More HACMan stuff again

Dependencies:   FatFileSystem SDFileSystem mbed



File content as of revision 0:ddc821040077:

#include "txtFile.h"

* Constructor when called opens a file
* @param fileAddr
*               the address of the file, either local, sd or whatever
* @param readWrite
*               whether reading or writing to the file
TxtFile::TxtFile(char fileAddr[], char *readWrite, bool doParseFile) {

    isFileOpen = false;
    isFileParsed = false;
    currentFilePos = 0;

    if ((fp = fopen(fileAddr, readWrite)) == NULL) {
        isFileOpen = false;
    } else {
        isFileOpen = true;
    if(doParseFile) {
        isFileParsed = true;

* Destructor when called closes the open file
TxtFile::~TxtFile() {

* Returns true if the file is open
* @returns isFileOpen
bool TxtFile::isOpen() {
    return isFileOpen;

* Returns true if file has been parsed
* @returns isFileParsed
bool TxtFile::isParsed() {
    return isFileParsed;

* Checks if the file is open, and closes it if it is
* @returns isClosed
*               returns true if a file was closed, false if not
bool TxtFile::closeFile() {
    if (isOpen()) {
        return true;
    } else
        return false;

* Counts the number of lines, and sets line start positions
void TxtFile::parseFile() {
    int c = 0;                                              //current character
    int cPrev = 0;                                          //previous character
    int lengthCount = 0;                                    //local length counter
    int lineCount = 0;                                      //local line counter
    int curPos = 0;                                         //current position in file

    if (!isFileParsed) {                                    //check to see if not already done
        seekPos(0);                                         //seek to beginning of file

        c = fgetc(fp);                                      //get first character
        fileLineStart[lineCount] = curPos;                  //first line ALWAYS starts at zero... so far anyway

        while (c != EOF) {                                  //while not at the end of the file
            if ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {               //if not a newline or carriage return
                lengthCount++;                              //increment length counter

            if (((c == '\n') && (cPrev == '\r')) || ((c == '\r') && (cPrev == '\n'))) { //if a newline (\r\n or \n\r)
                fileLineLength[lineCount] = lengthCount;    //set fileLineLength for current line to lengthCount
                lineCount++;                                //increment line counter
                lengthCount = 0;                            //reset lengthCount
                fileLineStart[lineCount] = curPos + 1;      //set file line start to next position          -   may not need the +1?
            cPrev = c;
            c = getc(fp);

        noLines = lineCount;

        isFileParsed = true;
        seekPos(0);                                         //seek back to the beginning of the file

* Returns the number of lines in the file
* @returns noLines
int TxtFile::lineCount() (
    return noLines;

* Seeks to the position in the current opened file
* @params seekLoc
*               byte location to seek to
void TxtFile::seekPos(int seekLoc) {
    fseek(fp, seekLoc, SEEK_SET);
    currentFilePos = seekLoc;

int TxtFile::getPos() {
    return currentFilePos;

int TxtFile::seekLineStart() {
    int backCount = 0;
    int c = 0;

    c = fgetc(fp);                              //get character at current position

    while ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {        //check if character is a newline or carriage return
        backCount++;                            //increment backCount
        fseek(fp, -2, SEEK_CUR);                //seek back 2, 1 for the fgetc, 1 more to actually go back one
        c = fgetc(fp);                          //get a new character
    currentFilePos -= backCount;
    return backCount;

int TxtFile::seekLineEnd() {
    int count = 0;
    int c = 0;
    c = fgetc(fp);                              //get character at position after the newline or carriage return

    while ((c != '\n') && (c != '\r')) {        //check if character is a newline or carriage return
        count++;                                //increment main counter
        c = fgetc(fp);                          //get a new character
    currentFilePos += count;
    return count;

void TxtFile::seekLine(int line) {
    if(isFileParsed) {
        seekPos(fileLineStart[line - 1]);

* Returns the line length of the current line the 'seek head' is on
* @returns lineLength
int TxtFile::lineLength() {
    int count;                              //initialise all values needed


    count = seekLineEnd();

    return count;                               //return count, which is the number of characters in the line

void csvToIntArray(int line, int arrayStart, int arrayEnd, int *array) {

// int i = char a - '0' <---- really easy way to convert char to int. :D