ZBar bar code reader . http://zbar.sourceforge.net/ ZBar is licensed under the GNU LGPL 2.1 to enable development of both open source and commercial projects.

Dependents:   GR-PEACH_Camera_in_barcode levkov_ov7670


The ZBar Bar Code Reader is Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Jeff Brown <spadix@users.sourceforge.net> The QR Code reader is Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Timothy B. Terriberry <tterribe@xiph.org>

You can redistribute this library and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

ISAAC is based on the public domain implementation by Robert J. Jenkins Jr., and is itself public domain.

Portions of the bit stream reader are copyright (C) The Xiph.Org Foundation 1994-2008, and are licensed under a BSD-style license.

The Reed-Solomon decoder is derived from an implementation (C) 1991-1995 Henry Minsky (hqm@ua.com, hqm@ai.mit.edu), and is licensed under the LGPL with permission.

diff -r 000000000000 -r 56c5742b9e2b zbar/qrcode/qrdectxt.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/zbar/qrcode/qrdectxt.c	Tue Apr 19 02:00:37 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+/*Copyright (C) 2008-2009  Timothy B. Terriberry (tterribe@xiph.org)
+  You can redistribute this library and/or modify it under the terms of the
+   GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software
+   Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+   version.*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+typedef void *iconv_t;
+#include <iconv.h>
+#include "qrcode.h"
+#include "qrdec.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "error.h"
+#include "img_scanner.h"
+static int text_is_ascii(const unsigned char *_text,int _len){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<_len;i++)if(_text[i]>=0x80)return 0;
+  return 1;
+static int text_is_latin1(const unsigned char *_text,int _len){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<_len;i++){
+    /*The following line fails to compile correctly with gcc 3.4.4 on ARM with
+       any optimizations enabled.*/
+    if(_text[i]>=0x80&&_text[i]<0xA0)return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+static void enc_list_mtf(iconv_t _enc_list[3],iconv_t _enc){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0;i<3;i++)if(_enc_list[i]==_enc){
+    int j;
+    for(j=i;j-->0;)_enc_list[j+1]=_enc_list[j];
+    _enc_list[0]=_enc;
+    break;
+  }
+int qr_code_data_list_extract_text(const qr_code_data_list *_qrlist,
+                                   zbar_image_scanner_t *iscn,
+                                   zbar_image_t *img)
+  iconv_t              sjis_cd;
+  iconv_t              utf8_cd;
+  iconv_t              latin1_cd;
+  const qr_code_data  *qrdata;
+  int                  nqrdata;
+  unsigned char       *mark;
+  char               **text;
+  int                  ntext;
+  int                  i;
+  qrdata=_qrlist->qrdata;
+  nqrdata=_qrlist->nqrdata;
+  text=(char **)malloc(nqrdata*sizeof(*text));
+  mark=(unsigned char *)calloc(nqrdata,sizeof(*mark));
+  ntext=0;
+  /*This is the encoding the standard says is the default.*/
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+  latin1_cd="ISO8859-1";    //  dummy address
+  latin1_cd=iconv_open("UTF-8","ISO8859-1");
+  /*But this one is often used, as well.*/
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+  sjis_cd="SJIS";    //  dummy address
+  sjis_cd=iconv_open("UTF-8","SJIS");
+  /*This is a trivial conversion just to check validity without extra code.*/
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+  utf8_cd="UTF-8";   //  dummy address
+  utf8_cd=iconv_open("UTF-8","UTF-8");
+  for(i=0;i<nqrdata;i++)if(!mark[i]){
+    const qr_code_data       *qrdataj;
+    const qr_code_data_entry *entry;
+    iconv_t                   enc_list[3];
+    iconv_t                   eci_cd;
+    int                       sa[16];
+    int                       sa_size;
+    char                     *sa_text;
+    size_t                    sa_ntext;
+    size_t                    sa_ctext;
+    int                       fnc1;
+    int                       eci;
+    int                       err;
+    int                       j;
+    int                       k;
+    /*Step 0: Collect the other QR codes belonging to this S-A group.*/
+    if(qrdata[i].sa_size){
