Dual CANbus monitor and instrumentation cluster

Dependencies:   SPI_TFTx2 TFT_fonts TOUCH_TFTx2 beep mbed

Fork of CANary by Tick Tock

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00001 // main.cpp
00002 //
00003 //To Do:
00004 // * Audible friction brake feedback
00005 // * User-configurable watchpoint
00006 // * Add 50% charge option
00007 // * Add coasting regen to regen/braking display
00008 // * Change semilog efficiency graph to linear with 10 minute values
00009 // * Add additional 79b bank readouts
00010 // * Add ability to transfer settings config file to/from USB
00011 // * Subtract accessory power from efficiency history (add back in when displaying)
00013 #include "mbed.h"
00014 #include "CAN.h"
00015 #include "beep.h"
00016 #include "ff.h"
00017 #include "PowerControl.h"
00018 #include "EthernetPowerControl.h"
00019 #include "utility.h"
00020 #include "displayModes.h"
00021 #include "TOUCH_TFTx2.h"
00023 char revStr[7] = "125"; // gg - revision string, max 6 characters
00025 FATFS USBdrive;
00026 LocalFileSystem local("local");
00027 bool waitasec = true;
00028 unsigned char wait5secs = 5;
00029 // to write to USB Flash Drives, or equivalent (SD card in Reader/Writer)
00030 // class10 SDcard in Reader/Writer recommended
00031 FRESULT mfr = f_mount(0,&USBdrive);
00032 time_t seconds ;
00034 Ticker autoPoll;
00035 Ticker playback;
00036 Ticker msgReq;
00037 Timer timer;
00039 DigitalOut led1(LED1);
00040 DigitalOut led2(LED2);
00041 DigitalOut led3(LED3);
00042 DigitalOut led4(LED4);
00044 InterruptIn touchpad(p17);
00045 CAN can1(p9, p10);      // CAN1 (EV) uses pins 9 and 10 (rx, tx) and pin 8 (rs)
00046 DigitalOut can1SleepMode(p8);     // Use pin 8 to control the sleep mode of can2
00047 CAN can2(p30, p29);     // CAN2 (CAR) uses pins 30 and 29 (rx, tx) and pin 28 (rs)
00048 DigitalOut can2SleepMode(p28);     // Use pin 28 to control the sleep mode of can1
00049 AnalogIn mon12V(p15);
00050 TOUCH_TFTx2 tt(p16, p17, p19, p20, p11, p12, p13, p6, p7, p5, "TFT"); // x+,x-,y+,y-,mosi, miso, sclk, cs0, cs1, reset
00051 PwmOut dled(p23);
00052 Beep spkr(p21);
00054 bool debugMode = false;
00055 bool usbEn = false;
00056 bool logEn = true;
00057 bool logOpen = false; 
00058 bool yesBattLog = true; // gg - Batt Log
00059 unsigned char tNavRow = 3; // gg - 4x4 touch
00061 FILE *hfile; // history file
00062 FIL efile; // external usb file
00063 FRESULT efr; // external file access flags
00064 unsigned int bytesRW;
00065 char fileName[35] = "";
00066 char writeBuffer[maxBufLen][13] __attribute__ ((section("AHBSRAM1"))); // buffer for USB write
00067 char indexLastMsg[0x800]={0}; // index table for last message
00068 CANMessage lastMsg[100]; // table to store last message of eachtype
00070 unsigned char battData[BatDataBufMax]={0}; // 7 * 0x3D = BatDataBufMax
00072 unsigned char msgChanged[100]; // inidcates which bytes changed
00073 char c;
00074 volatile int writePointer = 0;
00075 int readPointer=0;
00076 volatile unsigned short secsNoMsg = 0;
00077 volatile unsigned short secsNoTouch = 0;
00078 volatile bool canIdle;
00079 volatile bool userIdle;
00080 bool touched=false; //flag to read touchscreen
00081 unsigned char whichTouched = 0;
00082 char counter = 0;
00083 unsigned char dMode[2] = {mainScreen,brakeScreen}; //display mode
00084 unsigned char sMode = 0; // setup mode
00085 unsigned char lastDMode[2] = {0,0}; //last screen mode
00086 unsigned char dtMode = 6;
00087 char displayLog[20][40];
