;
-  lIntegralTerm += (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError);
-  lDerivativeTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_FLOW_I]*(lError - previousError/1000));
-  previousError = lError;
-  // Close loop in pressure
-  if ((lIntegralTerm + lIntegralSum) > INTEGRAL_MAX) 
-    {
-      lIntegralSum = INTEGRAL_MAX;       
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegralTerm - lIntegralSum)< INTEGRAL_MIN)
-    {
-      lIntegralSum = INTEGRAL_MIN;       
-    }
-   else
-    {
-      lIntegralSum += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-  lOutputPressure = (lDerivativeTerm>>19) + (lIntegralSum>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13) ;
-  lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration;
-  // Limit and Update blower PWM
-  if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-    }
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);      
-* Function Name  : DavidCControlPressure
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void DavidCControlPressure(int32_t setPressure)//pressure in cmH2O*10
-  int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-  int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-  int32_t   lOutputPressure;
-  u16       uiFlowMaxInExpi;
-  int32_t lError = setPressure - uiProximalPressureMes;
-  lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)Ki_Pressure_I * lError;  
-  if (Ki_Pressure_I<uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I]) 
-  {
-    Ki_Pressure_I++;
-  }
-  // Close loop in pressure
-  if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-    else    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;       
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-    else
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;    
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;
-  lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Pressure_I>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-  lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration;
-  // Flow limiting
-  uiFlowMaxInExpi=uiMaximumFlowInExpiration[uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET]/10];
-  if (lError>5 && iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi)
-  {      
-    // Impossible to maintain the peep (patient disconnection)
-    if (uiDisconnectionTime==0)
-    {        
-      if (fBlockCloseLoop==FALSE)
-      fBlockCloseLoop=TRUE;                                     // Block the close loop
-      if (uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection!=0)                      // Apply a fixed PWM value
-        uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection;
-      else
-        uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-    else
-      uiDisconnectionTime--;  
-  }  
-  else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes<(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi && (lError>(-2) && lError<2))
-  {
-    // Good pressure : no disconnection
-    if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-    {
-      // The close loop was block before => unblock it
-      fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I=0;
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;
-      return;
-    }
-    else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>=0)
-    {
-      // Record current PWM
-      uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection=uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;        
-    }
-  }
-  // Unblock the close loop every 4s in case of none recorded PWM value
-  if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE && uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection==0 && uiDisconnectionTimeInCPAP==0) 
-  {
-    fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I=0;
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;
-    return;
-  }
-  // Update Time counters 
-  if (uiDisconnectionTimeInCPAP!=0)
-    uiDisconnectionTimeInCPAP--;
-  // Update blower PWM
-  if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-  {      
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-  }
-  else if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-    }
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);      
-* Function Name  : ManageOneCstPWM
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageOneCstPWM(void)
-  // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-  if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-    return;
-  // Update Blower Speed   
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);      
-* Function Name  : Manage2CstPWM
-* Description    : Manage Ti, Te, DAC, Blower, PID
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void Manage2CstPWM(void)
-  if (ucVentilationCycle==INSPIRATION_CYCLE)
-    {  
-    // ------------- INSPIRATION ------------      
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);      
-    // Inspiratoy time
-    uiTiD++;
-    if (uiTiD>=uiVentilationSet[TI_BARO_SET]) 
-      {
-      ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE;
-      uiTiD=0;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    { 
-    // ------------- EXPIRATION ------------  
-    // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-    if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-      return;
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec); 
-    // Expiratoy time
-    uiTeD++;
-    if (uiTeD>=uiTeBaroSet) 
-      {
-      ucVentilationCycle=INSPIRATION_CYCLE;
-      uiTeD=0;        
-      }
-    }
-* Function Name  : ManageCstSpeed
-* Description    : Manage constant speed ventilation
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageCstSpeed(void)
-  int32_t   lError;
-  int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-  int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-  int32_t   lOutputSpeed;
-  // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-  if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-    return;
-  // Update settings
-  if (uiBlowerSpeedSetting<uiBlowerSpeedSet) 
-    uiBlowerSpeedSetting+=10;      
-  else if (uiBlowerSpeedSetting>uiBlowerSpeedSet) 
-    uiBlowerSpeedSetting-=10;      
-  uiTiD++;
-  if ((uiTiD%10)==0)
-  {
-    // Barometric Mode : error computation
-    lError=(int32_t)uiBlowerSpeedSetting-(int32_t)uiBlowerSpeedMes;
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_SPEED_I_TEC] * lError;  
-    // Close loop in pressure
-    if ((lIntegral_Speed_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputSpeedI==FALSE)) 
-      {
-      if ((lIntegral_Speed_I + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-        lIntegral_Speed_I = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-      else    
-        lIntegral_Speed_I += lIntegralTerm;       
-      }
-    else if ((lIntegral_Speed_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputSpeedI==FALSE)) 
-      {
-      if ((lIntegral_Speed_I + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-        lIntegral_Speed_I = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-      else
-        lIntegral_Speed_I += lIntegralTerm;
-      }
-    else if ((lIntegral_Speed_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-      lIntegral_Speed_I += lIntegralTerm;
-    else if ((lIntegral_Speed_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-      lIntegral_Speed_I += lIntegralTerm;    
-    lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_SPEED_I_TEC] * lError;
-    lOutputSpeed = (lIntegral_Speed_I>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-    if (lOutputSpeed>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-      {
-      bMaxPIOutputSpeedI = TRUE; 
-      uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-      }
-    else if (lOutputSpeed<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-      {
-      bMinPIOutputSpeedI = TRUE; 
-      uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-      }
-    else
-      {
-      bMaxPIOutputSpeedI = FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputSpeedI = FALSE;
-      uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputSpeed;
-      }
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);   
-  }
-* Function Name  : ManageFlowCalibration
-* Description    : Manage Low flow calibration
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageFlowCalibration(void)
-  char          cCharValue;
-  char          szTempBuf[SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300];
-  /*  
-  #ifdef  USE_TSI_4040
-  switch(enTSICommScheduler)
-  {
-  default:
-    {
-      // Send Type of Gas command                              
-      if (SS_Xputdw(tsi, &ucTSICommand)==TRUE)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=TSI_CHECK_ANSWER;
-        enTSIGoBackToStep=TSI_SET_FLOW_UNIT;                  
-      }
-      break;
-    }   
-    {
-      // Send Type of Gas command                              
-      if (SS_Xputdw(tsi, &ucTSICommand)==TRUE)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=TSI_CHECK_ANSWER;
-        enTSIGoBackToStep=TSI_SET_SAMPLE_TIME;                  
-      }
-      break;      
-    }  
-    {
-      // Send sample time
-      if (SS_Xputdw(tsi, &ucTSICommand)==TRUE)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=TSI_CHECK_ANSWER;
-        enTSIGoBackToStep=TSI_READ_FLOW;                  
-      }
-      break;      
-    }  
-  case TSI_READ_FLOW:
-    {
-      // Send sample time
-      if (SS_Xputdw(tsi, &ucTSICommand)==TRUE)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=TSI_CHECK_ANSWER;
-        enTSIGoBackToStep=TSI_CYCLE_DETECTION;                  
-      }
-      break;      
-    } 
-    {
-      uiBlowerFlow=iFlowFromTSI;
-      break;
-    }
-    {                      
-      opstatus=SS_Xgetw(tsi, &uiDummy);        
-      if (opstatus==OPSTATUS_OK)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=enTSIGoBackToStep;
-      }
-      else if (opstatus==OPSTATUS_FAIL)
-      {
-        enTSICommScheduler=TSI_SET_TYPE_OF_GAS;
-      }        
-      break;  
-    }
-  }
-  #endif  // #ifdef  USE_TSI_4040
-  */
-  switch(enLowFlowCalibrationStep)
-  {
-    {
-      // Init comm with PF300 => wait 2s before sending first command to PF300
-      // We need to wait for this delay in order to the handset to activate its transparent mode
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut==0)
-      {              
-        bDisableMaroubraCommCommunication=TRUE;
-        // Prepare command to PF300 
-        UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_CmdSwitchOffEcho);       
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;        
-        strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_AnswerSwitchOffEcho);
-        ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_AnswerSwitchOffEcho);
-        enGoBackToStep=SET_GAS_TYPE;                  
-      } 
-      else
-      {
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-      }
-      break;
-    }   
-  case SET_GAS_TYPE:
-    {
-      // Prepare command to PF300 
-      UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_SetAirGasType);               
-      enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;      
-      strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_AnswerAirGasType);
-      ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_AnswerAirGasType);
-      enGoBackToStep=SET_GAS_STANDARD;  
-      break;      
-    }
-    {
-      // Prepare command to PF300 
-      UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_SetGasStandard);             
-      enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;      
-      strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_AnswerGasStandard);
-      ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_AnswerGasStandard);
-      enGoBackToStep=START_FLOW_READING;  
-      break;      
-    }  
-    {
-      // Set Min blower speed
-      uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib=MIN_PI_OUTPUT;
-      SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib);
-      // Init variable for flow sensor
-      uiCalibrationTimeOut=SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_FLOW;              
-      ulSumFlowTicks=0;
-      uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter=0;
-      // Next step
-      enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_FLOW_COMMAND;  
-      break;
-    }
-    {      
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut!=0)
-      {
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-        if (uiCalibrationTimeOut<(SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_FLOW>>1))
-        {
-          ulSumFlowTicks+=uiBlowerFlowRAWMes;
-          uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter++;        
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // Prepare next command (Read Low Flow)
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;
-        if (bHighFlowCalibrationInProgress==FALSE)
-        {
-          UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_ReadLowFlowCmd);                // %RM#1\r      
-          strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_ReadLowFlowAnswer);     // %RM#1$          
-          ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_ReadLowFlowAnswer);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_ReadHighFlowCmd);               // %RM#0\r      
-          strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_ReadHighFlowAnswer);    // %RM#0$          
-          ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_ReadHighFlowAnswer);
-        }
-        enGoBackToStep=READ_FLOW_VALUE;                              
-      }
-      break;
-    }      
-    {                   
