Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard. Support for nucleo F401RE

Dependents:   rtos_basic_stm32_F401

Fork of mbed-rtos by mbed official

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00001 #ifndef OS_TCB_H
00002 #define OS_TCB_H
00004 /* Types */
00005 typedef char               S8;
00006 typedef unsigned char      U8;
00007 typedef short              S16;
00008 typedef unsigned short     U16;
00009 typedef int                S32;
00010 typedef unsigned int       U32;
00011 typedef long long          S64;
00012 typedef unsigned long long U64;
00013 typedef unsigned char      BIT;
00014 typedef unsigned int       BOOL;
00015 typedef void               (*FUNCP)(void);
00017 typedef struct OS_TCB {
00018   /* General part: identical for all implementations.                        */
00019   U8     cb_type;                 /* Control Block Type                      */
00020   U8     state;                   /* Task state                              */
00021   U8     prio;                    /* Execution priority                      */
00022   U8     task_id;                 /* Task ID value for optimized TCB access  */
00023   struct OS_TCB *p_lnk;           /* Link pointer for ready/sem. wait list   */
00024   struct OS_TCB *p_rlnk;          /* Link pointer for sem./mbx lst backwards */
00025   struct OS_TCB *p_dlnk;          /* Link pointer for delay list             */
00026   struct OS_TCB *p_blnk;          /* Link pointer for delay list backwards   */
00027   U16    delta_time;              /* Time until time out                     */
00028   U16    interval_time;           /* Time interval for periodic waits        */
00029   U16    events;                  /* Event flags                             */
00030   U16    waits;                   /* Wait flags                              */
00031   void   **msg;                   /* Direct message passing when task waits  */
00033   /* Hardware dependant part: specific for CM processor                      */
00034   U8     stack_frame;             /* Stack frame: 0=Basic, 1=Extended        */
00035   U8     reserved;
00036   U16    priv_stack;              /* Private stack size in bytes             */
00037   U32    tsk_stack;               /* Current task Stack pointer (R13)        */
00038   U32    *stack;                  /* Pointer to Task Stack memory block      */
00040   /* Library dependant part                                                   */
00041 #if defined (__CC_ARM) && !defined (__MICROLIB)
00042  /* A memory space for arm standard library. */
00043   U32 std_libspace[96/4];
00044 #endif
00046   /* Task entry point used for uVision debugger                              */
00047   FUNCP  ptask;                   /* Task entry address                      */
00048 } *P_TCB;
00050 #endif