Read only one key pressed

Dependencies:   Hotboards_keypad mbed

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00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "Hotboards_keypad.h"
00005 // Defines the keys array with it's respective number of rows & cols,
00006 // and with the value of each key
00007 char keys[ 4 ][ 4 ] =
00008 {
00009     { '1' , '2' , '3' , 'A' },
00010     { '4' , '5' , '6' , 'B' },
00011     { '7' , '8' , '9' , 'C' },
00012     { '*' , '0' , '#' , 'D' }
00013 };
00015 // Defines the pins connected to the rows
00016 DigitalInOut rowPins[ 4 ] = { PA_6 , PA_7 , PB_6 , PC_7 };
00017 // Defines the pins connected to the cols
00018 DigitalInOut colPins[ 4 ] = { PA_8 , PB_10 , PB_4 , PB_5 };
00020 // Creates a new keyboard with the values entered before
00021 Keypad kpd( makeKeymap( keys ) , rowPins , colPins , 4 , 4 );
00023 // Configures the serial port
00024 Serial pc( USBTX , USBRX );
00026 int main()
00027 {
00028     pc.printf( "Press any key: " );
00029     while(1)
00030     {
00031         // Poll the keypad to look for any activation
00032         char key = kpd.getKey( );
00034         // If any key was pressed
00035         if( key )
00036         {
00037             // Display the key pressed on serial port
00038             pc.printf( "%c" , key );
00039             pc.printf( "\n\r" );
00040         }
00041     }
00042 }