+      unsigned sa_parity;
+      sa_size=qrdata[i].sa_size;
+      sa_parity=qrdata[i].sa_parity;
+      for(j=0;j<sa_size;j++)sa[j]=-1;
+      for(j=i;j<nqrdata;j++)if(!mark[j]){
+        /*TODO: We could also match version, ECC level, etc. if size and
+           parity alone are too ambiguous.*/
+        if(qrdata[j].sa_size==sa_size&&qrdata[j].sa_parity==sa_parity&&
+         sa[qrdata[j].sa_index]<0){
+          sa[qrdata[j].sa_index]=j;
+          mark[j]=1;
+        }
+      }
+      /*TODO: If the S-A group is complete, check the parity.*/
+    }
+    else{
+      sa[0]=i;
+      sa_size=1;
+    }
+    sa_ctext=0;
+    fnc1=0;
+    /*Step 1: Detect FNC1 markers and estimate the required buffer size.*/
+    for(j=0;j<sa_size;j++)if(sa[j]>=0){
+      qrdataj=qrdata+sa[j];
+      for(k=0;k<qrdataj->nentries;k++){
+        int shift;
+        entry=qrdataj->entries+k;
+        shift=0;
+        switch(entry->mode){
+          /*FNC1 applies to the entire code and ignores subsequent markers.*/
+          case QR_MODE_FNC1_1ST:
+          case QR_MODE_FNC1_2ND:fnc1=1;break;
+          /*2 SJIS bytes will be at most 4 UTF-8 bytes.*/
+          case QR_MODE_KANJI:shift++;
+          /*We assume at most 4 UTF-8 bytes per input byte.
+            I believe this is true for all the encodings we actually use.*/
+          case QR_MODE_BYTE:shift++;
+          default:{
+            /*The remaining two modes are already valid UTF-8.*/
+            if(QR_MODE_HAS_DATA(entry->mode)){
+              sa_ctext+=entry->payload.data.len<<shift;
+            }
+          }break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /*Step 2: Convert the entries.*/
+    sa_text=(char *)malloc((sa_ctext+1)*sizeof(*sa_text));
+    sa_ntext=0;
+    eci=-1;
+    enc_list[0]=sjis_cd;
+    enc_list[1]=latin1_cd;
+    enc_list[2]=utf8_cd;
+    eci_cd=(iconv_t)-1;
+    err=0;
+    zbar_symbol_t *syms = NULL, **sym = &syms;
+    for(j = 0; j < sa_size && !err; j++, sym = &(*sym)->next) {
+      *sym = _zbar_image_scanner_alloc_sym(iscn, ZBAR_QRCODE, 0);
+      (*sym)->datalen = sa_ntext;
+      if(sa[j]<0){
+        /* generic placeholder for unfinished results */
+        (*sym)->type = ZBAR_PARTIAL;
+        /*Skip all contiguous missing segments.*/
+        for(j++;j<sa_size&&sa[j]<0;j++);
+        /*If there aren't any more, stop.*/
+        if(j>=sa_size)break;
+        /* mark break in data */
+        sa_text[sa_ntext++]='\0';
+        (*sym)->datalen = sa_ntext;
+        /* advance to next symbol */
+        sym = &(*sym)->next;
+        *sym = _zbar_image_scanner_alloc_sym(iscn, ZBAR_QRCODE, 0);
+      }
+      qrdataj=qrdata+sa[j];
+      /* expose bounding box */
+      sym_add_point(*sym, qrdataj->bbox[0][0], qrdataj->bbox[0][1]);
+      sym_add_point(*sym, qrdataj->bbox[2][0], qrdataj->bbox[2][1]);
+      sym_add_point(*sym, qrdataj->bbox[3][0], qrdataj->bbox[3][1]);
+      sym_add_point(*sym, qrdataj->bbox[1][0], qrdataj->bbox[1][1]);
+      for(k=0;k<qrdataj->nentries&&!err;k++){
+        size_t              inleft;
+        size_t              outleft;
+        char               *in;
+        char               *out;
+        entry=qrdataj->entries+k;
+        switch(entry->mode){
+          case QR_MODE_NUM:{
+            if(sa_ctext-sa_ntext>=(size_t)entry->payload.data.len){
+              memcpy(sa_text+sa_ntext,entry->payload.data.buf,
+               entry->payload.data.len*sizeof(*sa_text));
+              sa_ntext+=entry->payload.data.len;
+            }
+            else err=1;
+          }break;
+          case QR_MODE_ALNUM:{
+            char *p;
+            in=(char *)entry->payload.data.buf;
+            inleft=entry->payload.data.len;
+            /*FNC1 uses '%' as an escape character.*/
+            if(fnc1)for(;;){
+              size_t plen;
+              char   c;
+              p=memchr(in,'%',inleft*sizeof(*in));
+              if(p==NULL)break;
+              plen=p-in;
+              if(sa_ctext-sa_ntext<plen+1)break;
+              memcpy(sa_text+sa_ntext,in,plen*sizeof(*in));
+              sa_ntext+=plen;
+              /*Two '%'s is a literal '%'*/
+              if(plen+1<inleft&&p[1]=='%'){
+                c='%';
+                plen++;
+                p++;
+              }
+              /*One '%' is the ASCII group separator.*/
+              else c=0x1D;
