Library to control serial LCDs from 4D systems based on their Goldelox processor. Ported from Adruino library but not fully tested.

Dependents:   mbed_rifletool

This library facilitates serial communication with LCDs from 4D Systems based on their Goldelox processor. It was ported form an Arduino library published by 4D systems.

Documentation on the API can be found at:



File content as of revision 0:6987c004e123:

	4DSerial - Library for 4D Systems Serial Environment.
	Released into the public domain.
#ifndef Goldelox_Serial_4DLib_h
#define Goldelox_Serial_4DLib_h

#include "mbed.h"

#define Err4D_OK 		0
#define Err4D_Timeout		1
#define Err4D_NAK		2 // other than ACK received

#include "Goldelox_Types4D.h"	         	// Defines for 4dgl constants, generated by conversion of 4DGL constants to target language
#include "Goldelox_Const4DSerial.h"        	// Defines for 4dgl constants, generated by conversion of 4DGL constants to target language
#include "Goldelox_Const4D.h"	         	// Defines for 4dgl constants, generated by conversion of 4DGL constants to target language

typedef void (*Tcallback4D)(int, unsigned char); 

class Goldelox_Serial_4DLib
		Goldelox_Serial_4DLib(Serial * virtualPort);
		Tcallback4D Callback4D ;
		//Compound 4D Routines
		void blitComtoDisplay(short  X, short  Y, short  Width, short  Height, t4DByteArray  Pixels) ;
		void gfx_BGcolour(short  Color) ;
		void gfx_ChangeColour(short  OldColor, short  NewColor) ;
		void gfx_Circle(short  X, short  Y, short  Radius, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_CircleFilled(short  X, short  Y, short  Radius, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_Clipping(short  OnOff) ;
		void gfx_ClipWindow(short  X1, short  Y1, short  X2, short  Y2) ;
		void gfx_Cls(void) ;
		void gfx_Contrast(short  Contrast) ;
		void gfx_FrameDelay(short  Msec) ;
		void gfx_Line(short  X1, short  Y1, short  X2, short  Y2, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_LinePattern(short  Pattern) ;
		void gfx_LineTo(short  X, short  Y) ;
		void gfx_MoveTo(short  X, short  Y) ;
		void gfx_OutlineColour(short  Color) ;
		void gfx_Polygon(short  n, t4DWordArray  Xvalues, t4DWordArray  Yvalues, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_Polyline(short  n, t4DWordArray  Xvalues, t4DWordArray  Yvalues, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_PutPixel(short  X, short  Y, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_Rectangle(short  X1, short  Y1, short  X2, short  Y2, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_RectangleFilled(short  X1, short  Y1, short  X2, short  Y2, short  Color) ;
		void gfx_ScreenMode(short  ScreenMode) ;
		void gfx_Set(short  Func, short  Value) ;
		void gfx_Transparency(short  OnOff) ;
		void gfx_TransparentColour(short  Color) ;
		void gfx_Triangle(short  X1, short  Y1, short  X2, short  Y2, short  X3, short  Y3, short  Color) ;
		void media_Image(short  X, short  Y) ;
		void media_SetAdd(short  Hiword, short  Loword) ;
		void media_SetSector(short  Hiword, short  Loword) ;
		void media_Video(short  X, short  Y) ;
		void media_VideoFrame(short  X, short  Y, short  Framenumber) ;
		void pokeB(short  Address, short  ByteValue) ;
		void pokeW(short  Address, short  wordValue) ;
		void putCH(short  wordChar) ;
		void setbaudWait(short  Newrate) ;
		void SSMode(short  Parm) ;
		void SSSpeed(short  Speed) ;
		void SSTimeout(short  Seconds) ;
		void txt_Attributes(short  Attribs) ;
		void txt_BGcolour(short  Color) ;
		void txt_Bold(short  Bold) ;
		void txt_FGcolour(short  Color) ;
		void txt_FontID(short  FontNumber) ;
		void txt_Height(short  Multiplier) ;
		void txt_Inverse(short  Inverse) ;
		void txt_Italic(short  Italic) ;
		void txt_MoveCursor(short  Line, short  Column) ;
		void txt_Opacity(short  TransparentOpaque) ;
		void txt_Set(short  Func, short  Value) ;
		void txt_Underline(short  Underline) ;
		void txt_Width(short  Multiplier) ;
		void txt_Xgap(short  Pixels) ;
		void txt_Ygap(short  Pixels) ;
		void BeeP(short  Note, short  Duration) ;
		short charheight(char  TestChar) ;
		short charwidth(char  TestChar) ;
		short gfx_GetPixel(short  X, short  Y) ;
		short gfx_Orbit(short  Angle, short  Distance, short *  Xdest, short *  Ydest) ;
		void gfx_SetClipRegion(void) ;
		short joystick(void) ;
		short media_Flush(void) ;
		short media_Init(void) ;
		short media_ReadByte(void) ;
		short media_ReadWord(void) ;
		short media_WriteByte(short  Byte) ;
		short media_WriteWord(short  Word) ;
		short peekB(short  Address) ;
		short peekW(short  Address) ;
		void putstr(char *  InString) ;
		short sys_GetModel(char *  ModelStr) ;
		short sys_GetPmmC(void) ;
		short sys_GetVersion(void) ;

		void GetAck(void);
		//4D Global Variables Used
		int Error4D;  				// Error indicator,  used and set by Intrinsic routines
		unsigned char Error4D_Inv;	// Error byte returned from com port, onl set if error = Err_Invalid
	//	int Error_Abort4D;  		// if true routines will abort when detecting an error
		unsigned long TimeLimit4D;	// time limit in ms for total serial command duration, 2000 (2 seconds) should be adequate for most commands
									// assuming a reasonable baud rate AND low latency AND 0 for the Serial Delay Parameter
									// temporary increase might be required for very long (bitmap write, large image file opens)
									// or indeterminate (eg file_exec, file_run, file_callFunction) commands
                Serial * _virtualPort;

		//Intrinsic 4D Routines
		void WriteChars(char * charsout);
		void WriteBytes(char * Source, int Size);
		void WriteWords(short * Source, short Size);
		void getbytes(char * data, int size);
		short GetWord(void);
		void getString(char * outStr, int strLen);
		short GetAckResp(void);
		short GetAckRes2Words(short * word1, short * word2);
		void GetAck2Words(short * word1, short * word2);
		short GetAckResStr(char * OutStr);
	//	short GetAckResData(t4DByteArray OutData, short size);
		void SetThisBaudrate(int Newrate);