This little program demonstrates how to use the SignalGenerator library.

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "SignalGenerator.h" // It includes 'mbed.h' header
00003 /* CPU Available indicator
00004  */
00005 DigitalOut g_availableLed(LED1); //<! Led used to indicate the program is alive
00006 void AvailableLedIndicator(); //<! Ticker callback
00007 Ticker g_available;
00009 /* SignalGenerator usage
00010  */
00011 SignalGenerator g_signal(p18);
00012 void SynchronousUserInput(); //<! Ticker callback
00013 Ticker g_synchronousUserInput;
00014 Serial g_debug(USBTX, USBRX); //<! Needed to detect that the user pressed a key
00015 SignalGenerator::SignalGeneratorType DisplaySignalGeneratorTestMenuAndGetChoice(); //<! User menu to select a signal type
00017 /* Program Entry Point
00018  */
00019 int main() {
00020     volatile SignalGenerator::SignalGeneratorType _choice; //<! User selects the desired signal type
00021     volatile int frequency; //<! Signal frequency
00023     wait(1); // Needed after startup
00025     // Launch available indicator
00026     g_availableLed = 1;
00027     g_available.attach(&AvailableLedIndicator, 2.0); // Never detached
00029     // Start infinite loop
00030     while(true)
00031     {
00032         // Acquire settings
00033         _choice = DisplaySignalGeneratorTestMenuAndGetChoice();
00034         printf("\r\nEnter signal frequency (< 1MHz/# of samples): ");
00035         scanf("%d", &frequency);
00037         // Prepare the signal
00038         g_signal.SetSignalFrequency(_choice, frequency);
00040         // Launch execution
00041         if (g_signal.BeginRunAsync() == -1) {
00042             // Synchronous mode
00043             g_synchronousUserInput.attach(&SynchronousUserInput, 0.005); // 5ms
00044             g_signal.Run(); // Never stopped
00045             printf("\r\nSignal Generator terminated\r\n");
00046             g_synchronousUserInput.detach();
00047         } else {
00048             // Asynchronous mode
00049             printf("\r\n\r\nPress any key to terminate\r\n");
00050             while (getchar() != 'q');
00051             g_signal.EndRunAsync();
00052         }
00053     } // End of 'while' statement
00054 } // End of main program
00056 /** Callbak used by CPU availabe ticker to indicate the program is alive
00057  */
00058 void AvailableLedIndicator() {
00059     g_availableLed != g_availableLed;
00060 } // End of function AvailableLedIndicator
00062 /** Callbak used when SignalLibrary is used in synchronous mode (Run() method)
00063  */
00064 void SynchronousUserInput() {
00065     if (g_debug.readable()) {
00066         g_signal.Stop();
00067         getchar();
00068     }
00069 } // End of function SynchronousUserInput
00071 /** Display the user menu
00072  */
00073 SignalGenerator::SignalGeneratorType DisplaySignalGeneratorTestMenuAndGetChoice()
00074 {
00075     do {
00076         printf("\r\n\r\nTest demo v0.1 - Generate signal\r\n");
00077         printf("\tSquareSignal:\t0\r\n");
00078         printf("\tTriangleSignal:\t1\r\n");
00079         printf("\tSawtoothSignal:\t2\r\n");
00080         printf("\tReverse sawtoothSignal:\t3\r\n");
00081         printf("\tSinusSignal:\t4\r\n");
00082         switch (getchar()) {
00083             case '0' :
00084                 return SignalGenerator::SquareSignal;
00085             case '1' :
00086                 return SignalGenerator::TriangleSignal;
00087             case '2' :
00088                 return SignalGenerator::SawtoothSignal;
00089             case '3' :
00090                 return SignalGenerator::ReverseSawtoothSignal;
00091             case '4' :
00092                 return SignalGenerator::SinusSignal;
00093         } // End of 'switch' statement
00094     } while (true);
00095 } // End of function DisplaySignalGeneratorTestMenuAndGetChoice