00088 unsigned char displayLoc = 0;
00089 unsigned int fwCount=1;
00090 unsigned char indexOffset = 1;
00091 bool showCP = false;
00092 bool logCP = false; //Turbo3
00093 bool logOnce = false;
00094 bool repeatPoll = true;
00095 bool headlights = false;
00096 bool tick = false;
00097 bool ZeroSecTick = false;
00098 float ledHi = 0.8; // Bright LED value (until config file read)
00099 float ledLo = 0.1; // Dim LED value (until config file read)
00100 unsigned short pollInt = 300; // polling interval=5 minutes (until config file read)
00101 bool accOn = false; // Accessories on
00102 bool laccOn = false;
00103 float scale12V = 16.2; // R1:R2 ratio
00104 signed long mWs_x4 = 0;
00105 unsigned short numWsamples = 0;
00106 unsigned short numSsamples = 0;
00107 float accV = 0;
00108 bool playbackEn = false;
00109 bool playbackOpen = false;
00110 //float playbackInt = 0.05; //read messages every 50 ms
00111 float playbackInt = 0.005; //read messages every 5 ms
00112 bool step = false;
00113 char header[5];
00114 char data[8];
00115 signed long motorRPM;
00116 unsigned char skin = ttSkin ;
00117 unsigned char dtePeriod = 14; //ten minute averaging interval
00118 float kWh_trip[3]={0};
00119 float miles_trip[3]={0};
00120 float mph[39]={0};
00121 float kW[39]={0};
00122 float mpkWh[39]={0};
00123 float unloadedV_x2,Resr,curRmax,curRmin,redRmax,redRmin,incRmax,incRmin;
00124 signed short Imax, Imin;
00125 // Logarithmic division scale (roughly - snapped to common units of time)
00126 float timeConstant[39] = {1, 1.58, 2.51, 3.98, 6.31, 10, 15.8, 25.1, 39.8, 60, // 1 minute
00127                      60*1.58, 60*2.51, 60*3.98, 60*6.31, 60*10, 60*15.8, 60*25.1, 60*39.8, 60*60, // 1 hour
00128                      60*60*1.58, 60*60*2.51, 60*60*3.98, 60*60*6.31, 60*60*10, 60*60*15.8, 60*60*24, // 1 day
00129                      60*60*24*1.58, 60*60*24*2.51, 60*60*24*3.98, 60*60*24*6.31, 60*60*24*10, 60*60*24*15.8, 60*60*24*30, // 1 month
00130                      60*60*24*39.8, 60*60*24*63.1, 60*60*24*100, 60*60*24*158, 60*60*24*251, 60*60*24*365}; // 1 year
00131 bool tock = false;
00132 unsigned short pointerSep;
00133 unsigned char reqMsgCnt = 99;
00134 unsigned long Ah_x10000 = 0;
00135 unsigned long SOC_x10000 = 0;
00136 unsigned short SOH_x100 = 0;
00137 float maxTemp = 0;
00138 bool metric = false;
00139 bool shunt[96]={0};
00140 bool charging=false;
00142 int main() {
00143     //can1SleepMode.mode(OpenDrain);
00144     //can2SleepMode.mode(OpenDrain);
00145     char sTemp[40];
00146     unsigned long secs;
00147     unsigned char i,j,display=0,lwt=0;
00148     point lastTouch;
00149     float average;
00150     tt.set_orientation(1);
00151     tt.background(Black);
00152     tt.set_display(2);       // select both displays
00153     tt.cls();
00154     tt.claim(stdout);        // send stdout to the TFT display
00155     touchpad.rise(&touch_ISR);
00156     tt.wfi();               // enable interrupt on touch
00157     dled = 0.8; // turn on display LED 80%
00158     Resr = 0.075; // initial guess of Resr
00159     timer.start() ;
00160     RTC_Init(); // start the RTC Interrupts that sync the timer
00161     struct tm t; // pointer to a static tm structure
00162     NVIC_SetPriority(CAN_IRQn, 2); //set can priority just below RTC
00163     NVIC_SetPriority(TIMER3_IRQn, 3); //set ticker priority just below can
00165     seconds = time(NULL);
00166     t = *localtime(&seconds) ;
00167     // is it a date before 2012 ?
