
Dependencies:   mbed TrapezoidControl Pulse QEI

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00001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00003 /*
00004 三浦先輩へ
00005 主に変えたところ
00006 ・超音波センサーの値取得の関数化
00007 ・PulseInOutライブラリを導入
00008 ・LedOut()関数を追加
00010 の3つです。他にも変えたところがあるかもしれないので、確認お願いします。
00011 また、ソレノイドハブとの通信は書いていません。洗濯ばさみの電磁弁はNRPの時の例のアレで動かしています。
00012 普通にピン数が足りないため、ソレノイドハブでプログラムを動かすことを強く望みます。
00013 Process.hの確認もよくお願いします。
00014 LedOutですが、現在は
00015 LedOut(0)=金色光りっぱなし
00016 LedOut(1)=旧式の光り方
00017 LedOut(2)=ゾーン色で光りっぱなし
00018 LedOut(3)=ゾーン色でふわんふわん
00019 となっています。希望があれば追加します。無ければ適当に引数が増えるごとに光り方をうざくしていきます。
00020 温度センサーですが、調子が悪いため、直で温度の変数を設定してください。
00021 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
00022 */
00023 ////////////////////////////////
00024 /*
00025 2019/09/24
00026 Process.cpp
00027 Auther:Miyagawa Ryosei
00029 */
00030 ////////////////////////////////
00031 #include "mbed.h"
00032 #include "Process.h"
00034 #include "Pulse.h"////////////こいつ
00037 #include "../../CommonLibraries/PID/PID.h"
00038 #include "../../Communication/RS485/ActuatorHub/ActuatorHub.h"
00039 #include "../../Communication/RS485/LineHub/LineHub.h"
00040 #include "../../Communication/Controller/Controller.h"
00041 #include "../../Input/ExternalInt/ExternalInt.h"
00042 #include "../../Input/Switch/Switch.h"
00043 #include "../../Input/Encoder/Encoder.h"
00044 //#include "../../Input/Ultrasonic/Ultrasonic.h"
00045 #include "../../LED/LED.h"
00046 #include "../../Safty/Safty.h"
00047 #include "../Using.h"
00049 using namespace SWITCH;
00050 using namespace PID_SPACE;
00051 using namespace ENCODER;
00052 //using namespace ULTRSONIC;
00053 using namespace LINEHUB;
00056 static CONTROLLER::ControllerData *controller;
00058 ACTUATORHUB::SOLENOID::SolenoidStatus solenoid;
00060 static bool lock;
00061 static bool processChangeComp;
00062 static int current;
00064 static void AllActuatorReset();
00066 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00067 static void (*Process[USE_PROCESS_NUM])(void);
00068 #endif
00072 /*Replace here with the definition code of your variables.*/
00073 /*
00074 USS ultrasonic[] = {
00075         USS(ECHO_0,TRIG_0,TEMP),
00076         USS(ECHO_1,TRIG_1,TEMP),
00077     };
00078 */
00079 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00081 //**************Buzzer****************
00082 //DigitalOut buzzer(BUZZER_PIN);
00083 void BuzzerTimer_func();
00084 Ticker BuzzerTimer;
00085 bool EMGflag = false;
00086 PwmOut buzzer(BUZZER_PIN);
00087 //**************Buzzer****************
00089 //************TapeLed*****************
00090 void TapeLedEms_func();
00091 TapeLedData tapeLED;
00092 TapeLedData sendLedData;
00093 TapeLED_Mode ledMode = Normal;
00094 Ticker tapeLedTimer;
00095 //************TapaLed*****************
00097 //*************** lift ***************
00098 #define LOWER   1
00099 #define MIDDLRE 2
00100 #define UPPER   3
00101 uint8_t  liftState = LOWER;
00102 bool moving = false;
00103 bool switchFlag_LB = false;
00104 bool switchFlag_RB = false;
00106 //*************** lift ***************
00108 //*************tire*************
00109 PID rotaconPID[] = {
00110     PID(0.0001,-1,1,0.05,0,0),  //LF
00111     PID(0.0001,-1,1,0.05,0,0),  //LB
00112     PID(0.0001,-1,1,0.05,0,0),  //RB
00113     PID(0.0001,-1,1,0.05,0,0),  //RF
00114 };
00116 #define FL 0
00117 #define BL 1
00118 #define BR 2
00119 #define FR 3
00121 #define PI 3.141592
00123 const float tireR = 101.6;  //タイヤの半径
00124 const float ucR = 420.0;    //中心からのタイヤの距離
00126 typedef struct {
00127     float Vx;  //X方向の速度
00128     float Vy;  //Y方向の速度
00129     float Va;  //角速度
00130 } Vvector;
00132 Vvector move;           //進む速度
00133 Vvector correction_LT;  //ライントレースの補正速度
00134 Vvector synthetic;      //合成速度
00136 float sita = 0;
00138 bool PIDflag = false;
00140 int linePara[8];
00141 int linePara_U;
00142 int linePara_B;
00143 int linePara_L;
00144 int linePara_R;
00146 #define FL 0
00147 #define BL 1
00148 #define BR 2
00149 #define FR 3
00151 float tireProcessRPM[4];
00152 float tireTargetMaxRPM[4];
00153 float tireTargetRPM[4];
00155 float tirePWM[4];
00157 float timePV[4];
00158 float timeCV[4];
00159 float pulsePV[4];
00160 float pulseCV[4];
00162 void tirePID();
00163 int lineCast(char k);
00165 Timer  rotaconSampling;
00166 Ticker rotaconPIDtimer;
00168 bool countFlag;
00169 //*************tire**************//
00171 // ************* Line ************** //
00173 float pw = 0;
00174 int lineFase = 0;
00175 bool lineCheck = false;
00176 int linePWM;
00177 int adj_F;
00178 int adj_B;
00180 int mode = 0;
00182 int lineCount = 0;
00184 // ************* Line ************** //
00186 const int omni[15][15] = {
00187     {    0,     5,    21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255,    255 },
00188     {   -5,     0,     5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    193,    208,    234,    255,    255,    255,    255 },
00189     {  -21,    -5,     0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    135,    151,    177,    213,    255,    255,    255 },
00190     {  -47,   -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,     88,    104,    130,    167,    213,    255,    255 },
00191     {  -83,   -47,    -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     52,     68,     94,    130,    177,    234,    255 },
00192     { -130,   -83,    -47,    -21,     5,      0,      5,     21,     26,     42,     68,    104,    151,    208,    255 },
00193     { -187,  -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     10,     26,     52,     88,    135,    193,    255 },
00194     { -255,  -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187,    255 },
00195     { -255,  -193,   -135,    -88,    -52,    -26,    -10,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130,    187 },
00196     { -255,  -208,   -151,   -104,    -68,    -42,    -26,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47,     83,    130 },
00197     { -255,  -234,   -177,   -130,    -94,    -68,    -52,    -47,    -21,    -7,      0,      7,     21,     47,     83 },
00198     { -255,  -255,   -213,   -167,   -130,   -104,    -88,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21,     47 },
00199     { -255,  -255,   -255,   -213,   -177,   -151,   -135,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5,     21 },
00200     { -255,  -255,   -255,   -255,   -234,   -208,   -193,   -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,    -21,    -5,      0,      5 },
00201     { -255,  -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -255,   -187,   -130,    -83,    -47,   -21,     -5,      0 }
00202 };
00204 const int curve[15] = { -204, -150, -104, -66, -38, -17, -4, 0, 4, 17, 38, 66, 104, 150, 204 };
00206 uint8_t SetStatus(int);
00207 uint8_t SetStatus(int pwmVal)
00208 {
00209     if (pwmVal < 0) return BACK;
00210     else if (pwmVal > 0) return FOR;
00211     else if (pwmVal == 0) return BRAKE;
00212     else return BRAKE;
00213 }
00214 uint8_t SetPWM(int);
00215 uint8_t SetPWM(int pwmVal)
00216 {
00217     if (pwmVal == 0 || pwmVal >  255 || pwmVal < -255) return 255;
00218     else return abs(pwmVal);
00219 }
00220 //*********Ultra-Sound sensor***************
00221 AnalogIn Temp(TEMP);
00222 //double temp=(* 3.3 - 0.6) / 0.01;
00223 PulseInOut Echo0(ECHO_0);
00224 PulseInOut Echo1(ECHO_1);
00225 PulseInOut Trig0(TRIG_0);
00226 PulseInOut Trig1(TRIG_1);
00227 double UltraRead(int num)
00228 {
00229     double Distance=0;
00230     double Duration=0;
00231     double temp=21;////////////////////////////////////////////////温度
00232     if(num==0) {
00233         Trig0.write_us(1,10);
00234         Duration=Echo0.read_high_us(5000);
00235     } else if(num==1) {
00236         Trig1.write_us(1,10);
00237         Duration=Echo1.read_high_us(5000);
00238     }
00239     if(Duration>0) {
00240         Duration=Duration/2;
00241         double sspead=331.5+0.6*temp;
00242         Distance=Duration*sspead*100/1000000;
00243     } else {
00244         return 0;
00245     }
00246     return Distance;
00247 }
00248 //*********Ultra-Sound sensor***************
00250 //*********Tape LED**************************
00251 DigitalOut select1(SELECT_1);
00252 DigitalOut select2(SELECT_2);
00253 DigitalOut select3(SELECT_3);
00254 void LedOut(int num)
00255 {
00256     int selectnum[8][3]= {
00257         {0,0,0},
00258         {0,0,1},
00259         {0,1,0},
00260         {0,1,1},
00261         {1,0,0},
00262         {1,0,1},
00263         {1,1,0},
00264         {1,1,1}
00265     };
00266     select1=selectnum[num][0];
00267     select2=selectnum[num][1];
00268     select3=selectnum[num][2];
00269 }
00270 //*********Tape LED**************************
00275 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00276 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>0
00277 static void Process0(void);
00278 #endif
00279 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>1
00280 static void Process1(void);
00281 #endif
00282 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>2
00283 static void Process2(void);
00284 #endif
00285 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>3