+              sa_text[sa_ntext++]=c;
+              inleft-=plen+1;
+              in=p+1;
+            }
+            else p=NULL;
+            if(p!=NULL||sa_ctext-sa_ntext<inleft)err=1;
+            else{
+              memcpy(sa_text+sa_ntext,in,inleft*sizeof(*sa_text));
+              sa_ntext+=inleft;
+            }
+          }break;
+          /*TODO: This will not handle a multi-byte sequence split between
+             multiple data blocks.
+            Does such a thing occur?
+            Is it allowed?
+            It requires copying buffers around to handle correctly.*/
+          case QR_MODE_BYTE:{
+            in=(char *)entry->payload.data.buf;
+            inleft=entry->payload.data.len;
+            out=sa_text+sa_ntext;
+            outleft=sa_ctext-sa_ntext;
+            /*If we have no specified encoding, attempt to auto-detect it.*/
+            if(eci<0){
+              int ei;
+              /*First check for the UTF-8 BOM.*/
+              if(inleft>=3&&
+               in[0]==(char)0xEF&&in[1]==(char)0xBB&&in[2]==(char)0xBF){
+                in+=3;
+                inleft-=3;
+                /*Actually try converting (to check validity).*/
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+                err=(in == NULL) || ( out == NULL ) || inleft > outleft;
+                if (inleft > outleft) inleft = outleft;
+                memcpy(out, in, inleft);
+                err=utf8_cd==(iconv_t)-1||
+                 iconv(utf8_cd,&in,&inleft,&out,&outleft)==(size_t)-1;
+                if(!err){
+                  sa_ntext=out-sa_text;
+                  enc_list_mtf(enc_list,utf8_cd);
+                  continue;
+                }
+                in=(char *)entry->payload.data.buf;
+                inleft=entry->payload.data.len;
+                out=sa_text+sa_ntext;
+                outleft=sa_ctext-sa_ntext;
+              }
+              /*If the text is 8-bit clean, prefer UTF-8 over SJIS, since SJIS
+                 will corrupt the backslashes used for DoCoMo formats.*/
+              else if(text_is_ascii((unsigned char *)in,inleft)){
+                enc_list_mtf(enc_list,utf8_cd);
+              }
+              /*Try our list of encodings.*/
+              for(ei=0;ei<3;ei++)if(enc_list[ei]!=(iconv_t)-1){
+                /*According to the standard, ISO/IEC 8859-1 (one hyphen) is
+                   supposed to be used, but reality is not always so.
+                  It's got an invalid range that is used often with SJIS
+                   and UTF-8, though, which makes detection easier.
+                  However, iconv() does not properly reject characters in
+                   those ranges, since ISO-8859-1 (two hyphens) defines a
+                   number of seldom-used control code characters there.
+                  So if we see any of those characters, move this
+                   conversion to the end of the list.*/
+                if(ei<2&&enc_list[ei]==latin1_cd&&
+                 !text_is_latin1((unsigned char *)in,inleft)){
+                  int ej;
+                  for(ej=ei+1;ej<3;ej++)enc_list[ej-1]=enc_list[ej];
+                  enc_list[2]=latin1_cd;
+                }
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+                err=(in == NULL) || ( out == NULL ) || inleft > outleft;
+                if (inleft > outleft) inleft = outleft;
+                memcpy(out, in, inleft);
+                err=iconv(enc_list[ei],&in,&inleft,&out,&outleft)==(size_t)-1;
+                if(!err){
+                  sa_ntext=out-sa_text;
+                  enc_list_mtf(enc_list,enc_list[ei]);
+                  break;
+                }
+                in=(char *)entry->payload.data.buf;
+                inleft=entry->payload.data.len;
+                out=sa_text+sa_ntext;
+                outleft=sa_ctext-sa_ntext;
+              }
+            }
+            /*We were actually given a character set; use it.*/
+            else{
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+              err=(in == NULL) || ( out == NULL ) || inleft > outleft;
+              if (inleft > outleft) inleft = outleft;
+              memcpy(out, in, inleft);
+              err=eci_cd==(iconv_t)-1||
+               iconv(eci_cd,&in,&inleft,&out,&outleft)==(size_t)-1;
+              if(!err)sa_ntext=out-sa_text;