00168     if ((t.tm_year + 1900) < 2012 ) {
00169         // before 2013 so update year to make date entry easier
00170         t.tm_year = 2013 - 1900;
00171         // set the RTC
00172         set_time(mktime(&t));
00173         seconds = time(NULL);
00174     }
00175     t = *localtime(&seconds) ;
00176     strftime(sTemp, 32, "%a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t);
00177     printMsg(sTemp); // record RTC
00179     // revision
00180     sprintf(sTemp,"CANary firmware rev%s\n", revStr); // gg - for Logging the revision
00181     printMsg(sTemp); // revision
00183     secsNoMsg = 0;
00185     //read efficiency history data
00186     hfile = fopen("/local/ehist.cny", "r");
00187     if (hfile!=NULL){ // found a efficiency history file
00188         for(i=0;i<39;i++){
00189             if(!feof(hfile)){
00190                 fscanf(hfile,"%f %f\r\n",&mph[i],&kW[i]);
00191                 mpkWh[i]=mph[i]/kW[i];
00192             }
00193         }
00194         fclose(hfile);
00195         printMsg("History Loaded.\n"); // History loaded
00196     } else { // create initial file
00197         printMsg("History not found.  Created.\n"); // history not found, created
00198         for(i=0;i<39;i++){
00199             // Pre-load with 4 mpkWh @ 40 mph
00200             mph[i]=40*timeConstant[i];
00201             kW[i]=10*timeConstant[i];
00202             mpkWh[i]=4;
00203         }
00204     }
00206     // Read config file
00207     readConfig();
00208     if (repeatPoll) { // enable autopolling if enabled
00209         autoPoll.attach(&autoPollISR,pollInt);
00210     }
00212     // Start monitors
00213     can1.monitor(true); // set to snoop mode
00214     can2.monitor(true); // set to snoop mode
00215     can1.frequency(500000);
00216     can2.frequency(500000);
00217     can1SleepMode = VP230Sleep;         // Turn on Monitor_only Mode
00218     can2SleepMode = VP230Sleep;         // Turn on Monitor_only Mode
00219     can1.attach(&recieve1);
00220     can2.attach(&recieve2);
00222     touched=false;
00223     secsNoTouch=2;
00224     while (true) {
00225         if (!logOpen) { // Open new file if one is not already open
00226             if(logEn&&usbEn){ //logging enables and USB device detected
00227                 strftime(fileName, 32, "%m%d%H%M.alc", &t); //mmddhhmm.alc
00228                 efr = f_open(&efile,fileName,FA_WRITE|FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);
00229                 seconds = time(NULL);
00230                 t = *localtime(&seconds) ;
00231                 lastDMode[0]=99;//force refresh
00232                 lastDMode[1]=99;//force refresh
00233                 if(efr != FR_OK){
00234                     sprintf(sTemp,"\nERR:%d Unable to open %s\n\n\n\n",efr,fileName);
00235                     printMsg(sTemp); // cannot open alc file
00236                     logEn=false;
00237                     spkr.beep(1000,0.25);
00238                     wait_ms(500);
00239                     spkr.beep(1000,0.25);
00240                 } else {
00241                     logOpen = true;
00242                     readPointer=writePointer;
00243                     sprintf(sTemp,"Starting Can Log %s\n",fileName);
00244                     printMsg(sTemp); // starting alc log file 
00246                     logTS(); // Date Time at start
00247                     logEvent("Starting"); // Log startup msg for testing
00248                     sprintf(sTemp,"Cr%s",revStr);
00249                     logEvent(sTemp); // gg - log firmware version   
00250                     spkr.beep(2000,0.25);
00251                 }
00252             }//logging enabled and USB detected
00253         } else { // if (logOpen)
00254             pointerSep=(writePointer+maxBufLen-readPointer)%maxBufLen;
00255             if (pointerSep>(maxBufLen/16)||canIdle||!logEn) {
00256                 // Dump buffer if > 1/16 full or canbus has stopped
00257                 //if (&efile == NULL) {
00258                 if (efr != FR_OK) {
00259                     logOpen = false;
00260                     printMsg("Failed to append log file.\n"); // failed to append 
00261                     spkr.beep(3000,0.25);
00262                     spkr.beep(1500,0.25);
00263                     spkr.beep(750,0.25);
00264                     spkr.beep(375,0.25);
00265                     logEn=false;
00266                 } else {
00267                     while (readPointer != writePointer) {
00268                         efr=f_write(&efile,&writeBuffer[readPointer][0],13,&bytesRW);
00269                         if(++readPointer >= maxBufLen){
00270                             readPointer=0;
00271                             led4 = !led4;
00272                         }
00273                     }
00274                 }
00275             } // if > 1/16 full, canbus has stopped, or logging stopped
00276             if (!logEn) {
00277                 sprintf(sTemp,"Stopping Can Log %s\n",fileName);
00278                 printMsg(sTemp); // stopping alc log file 
00279                 f_close(&efile);
00280                 logOpen=false;
00281                 pointerSep=0;
00282                 led4=false;
00283             }
00284         } // if logOpen
00285         if (canIdle&&userIdle&&!playbackEn) { // canbus idle --> sleep to save power
00286             if (repeatPoll) { // stop autopolling if enabled
00287                 autoPoll.detach();
00288             }
00289             if (logOpen){ //close file to dump buffer
00290                 f_close(&efile);
00291             } // if (logOpen)
00292             seconds = time(NULL);
00293             t = *localtime(&seconds) ;
00294             strftime(sTemp, 40, "Sleeping: %a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t);
00295             printMsg(sTemp); // sleeping date time
00296             updateDisplay(0); //Added for turbo3 who has a display override and wants to see the sleep message before going to sleep
00297             updateDisplay(1);
00298             //LPC_RTC->CIIR=0x00; // block RTC interrupts
00299             led1=0;
00300             led2=0;
00301             led3=0;
00302             led4=0;
00303             dled=0; // turn off display
00304             secs = time(NULL); // seconds past 12:00:00 AM 1 Jan 1900
00305             while (secsNoMsg>canTimeout && !touched) {