00286 static void Process3(void);
00287 #endif
00288 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>4
00289 static void Process4(void);
00290 #endif
00291 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>5
00292 static void Process5(void);
00293 #endif
00294 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>6
00295 static void Process6(void);
00296 #endif
00297 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>7
00298 static void Process7(void);
00299 #endif
00300 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>8
00301 static void Process8(void);
00302 #endif
00303 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>9
00304 static void Process9(void);
00305 #endif
00306 #endif
00308 void SystemProcessInitialize()
00309 {
00310     #pragma region USER-DEFINED_VARIABLE_INIT
00311     /*Replace here with the initialization code of your variables.*/
00312     rotaconPIDtimer.attach(tirePID,0.1);
00314     #pragma endregion USER-DEFINED_VARIABLE_INIT
00316     lock = true;
00317     processChangeComp = true;
00318     current = DEFAULT_PROCESS;
00320 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00321 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>0
00322     Process[0] = Process0;
00323 #endif
00324 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>1
00325     Process[1] = Process1;
00326 #endif
00327 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>2
00328     Process[2] = Process2;
00329 #endif
00330 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>3
00331     Process[3] = Process3;
00332 #endif
00333 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>4
00334     Process[4] = Process4;
00335 #endif
00336 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>5
00337     Process[5] = Process5;
00338 #endif
00339 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>6
00340     Process[6] = Process6;
00341 #endif
00342 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>7
00343     Process[7] = Process7;
00344 #endif
00345 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>8
00346     Process[8] = Process8;
00347 #endif
00348 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>9
00349     Process[9] = Process9;
00350 #endif
00351 #endif
00352 }
00354 static void SystemProcessUpdate()
00355 {
00356 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00357     if(controller->Button.HOME) lock = false;
00359     if(controller->Button.START && processChangeComp) {
00360         current++;
00361         if (USE_PROCESS_NUM < current) current = USE_PROCESS_NUM;
00362         processChangeComp = false;
00363     } else if(controller->Button.SELECT && processChangeComp) {
00364         current--;
00365         if (current < 0) current = 0;
00366         processChangeComp = false;
00367     } else if(!controller->Button.SELECT && !controller->Button.START) processChangeComp = true;
00368 #endif
00370 #ifdef USE_MOTOR
00371     ACTUATORHUB::MOTOR::Motor::Update(motor);
00372 #endif
00374 #ifdef USE_SOLENOID
00375     ACTUATORHUB::SOLENOID::Solenoid::Update(solenoid);
00376 #endif
00378 #ifdef USE_RS485
00379     ACTUATORHUB::ActuatorHub::Update();
00380     //LINEHUB::LineHub::Update();
00381 #endif
00383 }
00386 double Ult_left=UltraRead(0);///////////////////////////////////////////left sensor
00387 double Ult_right=UltraRead(1);//////////////////////////////////////////right sensor
00390 void SystemProcess()
00391 {
00392     SystemProcessInitialize();
00394     while(1) {
00395         int g[8];
00396         for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
00397             g[i] = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(i));
00398         }
00399         Ult_left=UltraRead(0);//////////////////////////////////////////left sensor
00400         Ult_right=UltraRead(1);//////////////////////////////////////////right sensor
00403 //        pc.printf("1:%d 2:%d 3:%d 4:%d 5:%d 6:%d 7:%d 8:%d ULTRA0:%lf ULTRA1:%lf 1-2:%lf:\n\r",g[0],g[1],g[2],g[3],g[4],g[5],g[6],g[7],Ult_left,Ult_right,Ult_left-Ult_right);
00405         //float a = ultrasonic[0].ReadDis();
00406         //pc.printf("%f\n\r",a);
00408         //int ppap = encoder[0].getPulses();
00409         //pc.printf("%d\n\r",ppap);
00412         buzzer.period(1.0/800);
00414 #ifdef USE_MU
00415         controller = CONTROLLER::Controller::GetData();
00416 #endif
00418 #ifdef USE_ERRORCHECK
00419         if(SAFTY::ErrorCheck::Check() & SAFTY::Error::ControllerLost) {
00420             CONTROLLER::Controller::DataReset();
00421             AllActuatorReset();
00422             lock = true;
00423         } else
00424 #endif
00425         {
00427 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00428             if(!lock) {
00429                 Process[current]();
00430             } else
00431 #endif
00432             {
00433                 //ロック時の処理
00434             }
00435         }
00438         //Emergency!
00439         /*
00440         if(!EMG_0 && !EMG_1 && !EMGflag){
00441             buzzer = 0;
00442             BuzzerTimer.attach(BuzzerTimer_func, 1);
00443             EMGflag = true;
00444             LED_DEBUG0 = 1;
00445         }
00446         if(EMG_0 && EMG_1 && EMGflag){
00447             buzzer = 1;
00448             BuzzerTimer.detach();
00449             EMGflag = false;
00450         }
00451         */
00452         SystemProcessUpdate();
00453     }
00454 }
00459 #pragma region PROCESS
00460 #ifdef USE_SUBPROCESS
00461 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>0
00462 static void Process0()
00463 {
00464     AllActuatorReset();
00465 }
00466 #endif
00467 DigitalOut CLOTHESPIN(PB_9);
00468 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>1
00469 static void Process1()
00470 {
00471     LedOut(1);
00472     PIDflag = false;
00473     if(controller->Button.ZR) {
00474         CLOTHESPIN = 1;
00475     } else {
00476         CLOTHESPIN=0;
00477     }
00479     if(controller->Button.UP) {
00480         motor[LIFT_LB].dir = FOR;
00481         motor[LIFT_LB].pwm = 190;
00482         motor[LIFT_RB].dir = BACK;
00483         motor[LIFT_RB].pwm = 180;
00484     } else if(controller->Button.DOWN) {
00485         motor[LIFT_LB].dir = BACK;
00486         motor[LIFT_LB].pwm = 180;
00487         motor[LIFT_RB].dir = FOR;
00488         motor[LIFT_RB].pwm = 190;
00489     } else if(controller->Button.LEFT) {
00490         motor[LIFT_LB].dir = FOR;
00491         motor[LIFT_LB].pwm = 180;
00492     } else if(controller->Button.RIGHT) {
00493         motor[LIFT_RB].dir = BACK;
00494         motor[LIFT_RB].pwm = 180;
00495     } else {
00496         motor[LIFT_LB].dir = FREE;
00497         motor[LIFT_LB].pwm = 255;
00498         motor[LIFT_RB].dir = BACK;
00499         motor[LIFT_RB].pwm = 10;
00500     }
00503     if(controller->Button.X) {
00504         motor[LIFT_U].dir = FOR;
00505         motor[LIFT_U].pwm = 180;
00506     } else if(controller->Button.Y) {
00507         motor[LIFT_U].dir = BACK;
00508         motor[LIFT_U].pwm = 180;
00509     } else {
00510         motor[LIFT_U].dir = BRAKE;
00511         motor[LIFT_U].pwm = 180;
00512     }
00514     if(!(controller->AnalogL.Y == 7) || !(controller->AnalogL.X == 7)) {
00515         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = SetStatus(-omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][14-controller->AnalogL.X]     );
00516         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = SetStatus(omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][controller->AnalogL.X]         );
00517         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = SetStatus(-omni[14-controller->AnalogL.X][14-controller->AnalogL.Y]  );
00518         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = SetStatus(omni[controller->AnalogL.X][14-controller->AnalogL.Y]      );
00520         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = SetPWM(omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][14-controller->AnalogL.X] * 0.2) ;
00521         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = SetPWM(omni[controller->AnalogL.Y][controller->AnalogL.X] * 0.2)    ;
00522         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = SetPWM(omni[14-controller->AnalogL.X][14-controller->AnalogL.Y] * 0.2) ;
00523         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = SetPWM(omni[controller->AnalogL.X][14-controller->AnalogL.Y] * 0.2)   ;
00524     } else {
00525         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = SetStatus(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00526         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = SetStatus(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00527         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = SetStatus(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00528         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = SetStatus(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00530         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = SetPWM(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00531         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = SetPWM(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00532         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = SetPWM(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00533         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = SetPWM(curve[controller->AnalogR.X]);
