内蔵USBメモリにキーデータとタイミングデータを書いたテキストを置いておくと1/60秒ごとに再生するプログラムです。詳しくはここ http://mbed.org/users/abanum/notebook/%E8%87%AA%E5%8B%95%E5%85%A5%E5%8A%9B%E8%A3%85%E7%BD%AE/

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Oct 19 03:23:40 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//                   button config for PSP
+BusOut Bout(p15, //X batu
+            p16, // shikaku
+            p17, // maru
+            p18, // sankaku
+            p19, // sita
+            p20, // ue
+            p21, // migi
+            p22, // hidari
+            p23, //L left
+            p24  //R right
+            );
+static unsigned int now_frame = 0;
+static unsigned int Bdata_n = 0;
+static unsigned int mode = 0;
+struct {
+    unsigned int frame;
+    int key;
+    } Bdata[2800];
+//syuuhen settei
+InterruptIn event(p8);
+DigitalIn start(p8);
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+Ticker flipper;
+void int_frame() {
+    led2 = !led2;
+    if (now_frame == Bdata[Bdata_n].frame ){
+        Bout =  Bdata[Bdata_n].key;
+        Bdata_n ++;
+        if (Bdata[Bdata_n].frame == 0){
+            flipper.detach(); //frame == 0 is end
+            wait(0.1);
+            now_frame = 0;
+            Bdata_n = 0;
+            Bout =  0;
+            mode = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    now_frame ++;   
+//pc.printf("now_frame=%d Bdata_n=%d\r\n",now_frame,Bdata_n);
+void trigger() {
+    wait(0.1);
+    if (!start)return; //key filter
+    switch(mode){
+        case 0:
+            flipper.attach(&int_frame, 1.0f/59.94f); // the address of the function to be attached (flip) and the interval (2 seconds)
+            mode = 1;
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            flipper.detach(); //frame == 0 is end
+            wait(0.1);
+            now_frame = 0;
+            Bdata_n = 0;
+            Bout =  0;
+            mode = 0;
+            break;
+    }            
+//    pc.printf("triggered!\r\n");
+int main() {
+    event.mode (PullUp); //hard de pullup sinaito matomoni ugokanai
+    event.rise(&trigger);
+//    Bdata[0].key = 0;       Bdata[0].frame = 1;
+//    Bdata[1].key = 1;       Bdata[1].frame = 2;
+///    Bdata[2].key = 0;       Bdata[2].frame = 3;
+//    Bdata[3].key = 2;       Bdata[3].frame = 4;
+//    Bdata[4].key = 4;       Bdata[4].frame = 5;
+//    Bdata[5].key = 0;       Bdata[5].frame = 6;
+//    Bdata[6].key = 0;       Bdata[6].frame = 7;
+//    Bdata[7].key = 8;       Bdata[7].frame = 8;
+//    Bdata[8].key = 0;       Bdata[8].frame = 9;
+//    Bdata[9].key = 16;       Bdata[9].frame = 10;
+//    Bdata[10].key = 0;       Bdata[10].frame = 11;
+//    Bdata[11].key = 32;       Bdata[11].frame = 12;
+//    Bdata[12].key = 0;       Bdata[12].frame = 14;
+//    Bdata[13].key = 0;       Bdata[13].frame = 15;
+//    Bdata[14].key = 0;       Bdata[14].frame = 0;
+//datafile read & Analysis
+    LocalFileSystem local( "local" );
+    char            s[ 3 ];
+    char            buf[ 100 ];
+    FILE            *fp;
+    printf( "\r\nreading a data file.\r\n" );
+    if ( NULL == (fp = fopen( "/local/data.txt", "r" )) ) {
+        pc.printf( "\r\nError: The data file cannot be accessed\r\n" );
+        while(1) {
+            led1 = !led1;
+            wait(0.2);
+        }
+//        return -1;
+    }
+    int onkey = 0,count = 0,file_stat,tempkey,i,k;
+    unsigned int onframe = 0,offframe = 0,tempframe,onoffset,offoffset;
+    Bdata[0].frame = 0;
+    Bdata[0].key = 0;
+    while (1) {
+ //printf("file stat %d\n\r",file_stat);
+        if ((int)fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL)break;
+        if ((buf[0] == '#') or (buf[0] == '/')){
+            printf(buf);        
+//            while(1){
+//                file_stat = fgetc(fp);
+//                printf("%c",file_stat);
+//                if (file_stat == '\n')break;
+//            }
+            continue;
+        }
+        file_stat = sscanf(buf,"%2s,%d,%d", s,&onframe,&offframe);
+        if (file_stat != 3){
+            printf("para err\r\n");
+            while(1) {
+                led1 = !led1;
+                wait(0.2);
+            }
+        }