00306                 //DeepPowerDown();
00307                 tt.wfi(); //enable touch interrupt
00308                 //__wfi(); // freeze CPU and wait for interrupt (from canbus or touch)
00309                 Sleep();
00310             }
00311             lastDMode[0]=99;
00312             lastDMode[1]=99;
00313             secsNoTouch=2;
00314             canIdle=secsNoMsg>canTimeout;
00315             dled=0.8; // turn on display LED
00316             seconds = time(NULL);
00317             t = *localtime(&seconds) ;
00318             strftime(sTemp, 40, "Waking: %a %m/%d/%Y %X\n", &t);
00319             printMsg(sTemp); // wakeup date time
00320             if (time(NULL)>(secs+1800)) {
00321                 if (logOpen){
00322                     f_close(&efile);
00323                     logOpen = false; // Start new file if asleep for more than 30 minutes
00324                 } // if (logOpen)
00325                 if (secsNoTouch>100) secsNoTouch = 100; // also mostly reset user Idle counter
00326             } else if (logOpen){ // insert timestamp on each wake if logging enabled (disabled for now)
00327                 efr = f_open(&efile,fileName,FA_WRITE|FA_OPEN_ALWAYS);
00328                 f_lseek(&efile,0xffffffff); // goto end of file (append existing)
00329                 logEvent("WakingUp"); // gg - use messeges
00330                 logTS(); // Date-Time at wakeup
00331             }
00332             if (repeatPoll) { // re-enable autopolling if enabled
00333                 autoPoll.attach(&autoPollISR,pollInt);
00334             }
00335         } // if idle
00337         if(touched){ // call touchscreen procedure if touch interrupt detected
00338             lastTouch = tt.get_touch();       
00339             lastTouch = tt.to_pixel(lastTouch);          // convert to pixel pos
00340             if((lastTouch.x!=639)&&(lastTouch.x!=319)&&(lastTouch.y!=239)){ // filter phantom touches
00341                 if (userIdle) {
00342                     secsNoTouch=2; // Ignore first touch if user idle
00343                     userIdle=false;
00344                 } else {
00345                     secsNoTouch=0;
00346                 }
00347                 if (lastTouch.x>320){
00348                     whichTouched=1;
00349                 } else {
00350                     whichTouched=0;
00351                 }
00352                 if (whichTouched!=lwt){
00353                     lastDMode[lwt]=99; // Repaint lastTouched
00354                     lwt=whichTouched;
00355                 }
00356                 sMode = 1;
00357             }
00358             //sprintf(sTemp,"%d,%d ",lastTouch.x,lastTouch.y);
00359             //printMsg(sTemp); // touch x,y - for debug
00360             touched = false; // clear interrupt flag
00361         }
00362         //---------------
00363         // gg - 4x4 touch
00364         //unsigned char tScrn = 0 ; // screen 0
00365         unsigned char tCol ;                        
00366         unsigned char tRow ;
00368         if (!userIdle) {
00369             if (secsNoTouch<2) {// Recently touched
00370                 secsNoTouch +=2; // increment to prevent double touch
00371                 sMode = 1;
00372                 //sprintf(sTemp,"button %d %d,%d %d\n",i,buttonX(lastTouch.x,3),buttonY(lastTouch.y,3),lastTouch.x);
00373                 //printMsg(sTemp); // button parms - for debug
00374                 switch (sMode) {
00375                     case 0: // no select
00376                         break;
00377                     case 1: // select screen                        
00378                         //--------------
00379                         // gg - 4x4 touch
00380                         tCol = buttonX(lastTouch.x,4) ;
00381                         if( tCol >= 4 ){ tCol -= 4; } // touch is on screen 1
00383                         tRow = buttonY(lastTouch.y,4) ;
00385                         highlightButton( tCol,tRow, whichTouched, 4,4) ; // gg - highlight
00387                         if( tRow == tNavRow ) tRow = 7 ; // gg                   
00388                         switch ( (tCol*10) + tRow ) {
00389                             //---------------------------------
00390                             case 00: // top row, left button on screen 0 or 1
00391                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==monitorScreen||dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) {
00392                                     indexOffset=indexOffset>4?indexOffset-4:1;
00393                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00394                                     dMode[whichTouched] = mainScreen ; // GoTo Main Screen
00395                                     sMode=0;
00396                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00397                                     wait_ms(500);
00398                                     tt.background(Black);
00399                                     tt.calibrate();
00400                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // slower
00401                                         playbackInt *=2;
00402                                     if(playbackEn){
00403                                         playback.detach();
00404                                         playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt);
00405                                     }
00406                                 } else {
00407                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00408                                 }
00409                                 break;
00410                             //-----------------------------------------------
00411                             case 10: // 1,0 (col left of center,top row) on screen 0 or 1
00412                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) {
00413                                     for(j=0;j<100;j++) msgChanged[j]=0; // clear changed data
00414                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh
00415                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00416                                     sMode=0;
00417                                     dMode[whichTouched] = brakeScreen ; // GoTo Brake Screen
00418                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpScreen) {