-      if (uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter!=0)
-      {
-        // Read PF300 flow (l/min)
-        strcpy(szTempBuf, &szAnswerFromPF300[ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer]);
-        // Store value of flow
-        if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize<LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
-          stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]=(unsigned int)atoi(szTempBuf);
-        else
-          stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]=(unsigned int)atoi(szTempBuf)*10;
-        // Store ticks value
-        stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]=ulSumFlowTicks/uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter;
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut=SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_FLOW;        
-        ulSumFlowTicks=0; 
-        uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter=0;                                                
-        // Check if current flow <0.1l/min
-        if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]<10)
-        {
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Check if the last low flow is higher than 20l/min or lower than 2l/min
-        if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize==(LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES-1))
-        {
-          // Check if the last low flow is higher than 20l/min or lower than 2l/min
-          if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]>2000 || stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]<200)
-          {
-            enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        // Next flow sample
-        if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize==LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES && stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES]<(stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES-1]+500))
-        {
-          // No enough flow margin between the last value of the low flow and the first value of the high flow
-        }             
-        else if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize!=0 && stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]<(stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize-1]+50))
-        {
-          // No enough margin between two consecutives flow
-        }
-        else if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize!=0 && stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize]<=stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize-1])
-        {
-          // Same or less ticks between two consecutives flow
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          break;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize++;
-          if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize-1]>=14000)
-          {
-            // End of calib => check the number of samples
-            if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize>(FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES>>1))
-            {
-              enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_SUCCESS_COMMAND;
-              // Transfer the temporary LUT in the definitive LUT
-              stLUTFlowSensor=stTemporayLUTFlowSensor;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-            }
-            break;
-          }
-          else if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize>FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
-          {             
-            enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        // Prepare next flow reading
-        if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize<LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
-        {
-          // New motor speed
-          uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib+=20;
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_FLOW_COMMAND;
-        }
-        else if (stTemporayLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize==LOW_FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES && bHighFlowCalibrationInProgress==FALSE)
-        {
-          // Min speed for motor
-          uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib=MIN_PI_OUTPUT;
-          SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib);
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_HIGH_FLOW_CALIB_REQUEST;          
-          break;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          // New motor speed
-          uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib+=10;
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_FLOW_COMMAND;          
-        }
-        // Update motor speed
-        if (uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib<MAX_PI_OUTPUT)
-        {
-          SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiMotorDutyCyleForFlowCalib);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          break;
-        }                                        
-      }
-      else    // if (uiFlowTicksSamplesCounter!=0)
-      {
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-      }            
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szRequestHighFlowCalib)==TRUE)
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=WAIT_FOR_HIGH_FLOW_CALIB_ACK;       
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      // Wait for acknownledge from handset
-      if (ReadByteReceive(&cCharValue)==TRUE)
-      {                          
-        if (cCharValue=='@')
-        {
-          // Continue flow calibration
-          bHighFlowCalibrationInProgress=TRUE;
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=SEND_FLOW_COMMAND;
-        }
-        else
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szEndOfCalibFailed)==TRUE)
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=END_OF_CALIBRATION;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szEndOfCalibOK)==TRUE)
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=END_OF_CALIBRATION;      
-      break;
-    }
-  case SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300:
-    {
-      // Send a byte every 1ms
-      if (TransferBufferToPF300()==TRUE)
-      {      
-        // Buffer sent !!
-        if (ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer!=0)
-        {
-          // Check answer from PF300
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          uiCalibrationTimeOut=TIME_OUT_RECEPTION_PACKET_FROM_PF300;
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=CHECK_COMMAND_FROM_PF300;
-        }
-        else
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=enGoBackToStep;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut==0)
-      {
-        // Time-out in reception !!
-        ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-        enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-      }
-      else if (ReadByteReceive(&cCharValue)==TRUE)
-      {                            
-        // Check last byte received
-        if (cCharValue=='\r')
-        {
-          // End of answer => check buffer content
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          strcpy(szTempBuf, szAnswerFromPF300);
-          szTempBuf[ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer]=0;
-          if (strcmp(szTempBuf, szExpectedAnswerFromPF300)==0)
-          {
-            // Buffer OK !!
-            enLowFlowCalibrationStep=enGoBackToStep;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            // Buffer wrong !!
-            enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          }
-        }
-        else if (cCharValue=='?')
-        {
-          // PF300 is lost => end of calibration
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-        }                       
-        else
-        {
-          // Store byte from PF300 into buffer
-          szAnswerFromPF300[ucIndexAnswerFromPF300++]=cCharValue;
-          if (ucIndexAnswerFromPF300>=SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300)
-          {
-            // Answer too long !!
-            ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-            enLowFlowCalibrationStep=PREPARE_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            // Add 0 at the end of the string
-            szAnswerFromPF300[ucIndexAnswerFromPF300]=0; 
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // No byte received !!
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-      }
-      break;  
-    }
-  default:  
-    {      
-      uiTechnicalDataSet[START_STOP_VENTILATION]=0; 
-      bDisableMaroubraCommCommunication=FALSE;
-      break;
-    }
-  }         // switch
-  // Every 300ms, send '@*' to inform the handset that the blower works properly
-  if (uiImHereMsgTimer==0)
-  {
-    if (enLowFlowCalibrationStep!=SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300)
-    {
-      uiImHereMsgTimer=300;
-      TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szImHere);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-    uiImHereMsgTimer--;
-* Function Name  : ManagePressureCalibration
-* Description    : Manage pressure calibration
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManagePressureCalibration(void)
-  char          cCharValue;
-  char          szTempBuf[SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300];
-  u16           uiCalibPressureADCValue;
-  u16           uiCalibPressureValue;
-  u16           uiCalibPressureGain;
-  switch(enPressureCalibrationStep)
-  {
-    {
-      // Init comm with PF300 => wait 2s before sending first command to PF300
-      // We need to wait for this delay in order to the handset to activate its transparent mode
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut==0)
-      {              
-        bDisableMaroubraCommCommunication=TRUE;
-        // Prepare command to PF300 
-        UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_CmdSwitchOffEcho);                     
-        strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_AnswerSwitchOffEcho);
-        ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_AnswerSwitchOffEcho);
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;  
-        enPressureCalibGoBackToStep=START_PRESSURE_READING;                  
-      } 
-      else
-      {
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-      }
-      break;
-    } 
-  {
-    // Set blower speed
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, 600);
-    // Init variable for flow sensor
-    uiCalibrationTimeOut=SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_PRESSURE;              
-    ulSumPressureTicks=0;
-    uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter=0;  
-    enPressureCalibrationStep=SEND_PRESSURE_COMMAND;
-    break;
-  }
-    {      
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut!=0)
-      {
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-        if (uiCalibrationTimeOut<2000)
-        {
-          ulSumPressureTicks+=uiProximalPressureADCMes;
-          uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter++;        
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // Prepare next command        
-        UpdateBufferToSend((char*)szPF300_ReadPdiffCmd);               
-        strcpy(szExpectedAnswerFromPF300, szPF300_ReadPdiffAnswer);    
-        ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer=strlen(szPF300_ReadPdiffAnswer);        
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300;
-        enPressureCalibGoBackToStep=READ_PRESSURE_VALUE;
-      }
-      break;
-    }      
-    {                   
-      if (uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter!=0)
-      {
-        // Read PF300 pressure
-        strcpy(szTempBuf, &szAnswerFromPF300[ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer]);
-        // Store value of Pressure        
-        uiCalibPressureValue=(unsigned int)atoi(szTempBuf);
-        // Store ticks value
-        uiCalibPressureADCValue=ulSumPressureTicks/uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter;
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut=SAMPLE_RATE_BETWEEN_TWO_PRESSURE;        
-        ulSumPressureTicks=0; 
-        uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter=0;                                                
-        // Check if current pressure<10cmH20
-        if (uiCalibPressureValue<1000)
-        {
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Compute pressure gain
-        uiCalibPressureGain=(10000UL*(uiCalibPressureADCValue-uiTechnicalDataSet[PPROX_OFFSET_TEC]))/uiCalibPressureValue; 
-        uiCalibPressureGain+=5;
-        uiCalibPressureGain/=10;
-        // Check pressure gain range  
-        if (uiCalibPressureGain<Tec_GainPprox_MIN || uiCalibPressureGain>Tec_GainPprox_MAX)
-        {
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_SUCCESS_COMMAND;
-          // Transfer the temporary LUT in the definitive LUT
-          uiTechnicalDataSet[PPROX_GAIN_TEC]=uiCalibPressureGain;
-        }                                  
-      }
-      else    // if (uiPressureTicksSamplesCounter!=0)
-      {
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-      }            
-      break;
-    }  
-    {
-      if (TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szEndOfCalibFailed)==TRUE)
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_END_OF_CALIBRATION;
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szEndOfCalibOK)==TRUE)
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_END_OF_CALIBRATION;      
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      // Send a byte every 1ms
-      if (TransferBufferToPF300()==TRUE)
-      {      
-        // Buffer sent !!