00534     }
00536 }
00537 #endif
00539 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>2
00540 static void Process2()
00541 {
00543     static int phase=0;//system phase
00544     static int StartFlag=0;//if start switch is pressed,the valiable sets "1".
00545     pc.printf("phase:%d,air:%d\r\n",phase,CLOTHESPIN);
00546     Timer FlagTimer;//調整中に超音波センサーが変な動きをした時のためのタイマー
00547     Timer AirTimer;//エアーのタイマー
00548     int RedOrBlue=LimitSw::IsPressed(RED_OR_BLUE);
00549 //    solenoid.solenoid0=1;
00550     if(LimitSw::IsPressed(STARTSW)) {
00551         CLOTHESPIN=0;
00552         StartFlag=1;
00553     }
00554     if(controller->Button.ZL) {
00555         CLOTHESPIN=0;
00556         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00557         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00558         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00559         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00560         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00561         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00562         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00563         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00564     } else {
00565         CLOTHESPIN=0;
00566     }
00567     if((controller->Button.A)||(StartFlag==1)) {
00568         if(phase==0) {
00569             //位置調整
00570             //(P制御)
00571             CLOTHESPIN=0;
00572             LedOut(4);
00573             if((Ult_left>0)&&(Ult_right>0)) {//データを受け取っているとき
00574                 if((Ult_left<16)&&(Ult_left>14)&&(Ult_right<16)&&(Ult_right>14)) { //合った場合
00575                     motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00576                     motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00577                     motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00578                     motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00579                     motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
00580                     motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00581                     motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00582                     motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
00583                     phase=1;//system phase increasing
00584                 } else if((Ult_left<16)&&(Ult_left>14)) { //Ult_leftのみあった場合
00585                     if(Ult_right>16) { //Ult_rightが遠い場合
00586                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00587                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00588                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00589                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00590                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00591                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00592                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00593                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00594                     } else if(Ult_right<14) { //Ult_rightが近い場合
00595                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00596                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00597                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00598                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00599                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00600                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00601                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00602                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00603                     }
00604                 } else if((Ult_right<16)&&(Ult_right>14)) { //Ult_rightのみあった場合
00605                     if(Ult_left>16) { //Ult_leftが遠い場合
00606                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00607                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00608                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00609                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00610                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00611                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
00612                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00613                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
00614                     } else if(Ult_left<14) { //Ult_leftが近い場合
00615                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00616                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00617                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00618                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00619                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00620                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
00621                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00622                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
00623                     }
00624                 } else { //どっちもあってない場合
00625                     if( (Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25||(Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {//離れすぎているor近すぎるとき
00626                         if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>10||((Ult_left-Ult_right)<-10) ) { //傾きが大きいとき
00627                             if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>0) { //Ult_leftの方が後ろに来ているとき
00628                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00629                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00630                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00631                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00632                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00633                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00634                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00635                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00636                             } else if((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=0) { //Ult_rightの方が後ろに来ているとき
00637                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00638                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00639                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00640                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00641                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00642                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00643                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00644                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00645                             }
00646                         } else { //傾きが大きくなくて離れているとき
00647                             if((Ult_right+Ult_left)<=25) { //近すぎるとき
00648                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00649                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00650                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00651                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00652                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=20;
00653                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=20;
00654                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=20;
00655                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=20;
00656                             } else if((Ult_right+Ult_left)>=35) { //離れているとき
00657                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00658                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00659                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00660                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00661                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=20;
00662                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=20;
00663                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=20;
00664                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=20;
00665                             }
00666                         }
00668                     } else { //さほど離れてはいないが傾きが大きいとき
00669                         if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>0) { //Ult_leftの方が後ろに来ているとき