00419                                     reqMsgCnt=0;
00420                                     msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015);
00421                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpHistScreen) { // gg - hist
00422                                     reqMsgCnt=0;
00423                                     msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015);
00424                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==cpBarScreen) { // gg - cpbars
00425                                     reqMsgCnt=0;
00426                                     msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015);
00427                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00428                                     mbed_reset();
00429                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // pause/unpause
00430                                     playbackEn=!playbackEn;
00431                                     if(playbackEn){
00432                                         playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt);
00433                                     } else {
00434                                         playback.detach();
00435                                     }
00436                                 } else {
00437                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00438                                 }
00440                                 break;
00441                             //--------------------------------------
00442                             case 20: // col 2 and row 0 on either screen 0 or 1
00443                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==monitorScreen||dMode[whichTouched]==changedScreen) {
00444                                     indexOffset=indexOffset<77?indexOffset+4:80;
00445                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00446                                     dMode[whichTouched] = effScreen ; // GoTo EFF Screen
00447                                     sMode=0;
00448                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00449                                     printMsg("Saving config file.\n"); // saving config
00450                                     saveConfig();
00451                                     spkr.beep(2000,0.25);
00452                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) { // faster
00453                                     if(playbackInt>.002){
00454                                         playbackInt/=2;
00455                                         if(playbackEn){
00456                                             playback.detach();
00457                                             playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt);
00458                                         }
00459                                     }
00460                                 } else {
00461                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00462                                 }
00464                                 break;
00466                             case 30: // right-most on top row
00468                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00469                                     // step through skins
00470                                     if( skin < maxSkin ) skin += 1 ;
00471                                     else skin = 0 ;
00473                                     // repaint both screens, I think
00474                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00475                                     // and re-paint the other screen too, to see new skin there
00476                                     lastDMode[whichTouched ^ 1]=99; // repaint other screen (^ = XOR)
00477                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00478                                     dMode[whichTouched] = healthScreen ; // Goto health screen
00479                                     sMode=0;
00480                                 } else {
00481                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00482                                 }
00484                                 break;
00485                             //----------------------------------
00486                             //----------------------------------
00487                             case 01: // left col middle row
00488                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00489                                     logEn = !logEn;
00490                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00491                                     dMode[whichTouched] = cpScreen ; // GoTo CP Data Screen                                
00492                                     sMode=0;
00493                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){
00494                                     dtMode=(dtMode<6)?dtMode+1:0;
00495                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;
00496                                 } else {
00497                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00498                                 }
00500                                 break;
00501                             //------------------------------
00502                             case 11:
00503                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen){
00504                                     repeatPoll = !repeatPoll;
00505                                     if (repeatPoll) {
00506                                         autoPoll.attach(&autoPollISR,pollInt);
00507                                     } else {
00508                                         autoPoll.detach();
00509                                     }
00510                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00511                                     dMode[whichTouched] = cpHistScreen ; // GoTo CP Hist Screen
00512                                     sMode=0;
00513                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==playbackScreen) {
00514                                     // Start/stop playback
00515                                     if(!playbackOpen){
00516                                         if(!canIdle){
