This program illustrates how to use the 24LCxx_I2C library In this version, NTP service was added to set RTC time

Dependencies:   NetServices mbed

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00001 #include <string>
00003 #include "24LCxx_I2C.h"
00004 #include "EthernetNetIf.h"
00005 #include "NTPClient.h"
00007 /*
00008  * Declare functions
00009  */
00011 void AvailableIndicator(); // LED1 flashing for program while program is alive
00012 char DisplayMenuAndGetChoice(); // Display and get the user choice
00013 void RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue(); // Write and read a string
00014 void RunStateMachine_WithByteValue(); // Write and read a byte
00015 void RunStateMachine_WithShortValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode); // Write and read a short
00016 void RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode); // Write and read an integer
00017 void RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue(); // Write and read a buffer of bytes
00018 void RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue(); // Write and read a buffer of bytes
00020 /*
00021  * Declare statics
00022  */
00023 EthernetNetIf g_eth;
00025 enum States {
00026     Idle, // Idle state / Read memory operation done
00027     Write, // Write memory operation
00028     Written, // Write memory operation done
00029     Read // Read memory operation
00030 };
00031 States g_state; // Process states for memory operations
00033 DigitalOut g_availableLed(LED1); // To verify if program in running
00034 Ticker g_available; // LED1 will flash with a period of 2s
00036 #define __3_3V__
00037 #ifdef __3_3V__
00038 C2424LCXX_I2C g_myEEPROM(p28, p27, 0x01, p5, 400000); // Create an instance of the class C2424LCXX_I2C, p28: SDA, p29:SDL, p5: wired to WP input of 24LCxx, address: A3=0,A2=0,A=1, on 3.3V I2C bus
00039 #else // __3_3V__
00040 C2424LCXX_I2C g_myEEPROM(p28, p27, 0x07, p7, 400000); // Create an instance of the class C2424LCXX_I2C, p28: SDA, p29:SDL, p7: wired to WP input of 24LCxx, address: A3=1,A2=1,A=1, on 5V I2C bus
00041 #endif // __3_3V__
00043 int main() {
00045     // Launch available indicator
00046     g_available.attach(&AvailableIndicator, 2.0);
00048     // Initialize Ethernet
00049     g_eth.setup();
00051     wait(1); // Needed after Ethernet startup
00053     IpAddr ip = g_eth.getIp();
00054     printf("IP address: %d:%d:%d:%d\r\n", ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]);
00056     // Update time
00057     Host ntpServer(IpAddr(), 123, "");
00058     NTPClient ntp;
00059     ntp.setTime(ntpServer);
00061     g_myEEPROM.WriteProtect(false); // Disabe WP (pin 7) - See DS21203M - Clause 2.4 Write-Protect (WP)
00063     while (true) { // Interrupt driven processing
00064         g_state = Idle;
00065         switch (DisplayMenuAndGetChoice()) {
00066             case 'a':
00067                 do {
00068                     RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue();
00069                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00070                 break;
00071             case 'b':
00072                 do {
00073                     RunStateMachine_WithByteValue();
00074                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00075                 break;
00076             case 'c':
00077                 do {
00078                     RunStateMachine_WithShortValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::BigEndian);
00079                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00080                 break;
00081             case 'd':
00082                 do {
00083                     RunStateMachine_WithShortValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::LittleEndian);
00084                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00085                 break;
00086             case 'e':
00087                 do {
00088                     RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::BigEndian);
00089                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00090                 break;
00091             case 'f':
00092                 do {
00093                     RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::LittleEndian);
00094                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00095                 break;
00096             case 'g':
00097                 do {
00098                     RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue();
00099                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00100                 break;
00101             case 'h':
00102                 do {
00103                     RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue();
00104                 } while (g_state != Idle);
00105                 break;
00106             default:
00107                 printf("Invalid user choice\r\n");
00108                 break;
00109          } // End of 'switch' statement
00110     } // End of 'while' statement
00111 } // End of program - nerver reached
00113 void AvailableIndicator()
00114 {
00115     g_availableLed = !g_availableLed;
00116 } // End of AvailableIndicator
00118 char DisplayMenuAndGetChoice()
00119 {
00120     printf("\r\n\r\n24LCxx_I2C v0.1\r\n");
00121     printf("\tWrite/Read with std::string:\t\t\ta\r\n");
00122     printf("\tWrite/Read with a byte:\t\t\t\tb\r\n");
00123     printf("\tWrite/Read with a short (Big Endian):\t\tc\r\n");
00124     printf("\tWrite/Read with a short (Little Endian):\td\r\n");
00125     printf("\tWrite/Read with an integer (Big Endian):\te\r\n");
00126     printf("\tWrite/Read with an integer (Little Endian):\tf\r\n");
00127     printf("\tWrite/Read with std::vector<byte>:\t\tg\r\n");
00128     printf("\tWrite/Read with std::vector<byte> + length:\th\r\n");
00129     printf("Enter your choice:\r\n");
00130     return getchar();
00131 }
00133 void RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue()
00134 {
00135     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue")
00137     switch (g_state) {
00138         case Idle:
00139             g_state = Write;
00140             break;
00141         case Write: {
00142                 DEBUG("Writing data...");
00143                 time_t ctTime;
00144                 ctTime = time(NULL);  