00670                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00671                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00672                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00673                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00674                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00675                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00676                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00677                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00678                         } else if((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=0) { //Ult_rightの方が後ろに来ているとき
00679                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00680                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00681                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00682                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00683                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=15;
00684                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=15;
00685                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=15;
00686                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=15;
00687                         }
00688                     }
00689                 }
00691             } else {//データを受け取ってないとき
00692                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00693                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00694                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00695                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00696                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
00697                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00698                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00699                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
00700             }
00701         } else if(phase==1) {
00702             phase=2;
00705             //待機&phase1に戻る
00707         } else if(phase==2) {
00708             CLOTHESPIN=SOLENOID_OFF;
00709             LedOut(1);
00710             //リミットスイッチに当てる
00711             static int count2=0;
00712             if(count2==0) {
00713                 if((Ult_left>0)&&(Ult_right>0)) {//データを受け取っているとき
00714                     if( (Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25||(Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {
00715                         if(((Ult_left-Ult_right)>=5)||((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=-5)) {
00716                             if(Ult_left-Ult_right<=0) {
00717                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00718                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00719                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00720                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00722                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00723                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00725                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00726                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00727                             } else if(Ult_left-Ult_right>0) {
00728                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00729                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00730                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00731                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00732                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00733                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00734                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00735                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00736                             }
00737                         } else if((Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25) {
00738                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00739                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00740                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00741                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00742                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00743                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
00744                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00745                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00746                         } else if((Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {
00747                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00748                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00749                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00750                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00751                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00752                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00753                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00754                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
00755                         }
00756                     } else {
00757                         if(Ult_left-Ult_right<=0) {
00758                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00759                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00760                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00761                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00763                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00764                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00766                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00767                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00768                         } else if(Ult_left-Ult_right>0) {
00769                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00770                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00771                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00772                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00773                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00774                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00775                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00776                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00777                         }
00778                     }
00780                 } else {
00781                     motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00782                     motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00783                     motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00784                     motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00785                     motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
00786                     motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00787                     motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00788                     motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
00790                 }
00791                 if(LimitSw::IsPressed(LEFTlim)) {
00792                     count2=1;
00793                 }
00795             } else if(count2==1) {
00796                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00797                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00798                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00799                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00800                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=255;
00801                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=255;
00802                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=255;
00803                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=255;
00804                 phase=10;
00805             }
00806         } else if(phase==3) {
00807             //洗濯ばさみを止める&戻す
00808             static int count3=0;
00809             static int loop=0;
00810             pc.printf("%d\r\n",loop);
00811             CLOTHESPIN=1;
00812             if(count3==0) {
00813                 loop++;
00814                 if(loop==60) {
00815                     count3=1;
00816                 }
00817             } else if(count3==1) {
00818                 CLOTHESPIN=0;
00819                 phase=4;
00821             }
00822         } else if(phase==4) {
00823             //シーツをかける
00824             LedOut(3);
00825             CLOTHESPIN=0;
00826             if(!(LimitSw::IsPressed(RIGHTlim))) {
00828                 //超音波
00829                 if(Ult_right>0) {
00830                     if(Ult_right<15) {
00831                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00832                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00833                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00834                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00835                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00836                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25+(15-Ult_right);