00517                                             printMsg("Cannot playback while connected to canbus\n");
00518                                         }else if(!logOpen){
00519                                             efr = f_open(&efile,"playback.alc",FA_READ|FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
00520                                             lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh
00521                                             if(efr != FR_OK){
00522                                                 printMsg("Unable to open /usb/playback.alc\n"); // no playback.alc
00523                                                 spkr.beep(1000,0.25);
00524                                             } else {
00525                                                 playbackOpen = true;
00526                                                 playbackEn=true;
00527                                                 playback.attach(&playbackISR,playbackInt);
00528                                                 printMsg("Starting playback\n"); // start playback
00529                                                 spkr.beep(2000,0.25);
00530                                                 can1.attach(&doNothing);// Stop recieving CAN data
00531                                                 can2.attach(&doNothing);
00532                                             }
00533                                         } else {
00534                                             printMsg("Must stop logging first\n");
00535                                         }
00536                                     } else {
00537                                         playback.detach();
00538                                         f_close(&efile);
00539                                         playbackOpen=false;
00540                                         playbackEn=false;
00541                                         can1.attach(&recieve1);// Restore CAN data recieve
00542                                         can2.attach(&recieve2);
00543                                         lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;
00544                                     }
00545                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){
00546                                     upDate(dtMode,true);
00547                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;
00548                                 } else {
00549                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00550                                 }
00552                                 break;
00553                             //---------------------------------
00554                             case 21: // col 2 row 1
00555                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { // gg - Batt Log Enable Button
00556                                     yesBattLog = !yesBattLog;
00557                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00558                                     dMode[whichTouched] = cpBarScreen ; // GoTo CP Bars Screen  
00559                                     sMode=0;
00560                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==dateScreen){
00561                                     upDate(dtMode,false);
00562                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;
00563                                 } else {
00564                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00565                                 }
00567                                 break;
00569                             case 31: // col 3 row 1
00570                                 if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) { // gg - Batt Log Enable Button
00571                                     debugMode = !debugMode;                                
00572                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00573                                     dMode[whichTouched] = configScreen ; // GoTo Config Screen                                   
00574                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == tripScreen) {
00575                                     miles_trip[1]=0;
00576                                     kWh_trip[1]=0;
00577                                     sMode=0;
00578                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00579                                 } else {
00580                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00581                                 }                            
00582                                 break;
00584                             //-----------------------------------
00585                             case 02: // left col, bottom row (not nav)
00586                                 if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00587                                     dMode[whichTouched] = playbackScreen ; // GoTo Playback Screen                                    
00588                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched]==configScreen) {
00589                                     metric = !metric; // toggle metric/imperial display
00590                                 } else {
00591                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00592                                 }            
00593                                 break;
00595                              case 12: // left-middle col, bottom row (not nav)
00596                                 if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00597                                     dMode[whichTouched] = dateScreen ; // GoTo Set Date/Time Screen  
00598                                 } else {
00599                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00600                                 } 
00601                                 break;
00603                              case 22: // right-middle col, bottom row (not nav)
00604                                 if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) { // gg - index
00605                                     dMode[whichTouched] = logScreen ;    
00606                                 } else {
00607                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00608                                 } 