-        if (ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer!=0)
-        {
-          // Check answer from PF300
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          uiCalibrationTimeOut=TIME_OUT_RECEPTION_PACKET_FROM_PF300;
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_CHECK_COMMAND_FROM_PF300;
-        }
-        else
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=enPressureCalibGoBackToStep;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    {
-      if (uiCalibrationTimeOut==0)
-      {
-        // Time-out in reception !!
-        ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-        enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-      }
-      else if (ReadByteReceive(&cCharValue)==TRUE)
-      {                            
-        // Check last byte received
-        if (cCharValue=='\r')
-        {
-          // End of answer => check buffer content
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          strcpy(szTempBuf, szAnswerFromPF300);
-          szTempBuf[ucNumberOfBytesToCheckFromPF300Answer]=0;
-          if (strcmp(szTempBuf, szExpectedAnswerFromPF300)==0)
-          {
-            // Buffer OK !!
-            enPressureCalibrationStep=enPressureCalibGoBackToStep;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            // Buffer wrong !!
-            enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          }
-        }
-        else if (cCharValue=='?')
-        {
-          // PF300 is lost => end of calibration
-          ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-          enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-        }                       
-        else
-        {
-          // Store byte from PF300 into buffer
-          szAnswerFromPF300[ucIndexAnswerFromPF300++]=cCharValue;
-          if (ucIndexAnswerFromPF300>=SIZE_RX_BUFFER_PF300)
-          {
-            // Answer too long !!
-            ucIndexAnswerFromPF300=0;
-            enPressureCalibrationStep=PRESSURE_CALIB_FAILURE_COMMAND;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            // Add 0 at the end of the string
-            szAnswerFromPF300[ucIndexAnswerFromPF300]=0; 
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        // No byte received !!
-        uiCalibrationTimeOut--;
-      }
-      break;  
-    }
-  default:  
-    {      
-      uiTechnicalDataSet[START_STOP_VENTILATION]=0; 
-      bDisableMaroubraCommCommunication=FALSE;
-      break;
-    }
-  }         // switch
-  // Every 300ms, send '@*' to inform the handset that the blower works properly
-  if (uiImHereMsgTimer==0)
-  {
-    if (enPressureCalibrationStep!=PRESSURE_CALIB_SEND_COMMAND_TO_PF300)
-    {
-      uiImHereMsgTimer=300;
-      TransferCommandToHandset((char*)szImHere);
-    }
-  }
-  else
-    uiImHereMsgTimer--;
-* Function Name  : ManageCstPressure
-* Description    : Manage constant pressure
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageCstPressure(void)
-  int32_t   lError;
-  int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-  int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-  int32_t   lOutputPressure;
-  // Barometric Mode : error computation
-  lError=(int32_t)uiMLT_PressureSetPoint-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-  lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;  
-  if (uiMLT_PressureSetPoint<uiVentilationSet[PI_SET]) uiMLT_PressureSetPoint++;
-  // Close loop in pressure
-  if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-    else    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;       
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-    else
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;    
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_CPAP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;
-  lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Pressure_I>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-  // Add constante value (PWM at the end of the previous inspiration)    
-  //lOutputPressure+=300; 
-  if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-  }
-  // Update Blower Speed   
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);     
-  // Monitoring and Alarm (every 1s)
-    if (uiAverageMonitoringMLT==0)
-    {
-      uiAverageBlowerSpeedMes=ulMLT_SumSpeedMes/MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;
-      uiBreathBlowerCurrentMes=ulMLT_SumCurrentMes/MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;
-      uiAverateMotorTempMes=ulMLT_SumTemperatureMes/MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;
-      uiAverageMotorVoltage=ulMLT_SumBlowerVoltage/MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;
-      ulMLT_SumSpeedMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumCurrentMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumTemperatureMes=0;
-      ulMLT_SumBlowerVoltage=0;
-      uiAverageMonitoringMLT=MLT_AVERAGE_MONITORING;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      ulMLT_SumSpeedMes+=uiBlowerSpeedMes;
-      ulMLT_SumCurrentMes+=uiBlowerCurrentMes;
-      ulMLT_SumTemperatureMes+=uiTechnicalDataMes[MOTOR_TEMPERATURE_TEC_MES];
-      ulMLT_SumBlowerVoltage+=uiTechnicalDataMes[MOTOR_VOLTAGE_TEC_MES];
-      uiAverageMonitoringMLT--;
-    }
-    // Alarms management
-    if (uiMLT_EnableAlarm==0)
-    {
-      // High Speed alarm
-      if (uiAverageBlowerSpeedMes>uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_HIGH_SPEED_TEC])
-      // Low Speed alarm
-      if (uiAverageBlowerSpeedMes<uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_LOW_SPEED_TEC])
-      // High blower current alarm
-      if (uiBreathBlowerCurrentMes>uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_HIGH_CURRENT_TEC])
-      // High Blower temperature
-      if (uiAverateMotorTempMes>uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_HIGH_TEMPERATURE_TEC])
-      // Low Blower temperature
-      if (uiAverateMotorTempMes<100)
-      // High Blower Flow
-      if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger>uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_HIGH_FLOW_TEC] || iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger<uiTechnicalDataSet[MLT_LOW_FLOW_TEC])
-    }
-    else
-      uiMLT_EnableAlarm--;
-  #endif  // MOTOR_LIFE_TESTING
-* Function Name  : ManagePACVVentilation
-* Description    : Manage Bilevel ventilation
-* Input          : bPSMode=true in PS mode, false in PI mode
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManagePACVVentilation(bool bPSMode)
-int32_t   lError;
-int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-int32_t   lOutputPressure;
-u16       uiPressureSetPoint;
-u16       uiTiMax;
-u16       uiTiMin;
-//u16       uiTeMax;
-u16       uiFlowMaxInExpi;
-if (ucVentilationCycle==INSPIRATION_CYCLE)
-  {  
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -                              INSPIRATION                                -
-  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------              
-  // Ti et pressure set point management
-  if (bPSMode==TRUE)   
-  {
-    uiPressureSetPoint=uiVentilationSet[PS_SET]; 
-    uiTiMax=uiVentilationSet[TI_MAX_SET]; 
-  }
-  else    
-  {
-    uiPressureSetPoint=uiVentilationSet[PI_SET];
-    uiTiMax=uiVentilationSet[TI_BARO_SET];    
-  }
-  // Compute Timin
-  if (uiPatientType==PATIENT_ADULT)   
-    uiTiMin=TiBaroSet_A_MIN;
-  else
-    uiTiMin=TiBaroSet_P_MIN;
-  // Limit the pressure setting
-  if (uiVentilationSet[HIGH_PRESSURE_ALARM_SET]<uiPressureSetPoint)
-    uiPressureSetPoint=uiVentilationSet[HIGH_PRESSURE_ALARM_SET];
-  if (uiTiD==0) 
-  { 
-    // Management Expiratory Trigger    
-    ucTempoTriggerExpiAuto=TEMPO_TRIGGER_EXPI;
-    // Management Inspiratory slope    
-    switch(uiVentilationSet[SLOPE_BARO_SET])
-    {
-      default:
-      case 1:
-      {
-        // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms
-        uiIpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]+2;                    
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2:
-      {
-        ucIndexTableSlope=0;
-        uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope2Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3:
-      {
-        ucIndexTableSlope=0;
-        uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope3Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4:
-      {
-        ucIndexTableSlope=0;
-        uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope4Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  else 
-  {
-    // Management Inspiratory slope 
-    switch(uiVentilationSet[SLOPE_BARO_SET])
-    {
-      default:
-      case 1:
-      {
-        // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms
-        uiIpapSettingTemp+=2;                                   
-        if (uiIpapSettingTemp>uiPressureSetPoint) 
-          uiIpapSettingTemp=uiPressureSetPoint;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 2:
-      {
-        if (ucIndexTableSlope<SIZE_SLOPE2_TABLE && (uiTiD%10)==0)
-          uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope2Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 3:
-      {
-        if (ucIndexTableSlope<SIZE_SLOPE3_TABLE && (uiTiD%10)==0)