00837                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25+(15-Ult_right);
00838                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00839                     } else if(Ult_right>=15) {
00840                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00841                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00842                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00843                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00844                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25+(Ult_right-15);
00845                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00846                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00847                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25+(Ult_right-15);
00848                     }
00849                 } else {
00850                     motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00851                     motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00852                     motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00853                     motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00854                     motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00855                     motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00856                     motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00857                     motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00858                 }
00860                 /*
00861                 if((Ult_left>0)&&(Ult_right>0)) {//データを受け取っているとき
00862                     if( (Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25||(Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {
00863                         if(((Ult_left-Ult_right)>=5)||((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=-5)) {
00864                             if(Ult_left-Ult_right<=0) {
00865                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00866                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00867                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00868                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00870                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00871                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00873                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00874                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00875                             } else if(Ult_left-Ult_right>0) {
00876                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00877                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00878                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00879                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00880                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00881                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00882                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00883                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00884                             }
00885                         } else if((Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25) {
00886                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00887                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00888                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00889                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00890                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00891                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00892                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00893                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
00894                         } else if((Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {
00895                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00896                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00897                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00898                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00899                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00900                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
00901                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00902                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00903                         }
00904                     } else {
00905                         if(Ult_left-Ult_right<=0) {
00906                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00907                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00908                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00909                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00911                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00912                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25+(-1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00914                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25;
00915                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25;
00917                         } else if(Ult_left-Ult_right>0) {
00918                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00919                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=25+(1*(Ult_left-Ult_right));
00920                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=25;
00921                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=25;
00922                         }
00923                     }
00924                 } else {
00925                     motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00926                     motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00927                     motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00928                     motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00929                     motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
00930                     motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00931                     motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00932                     motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
00934                 }
00935                 */
00936             } else {
00937                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00938                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00939                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00940                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00941                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
00942                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00943                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00944                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
00945                 phase=5;
00946             }
00947         } else if(phase==5) {
00948             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00949             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00950             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00951             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00952             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=30;
00953             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
00954             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
00955             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=30;
00956             //斜め後ろに下がる
00957         } else if(phase==10) {
00958             if((Ult_left>0)&&(Ult_right>0)) {//データを受け取っているとき
00959                 if((Ult_left<16)&&(Ult_left>14)&&(Ult_right<16)&&(Ult_right>14)) { //合った場合
00960                     motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
00961                     motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
00962                     motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
00963                     motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
00964                     motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=255;
00965                     motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=255;
00966                     motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=255;
00967                     motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=255;
00968                     phase=3;//system phase increasing
00969                 } else if((Ult_left<16)&&(Ult_left>14)) { //Ult_leftのみあった場合