00145                 std::string str("Current time is: ");
00146                 str += ctime(&ctTime);
00147                 str += " UTC";
00148                 printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: Write '%s'\r\n", str.c_str());
00149                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(256, str)) { // Write the string, including the length indicator
00150 #ifdef __DEBUG
00151                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: write failed at address 256")
00152 #else // __DEBUG
00153                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: write failed at address 256\r\n");
00154 #endif // __DEBUG
00155                     g_state = Idle;
00156                 } else {
00157                     g_state = Written;
00158                 }
00159             }
00160             break;
00161         case Written:
00162             g_state = Read;
00163             break;
00164         case Read: {
00165                 DEBUG("Reading datas...");
00166                 std::string readtext;
00167                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(256, readtext)) { // Read the string, including the length indicator
00168 #ifdef __DEBUG
00169                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: write failed at address 256")
00170 #else // __DEBUG
00171                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: write failed at address 256\r\n");
00172 #endif // __DEBUG
00173                 } else {
00174                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: Read:'%s'\r\n", readtext.c_str());
00175                 }
00176             }
00177             g_state = Idle;
00178             break;
00179         default:
00180             printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue: Default!\r\n");
00181             g_state = Idle;
00182             break;
00183     }
00185     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithStdStringValue")
00186 }
00188 void RunStateMachine_WithByteValue() {
00189     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue")
00191     switch (g_state) {
00192         case Idle:
00193             g_state = Write;
00194             break;
00195         case Write:
00196             DEBUG("Writing data...")
00197             printf("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: Write 0xaa\r\n");
00198             if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(128, (unsigned char)0xaa)) {
00199 #ifdef __DEBUG
00200                 DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: write failed at address 128")
00201 #else // __DEBUG
00202                 printf("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: write failed at address 128\r\n");
00203 #endif // __DEBUG
00204                 g_state = Idle;
00205             } else {
00206                 g_state = Written;
00207             }
00208             break;
00209         case Written:
00210             g_state = Read;
00211             break;
00212         case Read: {
00213                 DEBUG("Reading datas...")
00214                 unsigned char value = 0x00;
00215                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(128, &value)) {
00216 #ifdef __DEBUG
00217                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: Read operation failed at address 128")
00218 #else // __DEBUG
00219                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: Read operation failed at address 128\r\n");
00220 #endif // __DEBUG
00221                 } else {
00222                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: Read '0x%02x'\r\n", value);
00223                 }
00224             }
00225             g_state = Idle;
00226             break;
00227         default:
00228             printf("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue: Default!\r\n");
00229             g_state = Idle;
00230             break;
00231     }
00233     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithByteValue")
00234 }
00236 void RunStateMachine_WithShortValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
00237     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue")
00239     switch (g_state) {
00240         case Idle:
00241             g_state = Write;
00242             break;
00243         case Write:
00244             DEBUG("Writing data...")
00245             printf("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: Write 0xbeef\r\n");
00246             if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(64, (short)0xbeef, p_mode)) { // See for more ideas on hexadecimal wording!!!
00247                 DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: write failed at address 64")
00248                 g_state = Idle;
00249             } else {
00250                 g_state = Written;
00251             }
00252             break;
00253         case Written:
00254             g_state = Read;
00255             break;
00256         case Read: {
00257                 DEBUG("Reading datas...");
00258                 short value = 0;
00259                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(64, &value, p_mode)) {
00260 #ifdef __DEBUG
00261                 DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: write failed at address 64")
00262 #else // __DEBUG
00263                 printf("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: write failed at address 64\r\n");
00264 #endif // __DEBUG
00265                 } else {
00266                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: Read '0x%04x' / '%hu'\r\n", value, (unsigned short)value);
00267                 }
00268             }
00269             g_state = Idle;
00270             break;
00271         default:
00272             printf("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue: Default!\r\n");
00273             g_state = Idle;
00274             break;
00275     }
00277     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithShortValue")
00278 }
00280 void RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue(C2424LCXX_I2C::Mode p_mode) {
00281     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue")
00283     switch (g_state) {
00284         case Idle:
00285             g_state = Write;
00286             break;
00287         case Write:
