This library provides a class to generate differents signale wave form. Note that the maximum update rate of 1 MHz, so Fmax = 1MHz / _num_pixels (see UM10360 - Chapter 30: LPC17xx Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC).

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00001 #include "SignalGenerator.h"
00003 #define PI 3.1415
00005 SignalGenerator::SignalGenerator(PinName p_outPort) : _out(p_outPort), _asyncTicker(), _debugLed(LED4) {
00006     _debugLed = 0;
00007     _mode = true; // _num_pixels is fixed, _twait is computed
00008     _stop = false;
00009     _values = NULL;
00010     SetSignalFrequency();
00011 } // End of SignalGenerator::SignalGenerator
00013 SignalGenerator::~SignalGenerator() {
00014     if (_values != NULL) {
00015         delete [] _values;
00016     }
00017 } // End of SignalGenerator::~SignalGenerator
00019 void SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency(SignalGenerator::SignalGeneratorType p_signalType, int p_frequency, int p_num_pixels) {
00020     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency")
00021     if (_values != NULL) {
00022         DEBUG("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency: Delete _values");
00023         delete [] _values;
00024     }
00026     _signalType = p_signalType;
00027     _frequency = p_frequency;
00028     _num_pixels = p_num_pixels;
00029     DEBUG("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency: _frequency=%d", _frequency)
00030     if (_mode) {
00031         //_twait = 1000000.0f / (_frequency * _num_pixels); // _num_pixels is set to 1000 pixels/T
00032         _twait = 1.0f / (_frequency * _num_pixels); // _num_pixels is set to 1000 pixels/T
00033     } else {
00034         _twait = 0.000001f; // 1us
00035         _num_pixels = (int)(1.0f / (_frequency * _twait)); // t_w is set to 1us and we fix at least 1000 pixels per period (T >> t_w): T >= 1000 * t_w ==> F < 1KHz
00036     }
00037     DEBUG("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency: _twait=%f", _twait)
00038     DEBUG("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency: _num_pixels=%d", _num_pixels)
00039     _values = new float[_num_pixels];
00040     PrepareSignal();
00041     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency")
00042 } // End of SignalGenerator::SetSignalFrequency
00044 void SignalGenerator::PrepareSignal() {
00045     switch (_signalType) {
00046         case SquareSignal:
00047             PrepareSquareSignal();
00048             break;
00049         case TriangleSignal:
00050             PrepareTriangleSignal();
00051             break;
00052         case SawtoothSignal:
00053             PrepareSawtoothSignal();
00054             break;
00055         case ReverseSawtoothSignal:
00056             PrepareReverseSawtoothSignal();
00057             break;
00058         case SinusSignal:
00059             PrepareSinusSignal();
00060             break;
00061     } // End of 'switch' statement
00062 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareSignal
00064 void SignalGenerator::Run() {
00065     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::Run")
00066     do {
00067         for (int i = 0; i < _num_pixels; i++) {
00068             _out = *(_values + i);
00069             //DEBUG_1f("SignalGenerator::Run: Current=", (float)_out)
00070             wait(_twait);
00071         }
00072     } while (!_stop);
00073     _out = 0.0f; // Reset output
00074     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::Run")
00075 } // End of SignalGenerator::Run
00077 void SignalGenerator::Stop() {
00078     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::Stop")
00079     _stop = true;
00080     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::Stop")
00081 } // End of SignalGenerator::Stop
00083 int SignalGenerator::BeginRunAsync() {
00084     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::BeginRunAsync")
00085     if (_twait < 0.000007f) {
00086         return -1;
00087     } else {
00088         _asynckCounter = 0;
00089         _asyncTicker.attach(this, &SignalGenerator::RunAsync, _twait);
00090     }
00091     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::BeginRunAsync")
00092     return 0;
00093 } // End of SignalGenerator::BeginRunAsync
00095 void SignalGenerator::RunAsync() {
00096     //DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::RunAsync")
00097     _debugLed = !_debugLed;
00098     _out = *(_values + _asynckCounter++);
00099     _asynckCounter %= _num_pixels;
00100     //DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::RunAsync")
00101 } // End of SignalGenerator::RunAsync
00103 void SignalGenerator::EndRunAsync() {
00104     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::EndRunAsync")
00105     _asyncTicker.detach();
00106     _out = 0.0f; // Reset output
00107     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::EndRunAsync")
00108 } // End of SignalGenerator::EndRunAsync
00110 SignalGenerator& SignalGenerator::operator =(const int& p_frequency) {
00111     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00112     if (_frequency != p_frequency) {
00113         this->SetSignalFrequency(_signalType, p_frequency);
00114     }
00115     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00116     return *this;
00117 } // End of SignalGenerator::operator =
00119 SignalGenerator& SignalGenerator::operator =(const bool& p_mode) {
00120     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00121     if (_mode != p_mode) {
00122         _mode = p_mode;
00123         this->SetSignalFrequency(_signalType, _frequency);
00124     }
00125     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00126     return *this;
00127 } // End of SignalGenerator::operator =
00129 SignalGenerator& SignalGenerator::operator =(const SignalGenerator::SignalGeneratorType& p_signalType) {
00130     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00131     this->SetSignalFrequency(p_signalType, _frequency);
00132     DEBUG_LEAVE("SignalGenerator::operator =")
00133     return *this;
00135 } // End of SignalGenerator::operator =
00137 void SignalGenerator::PrepareSquareSignal() {
00138     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::PrepareSquareSignal")
00139     int step = _num_pixels / 2;
00140     for (int i = 0; i < step; i += 1) {
00141         *(_values + i) = 1.0f;
00142     } // End of 'for' statement
00143     for (int i = step; i < _num_pixels; i += 1) {
00144         *(_values + i) = 0.0f;
00145     } // End of 'for' statement
00146     DEBUG_ENTER("SignalGenerator::PrepareSquareSignal")
00147 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareSquareSignal
00149 void SignalGenerator::PrepareTriangleSignal() {
00150     float step = 1.0f / (_num_pixels / 2.0f);
00151     int counter = 0;
00152     float i = 0.0f;
00153     for ( ; i < 1.0f; i += step) {
00154         *(_values + counter++) = i;
00155     } // End of 'for' statement
00156     for ( ; i >= 0.0f; i -= step) {
00157         *(_values + counter++) = i;
00158     } // End of 'for' statement
00159 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareTriangleSignal
00161 void SignalGenerator::PrepareSawtoothSignal() {
00162     float step = 1.0f / _num_pixels;
00163     int counter = 0;
00164     for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1.0f; i += step) {
00165         *(_values + counter++) = i;
00166     } // End of 'for' statement
00167 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareSawtoothSignal
00169 void SignalGenerator::PrepareReverseSawtoothSignal() {
00170     float step = 1.0f / _num_pixels;
00171     int counter = 0;
00172     for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1.0f; i += step) {
00173         *(_values + counter++) = (1.0f - i);
00174     } // End of 'for' statement
00175 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareReverseSawtoothSignal
00177 void SignalGenerator::PrepareSinusSignal() {
00178     float step = 1.0f / _num_pixels;
00179     int counter = 0;
00180     for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1.0f; i += step) {
00181         *(_values + counter++) = sin(2 * PI * i);
00182     } // End of 'for' statement
00183 } // End of SignalGenerator::PrepareSinusSignal