00970                     if(Ult_right>16) { //Ult_rightが遠い場合
00971                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00972                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00973                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00974                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00975                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00976                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=13;
00977                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00978                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=13;
00979                     } else if(Ult_right<14) { //Ult_rightが近い場合
00980                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
00981                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
00982                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
00983                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
00984                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=0;
00985                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=13;
00986                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=0;
00987                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=13;
00988                     }
00989                 } else if((Ult_right<16)&&(Ult_right>14)) { //Ult_rightのみあった場合
00990                     if(Ult_left>16) { //Ult_leftが遠い場合
00991                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
00992                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
00993                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
00994                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
00995                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=13;
00996                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
00997                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=13;
00998                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
00999                     } else if(Ult_left<14) { //Ult_leftが近い場合
01000                         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
01001                         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
01002                         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
01003                         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
01004                         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=13;
01005                         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=0;
01006                         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=13;
01007                         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=0;
01008                     }
01009                 } else { //どっちもあってない場合
01010                     if( (Ult_left+Ult_right)<=25||(Ult_left+Ult_right)>=35) {//離れすぎているor近すぎるとき
01011                         if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>0||((Ult_left-Ult_right)<0) ) { //傾きが大きいとき
01012                             if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>0) { //Ult_leftの方が後ろに来ているとき
01013                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
01014                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
01015                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
01016                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
01017                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01018                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01019                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01020                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01021                             } else if((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=0) { //Ult_rightの方が後ろに来ているとき
01022                                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
01023                                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
01024                                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
01025                                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
01026                                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01027                                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01028                                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01029                                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01030                             }
01031                         }
01032                     } else { //さほど離れてはいないが傾きが大きいとき
01033                         if((Ult_left-Ult_right)>0) { //Ult_leftの方が後ろに来ているとき
01034                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=FOR;
01035                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=FOR;
01036                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=FOR;
01037                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=FOR;
01038                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01039                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01040                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01041                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01042                         } else if((Ult_left-Ult_right)<=0) { //Ult_rightの方が後ろに来ているとき
01043                             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BACK;
01044                             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BACK;
01045                             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BACK;
01046                             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BACK;
01047                             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01048                             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01049                             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01050                             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=10*Ult_left-Ult_right;
01051                         }
01052                     }
01053                 }
01055             } else {//データを受け取ってないとき
01056                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
01057                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
01058                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
01059                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
01060                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
01061                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
01062                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
01063                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
01064             }
01065         } else {
01066             //一応
01067             motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
01068             motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
01069             motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
01070             motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
01071             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
01072             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
01073             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
01074             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
01075         }
01076     } else {
01077         motor[TIRE_FL].dir=BRAKE;
01078         motor[TIRE_FR].dir=BRAKE;
01079         motor[TIRE_BL].dir=BRAKE;
01080         motor[TIRE_BR].dir=BRAKE;
01081         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm=100;
01082         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm=100;
01083         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm=100;
01084         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm=100;
01085     }
01086 }
01087 #endif
01089 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>3
01090 static void Process3()
01091 {
01092     AllActuatorReset();
01093     lineFase = 0;
01094 }
01095 #endif
01097 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>4
01098 static void Process4()
01099 {
01101     static int x,y;
01102     static int count = 0;
01104     linePara_U = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(0));
01105     linePara_B = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(2));
01106     linePara_L = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(3));
01107     linePara_R = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(4));
01109     if(linePara_B == 'A' && count == 0) {
01110         lineFase = 1;
01111     }
01113     if(lineFase == 0) {
01114         pw = 0.5;
01115         switch(linePara_U) {
01116             case -2:
