
Dependencies:   F746_GUI Array_Matrix TS_DISCO_F746NG mbed LCD_DISCO_F746NG BSP_DISCO_F746NG SDFileSystem_Warning_Fixed FrequencyResponseDrawer F746_SAI_IO

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

MyClasses_Functions/SD_WavReader.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SNQueue.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
image.c Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
images.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MyClasses_Functions/SD_WavReader.cpp	Mon Jul 04 05:59:44 2016 +0000
+++ b/MyClasses_Functions/SD_WavReader.cpp	Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
     SD_WavReader::SD_WavReader(int32_t bufferSize)
         : STR_("sd"), ok_(false)
-        sd_ = new SDFileSystem(STR_.c_str());
-        sd_->mount();      
+        //sd_ = new SDFileSystem(STR_.c_str());
+        //sd_->mount();      
-        sd_->unmount();
-        delete sd_;
+        //sd_->unmount();
+        //delete sd_;
     void SD_WavReader::Open(const string fileName)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SNQueue.h	Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#define MAX_Q 8
+#define SZ_Q 64
+#define END_LINE ';'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/image.c	Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+#include "images.h"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/images.h	Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+#include "stdint.h"
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jul 04 05:59:44 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 01 06:43:07 2019 +0000
@@ -1,167 +1,7 @@
-//  フィルタ処理付き SD オーディオプレーヤー
-//      SD のファイル: *.wav
-//                   PCM,16 ビットステレオ,標本化周波数 44.1 kHz
-//      IIR フィルタ ---- 低域通過および高域通過フィルタ
-//      出力:モノラル(L+R,左チャンネルのみ,右チャンネルには出力しない)
-//  2016/07/04, Copyright (c) 2016 MIKAMI, Naoki
-#include "MyFunctions.hpp"
-#include "BlinkLabel.hpp"
-using namespace Mikami;
+#include "mbed.h"
 int main()
-    Label myLabel1(200, 4, "Variable LPF and HPF 15:02", Label::CENTER, Font16);
-    Label myLabel2(200, 20, "---- Source: microSD card ----", Label::CENTER, Font12);
-    const int FS = AUDIO_FREQUENCY_44K;         // 標本化周波数: 44.1 kHz
-    SaiIO mySai(SaiIO::OUTPUT, 2048, FS);
-    SD_WavReader sdReader(mySai.GetLength());   // SD カード読み込み用オブジェクト
-    const int MAX_FILES = 7;
-    FileSelector selector(4, 22, MAX_FILES, 34, sdReader);
-    if (!selector.CreateTable())
-        BlinkLabel errLabel(240, 100, "SD CARD ERROR", Label::CENTER);
-    // ボタン用の定数
-    const uint16_t BG_LEFT = 390;
-    const uint16_t BG_WIDTH = 80;
-    const uint16_t BG_HEIGHT = 36;
-    // ButtonGroup: "OPEN", "PLAY", "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STOP"
-    const string MENU[5] = {"OPEN", "PLAY", "PAUSE", "RESUME", "STOP"};
-    ButtonGroup menu(BG_LEFT, 2, BG_WIDTH, BG_HEIGHT,
-                     5, MENU, 0, 2, 1);
-    // OPEN のみアクティブ
-    menu.Activate(0);
-    for (int n=1; n<5; n++) menu.Inactivate(n);
-    // ButtonGroup: "LPF", "HPF"
-    const string LP_HP[2] = {"LPF", "HPF"};
-    ButtonGroup lpHp(BG_LEFT, 197, BG_WIDTH/2, BG_HEIGHT,
-                     2, LP_HP, 0, 0, 2, 0);
-    // ButtonGroup: "ON", "OFF"
-    const string ON_OFF[2] = {"ON", "OFF"};
-    ButtonGroup onOff(BG_LEFT, 235, BG_WIDTH/2, BG_HEIGHT,
-                      2, ON_OFF, 0, 0, 2, 1);
-    // フィルタの設計と周波数特性描画用
-    const int ORDER = 6;        // フィルタの次数
-    DesignerDrawer drawerObj(
-                     40,        // グラフの左端の位置
-                     238,       // グラフの下端の位置
-                     3,         // 1 dB 当たりのピクセル数
-                     FS,        // 標本化周波数
-                     ORDER,     // フィルタの次数
-                     400,       // 最初に与える遮断周波数
