The Chenne Robot

Dependencies:   Encoder HIDScope MODSERIAL QEI biquadFilter mbed

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API Documentation at this revision

Thu Oct 22 13:19:57 2015 +0000
Commit message:
LED defined and usable

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Oct 22 12:37:35 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Oct 22 13:19:57 2015 +0000
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
 DigitalIn  buttonL1(PTC6)  ,  buttonL2(PTA4)  ,  buttonH1(D2)  ,  buttonH2(D1);                       // DEBUG/CALIBRATION: 4 buttons for calibration and debugging
 Ticker     looptimer;                                                                                 // FLOW       : Ticker called looptimer to set a looptimerflag that puts the volatile bool control_go to true every sample
+DigitalOut ledgreen1(D0),  ledgreen2(D3), ledyellow1(D8), ledyellow2(D11), ledred1(D14), ledred2(D15);
 volatile bool control_go = false, sample = false, sample_error, sample_error_strike;                  // EMG        : booleans for controlling sample time of moving average and emg signal
 volatile bool looptimerflag;                                                                          // CONTROLLER : boolean that controls the sample time of the whole controller
@@ -106,7 +108,7 @@
 double Threshold_Bicep_Left_1, Threshold_Bicep_Left_2,                                                // EMG ACTION: variables to witch the threshold values calculated after the calibration get asigned to
        Threshold_Bicep_Right_1, Threshold_Bicep_Right_2;
-double n=0; double c=0; double k=0; double p=0;                                                       // FLOW : these flow variables are assigned to certain values through out the script values in order to regulate the flow of the script 
+double n=0; double c=0; double k=0; double p=0; double a=0;                                           // FLOW : these flow variables are assigned to certain values through out the script values in order to regulate the flow of the script 
 const double low_b0     = 0.05892937945281792  , low_b1     = 0.11785875890563584  , low_b2     = 0.05892937945281792,                    // Notch 1 LOW :  VIA online biquad calculator Lowpass 520-48-0.7071-6
@@ -144,17 +146,16 @@
 double pwm_to_motor_turn;                                       double pwm_to_motor_strike;                                             // TURN - STRIKE : variable that is constructed by summing the values of the P, I and D action 
-// FILTER: D-action 
-// const double a0 = 0.000332685098529822, a1 = 0.000665370197059644, a2 =  0.000332685098529822, b1 = -1.9625271814290315, b2 = 0.9638579218231508;   
-const double a0 = 0.000021080713160785432, a1 = 0.000042161426321570865, a2 = 0.000021080713160785432, b1 = -1.990754082898736, b2 = 0.9908384057513788;    //(0.75Hz)
-// const double a0 = 0.003543360146633312, a1 = 0.007086720293266624, a2 = 0.003543360146633312, b1 = -1.8704759567901301, b2 = 0.8846493973766635; //(10Hz)
-// const double a0 = 0.0009129521023626334, a1 = 0.0018259042047252668, a2 = 0.0009129521023626334, b1 = -1.9368516414202819, b2 = 0.9405034498297324; //(5Hz) 
+// FILTER: D-action    
+const double a0 = 0.000021080713160785432, a1 = 0.000042161426321570865, a2 = 0.000021080713160785432, b1 = -1.990754082898736, b2 = 0.9908384057513788;    //(0.75Hz) 
 biquadFilter Lowpassfilter_derivative(b1,b2,a0,a1,a2);             // BiquadFilter used for the filtering of the Derivative action of the PID-action
 const double  cw=0;                             // MOTOR: turn direction zero is clockwise (front view)
 const double  ccw=1;                            // MOTOR: turn direction one is counterclockwise (front view)
 const double  off=1;                            // Led off
 const double  on=0;                             // Led on
+const double  ledon = 1;                        // 
+const double  ledoff = 0;                       // 
 const int     Fs = 512;                         // sampling frequency (512 Hz)
 const double  sample_time = 0.001953125;        // duration of one sample
 double        conversion_counts_to_degrees=0.085877862594198; // Calculation conversion counts to degrees
@@ -165,7 +166,10 @@
 const double  change_one_bottle=45; 
 const double  Hit=90;                          // position when bottle is hit
+void led12(), led23(), led34(), led45(), led56(), led61(), led1(), led2(), led3(), led4(), led5(), led6(), led_off(), led_on();
+void leds_down_up(), leds_down_up_down();
 //                    ___________________________
 //                  //                           \\
@@ -426,21 +430,30 @@
             if ( < 0.5)                                
                         {  motordirection_turn = cw;                       
-                           pwm_motor_turn      = 0.02; }
+                           pwm_motor_turn      = 0.02;
+                           //led56(); 
+                           }
             if ( < 0.5)                             
                         {  motordirection_turn = ccw;                       
-                           pwm_motor_turn      = 0.02; }    
+                           pwm_motor_turn      = 0.02;
+                           //led12(); 
+                           }    
-            pwm_motor_turn = 0;                   
+            pwm_motor_turn = 0;
+            led_on();                   
             if ( < 0.5)                             
                         {  motordirection_strike = cw;                       
-                           pwm_motor_strike      = 0.02; }
+                           pwm_motor_strike      = 0.02;
+                           //led56(); 
+                            }
             if ( < 0.5)                                   
                         {  motordirection_strike = ccw;                       
-                           pwm_motor_strike      = 0.02; } 
+                           pwm_motor_strike      = 0.02; 
+                           //led12();  
+                           } 
             pwm_motor_strike = 0;  
@@ -832,3 +845,79 @@
     *in > min ? *in < max? : *in = max: *in = min;
+void led12() { ledgreen1 = ledon; ledgreen2 = ledon; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led23() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledon; ledyellow1 = ledon; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led34() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledon; ledyellow2 = ledon; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led45() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledon; ledred1 = ledon; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led56() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledon; ledred2 = ledon; }
+void led61() { ledgreen1 = ledon; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledon; }
+void led_off() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led1() { ledgreen1 = ledon; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led2() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledon; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led3() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledon; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led4() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledon; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led5() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledon; ledred2 = ledoff; }
+void led6() { ledgreen1 = ledoff; ledgreen2 = ledoff; ledyellow1 = ledoff; ledyellow2 = ledoff; ledred1 = ledoff; ledred2 = ledon; }
+void led_on() { ledgreen1 = ledon; ledgreen2 = ledon; ledyellow1 = ledon; ledyellow2 = ledon; ledred1 = ledon; ledred2 = ledon; }
+void leds_down_up()
+{led6(); a=0;}
+void leds_down_up_down()
+{led1(); a=0;}