Draft library for ESP8266

Dependents:   esp8266test

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri May 01 14:46:00 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Initial Commit;

Changed in this revision

esp8266.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
esp8266.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r a94222cedd2e esp8266.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/esp8266.cpp	Fri May 01 14:46:00 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#include "esp8266.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cctype>
+// This file implements the methods described in the esp8266 header file
+// Copyright: Adhithya Rajasekaran
+// License: MIT License
+/* General Note About ESP8266
+   ESP8266 is controlled by using AT commands sent via Serial. Most of the API
+   is implemented with AT commands. You can find the list of all AT commands at
+   https://nurdspace.nl/ESP8266 
+ESP8266::ESP8266(MODSERIAL *input, char* inputSSID, char* inputPassword){
+    /*
+     Inputs:
+         1. MODSERIAL* input - Pass in a reference to a MODSERIAL object. This MODSERIAL object should be connected to the
+            ESP8266 module's pins 3 and 4. MODSERIAL is used instead of regular serial because it has buffering capability.
+         2. char* inputSSID - Pass in a reference to a character array consisting of the SSID of the wireless network you
+            want to connect to. Currently the library assumes that you are passing in the correct SSID and won't do any error
+            checking. 
+         3. char* inputPassword - Pass in a reference to a character array consisting of the password/shared key of the wireless network you
+            want to connect to. Currently the library assumes that you are passing in the correct password and won't do any error
+            checking. 
+     TODO:
+        1. Error checking of SSIDs by calling listOfAccessPoints() method and checking if the inputSSID is in the output of
+           listOfAccessPoints() method. 
+        2. Error checking of passwords by trying to actually connect the access point  
+    */
+    wifi = input;
+    wifi->baud(115200); // This is the baud rate required to communicate the ESP8266 chip
+    connection_successful = false;
+    if(wiredCorrectly()){
+      //connection_successful = true;
+        if(joinAccessPoint(inputSSID,inputPassword)){
+             getMyIP();
+             string error = "ERROR";
+             if(ip != error){
+                connection_successful = true;      
+             }   
+        }
+    }
+string removeSpaces(string input)
+  input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(),input.end(),'\r'),input.end());
+  input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(),input.end(),'\n'),input.end());
+  return input;
+bool ESP8266::wiredCorrectly(){
+    // This method checks if the ESP8266 module is wired correctly. 
+    wifi->printf("AT\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[20];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+   size_t found = actual_output.find("OK");
+   if (found!=std::string::npos){
+     if(reset() == true){
+       setMode(3);
+       return true;  
+     }else{
+       return false;   
+     }
+   }else{
+     return false;    
+   }
+bool ESP8266::reset(){
+   // This method resets the settings inside the ESP8266 chip
+    wifi->printf("AT+RST\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+   size_t found = actual_output.find("rst");
+   if (found!=std::string::npos){
+    return true;
+   }else{
+    return false;   
+   }
+char* ESP8266::firmwareVersion(){
+    // Incomplete Method. Just use for firmware debugging purposes
+    wifi->printf("AT+GMR\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+   const char* output = actual_output.c_str();
+   return (char*) output;
+void ESP8266::setMode(int val){
+    // ESP8266 is set to mode 3 which will allow it to act
+    // both as a client and server.
+    wifi->printf("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+bool ESP8266::checkConnection(){
+    return connection_successful;   
+bool ESP8266::gotAnIPAddress(){
+    wifi->printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+   size_t found = actual_output.find("ERROR");
+   if (found!=std::string::npos){
+    return false;
+   }else{
+    return true;   
+   }
+bool ESP8266::joinAccessPoint(char *inputSSID, char *inputPassword){
+    // This method establishes connection with the requested access point
+    // All authentication methods are supported (WEP, WPA)
+    wifi->printf("AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n",inputSSID,inputPassword);
+    wait(7);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   //delete[] buf;
+   printf("\n");
+   if(gotAnIPAddress() == true){
+     return true;   
+   }else{
+     return false;   
+   }
+string ESP8266::getMyIP(){
+    // Fetches the assigned IP address of the module
+    wifi->printf("AT+CIFSR\r\n");
+    wait(2);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   string s = actual_output;
+   //delete[] buf;
+   s.erase( remove_if( s.begin(), s.end(),std::isspace ), s.end() );
+   string ip_address = s.substr(8,s.length());
+   string error = "ERROR";
+   if(ip_address == error){
+     ip = error;
+   }else{
+     ip = ip_address;
+   }
+   return ip;
+bool ESP8266::checkSSID(string inputSSID){
+    // This method checks the presence of the input SSID
+    // with all the SSIDs that the ESP8266 chip detects
+    wifi->printf("AT+CWLAP\r\n");
+    wait(10);
+    char buf[2000];
+    int counter = 0;
+    while(1){
+     if(wifi->readable()){
+        buf[counter] = wifi->getc();
+        counter = counter + 1;
+     }else{
+        wait(2);
+        if(!wifi->readable()){
+          break;   
+        }   
+     }   
+    }
+   string test(buf);
+   string actual_output = test.substr(0,counter);
+   printf(inputSSID.c_str());
+   printf(actual_output.c_str());
+   wait(5);
+   size_t found = actual_output.find(inputSSID);
+   printf("I am here");
+   if (found!=std::string::npos){
+     return false;
+   }else{
+     return true;   
+   }
+   //delete[] buf;
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 000000000000 -r a94222cedd2e esp8266.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/esp8266.h	Fri May 01 14:46:00 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+/* A simple library for interfacing with ESP8266 Wifi Module
+   The API has been designed to very user friendly. The current
+   version had to be developed in a very short amount of time. So
+   its error handling capabilities are very limited. So please feel
+   free to fork the project and contribute. 
+   Copyright: Adhithya Rajasekaran
+   Released Under: MIT License
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "MODSERIAL.h"
+class ESP8266{
+ private:  
+   char *ssid;
+   char *password;
+   string ip;
+   bool connection_successful;
+   MODSERIAL *wifi;
+   char* sendCmd(char* cmd);
+   char* firmwareVersion();
+   bool reset();
+   void setMode(int modeVal);
+   bool wiredCorrectly();
+   bool joinAccessPoint(char *inputSSID, char *inputPassword);
+   bool gotAnIPAddress();
+   bool checkSSID(string inputSSID);
+ public:
+   ESP8266(MODSERIAL *input, char* inputSSID, char* inputPassword);
+   bool checkConnection();
+   string listAccessPoints();
+   bool disconnect();
+   string getMyIP();
\ No newline at end of file