

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Nov 14 04:27:28 2022 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 90cbf7f982b0 -r b26666d35b9d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Nov 14 01:55:42 2022 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Nov 14 04:27:28 2022 +0000
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
                   p13, p14,p25,p24);
 HEPTA_COM com(p9,p10);
 DigitalOut condition(LED1);
-RawSerial sat(USBTX,USBRX,9600);
+Serial sat(USBTX,USBRX,9600);
 Timer sattime;
 int rcmd = 0,cmdflag = 0; //command variable
 //getting command and flag
@@ -41,86 +41,88 @@
         int rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;  //command variable
         eps.turn_on_regulator();//turn on 3.3V conveter
-        for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
-            receive(rcmd,cmdflag);
-            //satellite condition led
-            condition = !condition;
-            //Contents of command
-            if (cmdflag == 1) {
-                if (rcmd == 'a') {
-                    //SD mode
-                    char str[100];
-                    mkdir("/sd/mydir", 0777);
-                    FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/test.txt","w");
-                    if(fp == NULL) {
-                        error("Could not open file for write\r\n");
-                    }
-                    for(int i=0; i<10; i++)fprintf(fp,"Hello my name is HEPTA!\r\n");
-                    fclose(fp);
-                    fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/test.txt","r");
-                    for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
-                        fgets(str,100,fp);
-                        sat.puts(str);
-                    }
-                    fclose(fp);
-                    sat.printf("Goodbye!!\r\n");
-                }else if (rcmd == 'b') {
-                    float bt;
-                    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-                        eps.vol(&bt);
-                        sat.printf("Vol = %f\r\n",bt);
-                        wait(0.5);
-                    }        
-                }else if (rcmd == 'c') {        
-                    //Please insert your answer
-                    float temp;
-                    for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
-                        sensor.temp_sense(&temp);
-                        sat.printf("temp = %f\r\n",temp);
-                        wait(0.5);
-                    }
-                }else if (rcmd == 'd') {
-                    //Please insert your answer
-                    float ax,ay,az;
-                    float gx,gy,gz;
-                    float mx,my,mz;
-                    for(int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
-                        sensor.sen_acc(&ax,&ay,&az);
-                        sat.printf("acc : ax= %f, ay= %f, az= %f\r\n",ax,ay,az);
-                        sensor.sen_gyro(&gx,&gy,&gz);
-                        sat.printf("gyro: gx= %f, gy= %f, gz= %f\r\n",gx,gy,gz);
-                        sensor.sen_mag(&mx,&my,&mz);
-                        sat.printf("mag : mx= %f, my= %f, mz= %f\r\n",mx,my,mz);
-                        wait(0.5);
-                    }
-                }else if (rcmd == 'e') {
-                    //Please insert your answer
-                    sensor.gps_setting();
-                    sat.printf("GPS Raw Data Mode\r\n");
-                    while(1) sat.putc(sensor.getc());
-                }else if (rcmd == 'f') { 
-                    FILE *dummy = fopen("/sd/dummy.txt","w");
-                    if(dummy == NULL) {
-                        error("Could not open file for write\r\n");
-                    }
-                    fclose(dummy);
-                    sat.printf("Camera Snapshot Mode\r\n");
-                    sat.printf("Hit Any Key To Take Picture\r\n");
-                    while(!sat.readable()) {}
-                    sensor.Sync();
-                    sensor.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
-                    sensor.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture("/sd/test.jpg");
-                }else if (rcmd == 'g'){
-                    sat.printf("Xbee Count Up Mode\r\n");
-                    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
-                        com.printf("num = %d\r\n",i);
-                        wait(0.5);
-                    }
+        //for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+        rcmd = sat.getc();
+        cmdflag = 1;
+        //receive(rcmd,cmdflag);
+        //satellite condition led
+        condition = !condition;
+        //Contents of command
+        if (cmdflag == 1) {
+            if (rcmd == 'a') {
+                //SD mode
+                char str[100];
+                mkdir("/sd/mydir", 0777);
+                FILE *fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/test.txt","w");
+                if(fp == NULL) {
+                    error("Could not open file for write\r\n");
+                }
+                for(int i=0; i<10; i++)fprintf(fp,"Hello my name is HEPTA!\r\n");
+                fclose(fp);
+                fp = fopen("/sd/mydir/test.txt","r");
+                for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+                    fgets(str,100,fp);
+                    sat.puts(str);
+                }
+                fclose(fp);
+                sat.printf("Goodbye!!\r\n");
+            }else if (rcmd == 'b') {
+                float bt;
+                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    eps.vol(&bt);
+                    sat.printf("Vol = %f\r\n",bt);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }        
+            }else if (rcmd == 'c') {        
+                //Please insert your answer
+                float temp;
+                for (int i=0;i<10;i++) {
+                    sensor.temp_sense(&temp);
+                    sat.printf("temp = %f\r\n",temp);
+                    wait(0.5);
-                rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;
+            }else if (rcmd == 'd') {
+                //Please insert your answer
+                float ax,ay,az;
+                float gx,gy,gz;
+                float mx,my,mz;
+                for(int i = 0; i<10; i++) {
+                    sensor.sen_acc(&ax,&ay,&az);
+                    sat.printf("acc : ax= %f, ay= %f, az= %f\r\n",ax,ay,az);
+                    sensor.sen_gyro(&gx,&gy,&gz);
+                    sat.printf("gyro: gx= %f, gy= %f, gz= %f\r\n",gx,gy,gz);
+                    sensor.sen_mag(&mx,&my,&mz);
+                    sat.printf("mag : mx= %f, my= %f, mz= %f\r\n",mx,my,mz);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
+            }else if (rcmd == 'e') {
+                //Please insert your answer
+                sensor.gps_setting();
+                sat.printf("GPS Raw Data Mode\r\n");
+                while(1) sat.putc(sensor.getc());
+            }else if (rcmd == 'f') { 
+                FILE *dummy = fopen("/sd/dummy.txt","w");
+                if(dummy == NULL) {
+                    error("Could not open file for write\r\n");
+                }
+                fclose(dummy);
+                sat.printf("Camera Snapshot Mode\r\n");
+                sat.printf("Hit Any Key To Take Picture\r\n");
+                while(!sat.readable()) {}
+                sensor.Sync();
+                sensor.initialize(HeptaCamera_GPS::Baud115200, HeptaCamera_GPS::JpegResolution320x240);
+                sensor.test_jpeg_snapshot_picture("/sd/test.jpg");
+            }else if (rcmd == 'g'){
+                sat.printf("Xbee Count Up Mode\r\n");
+                for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+                    com.printf("num = %d\r\n",i);
+                    wait(0.5);
+                }
+            rcmd=0,cmdflag=0;
+    //}