-          uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope3Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-      case 4:
-      {
-        if (ucIndexTableSlope<SIZE_SLOPE4_TABLE && (uiTiD%10)==0)
-          uiIpapSettingTemp=(uiPressureSetPoint*ucSlope4Table[ucIndexTableSlope++])/100;
-        break;
-      }
-    }        
-  }     
-  // Barometric Mode : error computation
-  lError=(int32_t)uiIpapSettingTemp-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-  if (fFirstCycleInspi==FALSE) 
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;
-  else
-  {
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_I]>>2) * lError;
-    uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-  }
-  // Close loop in pressure
-  if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-    else    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;       
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputPressureI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-    else
-      lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I += lIntegralTerm;    
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_VENTED_PRESSURE_I] * lError;
-  lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Pressure_I>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-  // Add constante value (PWM at the end of the previous inspiration)    
-  lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration; 
-  if (fAlarmPmax==TRUE || fAlarmVtiMax==TRUE)
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-  }
-  else if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI = FALSE;
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-  }
-  // Update Blower Speed   
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);                                  
-  // ************************ CYCLE MANAGEMENT *********************************
-  uiTiD++; 
-  if ((uiTiD>=uiTiMax) || 
-      (TestTriggerExpiratoire(uiVentilationSet[TRIG_E_SET], uiVentilationSet[PS_SET])==TRUE && uiTiD>uiVentilationSet[TI_MIN_SET] && bPSMode==TRUE) ||
-      (fAlarmPmax==TRUE   && uiTiD>uiTiMin) ||
-      (fAlarmVtiMax==TRUE && uiTiD>uiTiMin))
-    {   
-    // Beginning of the expiration  
-    if (fAlarmPmax==FALSE && fAlarmVtiMax==FALSE)
-    {
-      fFirstCycleInspi=FALSE;
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;  
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      fFirstCycleInspi=TRUE;
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-    ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE;
-    uiTiD=0;                              
-    // Reset PI variables for next inspiration
-    lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;         
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;   
-    fFirstCycleExpi=FALSE;     
-    }
-  }  
-  { 
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -                               EXPIRATION                                -
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
-  // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-  if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-    return;
-  // ******************** MAIN BLOWER MANAGEMENT *******************************  
-  if (uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]==0)
-  {
-    uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec);                
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (uiTeD==0) 
-    {         
-      // First blower current setting
-      uiEpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PI_SET]-2;                    // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms
-    }
-    else 
-    {
-      // we increase the speed of the blower every 1ms        
-      uiEpapSettingTemp-=2;                           // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms
-      if (uiEpapSettingTemp<uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]) 
-        uiEpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET];
-    } 
-    // Barometric Mode : error computation
-    if (fFirstCycleExpi==FALSE)    
-    {
-      lError=(int32_t)uiEpapSettingTemp-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-      lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_E] * lError;   
-    }
-    else    
-    {
-      lError=(int32_t)uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-      lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_E]>>2) * lError;   
-    }  
-    // Close loop in pressure    
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputPressureE==FALSE)) 
-    {
-      if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-        lIntegral_Pressure_E = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-      else    
-        lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;       
-    }
-    else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputPressureE==FALSE)) 
-    {
-      if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-        lIntegral_Pressure_E = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-      else
-        lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-    else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;
-    else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;    
-    lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_VENTED_PRESSURE_E] * lError;
-    lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Pressure_E>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-    // Add constante value (PWM at the end of the previous expiration)    
-    lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration; 
-    // Flow limiting
-    uiFlowMaxInExpi=uiMaximumFlowInExpiration[uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET]/10];
-    if (lError>5 && iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi)     
-    {  
-      // Impossible to maintain the peep (patient disconnection)
-      if (uiDisconnectionTime==0)
-      {        
-        fBlockCloseLoop=TRUE;                                     // Block the close loop
-        if (uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection!=0)                      // Apply a fixed PWM value
-          uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection;
-        else
-          uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-      }
-      else
-        uiDisconnectionTime--;      
-    }   
-    else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes<(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi && (lError>(-2) && lError<2))
-    {             
-      // Good pressure : no disconnection 
-      uiDisconnectionTime=EXPIRATORY_DISCONNECTION_TIME_OUT;                       
-      if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-      {
-        // The close loop was block before => unblock it
-        fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;    
-        lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-        bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-        bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-        lOutputPressure=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-      }
-      else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>=0)
-      {
-        // Record current PWM
-        uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;        
-      }
-    }    
-    // Unblock the close loop every 4s in case of none recorded PWM value
-    if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE && uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection==0 && uiTeD==0)
-    {
-      fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      lOutputPressure=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-    }
-    // Update blower PWM
-    if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-    {      
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-    }
-    else if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-      uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-    else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-      bMinPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-      uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-    }       
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec);                            
-  }
-  // Expiratory time
-  uiTeD++;
-  if (uiTeD>TE_SET_MAX) uiTeD=TE_SET_MAX;
-  if ((uiTeD>=uiTeBaroSet && bPSMode==FALSE) || TestInspiratoryTrigger(bPSMode, uiTeD, uiVentilationSet[TRIG_I_FLOW_SET])==TRUE)
-    {
-    ucVentilationCycle=INSPIRATION_CYCLE;
-    uiTeD=0;         
-    // Record PWM value at the end of the expiration
-    uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;    
-    // Reset PI variables for next inspiration
-    lIntegral_Pressure_I=0;         
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureI=FALSE;
-    }
-  }  
-* Function Name  : ManageVolumetricVentilation
-* Description    : Manage Volumetric Ventilation
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ManageVolumetricVentilation(void)
-int32_t   lError;
-int32_t   lPropTerm;                  
-int32_t   lIntegralTerm;
-int32_t   lOutputPressure;
-int16_t   iMaxVtAdjust;
-u16       uiFlowMaxInExpi;
-u16       uiTiMin;
-if (ucVentilationCycle==INSPIRATION_CYCLE)
-  {  
