Library set up as dummy module on mbed to mimic Nordic.

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed

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00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #include <string.h>
00003 #include "packetformatter.h"
00004 #include "charactercode.h"
00005 //#define DEBUG
00007 static unsigned int checkSum;
00008 static unsigned int packetSize;
00009 static unsigned char buffer[1024];
00011 /******************************************************************************
00012  * Function ConvertToPacket( Packet *_packet , unsigned char *_buffer )
00013  *
00014  * This function is passed an empty packet a buffer with a message. The message
00015  * is broken down and placed into the packet.
00016  *
00017  *
00018  * PreCondition:    None
00019  *
00020  * Input:           '_packet' - empty packet , '_buffer' - message
00021  *
00022  * Output:
00023  *
00024  * Side Effects:    None
00025  *
00026  *****************************************************************************/
00027 int ConvertToPacket( Packet *_packet , unsigned char *_buffer ){
00028     memset( _packet , '\0' , sizeof( Packet ) );
00030     _packet->deviceID = (int)_buffer[1] ;
00031     _packet->sourceID = (int)_buffer[2] ;
00032     _packet->command = _buffer[3];
00033     _packet->packetLength = _buffer[4];
00034     _packet->packetLength = _packet->packetLength << 8;
00035     _packet->packetLength |= _buffer[5];
00037     int i;
00038     for( i = 0 ; i < _packet->packetLength ; i++ ){
00039         _packet->packetData[i] = *( _buffer + i + 6 );
00040     }
00041     return 0;
00042 }
00044 /******************************************************************************
00045  * Function unsigned short escapedToSpecialChar(unsigned char)
00046  *
00047  * This function is called to convert a data if it is a special character (0x7F, 0x8F, 0x8E)
00048  * to equivalent escaped character.
00049  *
00050  *       e.g. Special Character      Escaped Character
00051  *              0x7F             =      0x8E 0x01
00052  *              0x8F             =      0x8E 0x02
00053  *              0x8E             =      0x8E 0x8E
00054  *
00055  * PreCondition:    None
00056  *
00057  * Input:           'c' - character to convert if it is an special character.
00058  *                  
00059  * Output:          Equivalent escaped character
00060  *
00061  * Side Effects:    None
00062  *
00063  *****************************************************************************/
00064 unsigned short
00065 specialToEscapedChar(unsigned char c)
00066 {
00068   unsigned short escapedChar = 0;
00069   char isSpecialChar = ((STARTPOLL == c) || (STARTPACKET == c) || (FLAGBYTE == c));
00071   if(isSpecialChar)
00072   {
00073     escapedChar = (FLAGBYTE << 8);
00074    switch(c)
00075    {
00076      case STARTPACKET:
00077        escapedChar |= 0x01;
00078        break;
00079      case STARTPOLL:
00080        escapedChar |= 0x02;
00081        break;
00082      case FLAGBYTE:
00083        escapedChar |= FLAGBYTE;
00084        break;      
00085    }
00086   }
00087   else
00088   {
00089     escapedChar = (unsigned char) c;
00090   }
00092   return escapedChar;
00093 }
00095 /******************************************************************************
00096  * Function static void insertValueToBuffer(unsigned char)
00097  *
00098  * This function is called to insert the value to buffer.
00099  *
00100  * PreCondition:    None
00101  *
00102  * Input:           'value' - value to insert in the buffer.
00103  *                  
00104  * Output:          None
00105  *
00106  * Side Effects:    Increment the packetSize variable
00107  *
00108  *****************************************************************************/
00109 static void 
00110 insertValueToBuffer(unsigned char value)
00111 {
00112   buffer[packetSize] = value;
00113   packetSize++;
00114 }
00116 /******************************************************************************
00117  * Function static void processPacketData(unsigned char)
00118  *
00119  * This function is called to process the packet if it is a special character it will
00120  * convert to escaped character e.g. 0x7F = 0x8E 0x01, 0x8E = 0x8E 0x8E, 0x8F = 0x8E 0x02.
00121  * The size of return value of specialToEscapedChar function is 2 bytes so it must be inserted
00122  * in the buffer twice.
00123  *
00124  * PreCondition:    None
00125  *
00126  * Input:           'packetData' - value to convert if it is a special character.
00127  *                  
00128  * Output:          None
00129  *
00130  * Side Effects:    None
00131  *
00132  *****************************************************************************/
00133 static void
00134 processPacketData(unsigned char packetData)
00135 {
00137   unsigned short packetDataResult = specialToEscapedChar(packetData);
00139   if( (packetDataResult >> 8) != 0)
00140   {
00141     insertValueToBuffer((unsigned char)(packetDataResult>> 8));
00142   }
00144   insertValueToBuffer((unsigned char) packetDataResult);
00146 }
00148 /******************************************************************************
00149  * Function void getFormattedPacket(Packet *, unsigned char *)
00150  *
00151  * This function is called to process the packet in to a series of bytes that
00152  * conforms into the protocol of the communication.
