Conversions for the LCD display in FRDM-KL46Z

Dependents:   eem202a_display eem202a_resolutedreamer_1

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00001 #include "convert.h"
00003 /*-------------------------------------------------------------
00005 (c) W.D. 2014
00007 -------------------------------------------------------------*/
00009 Convert::Convert()
00010 {
00011     this->prepare();
00013     return;
00014 }
00016 void Convert::prepare(void)
00017 {
00018     this->blink(-1); 
00019     this->clear();
00020     this->DP1(0);
00021     this->DP2(0);
00022     this->DP3(0);
00023     this->Colon(0);
00024     this->Home();
00026     return;
00027 }
00029 void Convert::display_digits(unsigned int number, bool negate)
00030 {
00031     register unsigned short int c1 = ((unsigned int) number / 1000);
00032     register unsigned short int c2 = ((unsigned int) number / 100) - (c1 * 10);
00033     register unsigned short int c3 = ((unsigned int) number / 10) - ((c1 *100) + (c2 *10));
00034     register unsigned short int c4 = number - ((c1 *1000) + (c2 *100) + (c3 *10));
00036     this->blink(-1); 
00037     this->Home();
00038     if (negate)
00039         this->putc('-');
00040     else
00041         this->putc('0'+c1);
00042     this->putc('0'+c2);
00043     this->putc('0'+c3);
00044     this->putc('0'+c4);
00046     return;
00047 }
00049 bool Convert::display(unsigned int number)
00050 {
00051     this->DP1(false);
00052     this->DP2(false);
00053     this->DP3(false);
00054     this->Colon(false);
00056     if (number > 9999)
00057     {
00058         this->blink(2); 
00059         this->display(" OFL");
00060         return true;
00061     }
00062     else
00063     {
00064         this->display_digits(number); 
00065         return false;
00066     }
00067 }
00069 bool Convert::display(int number)
00070 {
00071     this->DP1(false);
00072     this->DP2(false);
00073     this->DP3(false);
00074     this->Colon(false);
00076     if (number < 0)
00077     {
00078         if (number < -999)
00079         {
00080             this->blink(3); 
00081             this->display("-OFL");
00082             return true;
00083         }
00084         else
00085         {
00086             this->display_digits ((unsigned int) -number, true);
00087             return false;
00088         }
00089     }
00090     else if (number > 9999)
00091     {
00092         this->blink(3); 
00093         this->display(" OFL");
00094         return true;
00095     }
00096     else
00097     {
00098         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) number, false);
00099         return false;
00100     }
00101 }
00103 bool Convert::display(double number)
00104 {
00105     this->Colon(false);
00106 // >=10000   OVL
00107     if (number >= 10000.)
00108     {
00109         this->blink(3); 
00110         this->display(" OFL");
00111         return true;
00112     }
00113 // >=1000   1234
00114     else if (number >= 1000.)
00115     {
00116         this->DP1(false);
00117         this->DP2(false);
00118         this->DP3(false);
00119         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) number);
00120         return false;
00121     }
00122 // >=100    123.4
00123     else if (number >= 100.)
00124     {
00125         this->DP1(false);
00126         this->DP2(false);
00127         this->DP3(true);
00128         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (number*10.));
00129         return false;
00130     }
00131 // >=10     12.34
00132     else if (number >= 10.)
00133     {
00134         this->DP1(false);
00135         this->DP2(true);
00136         this->DP3(false);
00137         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (number*100.));
00138         return false;
00139     }
00140 // >=0      1.234
00141     else if (number >= 0.)
00142     {
00143         this->DP1(true);
00144         this->DP2(false);
00145         this->DP3(false);
00146         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (number*1000.));
00147         return false;
00148     }
00149 // <0
00150 // <=-1     -1.23
00151     else if (number >= -10.)
00152     {
00153         this->DP1(false);
00154         this->DP2(true);
00155         this->DP3(false);
00156         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (number*-100.), true);
00157         return false;
00158     }
00159 // <=-10    -12.3
00160     else if (number >= -100.)
00161     {
00162         this->DP1(false);
00163         this->DP2(false);
00164         this->DP3(true);
00165         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (number*-10.), true);
00166         return false;
00167     }
00168 // <=-100   -123
00169     else if (number >= -1000.)
00170     {
00171         this->DP1(false);
00172         this->DP2(false);
00173         this->DP3(false);
00174         this->display_digits ((unsigned int) (-number), true);
00175         return false;
00176     }
00177     else
00178 // <=-1000  -OVL
00179     {
00180         this->blink(3); 
00181         this->display("-OFL");
00182         return true;
00183     }
00185 }
00187 bool Convert::display(float number)
00188 {
00189     return this->display((double) number);
00190 }
00192 bool Convert::display(char *text)
00193 {
00194     this->DP1(false);
00195     this->DP2(false);
00196     this->DP3(false);
00197     this->Colon(false);
00198     this->Home();
00199     for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
00200     {
00201         if (text[i]==0) 
00202             break; 
00203         else 
00204             this->putc(text[i]);
00205     }
00206     return false;
00207 }