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -                              INSPIRATION                                -
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------             
-  // Compute Timin
-  if (uiPatientType==PATIENT_ADULT)   
-    uiTiMin=TiVoluSet_A_MIN;
-  else
-    uiTiMin=TiVoluSet_P_MIN;
-  // ************************** Main Blower MANAGEMENT *************************        
-  if (uiTiD==0) 
-  { 
-    // Compute Volume adjustment
-    if (fFirstCycleInspi==FALSE)
-    {
-      if ((uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS1]&HIGH_PRESSURE_ALARM_MASK)==0)
-      {
-        if (ucCounterHPAlarm==0)
-        {
-          iVtAdjust+=(((int16_t)uiVentilationSet[VT_SET]-(int16_t)uiRecordVtiMes>>1));
-          if (iVtAdjust>0)
-          {
-            iMaxVtAdjust=(int16_t)(uiVentilationSet[VT_SET]>>1);        // >0
-            if (iVtAdjust>iMaxVtAdjust)
-              iVtAdjust=iMaxVtAdjust;        
-          }
-          else if (iVtAdjust<0)
-          {
-            iMaxVtAdjust=(int16_t)(~(uiVentilationSet[VT_SET]>>1)+1);  // <0
-            if (iVtAdjust<iMaxVtAdjust)
-              iVtAdjust=iMaxVtAdjust;                
-          }
-        }
-        else
-          ucCounterHPAlarm--;
-      }
-      else
-        ucCounterHPAlarm=1;
-    }
-    else    
-      iVtAdjust=0;   
-    ComputeInspiratoryFlowSetPointInAVC(uiPatientType, (u16)((int16_t)uiVentilationSet[VT_SET]+iVtAdjust), uiVentilationSet[TI_VOLU_SET], uiVentilationSet[SHAPE_SET], &ulMaxIFlowSet, &ulMinIFlowSet, &ulDecFlowStep);    
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (ulMaxIFlowSet>=ulDecFlowStep)
-      ulMaxIFlowSet-=ulDecFlowStep;
-    if (ulMaxIFlowSet<ulMinIFlowSet)
-      ulMaxIFlowSet=ulMinIFlowSet;
-  }
-  // Volumetric Mode : error computation
-  //lError=(int32_t)(ulMaxIFlowSet/100)-iBlowerFlowMes;
-  lError=(int32_t)(ulMaxIFlowSet/100)-iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes;
-  if (fFirstCycleInspi==FALSE)
-  {
-    if (ulMaxIFlowSet<150000 && uiTiD>30000)
-      lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_FLOW_I]>>1) * lError;
-    else
-      lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_FLOW_I] * lError;
-  }
-  else
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_FLOW_I]>>2) * lError;
-  // Close loop in pressure or flow (PI)
-  if ((lIntegral_Flow_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputFlowI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Flow_I + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-      lIntegral_Flow_I = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-    else    
-      lIntegral_Flow_I += lIntegralTerm;       
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Flow_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputFlowI==FALSE)) 
-    {
-    if ((lIntegral_Flow_I + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-      lIntegral_Flow_I = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-    else
-      lIntegral_Flow_I += lIntegralTerm;
-    }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Flow_I<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-    lIntegral_Flow_I += lIntegralTerm;
-  else if ((lIntegral_Flow_I>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-    lIntegral_Flow_I += lIntegralTerm;    
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_FLOW_I] * lError;
-  lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Flow_I>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-  // Add constante value (PWM at the end of the previous inspiration)    
-  lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration; 
-  if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputFlowI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-    {
-    bMinPIOutputFlowI = TRUE; 
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    bMaxPIOutputFlowI = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputFlowI = FALSE;
-    uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-    }
-  // Update Blower Speed   
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec);                                  
-  // ************************ CYCLE MANAGEMENT *********************************
-  uiTiD++; 
-  if ((uiTiD>=uiVentilationSet[TI_VOLU_SET]) ||
-      (fAlarmPmax==TRUE && uiTiD>uiTiMin))
-    {   
-    // Beginning of the expiration      
-    uiPWMatTheEndOfInspiration=uiInspirationBlowerPWMTec;            
-    uiProximalPressureAtTheEndOfInspiration=uiProximalPressureMes;
-    ucVentilationCycle=EXPIRATION_CYCLE;
-    uiTiD=0;                              
-    // Reset PI variables for next inspiration
-    lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;         
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureE=FALSE;   
-    fFirstCycleExpi=FALSE;  
-    fFirstCycleInspi=FALSE;
-    }
-  }  
-  { 
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  // -                               EXPIRATION                                -
-  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
-  // *************************** UPDATE SETTINGS *******************************
-  if (ApplyNewVentilationMode()==TRUE)
-    return;
-  // ******************** MAIN BLOWER MANAGEMENT *******************************  
-  if (uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]==0)
-  {
-    uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec);                
-  }
-  else
-  {
-  if (uiTeD==0) 
-    {         
-    // First blower pressure setting
-    if (uiProximalPressureAtTheEndOfInspiration<uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET])
-      uiEpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET];
-    else if (uiProximalPressureAtTheEndOfInspiration>=2)
-      uiEpapSettingTemp=uiProximalPressureAtTheEndOfInspiration-2;  // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms
-    else
-      uiEpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET];
-    }
-  else 
-    {
-    // we decrease the speed of the blower every 1ms  
-    if (uiEpapSettingTemp>=2)      
-      uiEpapSettingTemp-=2;                           // Slope of 5ms/hPa => 0.2hPa/ms    
-    } 
-  // Pressure set point limitation
-  if (uiEpapSettingTemp<uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]) 
-    uiEpapSettingTemp=uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET];
-  // Barometric Mode : error computation
-  if (fFirstCycleExpi==FALSE)    
-  {
-    lError=(int32_t)uiEpapSettingTemp-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_E] * lError;   
-  }
-  else    
-  {
-    lError=(int32_t)uiVentilationSetTemp[PEEP_SET]-(int32_t)uiProximalPressureMes;
-    lIntegralTerm = (int32_t)(uiTechnicalDataSet[KI_VENTED_PRESSURE_E]>>2) * lError;   
-  }  
-  // Close loop in pressure
-  if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E>=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0) && (bMaxPIOutputPressureE==FALSE)) 
-  {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E + lIntegralTerm) <0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E = INTEGRAL_MAX;
-    else    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;       
-  }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E<=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0) && (bMinPIOutputPressureE==FALSE)) 
-  {
-    if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E + lIntegralTerm)>0)
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E = INTEGRAL_MIN;
-    else
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;
-  }
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E<=0) && (lIntegralTerm>=0))
-    lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;
-  else if ((lIntegral_Pressure_E>=0) && (lIntegralTerm<=0))    
-    lIntegral_Pressure_E += lIntegralTerm;    
-  lPropTerm = (int32_t)uiTechnicalDataSet[KP_VENTED_PRESSURE_E] * lError;
-  lOutputPressure = (lIntegral_Pressure_E>>16) + (lPropTerm>>13);
-  // Add constante value (PWM at the end of the previous expiration)    
-  lOutputPressure+=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration; 
-  // Flow limiting
-  uiFlowMaxInExpi=uiMaximumFlowInExpiration[uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET]/10];
-  if (lError>5 && iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi)     
-  {  
-    // Impossible to maintain the peep (patient disconnection)
-    if (uiDisconnectionTime==0)
-    {        
-      fBlockCloseLoop=TRUE;                                     // Block the close loop
-      if (uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection!=0)                      // Apply a fixed PWM value
-        uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection;
-      else
-        uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-    }
-    else
-      uiDisconnectionTime--;      
-  }   
-  else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes<(int16_t)uiFlowMaxInExpi && (lError>(-2) && lError<2))
-  {             
-    // Good pressure : no disconnection 
-    uiDisconnectionTime=EXPIRATORY_DISCONNECTION_TIME_OUT;                       
-    if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-    {
-      // The close loop was block before => unblock it
-      fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;    
