
Auto generated API documentation and code listings for gnss


GnssI2C GNSS class which uses a i2c as physical interface
GnssParser Basic GNSS parser class
GnssSerial GNSS class which uses a serial port as physical interface
Pipe< T > Pipe , this class implements a buffered pipe that can be savely written and read between two context
SerialPipe Buffered serial interface (rtos capable/interrupt driven)


gnss.cpp [code] This file defines a class that communicates with a u-blox GNSS chip
gnss.h [code] This file defines a class that communicates with a u-blox GNSS chip
gnss_operations.cpp [code]
gnss_operations.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
pipe.h [code]
serial_pipe.cpp [code]
serial_pipe.h [code]