00288             DEBUG("Writing data...")
00289             printf("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: Write 0xdeaddead\r\n");
00290             if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(32, (int)0xdeaddead, p_mode)) {
00291                 DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: write failed at address 32")
00292                 g_state = Idle;
00293             } else {
00294                 g_state = Written;
00295             }
00296             break;
00297         case Written:
00298             g_state = Read;
00299             break;
00300         case Read: {
00301                 DEBUG("Reading datas...")
00302                 int value = 0;
00303                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(32, &value, p_mode)) {
00304 #ifdef __DEBUG
00305                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: write failed at address 32")
00306 #else // __DEBUG
00307                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: write failed at address 32\r\n");
00308 #endif // __DEBUG
00309                 } else {
00310                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: Read '0x%08x' / '%d'\r\n", value, (unsigned int)value);
00311                 }
00312             }
00313             g_state = Idle;
00314             break;
00315         default:
00316             printf("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue: Default!\r\n");
00317             g_state = Idle;
00318             break;
00319     }
00321     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithIntegerValue")
00322 }
00324 void RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue() {
00325     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue")
00327     switch (g_state) {
00328         case Idle:
00329             g_state = Write;
00330             break;
00331         case Write: {
00332                 std::vector<unsigned char> datas;
00333                 datas.push_back(0xfe);
00334                 datas.push_back(0xed);
00335                 datas.push_back(0xfa);
00336                 datas.push_back(0xce);
00337                 DEBUG("Writing data...")
00338                 printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: Write {0xfe, 0xed, 0xfa, 0xce}\r\n");
00339                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(16, datas, false)) { // Write the full buffer, not including the length indication
00340                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 16")
00341                     g_state = Idle;
00342                 } else {
00343                     g_state = Written;
00344                 }
00345             }
00346             break;
00347         case Written:
00348             g_state = Read;
00349             break;
00350         case Read: {
00351                 DEBUG("Reading datas...")
00352                 std::vector<unsigned char> datas(4);
00353                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(16, datas, false)) { // Read bytes, without the lenght indication, buffer size shall be set before the call
00354 #ifdef __DEBUG
00355                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 16")
00356 #else // __DEBUG
00357                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 16\r\n");
00358 #endif // __DEBUG
00359                 } else {
00360                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: Read {%02x, %02x, %02x, %02x}\r\n", datas[0], datas[1], datas[2], datas[3]);
00361                 }
00362             }
00363             g_state = Idle;
00364             break;
00365         default:
00366             printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: Default!\r\n");
00367             g_state = Idle;
00368             break;
00369     }
00371     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue")
00372 }
00374 void RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue() {
00375     DEBUG_ENTER("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue")
00377     switch (g_state) {
00378         case Idle:
00379             g_state = Write;
00380             break;
00381         case Write: {
00382                 DEBUG("Writing data...")
00383                 std::vector<unsigned char> datas;
00384                 datas.push_back(0xde);
00385                 datas.push_back(0x5e);
00386                 datas.push_back(0xa5);
00387                 datas.push_back(0xed);
00388                 printf("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue: Write {0xde, 0x5e, 0xa5, 0xed}\r\n");
00389                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Write(8, datas)) { // Write the full buffer, including the length indication
00390                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 8")
00391                     g_state = Idle;
00392                 } else {
00393                     g_state = Written;
00394                 }
00395             }
00396             break;
00397         case Written:
00398             g_state = Read;
00399             break;
00400         case Read: {
00401                 DEBUG("Reading datas...")
00402                 std::vector<unsigned char> datas;
00403                 if (!g_myEEPROM.Read(8, datas)) { // Read bytes, including the lenght indication, buffer size is not set before the call
00404 #ifdef __DEBUG
00405                     DEBUG_FATAL("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 8")
00406 #else // __DEBUG
00407                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithStdVectorOfByteValue: write failed at address 8\r\n");
00408 #endif // __DEBUG
00409                 } else {
00410                     printf("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue: Read bytes: ");
00411                     vector<unsigned char>::iterator it;
00412                     for (it = datas.begin() ; it < datas.end(); it++) {
00413                         printf("0x%02x ", *it);
00414                     }
00415                     printf("\r\n");
00416                 }
00417             }
00418             g_state = Idle;
00419             break;
00420         default:
00421             printf("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue: Default!\r\n");
00422             g_state = Idle;
00423             break;
00424     }
00426     DEBUG_LEAVE("RunStateMachine_WithLengthPlusStdVectorOfByteValue")
00427 }