-      lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-      bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-      lOutputPressure=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-    }
-    else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes>=0)
-    {
-      // Record current PWM
-      uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;        
-    }
-  }    
-  // Unblock the close loop every 4s in case of none recorded PWM value
-  if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE && uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection==0 && uiTeD==0)
-  {
-    fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE;
-    lIntegral_Pressure_E=0;
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-    lOutputPressure=uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-  }
-  // Update blower PWM
-  if (fBlockCloseLoop==TRUE)
-  {      
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-  }  
-  else if (lOutputPressure>=((int32_t)MAX_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-    uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MAX_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else if (lOutputPressure<((int32_t)MIN_VOLTAGE_REF))
-  {
-    bMinPIOutputPressureE = TRUE; 
-    uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec=MIN_VOLTAGE_REF;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    bMaxPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputPressureE = FALSE;
-    uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec = lOutputPressure;
-  }    
-  // Update Blower Speed   
-  SS_Xputdw(mdrv, uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec);                
-  }
-  // Expiratory time
-  uiTeD++;
-  if (uiTeD>=uiTeVoluSet || TestInspiratoryTrigger(FALSE, uiTeD, uiVentilationSet[TRIG_I_FLOW_SET])==TRUE)
-    {
-    ucVentilationCycle=INSPIRATION_CYCLE;
-    uiTeD=0;         
-    // Record PWM value at the end of the expiration
-    if (fBlockCloseLoop==FALSE)
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=uiExpirationBlowerPWMTec;
-    else
-      uiPWMatTheEndOfExpiration=0;
-    fBlockCloseLoop=FALSE; 
-    // Reset PI variables for next inspiration
-    lIntegral_Flow_I=0;         
-    bMaxPIOutputFlowI=FALSE;
-    bMinPIOutputFlowI=FALSE;
-    }
-  }  
-* Function Name  : LaunchTherapyEngine
-* Description    : Select and launch the therapy engine
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void LaunchTherapyEngine(void)
-  if (bMemoStartVentilation==TRUE)
-  {
-    // ---- Check new configuration
-    if (uiTechnicalDataSet[DEVICE_MODE_TEC]!=uiPreviousDeviceMode)
-    {      
-      UpdateSettings();
-      enPreviousMode=NUMBER_OF_MODE;                // Force full init of the variables
-      InitVentilation();  
-      uiPreviousDeviceMode=uiTechnicalDataSet[DEVICE_MODE_TEC];
-    }
-    switch(uiTechnicalDataSet[DEVICE_MODE_TEC])
-    {
-      default:
-      {      
-        if (enVentilationMode==PS_MODE)
-          ManagePACVVentilation(TRUE);
-        else if (enVentilationMode==APCV_MODE)
-          ManagePACVVentilation(FALSE);
-        else if (enVentilationMode==AVC_MODE)
-          ManageVolumetricVentilation();
-        else if (enVentilationMode==CPAP_MODE)
-          ManageCPAPVentilation();             
-        break;
-      }
-      case ONE_CST_PWM_MODE:
-      {      
-        ManageOneCstPWM();             
-        break;
-      }
-      case TWO_CST_PWM_MODE:
-      {      
-        Manage2CstPWM();             
-        break;
-      }
-      case CST_SPEED_MODE:
-      {      
-        ManageCstSpeed();
-        break;
-      }
-      case FLOW_CAL_MODE:
-      {      
-        ManageFlowCalibration();
-        break;
-      }
-      case PRESSURE_CAL_MODE:
-      {      
-        ManagePressureCalibration();
-        break;
-      }
-      case PRESSURE_CST_MODE:
-      {
-        ManageCstPressure();
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-* Function Name  : StartStopVentilation
-* Description    : Detect a start/stop ventilation request
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void StartStopVentilation(void)
-  opstatus_t  byOpStatus;  
-  #endif
-  // Check if an alarm must stop the ventilation
-  ucStopVentilationAlarmNumber=ReadStopVentilationAlarmNumber();
-  if (uiTechnicalDataSet[START_STOP_VENTILATION]==1 && ucStopVentilationAlarmNumber==SIZE_BLOWER_ALARM)
-  {
-    // *************** VENTILATION is ON **************           
-    if (bMemoStartVentilation==FALSE)
-    {           
-      switch(ucStartVentilationScheduler)
-      {
-        default:
-        case 0:
-        {
-          // Active the HW safety system
-          ControlHW(BLOWER_ON__PAT_CPLD);
-          ucStartVentilationScheduler++;
-          break;
-        }
-        case 1:
-        {
-          // Pat CPLD (WDI_CPLD), STOP_BLOWER=1
-          ControlHW(BLOWER_ON__PAT_CPLD);
-          // Read Offset of the Blower current 
-          ComputeADCBlowerCurrent(TRUE);       
-          ucStartVentilationScheduler++;
-          break;
-        }
-        case 2:
-        {
-          // Pat CPLD (WDI_CPLD), STOP_BLOWER=1
-          ControlHW(BLOWER_ON__PAT_CPLD);
-          // Open motor driver  
-          byOpStatus=SS_Xopen(mdrv);
-          if (byOpStatus==OPSTATUS_FAIL) 
-          {
-            uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]|=MOTOR_FAILURE_ALARM_MASK;      
-            ucStartVentilationScheduler=0;
-          }
-          else if (byOpStatus==OPSTATUS_OK)
-          {
-            // Force init settings and variables
-            uiPreviousDeviceMode=0xFF;  
-            uiTempo1min=TEMPO_1MIN;
-            #ifdef  DATA_LOGGING
-              uiTrendsSampleTime=RECORD_TRENDS_SAMPLE_TIME;
-            #endif  // DATA_LOGGING
-            // Check if ventilation mode is activated
-            if (uiTechnicalDataSet[DEVICE_MODE_TEC]!=VENTILATION_MODE)
-              uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]|=DEVICE_MODE_ALARM_MASK;
-            bMemoStartVentilation=TRUE;
-            ucStartVentilationScheduler=0;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }                              
-    // --- Check Safety system for Motor transistors ----
-    else if (IsMotorOK()==FALSE)
-    {
-    }    
-    // --- Test safety system thanks to the "STOP_BLOWER" Input pin
-    else if (TestStopBlowerInputPin()==OPSTATUS_OK)  
-    {
-      ControlHW(BLOWER_ON__PAT_CPLD); 
-      uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]&=(~HW_SAFETY_ALARM_MASK);
-    }
-    else        
-    {
-      uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]|=HW_SAFETY_ALARM_MASK;                
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  #endif  // #ifndef TEMPERATURE_TRENDS  
-  {
-    // *************** VENTILATION is OFF **************
-    if (ucStopVentilationAlarmNumber!=SIZE_BLOWER_ALARM)
-    {
-      // Stop patting CPLD (WDI_CPLD=0), STOP_BLOWER=0
-      ControlHW(BLOWER_OFF__STOP_PAT_CPLD);             
-    }
-    else 
-    {
-      // Pat CPLD (WDI_CPLD), STOP_BLOWER=1
-      ControlHW(BLOWER_ON__PAT_CPLD);
-      // ---- Test STOP_ACTUATOR Input pin Status
-      if (TestStopBlowerInputPin()==OPSTATUS_FAIL)      
-        uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]|=HW_SAFETY_ALARM_MASK; 
-      else
-        uiFlagsAlarm[ALARM_FLAGS2]&=(~HW_SAFETY_ALARM_MASK);
-    }
-    if (bMemoStartVentilation==TRUE)
-    {
-      StopAllActuators();        
-      ClearAllVentilationAlarms();
-      ClearAllMeasures();
-    } 
-    uiTechnicalDataSet[START_STOP_VENTILATION]=0;   
-    bMemoStartVentilation=FALSE;
-    ucStartVentilationScheduler=0;  
-    #endif
-    bDisableMaroubraCommCommunication=FALSE;
-  }  
-#endif    // #ifndef C_M3_DEVICETEST_TARGET 
-* Function Name  : ComputeTe
-* Description    : Compute expiratory time
-* Input          : uiF  = Breath frequency (bpm) 
-                   uiTi =  Inspiratory time (ms)
-* Output         : Expiratory time (ms)
-* Return         : None
-u16 ComputeTe(u16 uiF, u16 uiTi)
-  u16 uiTtot;
-  u16 uiTeTemp=TE_SET_MIN;
-  if (uiF!=0)
-  {
-    // Compute Ttotal
-    uiTtot=60000/uiF;
-    if (uiTtot>uiTi)
-    {
-      uiTeTemp=uiTtot-uiTi;
-      if (uiTeTemp<TE_SET_MIN)
-        uiTeTemp=TE_SET_MIN;      
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // F=0 => Te=2xTi
-    uiTeTemp=uiTi<<1;
-  }            
-  return(uiTeTemp);
-* Function Name  : UpdateSettings
-* Description    : Update the settings zone with the temporary settings zone
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : TRUE if the ventilation mode has changed
-bool UpdateSettings(void)
-  u8  ucIndex;
-  // Take into account a modification of the PEEP
-  if (uiVentilationSet[PEEP_SET]!=uiVentilationSetTemp[PEEP_SET] || uiVentilationSet[PS_CPAP_SET]!=uiVentilationSetTemp[PS_CPAP_SET])
-    uiMemoPWMDuringDisconnection=0;
-  // Transfert data from the setting temporary zone to the settings zone    
-  for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRS_GROUP; ucIndex++)      
-    uiVentilationSet[ucIndex]=uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex];  
-  // Update barometric expiratory time  
-  uiTeBaroSet=ComputeTe(uiVentilationSet[BREATH_RATE_BARO_SET], uiVentilationSet[TI_BARO_SET]);  