00609                                 break;
00611                              case 32: // right col, bottom row (not nav)  
00612                                 if (dMode[whichTouched] == configScreen) {
00613                                     logEn=false;
00614                                     updateFirmware();
00615                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == tripScreen) {
00616                                     miles_trip[2]=0;
00617                                     kWh_trip[2]=0;
00618                                     sMode=0;
00619                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00620                                 } else if (dMode[whichTouched] == indexScreen) {
00621                                     dMode[whichTouched] = tripScreen ;    
00622                                 } else {                             
00623                                     lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00624                                 }
00625                                 break;
00627                             //-----------------------------------
00628                             //-----------------------------------
00629                             // Prev Navigation
00630                             case 07: // col 0 row tNavRow
00631                                 dMode[whichTouched]=dMode[whichTouched]>0?dMode[whichTouched]-1:maxScreens;
00632                                 break;
00633                             //-----------------------------------
00634                             // Select Screen Navigation
00635                             case 17:
00636                                 //secsNoTouch = userTimeout; // immediately exit config mode
00637                                 sMode=0;
00638                                 lastDMode[whichTouched]=99; // Repaint
00639                                 break;
00640                             //-----------------------------------
00641                             // Index Navigation
00642                             case 27: // col 2 row tNavRow
00643                                 dMode[whichTouched]= indexScreen ; // gg - index
00644                                 break;
00645                             //------------------------------------
00646                             // Next Navigation
00647                             case 37: // lower right on Nav Line gg - move next                            
00648                                 dMode[whichTouched]=dMode[whichTouched]<maxScreens?dMode[whichTouched]+1:0;
00649                                 break;
00650                             //------------------------------------
00651                             //------------------------------------
00652                             default:
00653                                 lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//repaint to clear highlight
00654                                 break;
00655                         }
00656                         break;
00657                     case 2: // numpad
00658                         break;
00659                     case 3:
00660                         break;
00661                     default:
00662                         break;
00663                 } // case sMode
00664             } //recently touched
00665         } else { // userIdle
00666             if(sMode==1){
00667                 sMode=0;
00668                 lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;
00669             }
00670         }
00672         if(tick){ // Executes once a second
00673             tick=false;
00674             headlights = (lastMsg[indexLastMsg[0x358]].data[1]&0x80)?true:false;  // headlight/turn signal indicator
00675             accV=floor(mon12V*scale12V*10+0.5)/10; //Round to nearest 10th
00676             accOn=(accV>5)?true:false;
00677             charging=(mph[0]<0.1)&&(kW[0]<-1); // not moving and generating energy so much be charging
00678             if(laccOn&&!accOn){ // Car turned off
00679                 if (repeatPoll) { // Log on shutdown if autopoll enabled
00680                     tripLog(); // Write trip log on powerdown
00681                 }
00682                 //write efficiency history data
00683                 hfile = fopen("/local/ehist.cny", "w");
00684                 if (hfile!=NULL){ // found a efficiency history file
00685                     for(i=0;i<39;i++){
00686                         fprintf(hfile,"%f %f\r\n",mph[i],kW[i]);
00687                     }
00688                     fclose(hfile);
00689                 }
00690             }
00691             if(!laccOn&&accOn){ // Car turned on
00692                 miles_trip[0]=0;
00693                 kWh_trip[0]=0;
00694                 wait5secs=5;
00695             }
00696             laccOn=accOn;
00697             if(!accOn&&!logEn&&userIdle&&!playbackEn){ // Car off and logging disabled and no user activity
00698                 dled = 0; 
00699             }else if(!headlights){
00700                 dled = ledHi;
00701             } else {
00702                 dled = ledLo;
00703             }
00704             if(wait5secs>0){ // Wait a few seconds after poweron to give BMS time to measure CP's
00705                 wait5secs-=1;
00706                 if (repeatPoll&&(wait5secs==0)) { // Poll on startup if autopoll enabled
00707                     logOnce=true;
00708                     reqMsgCnt=0;
00709                     msgReq.attach(&sendReq,0.015);
00710                 }
00711             }
00713             //compute historic efficiency
00714             if(numSsamples>0){ // Avoid div0
00715                 mph[0]=((float) motorRPM)/numSsamples/220; // Empirically derived with MXV4s - may change with different wheels&tires
00716             } else {
00717                 mph[0]=0;
00718             }
00719             if(mph[0]>99){
00720                 mph[0]=0;
00721             }
00722             numSsamples=0;
00724             if(numWsamples>0){ // Avoid div0
00725                 mpkWh[0]=mph[0];
00726                 kW[0]=((float) mWs_x4)/numWsamples/4e3;     
00727                 mpkWh[0]/=kW[0];
00728                 if (mpkWh[0]<0) {
00729                     mpkWh[0]=99;// negative means inf.