01117                 x = 5;
01118                 y = 3;
01119                 break;
01120             case -3:
01121                 x = 5;
01122                 y = 3;
01123                 break;
01124             case -1:
01125                 x = 6;
01126                 y = 3;
01127                 break;
01128             case 0:
01129                 x = 7;
01130                 y = 3;
01131                 break;
01132             case 1:
01133                 x = 8;
01134                 y = 3;
01135                 break;
01136             case 3:
01137                 x = 9;
01138                 y = 3;
01139                 break;
01140             case 2:
01141                 x = 9;
01142                 y = 3;
01143                 break;
01144             case 'A':
01145                 lineCheck = true;
01146                 x = x;
01147                 y = y;
01148                 break;
01149             case 'N':
01150                 x = 7;
01151                 y = 7;
01152                 break;
01153                 x = 7;
01154                 y = 7;
01155             default:
01156                 x = 9;
01157                 y = 9;
01158         }
01159         if(lineCheck == true && (!(linePara_U) == 'A')) {
01160             count++;
01161         }
01162     } else if(lineFase == 1) {
01163         pw = 0.3;
01164         x = 7;
01165         y = 9;
01166         if(linePara_R == 0) {
01167             lineFase = 2;
01168             x = 7;
01169             y = 7;
01170         }
01171     } else if(lineFase == 2) {
01172         x = 7;
01173         y = 7;
01174     } else {
01175         x = 7;
01176         y = 7;
01177     }
01179     int t = 0;
01180     if((linePara_U + linePara_B) > 3) t = 1;
01182     if(controller->Button.A) {
01183         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = SetStatus(-omni[y][14-x] );
01184         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = SetStatus(omni[y][x]);
01185         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = SetStatus(-omni[14-x][14-y]);
01186         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = SetStatus(omni[x][14-y]);
01188         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = SetPWM((omni[y][14-x])) * pw;
01189         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = SetPWM((omni[y][x])) * pw;
01190         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = SetPWM((omni[14-x][14-y])) * pw;
01191         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = SetPWM((omni[x][14-y])) * pw;
01192     } else {
01193         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = SetStatus(0);
01194         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = SetStatus(0);
01195         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = SetStatus(0);
01196         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = SetStatus(0);
01198         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = SetPWM(0);
01199         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = SetPWM(0);
01200         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = SetPWM(0);
01201         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = SetPWM(0);
01202     }
01204 }
01205 #endif
01207 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>5
01208 static void Process5()
01209 {
01210     lineFase = 0;
01211     lineCheck = true;
01212 }
01213 #endif
01215 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>6
01216 static void Process6()
01217 {
01219     for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
01220         linePara[i] = lineCast(LineHub::GetPara(i));
01221     }
01223     static int count = 100000;
01224     count++;
01226     if(count < 10000) {
01227         lineCheck = false;
01228     } else {
01229         lineCheck = true;
01230     }
01232     if(lineFase == 0) {  // 前進
01233         switch(linePara[0]) {
01234                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01235                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BRAKE;
01236                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01237                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BRAKE;
01238                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01239                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 0;
01240                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01241                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 0;
01242                 break;
01243             case -3:
01244                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01245                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
01246                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01247                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01248                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01249                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 10;
01250                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01251                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 10;
01252                 break;
01253             case -1:
01254                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01255                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
01256                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01257                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01258                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01259                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 20;
01260                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01261                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 20;
01262                 break;
01263             case 0:
01264                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01265                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
01266                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01267                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01268                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01269                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01270                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01271                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01272                 break;
01273             case 1:
01274                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01275                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
01276                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01277                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01278                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 20;
01279                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01280                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 20;
01281                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01282                 break;
01283             case 3:
01284                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01285                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
01286                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01287                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
01288                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 10;
01289                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01290                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 10;
01291                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01292                 break;
01293             case 2:
01294                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BRAKE;
01295                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
01296                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BRAKE;
01297                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
01298                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 0;
01299                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01300                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 0;
01301                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01302                 break;
01303             case 'A':
01304                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01305                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BACK;
01306                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01307                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01308                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01309                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01310                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01311                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01312                 if(lineCheck == true) {
