This project will enable remote control of a motorised turntable via a WiFi enabled TCP link using ACKme's (http://ack.me/) Wi-Fi enablement platform
Cleaned up control code and created an object to handle its operation; Integrated feedback over serial for debugging purposes
2014-08-27, by Stathisn [Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:28:48 +0000] rev 2
Cleaned up control code and created an object to handle its operation; Integrated feedback over serial for debugging purposes
End of day progress. Requires clean up.; Added interrupt code to handle encoder rising/falling edges and limit switch falling edge (active low signal); Added code to handle initialisation and calibration of the turntable
2014-08-26, by Stathisn [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 12:33:27 +0000] rev 1
End of day progress. Requires clean up.; Added interrupt code to handle encoder rising/falling edges and limit switch falling edge (active low signal); Added code to handle initialisation and calibration of the turntable
Initial commit, added place holders for some functions pertaining to the initialisation and calibration of the turntable
2014-08-26, by Stathisn [Tue, 26 Aug 2014 05:04:24 +0000] rev 0
Initial commit, added place holders for some functions pertaining to the initialisation and calibration of the turntable