00153  * Protocol Format Example: 
00154  *                          0x7F - Start Packet
00155  *                          0xFE - Device ID
00156  *                          0x01 - Source ID
00157  *                          0x05 - Command type
00158  *                          0x00 - Payload length 1st byte
00159  *                          0x01 - Payload length 2nd byte
00160  *                          0x04 - Payload or data
00161  *                          0x76 - checksum
00162  *                           
00163  *
00164  * PreCondition:    None
00165  *
00166  * Input:           'packet' - instance of Packet data structure that contains the 
00167  *                             following information:
00168  *                                                    + device id
00169  *                                                    + source id
00170  *                                                    + command
00171  *                                                    + packet or payload length
00172  *                                                    + packet or payload
00173  *
00174  *                  'packetBuffer' - empty buffer that will be the holder of the process data or packet.
00175  *                  
00176  * Output:          Total size of data inserted in the buffer.
00177  *
00178  * Side Effects:    None
00179  *
00180  *****************************************************************************/
00181 int getFormattedPacket(Packet * packet, unsigned char * packetBuffer)
00182 {
00184   checkSum = 0;
00185   packetSize = 0;
00187   insertValueToBuffer(STARTPACKET);
00188   checkSum += STARTPACKET;
00190   #ifdef DEBUG
00191   printf("Start Packet: %x\n", STARTPACKET);
00192   #endif
00194   processPacketData(packet->deviceID);
00195   checkSum += packet->deviceID;
00197   #ifdef DEBUG
00198   printf("Device ID: %x\n", packet->deviceID);
00199   #endif
00201   processPacketData(packet->sourceID);
00202   checkSum += packet->sourceID;
00204   #ifdef DEBUG
00205   printf("Source ID: %x\n", packet->sourceID);
00206   #endif
00208   processPacketData(packet->command);
00209   checkSum += packet->command;
00211   #ifdef DEBUG
00212   printf("Command: %x\n", packet->command);
00213   #endif
00215   unsigned char mostSignificantBytePacketLength = packet->packetLength >> 8;
00216   unsigned char leastSignificantBytePacketLength = (unsigned char) packet->packetLength;
00217   processPacketData(mostSignificantBytePacketLength);
00218   checkSum += mostSignificantBytePacketLength;
00219   processPacketData(leastSignificantBytePacketLength);
00220   checkSum += leastSignificantBytePacketLength;
00222   #ifdef DEBUG
00223   printf("Packet length MSB: %x\n", mostSignificantBytePacketLength);
00224   printf("Packet length LSB: %x\n", leastSignificantBytePacketLength);
00225   #endif
00227   int i;
00228   for(i = 0; i < packet->packetLength; i++)
00229   {
00230     processPacketData(packet->packetData[i]);
00231     checkSum += packet->packetData[i];
00233     #ifdef DEBUG
00234     printf("Data %d: %x\n", i, packet->packetData[i]);
00235     #endif
00236   }
00238   unsigned char checksumLSB = (unsigned char)(checkSum & 0xFF);
00239   unsigned char twosComplementCheckSum = ~checksumLSB + 1;
00240   processPacketData(twosComplementCheckSum);
00242   #ifdef DEBUG
00243   printf("Checksum: %x\n", twosComplementCheckSum);
00244   #endif
00246   memcpy(packetBuffer, buffer, packetSize);
00248   return packetSize;
00249 }
00251 /******************************************************************************
00252  * Function void getFormattedBootloaderPacket(unsigned char *, unsigned char *, int)
00253  *
00254  * This function is called to process the data in to a series of bytes that
00255  * conforms into the bootloader protocol.
00256  * Protocol Format Example: 
00257  *                          0x55 - STX or Start of TeXt
00258  *                          0x55 - STX or Start of TeXt
00259  *                          0x01 - Data
00260  *                          0x03 - Data
00261  *                          0x0C - Checksum
00262  *                          0x04 - ETX or End of TeXt
00263  *                           
00264  *
00265  * PreCondition:    None
00266  *
00267  * Input:           
00268  *                  'buffer' - empty buffer that will be the holder of the process.
00269  *                  'data'   - values to be send in bootloader.
00270  *                  'size'   - size of data to be send.
00271  *                  
00272  * Output:          Total size of data inserted in the buffer.
00273  *
00274  * Side Effects:    None
00275  *
00276  *****************************************************************************/
00277 int 
00278 getFormattedBootloaderPacket(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char *data, int size)
00279 {
00280   int i;
00281   int j;
00282   int sum;
00284   i = 0;
00285   buffer[i++] = STX;
00286   buffer[i++] = STX;
00287   sum = 0;
00289   for(j = 0; j < size; j++)
00290   {
00291     if(data[j] == ETX || data[j] == STX || data[j] == ENQ)
00292     {
00293       buffer[j+i++] = ENQ;
00294     }
00296     buffer[j+i] = data[j];
00297     sum += data[j];
00298   }
00300   sum = ((sum * -1) & 0xFF);
00301   if (sum == ETX || sum == STX || sum == ENQ)
00302     buffer[j+i++] = ENQ;
00304   buffer[j+i] = sum;
00305   j++;
00306   buffer[j+i] = ETX;
00307   j++;
00309   //printf("getFormattedBootloaderPacket return = %d\n",j+i);
00311   return (j+i);
00312 }