01313                     lineCount++;
01314                     count = 0;
01315                 }
01316             default:
01317                 motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BRAKE;
01318                 motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BRAKE;
01319                 motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BRAKE;
01320                 motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BRAKE;
01321                 motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01322                 motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01323                 motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01324                 motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01325         }
01326         if(lineCount == 1) {
01327             lineFase = 1;
01328         }
01329     } else if(lineFase == 1) {  // 前進 低速
01330         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01331         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
01332         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BACK;
01333         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BACK;
01334         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 15;
01335         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 15;
01336         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 15;
01337         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 15;
01338         if(linePara[4] == 0) {
01339             lineFase = 2;
01340             motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BRAKE;
01341             motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BRAKE;
01342             motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BRAKE;
01343             motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BRAKE;
01344             motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01345             motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01346             motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01347             motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01348         }
01349     } else if(lineFase == 2) { // 位置調整
01350         lineFase = 3;
01351     } else if(lineFase == 3) { // 右 直進
01352         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = BRAKE;
01353         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = BRAKE;
01354         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = BRAKE;
01355         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = BRAKE;
01356         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = 30;
01357         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = 30;
01358         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = 30;
01359         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = 30;
01360     }
01362 }
01363 #endif
01364 Timer samp;
01365 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>7
01366 static void Process7()
01367 {
01368     ;
01369     static int flag=0;
01370     static int FL_PWM=0;
01371     static int FR_PWM=0;
01372     static int BL_PWM=0;
01373     static int BR_PWM=0;
01374     int targetpulse=1000;
01376     if(flag==0) {
01378         samp.start();
01380         flag=1;
01381     } else {
01382         int pulseFL = -encoder[FL].getPulses()/;
01383         int pulseBL = -encoder[BL].getPulses()/;
01384         int pulseBR = -encoder[BR].getPulses()/;
01385         int pulseFR = -encoder[FR].getPulses()/;
01386         pc.printf("%f ,pulseFL:%d\r\n",,pulseFL);
01388         FL_PWM=FL_PWM+=0.01*(targetpulse-pulseFL);
01389         FR_PWM=FR_PWM+=0.01*(targetpulse-pulseFR);
01390         BL_PWM=BL_PWM+=0.01*(targetpulse-pulseBL);
01391         BR_PWM=BR_PWM+=0.01*(targetpulse-pulseBR);
01392         motor[TIRE_FL].dir = FOR;
01393         motor[TIRE_BL].dir = FOR;
01394         motor[TIRE_BR].dir = FOR;
01395         motor[TIRE_FR].dir = FOR;
01396         motor[TIRE_FL].pwm = FL_PWM;
01397         motor[TIRE_FR].pwm = FR_PWM;
01398         motor[TIRE_BR].pwm = BR_PWM;
01399         motor[TIRE_BL].pwm = BL_PWM;
01400     }
01401 }
01402 #endif
01404 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>8
01405 static void Process8()
01406 {
01407     if(controller->Button.A) {
01408         rotaconSampling.start();
01409         PIDflag = true;
01411         //linePara_U = LineHub::GetPara(0);
01412         //linePara_B = LineHub::GetPara(3);
01415         pulsePV[FL] = encoder[FL].getPulses();
01416         pulsePV[BL] = encoder[BL].getPulses();
01417         pulsePV[BR] = encoder[BR].getPulses();
01418         pulsePV[FR] = encoder[FR].getPulses();
01421         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
01422             timeCV[i] = timePV[i];
01423             timePV[i] =;
01424             tireProcessRPM[i] = (pulsePV[i] - pulseCV[i])/ (float)(256 * 2) / (timePV[i] - timeCV[i]) * 60;
01425             pulseCV[i] = pulsePV[i];
01426         }
01428         move.Vx = 0.5;
01429         move.Vy = 0.5;
01430         move.Va = 0;
01432         correction_LT.Vx = 0;  //0.1 * linePara_U;
01433         correction_LT.Vy = 0;
01434         correction_LT.Va = 0;
01436         synthetic.Vx = move.Vx + correction_LT.Vx;
01437         synthetic.Vy = move.Vy + correction_LT.Vy;
01438         synthetic.Va = move.Va + correction_LT.Va;
01440         sita = 0;
01442         //タイヤの目標速度算出
01443         float sinR = 0.7071f * (float)sin(sita);
01444         float cosR = 0.7071f * (float)cos(sita);
01445         float nv = (60 * 1000) / ( 2.00 * PI * tireR);
01446         tireTargetRPM[FL] = ((+ synthetic.Vx * (sinR - cosR)) - (synthetic.Vy * (sinR + cosR)) + (ucR * synthetic.Va)) * nv;
01447         tireTargetRPM[BL] = ((+ synthetic.Vx * (sinR + cosR)) + (synthetic.Vy * (sinR - cosR)) + (ucR * synthetic.Va)) * nv;
01448         tireTargetRPM[BR] = ((- synthetic.Vx * (sinR - cosR)) + (synthetic.Vy * (sinR + cosR)) + (ucR * synthetic.Va)) * nv;
01449         tireTargetRPM[FR] = ((- synthetic.Vx * (sinR + cosR)) - (synthetic.Vy * (sinR - cosR)) + (ucR * synthetic.Va)) * nv;
01451         //pc.printf("process : %f   target : %f\n\r",tireProcessRPM[0],tireTargetRPM[0]);
01453         //PIDによるPWM算出
01455         //モータの駆動
01456         for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
01457             if (tirePWM[i] > 255) {
01458                 tirePWM[i] = 255;
01459             } else if (tirePWM[i] < -255) {
01460                 tirePWM[i] = -255;
01461             }
01462         }
01464         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
01465             motor[i].dir = SetStatus(tirePWM[i]);
01466             motor[i].pwm = SetPWM(tirePWM[i]);
01467         }
01468     } else {
01469         PIDflag = false;
01470         rotaconSampling.stop();
01471         rotaconSampling.reset();
01472         for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
01473             encoder[i].reset();
01474             pulsePV[i] = 0;
01475             pulseCV[i] = 0;
01476             timePV[i] = 0;
01477             timeCV[i] = 0;
01478             tirePWM[i] = 0;
01479             motor[i].dir = SetStatus(tirePWM[i]);
01480             motor[i].pwm = SetPWM(tirePWM[i]);
01481         }
01482     }
01483 }
01484 #endif
01486 #if USE_PROCESS_NUM>9
01487 static void Process9()
01488 {
01490 }
01491 #endif
01492 #endif
01493 #pragma endregion PROCESS
01495 static void AllActuatorReset()
01496 {
01498 #ifdef USE_SOLENOID
01499     solenoid.all = ALL_SOLENOID_OFF;
01500 #endif
01502 #ifdef USE_MOTOR
01503     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MOUNTING_MOTOR_NUM; i++) {
01504         motor[i].dir = FREE;
01505         motor[i].pwm = 0;
01506     }
01507 #endif
01508 }
01510 void BuzzerTimer_func()
01511 {
01512     buzzer = !buzzer;
01513     //LED_DEBUG0 = !LED_DEBUG0;
01514 }
01516 void TapeLedEms_func()
01517 {
01518     sendLedData.code = sendLedData.code == (uint32_t)Red ? (uint32_t)Black : (uint32_t)Red;
01519 }
01521 #pragma region USER-DEFINED-FUNCTIONS
01522 void tirePID()
01523 {
01524     if(PIDflag == true) {
01525         //加算するPID値の算出
01526         rotaconPID[0].SetPV(tireProcessRPM[FL],tireTargetRPM[FL]);
01527         rotaconPID[1].SetPV(tireProcessRPM[BL],tireTargetRPM[BL]);
01528         rotaconPID[2].SetPV(tireProcessRPM[FR],tireTargetRPM[FR]);
01529         rotaconPID[3].SetPV(tireProcessRPM[BR],tireTargetRPM[BR]);
01530         //PID値の加算
01531         tirePWM[FL] += rotaconPID[0].GetMV();
01532         tirePWM[BL] += rotaconPID[1].GetMV();
01533         tirePWM[FR] += rotaconPID[2].GetMV();
01534         tirePWM[BR] += rotaconPID[3].GetMV();
01535     }
01536 }
01538 int lineCast(char k)
01539 {
01540     int l;
01541     switch(k) {
01542         case 255:
01543             l = -1;
01544             break;
01545         case 254:
01546             l = -2;
01547             break;
01548         case 253:
01549             l = -3;
01550             break;
01551         default:
01552             l = k;
01553     }
01554     return l;
01555 }
01557 #pragma endregion