+        if (strcmp(s,"ba") == 0){onkey =   1;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"si") == 0){onkey =   2;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"ma") == 0){onkey =   4;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"sa") == 0){onkey =   8;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"dn") == 0){onkey =  16;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"up") == 0){onkey =  32;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"ri") == 0){onkey =  64;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"le") == 0){onkey = 128;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"lt") == 0){onkey = 256;}
+        if (strcmp(s,"rt") == 0){onkey = 512;}
+        if (offframe == 0) offframe = onframe + 2;
+//        pc.printf("%d %s %d %x %d \r\n",file_stat, s,onframe,onkey,offframe);
+        if (count == 0){
+            Bdata[0].frame = onframe;
+            Bdata[0].key = onkey;
+            Bdata[1].frame = offframe;
+            Bdata[1].key = 0;
+            count = 2;
+        } else {
+            Bdata[count].frame = onframe;
+            Bdata[count].key = onkey;
+            count ++;
+            Bdata[count].frame = offframe;
+//        Bdata[count].key = offkey;
+            Bdata[count].key = 0;
+            count ++;
+//onframe irekae check
+            for (i = count-2;i>=0;i--){
+                if (Bdata[i].frame < Bdata[i-1].frame){
+                    tempframe        = Bdata[i].frame;
+                    Bdata[i].frame   = Bdata[i-1].frame;
+                    Bdata[i-1].frame = tempframe ;
+                    tempkey          = Bdata[i].key;
+                    Bdata[i].key     = Bdata[i-1].key;
+                    Bdata[i-1].key   = tempkey ;
+printf("chg on index=%d\r\n",i);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                break;
+            }            
+            onoffset = i;
+//offframe irekae check
+            for (i = count-1;i>=0;i--){
+                if (Bdata[i].frame < Bdata[i-1].frame){
+                    tempframe        = Bdata[i].frame;
+                    Bdata[i].frame   = Bdata[i-1].frame;
+                    Bdata[i-1].frame = tempframe ;
+                    tempkey          = Bdata[i].key;
+                    Bdata[i].key     = Bdata[i-1].key;
+                    Bdata[i-1].key   = tempkey ;
+printf("chg off index=%d\r\n",i);
+                    continue;
+                }
+                break;
+            }            
+            offoffset = i;
+//printf("-----on %d off %d\r\n",onoffset,offoffset);
+//    for(k=0;k<count;k++) pc.printf("%x %d \r\n\r\n",Bdata[k].key, Bdata[k].frame);
+            Bdata[onoffset].key = Bdata[onoffset-1].key;
+            if (Bdata[onoffset].frame == Bdata[onoffset-1].frame){
+                for(i = onoffset;i<count;i++){
+                    Bdata[i-1].frame   = Bdata[i].frame;
+                    Bdata[i-1].key     = Bdata[i].key;
+                }
+                --onoffset;
+                --offoffset;
+                --count;
+//    for(k=0;k<count;k++) pc.printf("%x %d \r\n",Bdata[k].key, Bdata[k].frame);
+            }
+//printf("onframe same %d\r\n",onoffset);
+//printf("-----on %d off %d c %d\r\n",onoffset,offoffset,count);
+            Bdata[offoffset].key = Bdata[offoffset-1].key;
+            if (Bdata[offoffset].frame == Bdata[offoffset-1].frame){
+                 for(i = offoffset;i<count;i++){
+                    Bdata[i-1].frame   = Bdata[i].frame;
+                    Bdata[i-1].key     = Bdata[i].key;
+                }
+               --offoffset;
+               --count;
+//    for(k=0;k<count;k++) pc.printf("%x %d \r\n",Bdata[k].key, Bdata[k].frame);
+printf("offframe same %d\r\n",offoffset);
+            }
+            for(i = count-1;i>=(long)onoffset;i--){
+                Bdata[i].key |= onkey;
+// printf("++++on c %d i %d\r\n",count,i);
+            }
+            for(i = count-1;i>=(long)offoffset;i--){
+                Bdata[i].key &= ~onkey;
+// printf("++++off\r\n");
+            }
+//    for(k=0;k<count;k++) pc.printf("%x %d \r\n",Bdata[k].key, Bdata[k].frame);
+        }
+        if (count >=2800) break;
+    };
+    fclose( fp );
+    Bdata[count].frame = 0;
+    Bdata[count].key = 0;
+    for(k=0;k<count+1;k++) pc.printf("%x %d \r\n",Bdata[k].key, Bdata[k].frame);
+        led1 = 1;
+    while(1) {
+    }