00730                 }
00731             } else {
00732                 kW[0]=0;
00733                 mpkWh[0]=0;
00734             }
00735             numWsamples=0;
00737             if (!charging){
00738                 miles_trip[0]+=mph[0]/3600;
00739                 miles_trip[1]+=mph[0]/3600;
00740                 miles_trip[2]+=mph[0]/3600;
00741                 kWh_trip[0]+=kW[0]/3600;
00742                 kWh_trip[1]+=kW[0]/3600;
00743                 kWh_trip[2]+=kW[0]/3600;
00744             }
00746             motorRPM=0;
00747             mWs_x4=0;
00749             // Compute ESR
00750             if((Imax-Imin)<40){ // do nothing - insufficient delta_I to measure
00751                 unloadedV_x2 = (curRmax+curRmin)/2;
00752             }else if ((redRmax-redRmin)<(curRmax-curRmin)) {
00753                 Resr-=0.001;
00754                 unloadedV_x2 = (redRmax+redRmin)/2;
00755             } else if ((incRmax-incRmin)<(curRmax-curRmin)) {
00756                 Resr+=0.001;
00757                 unloadedV_x2 = (incRmax+incRmin)/2;
00758             } else {
00759                 unloadedV_x2 = (curRmax+curRmin)/2;
00760             }
00761             curRmin=1000;
00762             curRmax=0;
00763             incRmin=1000;
00764             incRmax=0;
00765             redRmin=1000;
00766             redRmax=0;
00767             Imax=-1000;
00768             Imin=1000;
00770             if((accOn||playbackEn)&&!charging){
00771                 for(i=1;i<39;i++){
00772                     average=mph[i]/timeConstant[i];
00773                     mph[i]-=average;
00774                     mph[i]+=mph[0];
00775                     mpkWh[i]=average;
00776                     average=kW[i]/timeConstant[i];
00777                     if(!charging){ //Not charging - so include in efficiency data
00778                         kW[i]-=average;
00779                         kW[i]+=kW[0];
00780                     }
00781                     mpkWh[i]/=average;
00782                     if (mpkWh[i]<0) {
00783                         mpkWh[i]=99;// negative means inf.
00784                     }
00785                     //mpkWh[i]=floor(mpkWh[i]*10+0.5)/10; // Round to nearest 10th
00786                }
00787             }
00788             if(logCP&&usbEn){
00789                 if(logOnce){
00790                     tripLog();
00791                     logOnce=false;
00792                 }
00793                 logPackVoltages(); // Turbo3, only call
00794             }
00795             if(!usbEn&&!waitasec){
00796                 usbEn=detectUSB(); // Keep looking if none found
00797             }
00798             waitasec=false; // work around to avoid hang when USB tries to init immediately
00799             tock=true;
00800         } // tick
00802         display=display<1?display+1:0; // toggle display
00803         updateDisplay(display);
00805         if(step){ // playback
00806             if(playbackOpen&&playbackEn){
00807                 for(i=0;i<120;i++){
00808                     if(!f_eof(&efile)){
00809                         efr=f_read(&efile,&header,5,&bytesRW);
00810                         efr=f_read(&efile,&data,8,&bytesRW);
00811                         logCan(header[0],CANMessage(0x7ff&((header[4]<<8)+header[3]), data, 8)); // Playback
00812                     } else {
00813                         f_close(&efile); // restart                                       
00814                         efr = f_open(&efile,"playback.alc",FA_READ|FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
00815                         lastDMode[whichTouched]=99;//force refresh
00816                         spkr.beep(2000,0.25);
00817                     }
00818                 }
00819             }
00820             step=false;
00821         }
00823     } //while (true)
00824 }