-  // Update volumetric expiratory time
-  uiTeVoluSet=ComputeTe(uiVentilationSet[BREATH_RATE_VOLU_SET], uiVentilationSet[TI_VOLU_SET]);
-  // Update Tube configuration type
-  enTubeConfigType=enTubeConfigTypeTemp;
-  // Update Patient type
-  uiPatientType=uiPatientTypeTemp;
-  // Update Ventilation mode
-  if (enVentilationMode!=enVentilationModeTemp)
-  {
-    enVentilationMode=enVentilationModeTemp;
-    InitVentilation();      
-    return(TRUE);
-  }  
-  return(FALSE);
-* Function Name  : ApplyNewVentilationMode
-* Description    : Update settings and init variables if the ventilation mode has changed
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : TRUE if new ventilation mode is applied
-bool ApplyNewVentilationMode(void)
-  if (fUpdateTheSettings==TRUE)
-  {
-      fUpdateTheSettings=FALSE;
-      if (UpdateSettings()==TRUE)
-      {
-        InitVentilation();
-        return(TRUE);
-      }
-  }
-  return(FALSE);
-* Function Name  : ComputeInspiratoryFlowSetPointInAVC
-* Description    : Compute:
-                      - the inspiratory flow max set point
-                      - the inspiratory flow min set point
-                      - the flow step between the flow max and the flow min during Ti
-* Input          : uiTypeOfPatient = Adult or Pedia
-                   uiVtc        = set point in volume (ml)
-                   uiTi         = Ti set point (ms)
-                   uiFlowShape  = Flow shape (0 to 4)
-* Output         : uiMaxFlow    = the inspiratory flow max set point (cl/min => 100=1l/min)
-                   uiMinFlow    = the inspiratory flow min set point (cl/min => 100=1l/min)
-                   uiFlowStep   = the flow step between the flow max and the flow min during Ti (cl/min => 100=1l/min)
-* Return         : None
-void ComputeInspiratoryFlowSetPointInAVC(u16 uiTypeOfPatient, u16 uiVtc, u16 uiTi, u16 uiFlowShape, u32 *ulMaxFlow, u32 *ulMinFlow, u32 *ulFlowStep)
-  u32	  ulFlowMax;
-  u32	  ulFlowMin;
-  u32     ulMaxMaxFlow;
-  u32     ulMinMinFlow;
-  u16     uiTiMin;
-  u32     ulFlowStepTemp;
-  // Define min/max flow
-  if (uiTypeOfPatient==PATIENT_ADULT)
-  {
-    ulMinMinFlow=InspiratoryFlowSet_A_MIN;
-    ulMaxMaxFlow=InspiratoryFlowSet_A_MAX;
-    uiTiMin=TiVoluSet_A_MIN;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ulMinMinFlow=InspiratoryFlowSet_P_MIN;
-    ulMaxMaxFlow=InspiratoryFlowSet_P_MAX;
-    uiTiMin=TiVoluSet_P_MIN;
-  }
-  // Check Ti
-  if (uiTi==0)
-    uiTi=uiTiMin;
-  // Compute flow max
-  switch(uiFlowShape)
-  {
-    default:
-    case 0:
-    {
-      ulFlowMax=((u32)uiVtc*6000)/uiTi;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 1:
-    {
-      ulFlowMax=((u32)uiVtc*7500)/uiTi;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2:
-    {
-      ulFlowMax=((u32)uiVtc*9000)/uiTi;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 3:
-    {
-      ulFlowMax=((u32)uiVtc*10500)/uiTi;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 4:
-    {
-      ulFlowMax=((u32)uiVtc*12000)/uiTi;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // Limitation of the max flow
-  if (ulFlowMax>ulMaxMaxFlow)
-    ulFlowMax=ulMaxMaxFlow;
-  // Limitation of the min flow
-  if (ulFlowMax<ulMinMinFlow)
-    ulFlowMax=ulMinMinFlow;
-  // Factor 100 on flow max (and flow min and flow step)  
-  ulFlowMax*=100;
-  // Compute flow min and flow step
-  switch(uiFlowShape)
-  {
-    default:
-    case 0:
-    {
-      ulFlowMin=ulFlowMax;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 1:
-    {
-      ulFlowMin=(ulFlowMax*3)>>2;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 2:
-    {
-      ulFlowMin=ulFlowMax>>1;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 3:
-    {
-      ulFlowMin=ulFlowMax>>2;
-      break;
-    }
-    case 4:
-    {
-      ulFlowMin=0;
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  // Max flow
-  *ulMaxFlow=ulFlowMax;
-  // Min flow
-  *ulMinFlow=ulFlowMin;
-  // Flow Step  
-  ulFlowStepTemp=(ulFlowMax-ulFlowMin)/uiTi;
-  //if (uiFlowStepTemp==0 && uiFlowShape!=0) uiFlowStepTemp=1;
-  *ulFlowStep=ulFlowStepTemp;
-* Function Name  : TestTriggerExpiratoire
-* Description    : Manage the expiratory trigger
-* Input          : ucValeurSeuil = threshold (% of the flow max) to reach in order to cycle
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : TRUE if cycling active
-unsigned char TestTriggerExpiratoire(unsigned char ucValeurSeuil, unsigned int uiPressureSetting)
-  unsigned char  ucSeuil=ucValeurSeuil;
-  unsigned int   uiCalculTemp;
-  int16_t iConductanceBaseLine=UpdateInspiratoryConductanceAverage();
-  // Management automatic expiratory trigger
-  ucTempoTriggerExpiAuto--;
-  if (ucTempoTriggerExpiAuto==0)
-  {
-    ucTempoTriggerExpiAuto=TEMPO_TRIGGER_EXPI;
-    ucExpiTriggerTreshold++;
-  }
-  // Test si flow<0??
-  if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes<0)
-  {
-    return(TRUE);  
-  }
-  // Test if deacring flow??
-  else if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes<iBlowerFlowSmoothingMaxMes)
-  {
-    // Test if Trigger Expi=AUTO ??
-    if ((ucValeurSeuil==ExpiTriggerSet_A_MAX && uiPatientType==PATIENT_ADULT) ||
-        (ucValeurSeuil==ExpiTriggerSet_P_MAX && uiPatientType==PATIENT_PEDIA))
-      ucSeuil=ucExpiTriggerTreshold;
-    u16 conducThresh = 2000;
-    if(enTubeConfigType == 1 )
-      conducThresh = 750;
-    else if(enTubeConfigType == 2)
-      conducThresh = 1500;
-    // Test if cycling or not
-    uiCalculTemp=((unsigned long)iBlowerFlowSmoothingMaxMes*ucSeuil)/100;
-    if (uiCalculTemp>iBlowerFlowSmoothingMes)
-      return(TRUE);  
-    else if (uiProximalPressureMes>(uiPressureSetting+20))
-      return(TRUE);
-    else if (uiConductanceCalc < (iConductanceBaseLine - conducThresh))
-    {
-      ResetInspiratoryConductanceAverage();
-      return(TRUE); 
-    }
-  }
-  return(FALSE);
-* Function Name  : TestInspiratoryTrigger
-* Description    : Manage the inspiratory trigger
-* Input          : bSpont = TRUE if spontaneous mode
-*                  uiTe = expiration time (ms)
-*                  uiFlowTreshold = flow threshold (dl/min)
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : TRUE if cycling active
-bool  TestInspiratoryTrigger(bool bSpont, u16 uiTe, u16 uiFlowTreshold)
-  //int16_t   iInspiratoryFlowDeltaAverage;
-  //int16_t   iDeltaOfTheDelta1, iDeltaOfTheDelta2, iDeltaOfTheDelta3, iDeltaOfTheDelta4;  
-  bool      bTrigger=FALSE;
-  //int16_t   iVirtualFlow;
-  int16_t   iConductanceBaseLine;
-  // Manual breath management
-  if (uiTe>TE_SET_MIN)
-  {
-    if (bManualBreath==TRUE)
-    {
-      bManualBreath=FALSE;
-      bDisplayInspiratoryTrigger=TRUE;
-      return(TRUE);
-    }    
-  }
-  // Trigger management
-  if ((bSpont==TRUE) || 
-      (bSpont==FALSE && uiFlowTreshold<InspiTriggerFlowSet_A_MAX && uiPatientType==PATIENT_ADULT) ||
-      (bSpont==FALSE && uiFlowTreshold<InspiTriggerFlowSet_P_MAX && uiPatientType==PATIENT_PEDIA))        
-  {
-    // Init scheduler
-    if (uiTe==1)
-    {
-      ucInspiTriggerScheduler=0;
-      iInspiratoryFlowMin=0;
-      ucMinFlowCounter=NUMBER_MIN_FLOW_VALUE;
-      ucCounterTriggerValid=NUMBER_TRIGGER_VALID;
-      bDetectionConstantFlow=FALSE;
-    }
-    iConductanceBaseLine=UpdateInspiratoryConductanceAverage();
-    // Manage detection phase
-    switch(ucInspiTriggerScheduler)
-    {
-      default:
-      case 0:
-      {    
-        // Update the buffer on the Inspiratory flow average
-        // Detect min flow
-        if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger<iInspiratoryFlowMin)
-        {
-          iInspiratoryFlowMin=iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger;
-          ucMinFlowCounter=NUMBER_MIN_FLOW_VALUE;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          ucMinFlowCounter--;
-          if (ucMinFlowCounter==0)
-            ucInspiTriggerScheduler=1;
-        }        
-        break;
-      }            
-      case 1:
-      {    
-        //ucTriggerNumber=0;
-        if (uiTe>TE_SET_MIN)
-        {
-//          // Fast trigger management
-//          {
-//            iVirtualFlow=(iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-25]<<1)-iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-50];                  
-//            if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger>=(iVirtualFlow+(int16_t)(uiFlowTreshold*7)))
-//            {
-//              //ucTriggerNumber=1;
-//              //if (fBlockCloseLoop==FALSE)
-//                bTrigger=TRUE;    
-//            }
-//          }          
-//          {
-//            if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger>=(iVirtualFlow+(int16_t)(uiFlowTreshold*15)))
-//            {
-//              //ucTriggerNumber=2;
-//              //if (fBlockCloseLoop==FALSE)
-//                bTrigger=TRUE;            
-//            }
-//          }
-//          // Slow trigger management
-//          if (TestInspiratorySlowTrigger(iFlowBaseLine, uiFlowTreshold*10)==TRUE)
-//          {
-//            //ucTriggerNumber=3;
-//            bTrigger=TRUE;
-//          }                    
-             //Conductance Trigger
-          if(uiConductanceCalc >= (iConductanceBaseLine + 2000))
-          {
-            bTrigger = TRUE;            
-          }
-          // Trigger occurs??