+            }
+          }break;
+          /*Kanji mode always uses SJIS.*/
+          case QR_MODE_KANJI:{
+            in=(char *)entry->payload.data.buf;
+            inleft=entry->payload.data.len;
+            out=sa_text+sa_ntext;
+            outleft=sa_ctext-sa_ntext;
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+            err=(in == NULL) || ( out == NULL ) || inleft > outleft;
+            if (inleft > outleft) inleft = outleft;
+            memcpy(out, in, inleft);
+            err=sjis_cd==(iconv_t)-1||
+             iconv(sjis_cd,&in,&inleft,&out,&outleft)==(size_t)-1;
+            if(!err)sa_ntext=out-sa_text;
+          }break;
+          /*Check to see if a character set was specified.*/
+          case QR_MODE_ECI:{
+            const char *enc;
+            char        buf[16];
+            unsigned    cur_eci;
+            cur_eci=entry->payload.eci;
+            if(cur_eci<=QR_ECI_ISO8859_16&&cur_eci!=14){
+              if(cur_eci!=QR_ECI_GLI0&&cur_eci!=QR_ECI_CP437){
+                sprintf(buf,"ISO8859-%i",QR_MAXI(cur_eci,3)-2);
+                enc=buf;
+              }
+              /*Note that CP437 requires an iconv compiled with
+                 --enable-extra-encodings, and thus may not be available.*/
+              else enc="CP437";
+            }
+            else if(cur_eci==QR_ECI_SJIS)enc="SJIS";
+            /*Don't know what this ECI code specifies, but not an encoding that
+               we recognize.*/
+            else continue;
+            eci=cur_eci;
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+            eci_cd=enc;
+            eci_cd=iconv_open("UTF-8",enc);
+          }break;
+          /*Silence stupid compiler warnings.*/
+          default:break;
+        }
+      }
+      /*If eci should be reset between codes, do so.*/
+      if(eci<=QR_ECI_GLI1){
+        eci=-1;
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+        if(eci_cd!=(iconv_t)-1)iconv_close(eci_cd);
+      }
+    }
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+    if(eci_cd!=(iconv_t)-1)iconv_close(eci_cd);
+    if(!err){
+      sa_text[sa_ntext++]='\0';
+      if(sa_ctext+1>sa_ntext){
+        sa_text=(char *)realloc(sa_text,sa_ntext*sizeof(*sa_text));
+      }
+      zbar_symbol_t *sa_sym;
+      if(sa_size == 1)
+          sa_sym = syms;
+      else {
+          /* create "virtual" container symbol for composite result */
+          sa_sym = _zbar_image_scanner_alloc_sym(iscn, ZBAR_QRCODE, 0);
+          sa_sym->syms = _zbar_symbol_set_create();
+          sa_sym->syms->head = syms;
+          /* cheap out w/axis aligned bbox for now */
+          int xmin = img->width, xmax = -2;
+          int ymin = img->height, ymax = -2;
+          /* fixup data references */
+          for(; syms; syms = syms->next) {
+              _zbar_symbol_refcnt(syms, 1);
+              if(syms->type == ZBAR_PARTIAL)
+                  sa_sym->type = ZBAR_PARTIAL;
+              else
+                  for(j = 0; j < syms->npts; j++) {
+                      int u = syms->pts[j].x;
+                      if(xmin >= u) xmin = u - 1;
+                      if(xmax <= u) xmax = u + 1;
+                      u = syms->pts[j].y;
+                      if(ymin >= u) ymin = u - 1;
+                      if(ymax <= u) ymax = u + 1;
+                  }
+              syms->data = sa_text + syms->datalen;
+              int next = (syms->next) ? syms->next->datalen : sa_ntext;
+              assert(next > syms->datalen);
+              syms->datalen = next - syms->datalen - 1;
+          }
+          if(xmax >= -1) {
+              sym_add_point(sa_sym, xmin, ymin);
+              sym_add_point(sa_sym, xmin, ymax);
+              sym_add_point(sa_sym, xmax, ymax);
+              sym_add_point(sa_sym, xmax, ymin);
+          }
+      }
+      sa_sym->data = sa_text;
+      sa_sym->data_alloc = sa_ntext;
+      sa_sym->datalen = sa_ntext - 1;
+      _zbar_image_scanner_add_sym(iscn, sa_sym);
+    }
+    else {
+        _zbar_image_scanner_recycle_syms(iscn, syms);
+        free(sa_text);
+    }
+  }
+#if (1) /* does not convert character code */
+  if(utf8_cd!=(iconv_t)-1)iconv_close(utf8_cd);
+  if(sjis_cd!=(iconv_t)-1)iconv_close(sjis_cd);
+  if(latin1_cd!=(iconv_t)-1)iconv_close(latin1_cd);
+  free(mark);
+  return ntext;