-                     200,       // 遮断周波数の最小値
-                     10000,     // 遮断周波数の最大値
-                     BilinearDesign::LPF);  // 低域通過フィルタ
-    // フィルタの準備
-    Biquad::Coefs ck[ORDER/2];
-    float g0;
-    drawerObj.GetCoefficients(ck, g0);
-    Biquad hn[ORDER/2];
-    for (int k=0; k<ORDER/2; k++) hn[k] = Biquad(ck[k]);
-    int32_t frameSize = mySai.GetLength();
-    bool playOk = false;
-    bool filterOn = false;
-    bool whileFirst = true;
-    string fileName;
-    int32_t loopCount;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        if (!playOk)
-        {
-            if (whileFirst)
-            {
-                whileFirst = false;
-                while (!menu.Touched(0))    // OPEN がタッチされるまで待つ
-                    ModifyFilter(drawerObj, lpHp, onOff,
-                                 hn, ck, g0, filterOn);
-                SelectFile(menu, selector, myLabel1, fileName);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                menu.Activate(1);       // PLAY 有効
-                int touch10;
-                while (!menu.GetTouchedNumber(touch10))
-                    ModifyFilter(drawerObj, lpHp, onOff,
-                                 hn, ck, g0, filterOn);
-                if (touch10 == 0)
-                    SelectFile(menu, selector, myLabel1, fileName);
-            }
-            loopCount = SD_Open(sdReader, fileName, frameSize);
-            while (!menu.Touched(1))    // PLAY がタッチされるまで待つ
-                ModifyFilter(drawerObj, lpHp, onOff,
-                             hn, ck, g0, filterOn);
-        }
-        else
-            loopCount = SD_Open(sdReader, fileName, frameSize);
-        selector.Erase(0, 0, BG_LEFT-4, 272);
-        myLabel1.Draw();
-        drawerObj.DrawResponse();
-        menu.Inactivate(0); // OPEN 無効
-        menu.Activate(2);   // PAUSE 有効
-        menu.Activate(4);   // STOP 有効
-        playOk = false;
-        bool stopOk = false;
-        // IIR フィルタの内部の遅延器のクリア
-        for (int k=0; k<ORDER/2; k++) hn[k].Clear();
-        mySai.PlayOut();    // Play 開始
-        for (int k=0; k<loopCount; k++)
-        {
-            int touch42 = -1;
-            menu.GetTouchedNumber(touch42);
-            if (touch42 == 4) break;    // STOP
-            if (touch42 == 2)           // PAUSE
-            {
-                menu.Inactivate(2); // PAUSE 無効
-                menu.Activate(3);   // RESUME 有効
-                mySai.PauseOut();
-                // PLAY か RESUME か STOP がタッチされるまで待つ
-                int touch134 = -1;
-                while (!menu.GetTouchedNumber(touch134))
-                    ModifyFilter(drawerObj, lpHp, onOff,
-                                 hn, ck, g0, filterOn);
-                switch (touch134)
-                {
-                    case 1: playOk = true;      // 最初から PLAY
-                            break;
-                    case 3: mySai.ResumeOut();  // PAUSE したところから PLAY 再開
-                            menu.Activate(2);
-                            menu.Inactivate(3);
-                            menu.TouchedColor(1);
-                            break;
-                    case 4: stopOk = true;      // STOP
-                            break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (playOk || stopOk) break;
-            ModifyFilter(drawerObj, lpHp, onOff, hn, ck, g0, filterOn);
-            // 1フレーム分の信号処理 (IIR フィルタ) の実行
-            IIR_Filtering(sdReader, mySai, g0, hn, ORDER, filterOn);
-        }
-        mySai.StopOut();
-        menu.Activate(0);               // OPEN 有効
-        if (!playOk) menu.Activate(1);  // PLAY 有効
-        for (int n=2; n<5; n++)         // その他は無効
-            menu.Inactivate(n);
-        sdReader.Close();   // SD のファイルのクローズ
-    }