fix for mbed lib issue 3 (i2c problem) see also affected implementations: LPC812, LPC11U24, LPC1768, LPC2368, LPC4088

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LPC_SYSCON_Type Struct Reference

LPC_SYSCON_Type Struct Reference

Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x System control block Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SYSCON) More...

#include <LPC11Uxx.h>

Data Fields

__IO uint32_t PRESETCTRL
__IO uint32_t SYSPLLCTRL
__I uint32_t SYSPLLSTAT
__IO uint32_t USBPLLCTRL
__I uint32_t USBPLLSTAT
__IO uint32_t SYSOSCCTRL
__IO uint32_t WDTOSCCTRL
__IO uint32_t SYSRSTSTAT
__IO uint32_t MAINCLKSEL
__IO uint32_t MAINCLKUEN
__IO uint32_t SSP0CLKDIV
__IO uint32_t UARTCLKDIV
__IO uint32_t SSP1CLKDIV
__IO uint32_t USBCLKSEL
__IO uint32_t USBCLKUEN
__IO uint32_t USBCLKDIV
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTSEL
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTUEN
__IO uint32_t CLKOUTDIV
__I uint32_t PIOPORCAP0
__I uint32_t PIOPORCAP1
__IO uint32_t BODCTRL
__IO uint32_t SYSTCKCAL
__IO uint32_t IRQLATENCY
__IO uint32_t NMISRC
__IO uint32_t PINTSEL [8]
__IO uint32_t USBCLKCTRL
__I uint32_t USBCLKST
__IO uint32_t STARTERP0
__IO uint32_t STARTERP1
__IO uint32_t PDSLEEPCFG
__IO uint32_t PDAWAKECFG
__IO uint32_t PDRUNCFG
__I uint32_t DEVICE_ID

Detailed Description

Product name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x System control block Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SYSCON)

Definition at line 435 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

Field Documentation

__IO uint32_t BODCTRL

(@ 0x40048150) Brown-Out Detect

Definition at line 474 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t CLKOUTDIV

(@ 0x400480E8) CLKOUT clock divider

Definition at line 469 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t CLKOUTSEL

(@ 0x400480E0) CLKOUT clock source select

Definition at line 467 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t CLKOUTUEN

(@ 0x400480E4) CLKOUT clock source update enable

Definition at line 468 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t DEVICE_ID

(@ 0x400483F4) Device ID

Definition at line 491 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t IRQLATENCY

(@ 0x40048170) IQR delay

Definition at line 477 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t MAINCLKSEL

(@ 0x40048070) Main clock source select

Definition at line 453 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t MAINCLKUEN

(@ 0x40048074) Main clock source update enable

Definition at line 454 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t NMISRC

(@ 0x40048174) NMI Source Control

Definition at line 478 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t PDAWAKECFG

(@ 0x40048234) Power-down states for wake-up from deep-sleep

Definition at line 488 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t PDRUNCFG

(@ 0x40048238) Power configuration register

Definition at line 489 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t PDSLEEPCFG

(@ 0x40048230) Power-down states in deep-sleep mode

Definition at line 487 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t PINTSEL[8]

(@ 0x40048178) GPIO Pin Interrupt Select register 0

Definition at line 479 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t PIOPORCAP0

(@ 0x40048100) POR captured PIO status 0

Definition at line 471 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t PIOPORCAP1

(@ 0x40048104) POR captured PIO status 1

Definition at line 472 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t PRESETCTRL

(@ 0x40048004) Peripheral reset control

Definition at line 437 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SSP0CLKDIV

(@ 0x40048094) SSP0 clock divider

Definition at line 459 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SSP1CLKDIV

(@ 0x4004809C) SSP1 clock divider

Definition at line 461 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t STARTERP0

(@ 0x40048204) Start logic 0 interrupt wake-up enable register 0

Definition at line 483 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t STARTERP1

(@ 0x40048214) Start logic 1 interrupt wake-up enable register 1

Definition at line 485 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x40048080) System clock control

Definition at line 457 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x40048078) System clock divider

Definition at line 455 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


< (@ 0x40048000) SYSCON Structure (@ 0x40048000) System memory remap

Definition at line 436 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SYSOSCCTRL

(@ 0x40048020) System oscillator control

Definition at line 443 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x40048040) System PLL clock source select

Definition at line 448 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x40048044) System PLL clock source update enable

Definition at line 449 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SYSPLLCTRL

(@ 0x40048008) System PLL control

Definition at line 438 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t SYSPLLSTAT

(@ 0x4004800C) System PLL status

Definition at line 439 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SYSRSTSTAT

(@ 0x40048030) System reset status register

Definition at line 446 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t SYSTCKCAL

(@ 0x40048154) System tick counter calibration

Definition at line 475 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t UARTCLKDIV

(@ 0x40048098) UART clock divider

Definition at line 460 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t USBCLKCTRL

(@ 0x40048198) USB clock control

Definition at line 480 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t USBCLKDIV

(@ 0x400480C8) USB clock source divider

Definition at line 465 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t USBCLKSEL

(@ 0x400480C0) USB clock source select

Definition at line 463 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t USBCLKST

(@ 0x4004819C) USB clock status

Definition at line 481 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t USBCLKUEN

(@ 0x400480C4) USB clock source update enable

Definition at line 464 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x40048048) USB PLL clock source select

Definition at line 450 of file LPC11Uxx.h.


(@ 0x4004804C) USB PLL clock source update enable

Definition at line 451 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t USBPLLCTRL

(@ 0x40048010) USB PLL control

Definition at line 440 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__I uint32_t USBPLLSTAT

(@ 0x40048014) USB PLL status

Definition at line 441 of file LPC11Uxx.h.

__IO uint32_t WDTOSCCTRL

(@ 0x40048024) Watchdog oscillator control

Definition at line 444 of file LPC11Uxx.h.