-          if (bTrigger==TRUE)
-          {
-            ucCounterTriggerValid--;
-            if (ucCounterTriggerValid==0) 
-            {
-              bDisplayInspiratoryTrigger=TRUE;
-              ResetInspiratoryConductanceAverage();
-              return(TRUE);            
-            }
-          }        
-          else          
-            ucCounterTriggerValid=NUMBER_TRIGGER_VALID;          
-        }
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return(FALSE);
-* Function Name  : UpdateInspiratoryConductanceAverage
-* Description    : Fill the buffer with the expiratory conductance and compute the average
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : Inspiratory flow average
-u16         conducIndex = 0;
-int32_t     lSumConductance = 0;
-bool bufFilled = FALSE;
-int16_t UpdateInspiratoryConductanceAverage(void)
-  int16_t oldValue = iBufferIFlow[conducIndex];
-  iBufferIFlow[conducIndex] = uiConductanceCalc;
-  lSumConductance += uiConductanceCalc;
-  conducIndex++;
-  {
-    conducIndex = 0;
-    bufFilled = TRUE;
-  }
-  if(bufFilled)
-  {
-    lSumConductance -= oldValue;
-    return (lSumConductance/SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER); 
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return (lSumConductance/conducIndex); 
-  }
-* Function Name  : ResetInspiratoryConductanceAverage
-* Description    : Fill the buffer with the expiratory conductance and compute the average
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : Inspiratory flow average
-void ResetInspiratoryConductanceAverage(void)
-  conducIndex = 0;
-  lSumConductance = 0;
-  bufFilled = FALSE;
-* Function Name  : UpdateInspiratoryFlowAverage
-* Description    : Fill the buffer with the inspiratory flow and compute the average
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : Inspiratory flow average
-int16_t UpdateInspiratoryFlowAverage(void)
-  u16         uiIndex;
-  int32_t     lSumIFlow=0;
-  // Roll the buffer
-  for(uiIndex=1; uiIndex<SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER; uiIndex++)
-  {
-    iBufferIFlow[uiIndex-1]=iBufferIFlow[uiIndex];                    // Upate the Inspiratory Flow buffer
-    lSumIFlow+=iBufferIFlow[uiIndex-1];                               // Sum the Inspiratory Flow
-  }
-  // Add new flow value
-  iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-1]=iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger;   // Upate the Inspiratory Flow buffer
-  lSumIFlow+=iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger;                                           // Sum the Inspiratory Flow     
-* Function Name  : TestInspiratorySlowTrigger
-* Description    : Compute flow base line and test trigger
-* Input          : FlowTreshold = flow threshold (cl/min)
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : TRUE if trigger occurs
-bool TestInspiratorySlowTrigger(int16_t iTheFlowBaseLine, u16 uiFlowTreshold)
-  int16_t   iFlowDelta1, iFlowDelta2, iFlowDelta3;
-  if (bDetectionConstantFlow==FALSE)
-  {
-    // Detection constant flow
-    if (iBufferIFlow[0]<iTheFlowBaseLine)
-      iFlowDelta1=iTheFlowBaseLine-iBufferIFlow[0];
-    else
-      iFlowDelta1=iBufferIFlow[0]-iTheFlowBaseLine;
-    if (iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER>>1]<iTheFlowBaseLine)
-      iFlowDelta2=iTheFlowBaseLine-iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER>>1];
-    else
-      iFlowDelta2=iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER>>1]-iTheFlowBaseLine;
-    if (iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-1]<iTheFlowBaseLine)
-      iFlowDelta3=iTheFlowBaseLine-iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-1];
-    else
-      iFlowDelta3=iBufferIFlow[SIZE_INSPIRATORY_FLOW_AVERAGE_BUFFER-1]-iTheFlowBaseLine;
-    if (iFlowDelta1<60 && iFlowDelta2<60 && iFlowDelta3<60)
-    {
-      iFlowBaseLineReference=iTheFlowBaseLine;
-      bDetectionConstantFlow=TRUE;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    // Detect trigger
-    if (iBlowerFlowSmoothingMesForTrigger>=(iFlowBaseLineReference+(int16_t)uiFlowTreshold))
-    {
-      return(TRUE);
-    }
-  }
-  return(FALSE);
-* Function Name  : ApplyDefaultValueToTemporaryVentilationSettings
-* Description    : Init temporary ventilation settings with default values
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ApplyDefaultValueToTemporaryVentilationSettings(void)
-  u8  ucIndex;
-  enVentilationModeTemp=VentilationMode_DEF;          
-  uiPatientTypeTemp=PatientType_DEF; 
-  enTubeConfigTypeTemp=(enMaroubraTubeConfigurationList)ReturnDefaultTubeConfiguration(VentilationMode_DEF);
-  // Init all temporary settings
-  if (uiPatientType==PATIENT_ADULT)
-  {
-    for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRS_GROUP; ucIndex++)
-      uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]=sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiDefault_Adult;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRS_GROUP; ucIndex++)
-      uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]=sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiDefault_Pedia;
-  }
-* Function Name  : CheckTemporaryVentilationSettingRange
-* Description    : Check all the temporary settings range
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : FALSE if one the settings is out of range
-opstatus_t CheckTemporaryVentilationSettingRange(void)
-  u8  ucIndex;
-  if ((uiPatientTypeTemp==PATIENT_PEDIA || uiPatientTypeTemp==PATIENT_ADULT) && enVentilationModeTemp<NUMBER_OF_MODE && enTubeConfigTypeTemp<NUMBER_OF_TUBE_CONFIGURATION)
-  {   
-    for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRS_GROUP; ucIndex++)
-    {
-      // Check data range
-      if (uiPatientTypeTemp==PATIENT_PEDIA)
-      {
-        if (uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]<sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiMin_Pedia)
-          return(OPSTATUS_FAIL);
-        else if (uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]>sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiMax_Pedia)
-          return(OPSTATUS_FAIL);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        if (uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]<sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiMin_Adult)
-          return(OPSTATUS_FAIL);
-        else if (uiVentilationSetTemp[ucIndex]>sLRSGroup[ucIndex].uiMax_Adult)
-          return(OPSTATUS_FAIL);
-      }
-    }
-    return(OPSTATUS_OK);
-  }
-  return(OPSTATUS_FAIL);
-* Function Name  : ApplyDefaultValueToTechnicalSettings
-* Description    : Init technical settings with default values
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ApplyDefaultValueToTechnicalSettings(void)
-  u8  ucIndex;
-  // Init all temporary settings
-  for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRTS_GROUP; ucIndex++)
-    uiTechnicalDataSet[ucIndex]=sLRTSGroup[ucIndex].uiDefault;
-* Function Name  : CheckTechnicalSettingsRange
-* Description    : Check all the technical settings range
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void CheckTechnicalSettingsRange(void)
-  u8    ucIndex;
-  bool  fError=FALSE;
-  for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<SIZE_LRTS_GROUP; ucIndex++)
-  {
-    if (uiTechnicalDataSet[ucIndex]<sLRTSGroup[ucIndex].uiMin || uiTechnicalDataSet[ucIndex]>sLRTSGroup[ucIndex].uiMax)
-    {
-      uiTechnicalDataSet[ucIndex]=sLRTSGroup[ucIndex].uiDefault;
-      fError=TRUE;
-      //break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (fError==TRUE)
-  else
-* Function Name  : CheckFlowLUTRange
-* Description    : Check the flow LUT
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void CheckFlowLUTRange(void)
-  u16   uiIndex;
-  bool  fError=FALSE;
-  if (stLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize<(FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES>>1) || stLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize>FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES)
-  {
-    ApplyDefaultFlowLUT();
-    fError=TRUE;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    for (uiIndex=1; uiIndex<stLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize; uiIndex++)
-    {
-      if (stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[uiIndex]<=stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[uiIndex-1]  || 
-          stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[uiIndex]<=stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[uiIndex-1])
-      {
-        ApplyDefaultFlowLUT();
-        fError=TRUE;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (fError==TRUE)
-  else
-* Function Name  : ApplyDefaultFlowLUT
-* Description    : Apply default value for the flow LUT
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ApplyDefaultFlowLUT(void)
-  u16   uiIndex;
-  stLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize=stDefaultLUTFlowSensor.uiLUT_TableSize;
-  for (uiIndex=0; uiIndex<FLOW_CALIB_NUMBER_OF_SAMPLES; uiIndex++)
-  {
-    stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[uiIndex]=stDefaultLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowValue[uiIndex];
-    stLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[uiIndex]=stDefaultLUTFlowSensor.uiFlowSensorTicks[uiIndex];
-  }
-* Function Name  : ReturnDefaultTubeConfiguration
-* Description    : The default tubing configuration according to the current ventilation mode
-* Input          : a ventilation mode
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : The tube configuration
-u16 ReturnDefaultTubeConfiguration(u16 uiMode)
-  u8  ucIndex;
-  for (ucIndex=0; ucIndex<NUMBER_OF_TUBE_CONFIGURATION; ucIndex++)
-  {
-    if (ucTubeConfigurationTable[ucIndex][uiMode]==TUBE_DEFAULT)
-    {
-      return(ucIndex);
-    }
-  }
-  return(0);
-* Function Name  : ApplyAllDefaultValues
-* Description    : Apply all default values in the technical and settings zones
-*                : BE CARFUL this function call "ControlHW" function
-* Input          : None
-* Output         : None
-* Return         : None
-void ApplyAllDefaultValues(void)
-  // Init ventilation settings
-  ApplyDefaultValueToTemporaryVentilationSettings();
-  // Init technical settings
-  ApplyDefaultValueToTechnicalSettings();
-  // Init flow LUT
-  ApplyDefaultFlowLUT();
-  // Default value for the device/patient time counter
-  ulDeviceTimeCounter=0;
-  ulPatientTimeCounter=0;
-  // Default value for the blower revolution counter
-  ulBlowerRevolutionCounter=0;
-  bComputeOffsetSensors=TRUE;
-/******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2007 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/